HomeMy WebLinkAboutPACKET Community Development 1999-03-25Prepared: March 19, 1999 Revised: AGENDA Town of Estes Park - Community Development Committee Thursday, March 25, 1999 8:00 a.m. 1. SENIOR CENTER a. Monthly Report b. Request for Approval on Contracts 2. SPECIAL EVENTS a. Parade Permits (1) Fire Department Convention Parade - June 26 (2) Tow Truck Parade - May 21 b. Update on Multi-Use Field design c. Request to approve Fairgrounds Sound System up-grade d. Request to approve Arena construction e. Contract Acceptance (1) Copper Penny Hunter-Jumper Show - July 23-25 (2) Lions Club Concession Contract for 1999 3. CHAMBER RESORT ASSOCIATION a. Report by David Thomas 4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 5. MARKETING a. Advertising Report b. Conference Center Report (1) 1998 Report 6. MUSEUM a. Monthly Report The Community Development Committee reserves the right to consider other appropriate items not available at the time Agenda was prepared. r. 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE SENIOR CENTER MONTHLY REPORT MARCH 25, 1999 Organizational A recommendation was made by Greg White, City Attorney, that the Senior Center rethink the position of establishing a separate Friends Board in addition to the Senior Advisory Board. Betty Kilsdonk and Jody Thompson presented the recommendation to the Advisory Board on March 16 along with the suggestion that individuals identified as Friends Board Members become, instead, a Development Committee for the Advisory Board. This Committee would be charged with development of programs and fund-raising activity for the Senior Center. The Advisory Board Members were unanimous in support of this recommendation and voted to adopt this structure. SPECIAL TRANSIT The Board of Trustees gave approval to Amend Year 2000 Budget to fund Town match of $7,250 to Special Transit. Steve Blacksher, Community Outreach Coordinator for Special Transit has been notified of this and will incorporate this match of funds into his grant request due April 1, 1999. Steve was very pleased about this decision and expressed how much he is looking forward to providing this service in Estes Park. MEALS q Meal counts were up considerably for February 1999 over 1908. We served 599 congregate meals and 514 Meals on Wheels compared to 432 and 318 respectively for 19<8. Attached is a report we recently received from the Food Distribution Center. You will see their records indicate an estimated savings of $8896 by the Senior Center as a result of utilization of their food distribution services. Jan Thompson makes monthly trips to the FD Center in Fort Collins, donating both her time and vehicle to pick up food for both Crossroads and our Senior Center. St. Patrick's Day lunch became a festive party day. Chef Tebow volunteered to cook and serve his famous corned beef and cabbage. We served 72 folks. Rich Widmer, Randy Repola and Betty Kilsdonk were special guests of Chef Tebow. Our compliments, certainly, to "the Chef!" REQUEST FOR CONTRACT APPROVAL Attached is a request for approval of contracts between the Town of Estes Park Senior Center and the Larimer County Department of Human Services Office on Aging. (1 - 1 7 . . :4Ugit' /9. I 9 1. : Food Distribution Center I ..90/4, L , VII ' 1998 Poundage Report 4· D * 4:. G.Z I 419610 f "•lt , ***** : i I. 7 U + . i Member agency: Estes Park Senior Center 194 I 9*.2 A Total Pounds Received: 6,377.48 't 4 $01 . Total fees paid: $ 542.13 .4,7- I Estimated Retail Value 1 A I * ofthe food received: $ 9,438.67 .. U. Thank you for your continued participation. r: . Together, we are hunger's hope. P A' 4 .t 4 -2 MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor Dekker and Board of Trustees From: Estes Park Senior Center, Jody Thompson Date: March 18,1999 Subject: Contracts between the Town of Estes Park Senior Center and Larimer County Office on Aging Department of Human Services Background: As a result of a grant request, The Senior Center has been awarded $5,000 in Title 111 (Nutrition Program) dollars and $2,475 in County dollars for Operations by the Larimer County Department of Human Services Office on Aging. In order to receive these funds in 1999, signed contracts between the Senior Center and the Office on Aging.are required for both awards (three copies each.) These contracts have been reviewed and approved by Greg White, City Attorney. The contracts had been drafted by Larimer County without addressing the change in name to "The Town of Estes Park Senior Center." Shelley McGraw, Program Manager for Larimer County Office on Aging indicated that it is acceptable to simply hand print these changes and initial them; she will also initial the changes when she receives the contracts, returning our copies to us. Vickie O'Connor, Town Clerk, advises that she will also change the signature titles to the appropriate titles in a like manner. Budget/Cost: No cost is associated with this request. This is simply a requirement to receive the awarded funds. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of both contracts with the Larimer County Office on Aging, Department of Human Services to receive the awarded funds. 16-1 q I.- W Vg--B *J- '.-Il W. ---'Il APPLICATION (Please typo or print all inlormation) DATE OF REQUEST: 2 / 3 /99 TYPE OF EVENT (Check the applicable one): ATHLETIC - SPECIAL ~_ BRIEF DESCRIPTION (Foot Race, Parade, elc.) RA·Q./*6 4- ORGANIZATION INFORMATION : ORGANIZATION NAME: Ef VOl A (le beOT-~ ADDRESS: 1~bt¥ 11.->n CITY & STATE: te PHONE: (930 5-7 7 -09 co : , CONTACT PERSON: YnA{ue. \692=1 -< TITLE: PHONE: 63£1) S&6 -04,195 ED 43¢10 DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENT DATE(S): Beginning: G , '24,99 TIME Beginning: 9 AM -:k_ PM - Ending: 1 1 Ending: AM - PM - NOTE: It times will vary on subsequent days. attach explanation. LOCATION: (State Highway and Mileage) PROPOSED ROUTE(S): PROPOSED DETOURCS): Shvtz: kiesr PAGIC c.112- (.HWY '54) ensT 014 €0040 12*f TD PlwY 36 Re,4 -10 AN,sk-1 Ar h~.N'Nets Fi fle €i»a.c:*1 . DESCRIBE THE NECESSITY OF HAVING THE EVENT ON A HIGHWAY: 1€gag / 20&(3 g»AEL R Q.EDRACES; h'LAf)€:, 21(822·i-Eb 1N DoW#JIBY<* b¢EA- -¥ H wl 86, 1484 WB le«C fe<2« UEB ON 36 f*M SM\TN Tb 24. DESCRIPTION OF EVENT IN DETAIL(Include number of participants, description of the activity to be conducted on the highway, number and type of anlma15, de3crlption of any vehicle or materiala to be Used. Use additional sheet; If necesaary. Attach a map): 9 tknE A ¢1€F, 64·ClleWE CON\#enth] A·(}PA(ZA-TkS PA<lAI»- i ke Awn€-L '/Ari'ti 25-15 2\ CLES OF EN.-10 F ME*/T~. The undersigned he,oby agrees to pay the total actual cost to the State Palrot and tho Department of Highwags for conducting any highway Closures relaled to the ovent de,crlbod herein ond to submit payment In advanca for the esllmoled cost of such closures and to pay lo, and p,ovido Habillty in,urance in on amount lo be dolormined by the Chiol 01 Iho Slato Patrol. The under- signed understands that nny costs In exce,5 01 the estimated coal must be paid to the Colorado Stato Patrol following tho ovent and :hal U the estimated cost oxcood, the actual cost, the balance will bo refundod. I. the undersigned. lu,the, cortify thatlho slatements conlalned heroln of allachod hereto ofe true, accurato, and completo 10 ,~ the best 01 my knowledge and belief. €6/ fiD --- 9/ 26 Ai cO-¢ OAGANIZANON -SIGNATUF|~E No \..J Q. L -11.4 1 24 -1 Mar 17 20 03:37p Peter Marsh 970-586-3661 P.1 . 1 APPLICATION (Please type or print all inlormation) DATE OP REQUEST: 3 1 JE' 99 \ TYPE OF EVENT (Check tho applicable one): ATHLETIC - SPECIAL - aRIEF DESCRIPTION (foot naco, Parade, otc): -703£00 .7~~WOA~ft . 7 1 ORGANIZATION INFORMATION 10\0\144- 4 -RPLo\)\Ee Y C,~3~20FEE,G./0411-1.G 41£-~-6. ~ ORGANIZATION NAME: ADDRESS: % Sce.S Ance.O 730 -2>ex 297 (26-res -FACK. G 306/7 PHONE: (.£2*-) 5-86 -3/2-2 t., CITY & STATE: CONTACT PIERSON: ~~~13 k~3 A-YE-L L TITLE: ZkMAN/ZE;F. PHONE: (90 3 52-4 3/1 7. DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENT DATE(S): Beginning: -6 , 1/,99 TIME: Beginning: . ,(~)ask I AM - PM - LA-1-e 2- Endino: 1 1 Ending: .30 /40*4 AM - PM - NOTE: If times will vary on subsequent days, attach explanation. LOCATION: (Slate Highway and Mileage) -~22111 A/AU OP El.72-S * 20 NAER Ulao POUS-1' 7 D Del Ekg A-Drw 41'6 AA)£ E)¥67 1-0 JAh) OF E€-1-ES PROPOSED ROUTE(S): PROPOSED DETOUR(S): US,N C / L. 4,06 OF N//JA-9 202- FACZA-DE OF -FOLO -12,1 6)49 WXED .521<C.X C.be»>= 45L- DESCRIBE THE NECESSITY OF HAVING THE EVENT ON A HIGHWAY: 7%28136 DESCRIPTION OF EVENT IN DETAIL (include number of partlcipants, description ol the activity to be conducted on the highway, number and type ol animals, dosdription of any vehicle or materials to be used. Use additional sheets If necessary. Attach a map): -TAP,C-, Autal M.- 2-00 UEAV f DA) 1% EE))VG #ELD 1-*)% 9 ER-E A-T -Ttk INA ·er Etrn€% fARY 21 4* £ FI'lAy 11 140 Gy?QCK. 40 -Ouu<% The undersigned hereby agroos to pay tho total actual cotl to tho Stato Patrol and tho Dopartm ont 01 HIghwal;3 for conducting any highway closures rolatod to tho ovent doscribod horoln and 10 submit pnymont In advanco for tho ostlmalod cost of such closuros and to pay lot and provido liability Insurance in an amount tobe dotormined by the Chtcl 01 tho Stato Patrol The under- signod understands that any costs in oxcoss 01 the ostimated cont must be paid to the Colorado Stato Patrol lolloWIng tho event and thnt il tho oslimatod cost oxcoods tho actual cost, tho balanco will bo relundod. 1, the undorsignod, turthor cortily that tho statomonts containod homin or attached hor~p arc true, accurate, and comploto to ,,I the best ol my knowlodgo and bollot. 06.- WAeep 3./t·99 | ORGANIZATION SIGNATURE DATE 24 -1 . :CRP 4 MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor Dekker and Board of Trustees FROM: Special Events Department - Linda Hinze DATE: March 22, 1999 SUBJECT: Sound System Up-Grade Background: The sound system for the grandstand, main arena and back arenas is out-dated and insufficient for our uses. The sound in the grandstand is difficult to adjust when the stands are full of people. We have received many complaints during the rodeo and hunter-jumper shows on the sound quality. The horse shows also would like to have the availability to switch speakers to the barn areas and transmit from the Committee Room. Budget/Cost: The approved budget for the up-grade in the 1999 Budget is $5,500.00. Since the budget amount was investigated last summer, the local sound system company has changed ownership. The attached proposal is $5,982.48. Mr. Smith feels he may be able to trim the cost for the filtered, ventilated amp rack. I have eliminated the wireless headset system. When we have problems during shows and it becomes an emergency to have fast repair, I would like to stay with a local company. Recommendation: I would like to ask permission to hire ULI Productions for the sound system up-grade and modification for $5,982.48. The deficiency, of $482.48 (if applicable), to be taken from the Special Events General Maintenance and Repair budget. 26 - C ULI-Productions - 410 Bighorn Dr. • Estes Park • Colorado · 80517 • USA • (970) 481-4137 fax: (970) 586-9484 ... PROPOSAL TO: Estes Park Fairgrounds Sll' TO: Estes Park Fairgrounds ATTN: Linda Hinze ATTN: Linda Hinze 1209 Manford Ave. 1209 Manford Ave. Estes Park, CO 80517 Estes Park, CO 80517 (970) 586-6104 (970) 586-6104 032299 PROPOSAL NO. QTY. DESCRIPTION PRICE TOTAL 2 Bogin paging Mics $277.75 $555.50 2 QSC USA 900 Power Amps $589.99 $1,179.98 8 CPL23 Loudspeakers $154.00 $1,232.00 150 6 channel snake cable $0.60 $90.00 2 70v L-pad volume control $25.00 $50.00 1 Filtered, ventilated Amp rack; custom $500.00 $500.00 1 Cable, connectors, plates, ETC. $500.00 $500.00 ( 1 Wireless handheld/lapel/headset system $999.00 $999.00 ) 75 Hrs. Labor/installation $25.00 $1,875.00 SUBTOTAL $6,981.48 ULI Productions 410 Bighorn Dr. SHIPPING AND HANDLING Estes Park, CO 80517 Rush order or other expense (970) 481-4137 TOTAL $6,981.48 Summary: -Troubleshoot system _ 0 __~ q:l 'ec). -Install fill-speakers in Grandstands 310<2234% -Relocate roof speakers to better cover arena -Install paging system -Relocate Amplifiers 26-2 MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor Dekker and Board of Trustees FROM: Special Events Department - Linda Hinze DATE: March 22, 1999 SUBJECT: New Arena Construction Background: We have been asked by the Silver Dollar Hunter-Jumper Show for an additional arena. This arena would be located North of Barn W. There is ample room. Budget/Cost: The approved budget for the arena in the 1999 Budget is $12,000. Vinyl Railing $3,337 Rail Installation - SE Staff Top Dirt/Sand Mixture @ 2" deep 2,500 (Western Mobile) Road Base @ 3" 9,148 Ground Work/grading - Street Dept. Total $14,985 I will work on finding a lower cost product than road base. Recommendation: Permission to construct new arena. Deficit of $3,000 to be taken from Budgeted amount of $3,000 for fenced area for equipment at the haybarn. Aol- 1 MAK-UU-39 nUN li:Zi r. Ud 1 _ ..A_,1 i LJ ' 62**1 To Aoo,de, CAN 1 -000-264380 1 1. 1 '. ALION 7YPE DIRECTLY ON THIS LINE WHEN USING A TYPEWRITER SET TAB STOPS AS SHOWN ON THIS STUB Fold at 1,) 10 In 771 DU O-VUE® Envelow t -- PLANTATION PRODUCTS, INC. 8660 East Evans Avenue DENVER; COLORADO 80231 0 MI V (C) 0 0 11 10179 (800) 636-5616 DATC ORDER NO (303) 695·7793 FAX (303) 750-8729 1-9-99 To 7- SHIP TO _1.QUAA] ...4 ......ESTIE:5 --~A¢X- 24'.Rot ..,19.kil '." '.". CS TES 'PAR.\<„ (k .-9 Q.O-1 410~7*-94.-3 66 1 6< 1 5*Le##Mdbl·( 7.99..,.fl! 1O~~TE SHI#'PED · ~ SHIPPED VIA --· '=.0.8. POINT TEAMS . \OU-- 0. ...~· ...· .tDEdCA,#10*N r.·-'. Ne-r UNIT PRICE " ' I '· 1 7 kOTAL >__(Su.,pke. FoR ...310...CO „...~~99.296.....Al..0..'„*.1.41> '..C?NA<-. ..... /4.9_8-_. 26 ~ L.. .812. EMB.5~.„ „5.62 ... 8.1/86«ED...51<€m.4,„, Z ,,.._--~_* FOR -DeTA L L (4.A-rgs. r -©14 ................................. . 9.3~7.. -ze...~ ..1419_-,2.0 1.53.63 -- Fl., 9 27 83 .Less,,,. ,.'bepes.cc --Ul-- /100 00 '. '. I. '. -I - J-90 - 86 C t?*u.*..,07~II„,4, E.."4>.f.IDE,U. VIAq 4 53„-&7_ ~„·23 4».SUALU-D 06*._A*.UALSLE ... d..„C,m. .Ree.,.LF ...... -'.- k..--.....,0.... ....................... ....................... \64. .................... .....0,1.. ......................'............................................... ....... ..... ............ ............................... ........'...... 1. ...1 · r·77, . ~ Di'\ \9 -1 - . 2&-2 IP-0 ., AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this \& day of ES:b-s-jck_, 199 , by and between the TOW-N OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO, (the "Town") a Municipal Corporation, d 113 A /h as party of the second part, and rlo feet- fee 09 8-026€ Sifouj , aS party of the second part, WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the second party desires to hold a horse show or shows at the Estes Park Fairgrounds at Stanley Park, (hereinafter referred to as Stanley Park), Estes Park, Colorado and make contractual agreements for the use of the facilities at Stanley Park and services to be furnished by first party in connection with the use of said facilities, NOW IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The second party shall hold horse shows or halter classes on the following date or dates: 1999 9- 7/4/0 6, N 6 192,00 1)000 - 5.80 RIA lucl 8-3, leg 7 1 (11) u.j 72 Do AA _ D J O Ly 34 - gj ; Il f 9 2. First party agrees to furnish to second party all available stalls and exhibition space for animals at Stanley Park as herein provided. First party will not furnish any feed or straw for any of the animals and no cleaning of the stalls except as herein provided. 26- 1 LEASE THIS LEASE, made and entered into this date of , 1999, between the TOWN OF ESTES PARK, municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as Lessor, and the LIONS CLUB OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO, a Colorado Nonprofit Corporation, hereinafter referred to as Lessee. WITNESSETH: Lessor, for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, to be kept and performed by Lessee, has leased and does hereby lease unto Lessee all those premises, situate in the Town of Estes Park, County of Larimer, State of Colorado, known and described as follows to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT A - The bordered areas on the attached exhibit are for the exclusive use of the Lessee as a food and Beverage area. ·The bordered areas on the attached exhibit shows the 3.2 liquor license area. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the above described premises with the appurtenances, unto Lessee from , 1999 through January 1, 2000, and Lessee in consideration of the leasing of said premises aforesaid by Lessor to Lessee, covenants and agrees with Lessor as follows: 1. To pay to Lessor, as rent for said premises, fifteen percent (15%) of the gross sales from the operation of Concession Stand on the first $50,000 and ten percent (10%) of the gross sales over the first $50,000. For the purposes of this Lease, gross sales shall be the total amount of funds realized from all sales of food and beverages from the concession stand, less sales tax, sales tax license fee, food license fee, and liquor liability insurance. Lessee shall be entitled to deduct from the yearly rent, an amount equal to the annual license fees paid to the Town of Estes Park and the State of Colorado for the 3.2% beer license. Said rent shall be due and payable to the Estes Park Fairgrounds Director on or before the 1.St day of December, during the term hereof beginning on , 1999. 2. To keep complete and accurate records of Lessee's operation of the concession stand and submit to the Town of Estes Park a record of the gross receipts from the Stand for each show. In addition, a table of calculations would be submitted showing the amount due the Town of Estes Park. 3. To be liable for repairs and maintenance of all items identified as property of the Lions Club of Estes Park as set forth in the inventory list. (Exhibit 8-),. The Lessor shall be liable for repairs and maintenance of all other equipment on the inventory list identified as property of the Town of Estes Park. In addition, the Lessor agrees 26- 1 . to pay for maintenance of the interior and exterior of the building in accordance with structural codes and health standards. For general maintenance, i.e. painting and minor improvements, the Lessor will pay for the materials and the Lessee will provide manpower. 4. To keep the Concession Stand and table areas safe and clean and in such order as may be required by the regulations of any governmental authority. This will include the picnic tables and surrounding area. Lessor will provide for adequate trash and garbage disposal. 5. Not to alter the structural integrity of the building in any manner, except with the Lessor's written consent. 6. To allow Lessor or its agents to have free access to the demised premises for the purposes of examining or inspecting the condition of the same or the operation of the Concession Stand. 7. To furnish to Lessor a written physical inventory of the equipment presently located in the demised premises. Lessee shall keep said inventory current by written notice to Lessor, whenever there are any additions to equipment. Each listing shall designate the ownership by either the Lions Club of Estes Park or The Town of Estes Park. 8. Lessee agrees to procure and maintain during the term of this Lease, the following insurance coverages: A. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance of at least $150,000.00 per injury and $600,00.00 per occurrence. B. Liquor Liability Insurance for the sale of all alcoholic beverages sold by Lessee of at least $150,000.00 per injury and $600,000.00 per occurrence. C. The Lions Club of Estes Park and the Town understand and agree that the Town is relying on, and does not intend to waive, by any provision of this Lease, the monetary limitations (presently $150,000.00 per injury and $600,000.00 per occurrence) or any other rights, immunities and protections provided by the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act 24-10-101 et seq., C.R.S., as from time to time amended or otherwise available to the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees. D. The Town shall be named as an additional insured on said policies. 9. It is agreed by the parties hereto: A. All items on the equipment list owned by the Lessor, all improvements, and all fixtures and equipment shall become the property of Lessor when permanently placed or affixed in the demised premises, and said improvements fixtures and equipment shall be insured at the Lessor's expense. B. Lessee shall have the concession for the sale of all food and drink, for the Stanley Park Grandstand Area and for the 26-3 blacktop in front on the Stanley Park Grandstand Area as described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference during the term of this Lease. The Lessor specifically reserves the right to allow or license other concessionaires on the Stanley par]Afk>86hds other than the area specifically described on Exhibit "A". The Lessor shall allow other concessionaires only during events, which are deemed unserviceable by Lessor, by one concessionaire. C. Lessee shall operate said Concession Stand at all events scheduled at the Stanley Park Grandstand Area, and when Lessor requests that the Concession Stand be operated for the other events at Stanley Parkfwi'*17~Feason~-le advanced notice. Lessor will provide the Lessee a schedule of events for the season at least three weeks prior to the start of the first event of the season. Changes that effect the operation of the Stand or require the services of the Lessee will be presented to the Lessee and jointly the two parties will negotiate whether the Lessee can handle the situation or event. Lessee agrees to work with the renter of the grounds and comply with their mandatory open hours of operation. D. If Lessee shall fail to comply with the conditions of this Lease, or should not well and truly perform all and every one of the covenants and agreements herein contained on the part of the Lessee to be performed and kept, then this Lease shall, at the option of Lease, cease and absolutely terminate. Notice of such termination shall be delivered to either the then acting President or the then acting Secretary of Lessee. In the event of a default by either party in the terms and conditions hereof, the non-defaulting party shall give the defaulting part9 ten (10) days' notice in writing of said default. If said default is not cured within said ten (10) day period, the non- defaulting party shall be entitled to begin legal proceedings, including an action for specific performance and/or damages or terminate the Lease. Damages shall include all reasonable attorney's fees and court costs incurred by the non-defaulting party. E. In the event that changes occur which materially affect the operation of the demised premises, either party shall have the option to request that this Lease be renegotiated. F. Lessee may operate the Concession Stand other than at events scheduled at Stanley Park Fairgrounds by the Town of Estes Park through the Estes Park Fairgrounds Director. Lessee will pay the Town as rent for the events covered by this specific Paragraph five percent (5%) of the gross sales minus sales taxes from the operation of this Concession Stand during these events. For the purpose of this specific paragraph only, gross sales shall be defined to mean the total amount of funds realized from all sales of food, and beverage from the Concession Stand exclusive of sales taxes. 10. Lessee understands and agrees that it is an independent contractor under the terms and conditions of this agreement. As such, the Lessee is not entitled to unemployment or insurance benefits through the Town. Also, the Lessee understands and agrees that it is solely responsible for all Federal and State income tax, FICA taxes and unemployment insurance taxes. Lessee also understands and agrees that 26-£1[ it is responsible for worker's compensation coverage and taxes for itself and any employee. 11. All notices, demands or other documents required or desired to be given, made or sent to either party, under this Agreement shall be in writing, shall be deemed effective upon mailing or personal delivery. If mailed, said notice shall be mailed, postage prepaid as follows: LESSOR LESSEE Town of Estes Park Lions Club of Estes Park, CO Attn: Special Events Director P. O. Box 2016 P. O. Box 1967 Estes Park, CO 80517 Estes Park, CO 80517 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands the day and year first above written. TOWN of ESTES PARK< COLORADO By: Mayor ATTEST: Town Clerk LESSOR LIONS CLUB OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO By: President ATTEST: Secretary LESSEE Re, -t, 11. 1 1 0 f 1 H | /K--3Li J.9/le. 2.· 1 ,- ,- 01 6.1. «40. rl, 1. .4 - -fc --50.:-1 ------ \\ , 1 1....J 271 a;.; 7, A /9/ ..**s-*---<:*-----~:------E**Firtifitz~EL fil 0~11t-u*r,Or 1 7 0. b 2\ \ 1 6 /4 9 0-> 1 43\ . 1 0 .EN/ A ib' r ' - <1 4 lipllt,i,2~,b L&,1 LN .» 3 2,-' 4 >90\\jt\-~ ., 7. / i 14.-1 . 58 4 1 - / tuf k «1 v:%9 4 -/ 44 4.3 -0 3 GS? \Ay ..4 l , 085 Ock 1 / 0 I - / /~' 9.* J '1'DO .177 M / r.v #0 x.9© 7/34:./ 4 9 0 41 / 3- / ife p' 4.·r J '/ L, 11 / jk X 01 /: b . . . \L 1 1. 1 0<1 - 1 . . .': r« tu ·1 t. il 1 . :n I ! jl l 1 - 1 - - 26,6 $-01 - EXHIBIT "A" EXCLUSIVE FOOD AREA ~ LIQOUR LICENSE AREA -94 : Community Development Committee Advertising Program Report March 25, 1999 1. Requests for Information as ofFebruary 28 A. Vacation Guide requests: Overall, the requests for guides is down 45% compared to the same two month period last year. Advertising generated responses are up 2.34% compared to the same period last year. Graph attached. B. Incoming 800 calls: Calls are down just 3% compared to this period last year. Graph attached. 2. Virtual Visitors Guide: Every measure exceeds this period last year. A. E-mailed requests for Vacation Guides is at 901 compared to 786 last year. An increase of 15%, B. Unique Visits 84% over last year at 24,184 visits compared to 13,154 the same period last year. 3. Current Projects: A. Through the use ofEPIC funds, Estes Park's television campaign on Channel 4 has been extended into April and May. We will run a slightly modified version of our current TV spot including use ofthe new logo. The schedule will be: 1. April: towards the end ofthe two weeks of April 11 and April 18 2. May: towards the end of two weeks ofMay 9 and May 16 B. May Insert to cover Jazzfest/Artwalk, Rodeo, Wool Market, Arts in the Parks, etc, C. Fall national magazine ads. 51-1 .. Estes Park Inquiries w/0 USA Weekend Requests for Information 1994-1999 10 9 8 7,433 7,115 7 6,714 1-!E,it,.4. :--r-~mmE 6,710 m=='.PIE -4717 =/S.liE€EE:;i.~'fi,il FE:~E.=mI#~1-1!:1: 6 ii;EE: ili~@**~:. 11114'EE)/4 '116 ..1~9·1111:1'La/ .i;,;,i· -·:€-% * 6 . g. 4783 -I=/8=·43* ... 'gl E** *14 #a.--fh~§ lili ~.!lam ./j." 4/'Mt-H . 1.,r L 3EE~/£- '1*iew·'Jip 4_--: _.:9~I .~1 -0,3---i:Al!,, 4 E=*Sii'111% 3,686 - UY.*mk..L.4 @11. = -1,-Ells Z 111!t* lili „3, Hi '1.:E~yEEel'llii:Fl 3 a-Fr,-lilli:y, t=-i:7--2.-·t'illii:. #71:2~'4- "- 016= L ~:1#~13 1 · ~*. *"' E---:·'EZ~~Ef-=-4-r= 2 .1*29 :-::: '~-,f'N ··ii~ ..I-f .~ !&iii@ii[1~~% Ezed. ·E-'I~!TrljW~EEEM 1~: .ZE=- 1- &1 5510 NVM -= 7~~=trii A-- ~ L 232':Ag--6.-li~- E-€71-1 ~€-tega -=11,1 -= 6.ii; ~1?111:*11:!!: 40,1, Ii':~~~~t 2-1,11 q 5/.-I ,· r I../. ~NI#=: 1 -I- *I .... '111 1 -==1 1 m#-- 3=- %**iii'.:.,RND: TIF'iE==f- rELL- E .=Il::=.';'III, , 14----.--:ze- 2. -%%*41,1~ .1,/li// 1·:1:i// UCE--*498*/8/al Iia#&.2 -1 Piet,NE' 11, . Ip/:pMN'.3~= ~6.lo~immi O-.lah==·r-- .1~€ie~ irimmEN,ME*- , 7 Miel=' :. .iilll~111Wm 8~wlrlm/Mi/#aw„ -, 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Table 1 c Year-to-Date February 28 54-2 Thousands Estes Park - WATS Line Calls 1994- 1999 February 28 10,000 7,973 8,057 8,000 F ,;n=...lei 7,652 5.,/.9.*2/ 4*·ell=,=ill ·- '-'; ¥,·t-.t·.. 7 --/ =-k»=x-,--r*-,- M" ·- ~. ··>3*:#1 6,658 6,438 :·.:"-::'.'31% -4:5:~41:.B 6,071 f,42:Qe= ......:./.YZ:tiz 1--96-·i·: 2:.4. d412'(4~ 003-42: 6,000 -----FU*2* 4.-1 . -1---e. „41. ....... . ...r. I ki/af·071%5 6/32*,J· J I Im:.91.-Fy·,-·C "'4== **44 I i,·./3,V.: #~2 *33,9-,;3'.· : 2., :%1(, 't. C.- *74$0£ 441/7/ lij~6.'~I :2':fi~.~E 2·.2-'A·: r 7. - 1.F.C.·.i,3.= . < -iD.=Eliamt 34:..-~£4#:*..4, ·Rd- *<CLAMM@ 484'61-4 ==,fak~ d:E.L.Fur., &.ke' ,.hjZ¢tte.: 11 -03€.r. 7-nli 4,000 -ire~ ; f,7533/ 2934%*i~~ )1201- -i %14.-: Q~- 2. . -..1.k,7 r......=1 ...1.-„--=.9.= -=-1.... .:- 1 ./ ... %.... :,64....L. =...:fai-12~05: '-· I'.-9*'f~BEE·• -ad·:·:f:ka¥~ -, ,- -i-:154...fr,8 E.Dut,42·18 -··Af*.~4'/~. *'.2,5¢114.y:.4*.. ':- 9.1@07=....1.* ig - 4 5 2.9 9, ··1· ·: ·Gi:1¢,(2,:·i i.v te,UP.4,·03 EiENE-- -2:92<:{44- *2*;y..>t ,#r woril 3/:lt..I ~ ' '. SY-- ..40.2.:11*30 £4411 ..:·--s Eer*: ..44...1..jk. ... .·:* '.~ ·2·~643-4 -/-1 -1 . - .:../ m.?/0 *igit . =* 9.%40 · ·. -2..·· -#· 6911*i .5·.4.9/f':·-2../ 2,000 ......:...... ·z 2 €-j•:0.'.5 1.€: ke.*:.*/: · '' N e .'-'tid' itry·== .. --A -- L....il-*. 2: 9235 "V... A.:i.5-*.w 4322.1./. lied#FLian *:iti~- 1 - .:? ~*.2<:s :kitypill,1 6·'-·Ve=·*· ..t.. -~ ':%4*0 6- , ··*liN¢6¥-0 Imle .· "··~32*1.1*WAS 14**f 7:-$3;?im *4*1& .-41,1- *A L.*4 . £*Ur/*// 1['M.-%97 0 /#0 -E 4 %#Nie :0*1'i=12*.= ... 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 '54-3 1998 Conference Center Report Users Number of Conference Attendees 13,101 People Number of Local Users 12,684 People Number of Conferences 74 Economic Impact Total Spending by Conference Attendees $4,896,917.00 Sales Tax Generation $195,876.00 Expenses Town Spent $140,000 Marketing and Servicing the Conferences Town spent $350,160 for the building and utilities * The Conference Center will be paid off in 2008. 9 more payments. 3-Year Comparison 1996 1997 1998 Conference 13,060 ppl. 14,615 ppl. 13,101 ppl. Attendees Conference $4,251,422 $5,202,689 $4,896,917 Spending Local Users 9697 ppl. 12,395 ppl. 12,684 ppl. 56-1 Estes Park Lodging Reports Estes Park Lodging Occupancy* 1997 1998 JAN 16.7% 17.4% FEB 20% 20% MAR 21% 21% APR 23% 21% MAY 36.4% 36.8% JUN 62% 75% JUL 86% 90% AUG 81% 81% SEPT 54% 56% OCT 34% 43% NOV . 25.40% 27% DEC 18.5% 20% TOTAL 41.3% 43.8% Estes Park 1998 Average Occupancy 43.8% Other Colorado Resort Areas 49.2% ** Metro Denver 1998 Average Occupancy 71.2%** Colorado Springs 1998 Average Occupancy 68.2% ** State of Colorado 1998 Average Occupancy 67.6% ** * With 1206 Rooms Reporting * * Compiled by PKF Consulting 61-2 I I 1989 - 1998 Sales Tax Accommodations Town of Estes Park $1,025,127 $1,000,000 Em $843,168 1111 $789,360 -7.'F9 I. $800,000 $754 279 ---Fillf-- $722,535 * Illi I il 611,229 /// 1 $600,000 - $537,084 4 $510,079 -- . k $400,000 $200,000 - lill $0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 5-6-3 Community Development Committee Museum Monthly Report Thursday, March 25, 1999 Opening of Fall River Hydroelectric Plant Exhibit On Friday, March 19, we had a very successful opening reception (about 150 people) for this exhibit. The Stanley Hotel and Conference Center donated catering, Ace Hardware donated a light bulb assortment as a door prize, and the Light and Power Dept. donated a $50 electricity credit. Budding local actors Mayor Dekker, Frank Hix, and Marty Yochum joined Will Limon, Richard Smart and CSU graduate students in presenting a dramatization of the hydroplant's history. Upcoming Events Hydro Plant Tour On April 3 at 1 pm, Mike Mangelsen will lead a tour o f the plant. No registration is necessary and the tour is free. Directions to the plant are available at the Museum. Collectors' Choice Closes The Collectors' Choice exhibit will close with a free day on April 4. The next exhibit, 1899: Preparing for a New Century, opens May 7. Children's Prehistory Workshop Assistant Curator Lisa Hanson has received a grant from the Colorado Historical Society to present a workshop on Colorado prehistory on May 15, during Colorado's Archaeology and Historic Preservation Week. The workshop targets children who have just finished first or second grade, and will be held at the Bunce School in Allenspark. History Camp 1999 The King Foundation has awarded us $6542 to support History Camp in 1999-2000. These funds will help us add several exciting segments to History Camp, such as a puppet show, storytelling, botanical walk, and archeology. We continue to work in partnership with the MacGregor Ranch, and receive ongoing support from the Bemiss Memorial Fund. In keeping with the evolution o f the program, we are hiring Katy Little to run History Camp this year. Katy developed the History Camp pilot program in 1992. We will offer three sessions of History Camp this year, June 28-July 2, July 26-30, and August 9-13. Registration and scholarship information will be available in a few weeks. Museum Strategic Plan Attached is a copy of our updated strategic plan, the effort of staff and Friends and Advisory Board members. The plan is updated annually. Collections Storage Facility Curator Lisel Goetze will provide a verbal update on this project. Ga -1 Tour the Fall River Hydroelectric Plant ' 1 6,• 241.,1. ... 44 a:YA:· _ . 34/6 L :2:1~0~~fSM 2%~ . ,¥ *1 - ..4 - 42, 1/9/* 4~**1;4'· .M'.6 1 ...47* - ** '.~..:*~t?:F+03... ... 74 4 · % - WI - T 4 . TOWN ··151€ 6=941 » 416 , 11,1.//4/.~..~.1-..i.-Il' /6:. ..Id/*tt·4: i 1- .424 - 'l---9j.2.i, 1 k, '.4 -719 1 '1 P &44 -- 1 ¢14 : + .:a .1 ./$'-1 C",-" -*#2. LK, *f/4/ 11 4. 4 #. 9 - . ..0.-- I.-'.1=1=41 4 . 51**t. ·- "PhotoZourtesy of the Denver Public Library, Western History Depadment If Power./ The Story of the Fa// River Hydroe/ectric P/ant ignites a spark of interest, consider attending this related event, also sponsored by the Estes Park Area Historical Museum. Closed for operation since the Lawn Lake Flood of 1982, this historic building provided Estes Park's first hydroelectric power. Join Assistant Director of the Light and Power Department of the Town of Estes Park, Mike Mangelsen, on a tour of the facility. WHAT: Tour of the Fall River Hydroelectric Plant WHEN: Saturday, April 3,1999 at 1:00 pm WHERE: Meet at the hydroelectric plant. Drive west on U.S. Highway 34 from Estes Park. Turn left on Fish Hatchery Road and follow it for one mile to a bridge. Turn left immediately after the bridge and follow this dirt driveway a few hundred yards to the mustard yellow buildings of the power plant, COST: Free and open to the public. No reservations necessary. 661-2 COLORADO FRIENDS OF THE % 4. =40*11#5=29-M~~x- ESTES PARK AREA IlISTORICAL MUSEUM 41 '91*3* 1/~24/~ __. 1*2'. c . f , TOWN OF ESTES PARK NI @&~f -Estes Park Area Historical Museum ARCHAEOLOGY AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION WEEK 1999 EVENT TITLE: Archaeology of the Estes Park Area: Who Lived Here Before Us? EVENT DATE AND TIME: Saturday May 15, 1999 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EVENT LOCATION: This event will be held at the historic Bunce School in Allenspark, Colorado EVENT DESCRIPTION: This event is an interactive prehistory program for elementary school aged children (home schooled children welcome); the target audience is children who have just finished first or second grade. Participants will split into small groups (5 or 6) and rotate through four stations to learn about different periods of prehistoric human use of the area; each station will include an activity. Activities will include a flint knapping demonstration and a chance to try flint knapping with ice, a chance to use the atlatl (throwing stick) to throw darts, a trade game, a wild plant resources walk, and completion of a time line. The event will conclude with storytelling o f contemporary/historic American Indian (Ute and Arapaho) tales. EVENT CONTACT: Lisa Hanson, Estes Park Area Historical Museum 970/586-6256 SPONSORS: This Archaeology and Historic Preservation Week Event is supported by a grant from the Colorado Historical Society, the State Historical Fund and the U.S. Bureau o f Reclamation. This event is also sponsored by the Town o f Estes Park, and the Friends o f the Estes Park Area Historical Museum. THIS EVENT IS A PART OF COLORADO ARCHAEOLOGY AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION WEEK, MAY 8 - 16,1999. For more information on events, visit the Colorado preservation Information Network's homepage: http://www.copin.org 69 -3 Estes Park Area Historical Museum Strategic Planning Document 1999 Update Mission Statement The Estes Park Area Historical Museum operates for the purpose o f collecting, preserving, interpreting and exhibiting local history for our residents and visitors. THREE-YEAR OBJECTIVES Performance Area A: Management Objective ill: In 1998 and 1999, we will investigate increasing museum staffing to three full-time employees. Action Plan: a. Staff investigated in-house (municipal) funding options in 1998. b. The Museum director has requested a review of the curator's salary in 1999. c. Staff will investigate outside funding options including high school work study, Green Thumb, and college interns in 1999. Performance Area B: Facilities Objective #1: In 1998-99 we will develop a plan to address both the present site deficiencies and possible site expansion. Action Plan a. In 1998 we completed the facility study. b. In 1998 the Friends Board created a committee to raise funds for the expansion. The Advisory Board president serves on the committee. The Committee will work with the Advisory Board and staff to review construction priorities and ensure they are met. Objective #2: During the next three years we will upgrade the present facility to facilitate environmental controls, exhibit production, and efficiency. Action Plan In 1998 we: a. stained the main building and the shed b. attached the museum to the sewer system 1 49-4 ., In 1999 we will: c. install an HVAC system in the main building as a Conservation Project grant match d. restore the Cobb-Macdonald cabin and the privy e. upgrade the gallery lighting system by installing a second fiber optic unit In 2000 we will: f. develop an interpretive plan for the cabin and privy Performance Area C: Education Objective #1: The museum staff and the Advisory Board will assist the Light and Power Department with the restoration and interpretation o f the Fall River Hydroelectric Plant. Action Plan a. The museum director submitted a nomination to the National Register o f Historic Places for the plant in 1997. b. The museum director and an Advisory Board member serve on a Fall River Hydroelectric Plant Advisory Committee, which will report to the Light and Power Committee on an ongoing basis over the next three years. The Committee received a planning grant for the restoration in 1998. c. The museum director will assist the assistant Light and Power director in submitting an implementation grant for the project by April 1,1999. Objective #2: We will expand participation in museum programs by 10% each year during the next three years to fulfill the museum's mission of educating people about the area's past. Action Plan a. Staff will develop a monthly program series for 1999 and 2000. b. In August 1999, staff will reintroduce the education trunk to Estes Park elementary teachers. c. Staff and volunteers will continue to give school and group tours and handle research requests and photo orders. d. Staff and Friends will continue to recruit and train volunteers, with a training to be held in April, 1999. Performance Area D: Exhibits Objective #1: We will increase the variety and quality of exhibits, focusing on long-term exhibit planning, study sessions with Advisory Board members and staff, and community outreach 2 61-6- Action Plan a. Beginning in 1998, exhibit development timelines will emphasize research and development, with the specific schedules for each exhibit determined during study sessions held with staff and Advisory Board members. b. Museum staff and Advisory Board members updated the museum's five year exhibit plan in May, 1998. c. During the next two years museum staff will: 1. refine and update the permanent installation as needed 2. continue the annual series o f changing exhibits in the Park Service Headquarters and the main gallery 3. continue the conference center case 4. install an annual library case exhibit. 6 d Staff will install a small exhibit in the Chamber of Commerce in 1999 4 e. In 1999 staff will remove an(For rehouse the outdoor equipment and vehicles J £ Staff will continue exhibit evaluation measures begun in 1998. Performance Area E: Collections Objective #1: In 1998-1999, museum staff and volunteers will implement the two-year Conservation Project Support grant to upgrade collections storage. Action Plan a. Staff and volunteers will follow the time table established in the grant narrative to complete the project in 1999. This includes evaluating artifacts, installing new furniture, rehousing artifacts, and upgrading the collections entryway. b. In 1999, the Collections Committee and staff will plan the future of the collections program once the grant project is completed. c. Ongoing processing of collections will continue in 1999 on a priority basis while the project is underway ~ Performance Area F: Marketing/Community Visibility Objective #1: We will increase the museum's visibility in the local and regional community. Action Plan a. In 1999, museum staff will evaluate discount admission programs (coupons, AA.A discount) and the hours and days o f operation and admission fees in relation to visitation numbers. b. Museum staff will continue to work with the Chamber of Commerce to promote the museum via higher visibility at the visitor center, articles in the chamber newsletter, and other activities. 3 64-4 I . c. The Friends will host a minimum of five receptions for local groups and exhibit openings at the museum. d. Museum staff will produce a quarterly Friends newsletter in 1999 and 2000. e. Staff will maintain the museum's web site. f. Staff, Friends and Advisory Board members will solicit community groups to hold meetings and receptions at the museum. g. We will coordinate with the Newcomers Club to present programs for subsets of Newcomers in 2000. v h. A speaker's bureau will be formed, with a 20 minute slide program which a variety of volunteers or staff members can present to local service organizations and groups upon request. i. Staff will review advertising expenditures for effectiveness j. Staff will investigate low-cost exterior signage modifications k. Friends Board and staff will look at ways to expand participation in receptions 1. Volunteers will help track visitor comments 4 rn. Volunteers and staff will track visitor addresses for use in the membership program Performance Area G: Funding Objective #1: The Museum Friends will develop or update three fundraising ideas within the next three years. Action Plan .a. In 1999, the Friends will sponsor a car show with museum and community members. b. In 1999, the Friends will sponsor the Riverside Dance. c. In 1999 the Friends will plan the annual meeting and decide whether to use it as a fund raiser d. The Friends will pursue holding a fund raiser with the Art Center of Estes Park in 1999 e. The Friends will hold a quarterly booksigning or other museum shop event in 1999 f. In 1999, the Friends will investigate establishing a planned giving program, including asking the Town attorney for a planned giving model g. The Friends will continue to operate the museum shop in 1999 h. The Friends will continue the membership program in 1999 Objective #2: During the next three years, the Friends will develop an endowment and pursue grants to broaden the funding base. Action Plan a. A Friends Board committee will develop a plan for promoting contributions to the endowment. b. The Friends Board and staff will pursue at least two grants or gifts a year, to be matched with Town or private funds when possible. In 1999 staff and Friends will submit a grant to 4 44-7 . the King Foundation for History Camp. Objective #3: A committee ofAdvisory and Friends Board members and staffwill update the Needs Prioritization List in March, 1999. Performance Area H: Other Objective #1: The Friends will create a mission statement for their organization, including a mission for the museum shop, in 1999. Action Plan a. The Friends Board adopted a museum shop mission statement in 1999. b. The Friends Board adopted an organizational mission statement in 1999. It reads: The Friends of the EPAHM support the Museum's programs and policies through fund raising activities and with volunteer and outreach programs. The Board of Directors manages and controls the business of the Friends. Objective #2: The Advisory Board will advise the Town Council on Town-owned properties ofhistoric interest on an as-needed basis beginning in 1998. Properties can include buildings, photos, archives, and objects. EPAHM and its Advisory Board act as community resources in this area. Action Plan a. Staff and Friends will develop an "antiques road show"-type program for public education. Objective #3: The museum director will do a progress check on the strategic plan at the monthly Advisory Board meetings. The strategic plan will be updated again in February, 2000 and in February, 2001. 1999stratplanupdate.doc 5 44 - € February 1999 Gallery Attendance - 102 (includes 40 from in-museum programs and tours) Out of State 15 15% Foreign 0 0% Estes Park 28 27% Colorado 59 58% February 1999 Program Attendance (off-site) - 115 Total Attendance, February 1999 - 217 1999 Attendance goal - 12,893 1999 Year to Date - 317 % of year lapsed - 16 % of goal achieved - 2.5 1995-1999 Attendance Admissions 1999 Feb 217 $116.50 1998 11,721 $4,946 1997 4,271 $5,449 1996 11,539 $15,233 1995 7,210 $8,076 1999 Revenue goal - $5,440 Revenue to date - $229.50 % of goal achieved - 4.2 -- --4... ... 1998 Accessions January 7,1999 The following objects have been accessioned into the collection of the Estes Park Area Historical Museum during 1998. Accession Number Object 98.1.1-2 hand-colored photographs, Lyman Byxbe 98.2.1 paint chip, original paint from the Stanley Hotel 98.3.1 Double Cola bottle, from Griffith family homestead, Mary's Lake 98.4.1-3e hand tinted photographs, area scenery 98.5.1 videotape of Lewiston Hotel fire 98.6.1 film o f Estes Park events, circa 1940 98.7.1 book, "Dude Ranches Out West" 98.8.1-12 notebooks, ski wax, school play programs, and other material from E.P. 98.9.1 booklet, "Estes Park Colorado", published by Burlington Route 98.10.1 pamphlet, Rocky Mountain Motor Co., 1930s 98.10.2 pamphlet, Hotels, 1930s 98.11.1 booklet, 1961 Vacationland Directory 98.12.1-8 photographs o f Rocky Ridge Music Center, 1947-52 98.13.1 card, from the Cottage Inn, ca. 1946 98.13.2 business card, Hupp Hotel Caf6, ca. 1946 98.13.3 business card, Helene Whitney at Blue Spruce Gifts 98.13.4 ~ postcard of Big Thompson Canyon, with foldout scenic images ca. 1946 98.14.1-? photographs of a trip up Longs Peak in 1927 (not yet cataloged) 98.15.1 manuscript, The Israel by Charles Edwin Hewes 98.16.1 box from Williamson's Toggery 98.17.1 matchbook from the Branding Iron Motor Inn 98.17.2 Advertisement poster of local churches and businesses, ca. 1960s 98.17.3 enamel Colorado license plate, 1913 98.18.1 wood stove (found in collection) 98.19.1 postcard, Brinwood Hotel, ca. 1920s 98.20.1 toboggan, Estes Park provenance 98.20.2 bottle of ethyl alcohol from an E. P. Pharmacy 98.21.1 belay and rappelling device, ca. 1960 98.22.1 electric fan, Estes Park provenance 98.22.2 tobacco tin, velvet tobacco, Estes Park provenance 98.22.3 hand soap container, Estes Park provenance 98.23.1 salesman's valise, Allenspark provenance 98.23.2 framed black and white photograph, Longs Peak area showing fire damage 98.23.3 booklet, Chicago, Burlington, and Northern 98.23.4 advertisement, Riverside 98.23.5a-h vacuum tools that go with vacuum in our collection (95.25.1) 44-10 h. , 1998 Accessions, continued January 7, 1999 98.24.1 black and white photograph, Sprague's lake and ranch 98.25.1 painting, Jack Moomaw 98.26.1 bumper sticker, Lawn Lake Flood 98.27.1-4 black and white photographs, Estes Park parade circa 1940 98.28.1 dry cell telephone battery, ca. 1906-1910 98.28.2-4 black and white photographs, Stead Ranch 98.29.1 arithmetic book, 1877 98.30.1 assayer's kit, 1950s EDUC 98.1.1 photograph, portrait, 1899 1998 Deaccessions 86.105.1 manure spreader no # hay mower no # grader no # cultivator 74.3.1 farm wagon converted to covered wagon 609 -/1 LEASE THIS LEASE, made and entered into this day of 1999, between the TOWN OF ESTES PARK, municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as Lessor, and the LIONS CLUB OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO, a Colorado Nonprofit Corporation, hereinafter referred to as Lessee. WITNESSETH: Lessor, for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, to be kept and performed by Lessee, has leased and does hereby lease unto Lessee all those premises, situated in the Town of Estes Park, County ofLarimer, State ofColorado, known and described as follows to-wit: SEE EXHIBITS: A: The Orange bordered areas on the attached exhibit are for the exclusive use of the Lessee as a food and beverage area. The Red bordered areas on the attached exhibit shows the 3.2 liquor license area. B: Inventory lists referred to in sections 3 and 7. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the above described premises with the appurtenances, unto Lessee from , 1999 through December 31,2001, and Lessee in consideration ofthe leasing of said premises aforesaid by Lessor to Lessee, covenants and agrees with Lessor as follows: 1. To pay to Lessor, as rent for said premises, fifteen percent (15%) of the gross sales from the operation of Concession Stand on the first $50,000 and ten percent (10%) of the gross sales over the first $50,000. For the purposes ofthis Lease, gross sales shall be the total amount of funds realized from all sales of food and beverages from the concession stand, less sales tax, sales tax license fee, food license fee, and liquor liability insurance. Lessee shall be entitled to deduct from the yearly rent, an amount equal to the annual license fees paid to the Town of Estes Park and the State of Colorado for the 3.2% beer license. Said rent shall be due and payable to the Estes Park Fairgrounds Director on or before the 1st day ofDecember, during the term hereof beginning on 1999. 2. To keep complete and accurate records of Lessee's operation of the concession stand and submit to the Town of Estes Park once a year, a record ofthe gross receipts from the Stand for each show. In addition, a table of calculations would be submitted showing the amount due the Town of Estes Park. 3. To be liable for repairs and maintenance of all items identified as property ofthe Lions Club of Estes Park as set forth in the inventory list (Exhibit B). The Lessor shall be liable for repairs and maintenance of all other equipment on the inventory list identified as property of the Town of Estes Park. In addition, the Lessor agrees to pay for maintenance ofthe interior and exterior ofthe building in accordance with structural codes and health standards. For general maintenance, i.e. painting and minor improvements, the Lessor will pay for the materials and the Lessee will provide manpower. 4. To keep the Concession Stand and table areas safe and clean and in such order as may be required by the regulations of any governmental authority. This will include the picnic tables and surrounding area. , Lessor will provide for adequate trash and garbage disposal. 1 .. 0 LEASE THIS LEASE, made and entered into this day of 1999, between the TOWN OF ESTES PARK, municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as Lessor, and the LIONS CLUB OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO, a Colorado Nonprofit Corporation, hereinafter referred to as Lessee. WITNESSETH: Lesser, for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, to be kept and performed by Lessee, has leased and does hereby lease unto Lessee all those premises, situated in the Town of Estes Park, County of Larimer, State of Colorado, known and described as follows to-wit: SEE EXHIBITS: A: The Orange bordered areas on the attached exhibit are for the exclusive use of the Lessee as a food and beverage area. The Red bordered areas on the attached exhibit shows the 3.2 liquor license area. B: Inventory lists referred to in sections 3 and 7. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the above described premises with the appurtenances, unto Lessee from , 1999 through December 31,2001, and Lessee in consideration ofthe leasing of said premises aforesaid by Lessor to Lessee, covenants and agrees with Lesser as follows: 1. To pay to Lessor, as rent for said premises, fifteen percent (15%) of the gross sales from the operation of Concession Stand on the first $50,000 and ten percent (10%) of the gross sales over the first $50,000. For the purposes ofthis Lease, gross sales shall be the total amount of funds realized from all sales of food and beverages from the concession stand, less sales tax, sales tax license fee, food license fee, and liquor liability insurance. Lessee shall be entitled to deduct from the yearly rent, an amount equal to the annual license fees paid to the Town of Estes Park and the State of Colorado for the 3.2% beer license. Said rent shall be due and payable to the Estes Park Fairgrounds Director on or before the 1 st day of December, during the term hereof beginning on 1999. 2. To keep complete and accurate records of Lessee's operation of the concession stand and submit to the Town of Estes Park once a year, a record ofthe gross receipts from the Stand for each show. In addition, a table of calculations would be submitted showing the amount due the Town of Estes Park. 3. To be liable for repairs and maintenance of all items identified as property of the Lions Club of Estes Park as set forth in the inventory list (Exhibit B). The Lessor shall be liable for repairs and maintenance ofall other equipment on the inventory list identified as property ofthe Town of Estes Park. In addition, the Lessor agrees to pay for maintenance of the interior and exterior of the building in accordance with structural codes and health standards. For general maintenance, i.e. painting and minor improvements, the Lessor will pay for the materials and the Lessee will provide manpower. 4. To keep the Concession Stand and table areas safe and clean and in such order as may be required by the regulations of any governmental authority. This will include the picnic tables and surrounding area. Lessor will provide for adequate trash and garbage disposal. 1 5. Not to alter the structural integrity of the building in any manner, except with the Lessor's written consent. 6. To allow Lessor or its agents to have free access to the demised premises for the purposes of examining or inspecting the condition of the same or the operation ofthe Concession Stand. 7. To furnish to Lessor a written physical inventory of the equipment presently located in the demised premises. Lessee shall keep said inventory current by written notice to Lessor, whenever there are any additions to equipment. Each listing shall designate the ownership by either the Lions Club of Estes Park or The Town of Estes Park. 8. Lessee agrees to procure and maintain during the term of this Lease, the following insurance coverages: A. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance of at least $150,000.00 per injury and $600,00.00 per occurrence. B. Liquor Liability Insurance for the sale of all alcoholic beverages sold by Lessee of at least $150,000.00 per injury and $600,000.00 per occurrence. C. The Lions Club of Estes Park and the Town understand and agree that the Town is relying on, and does not intend to waive, by any provision of this Lease, the monetary limitations (presently $150,000.00 per injury and $600,000.00 per occurrence) or any other rights, immunities and protections provided by the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act 24-10-101 et seq., C.R.S., as from time to time amended or otherwise available to the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees. D. The Town shall be named as an additional insured on said policies. 9. It is agreed by the parties hereto: A. All items on the equipment list owned by the Lessor, all improvements, and all fixtures and equipment shall become the property of Lessor when permanently placed or affixed in the demised premises, and said improvements fixtures and equipment shall be insured at the Lessor's expense. B. Lessee shall have the concession for the sale ofall food and drink, for the Stanley Park Grandstand Area and for the blacktop in front on the Stanley Park Grandstand Area as described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference during the term ofthis Lease. The Lessor specifically reserves the right to allow or license other concessionaires on the Stanley Park Fair grounds other than the area specifically described on Exhibit "A, Orange bordered area". The Lessor shall allow other concessionaires only during events, which are deemed unserviceable by Lessor, by one concessionaire. C. Lessee shall operate said Concession Stand at all events scheduled at the Stanley Park Grandstand Area, and when Lessor requests that the Concession Stand be operated for the other events at Stanley Park Grand Stand area with reasonable advanced notice. Lessor will provide the Lessee a schedule of events for the season at least three weeks prior to the start of the first event of the season. Changes that effect the operation of the Stand or require the services of the Lessee will be presented to the Lessee and jointly the two parties will negotiate whether the Lessee can handle the situation or event. Lessee agrees to work with the renter of the grounds and comply with their mandatory open hours of operation. 2 D. If Lessee shall fail to comply with the conditions ofthis Lease, or should not well and truly perform all and every one of the covenants and agreements herein contained on the part of the Lessee to be performed and kept, then this Lease shall, at the option of Lease, cease and absolutely terminate. Notice of such termination shall be delivered to either the then acting President or the then acting Secretary of Lessee. In the event of a default by either party in the terms and conditions hereof, the non-defaulting party shall give the defaulting party ten (10) days' notice in writing of said default. If said default is not cured within said ten (10) day period, the non- defaulting party shall be entitled to begin legal proceedings, including an action for specific performance and/or damages or terminate the Lease. Damages shall include all reasonable attornefs fees and court costs incurred by the non-defaulting party. E. In the event that changes occur which materially affect the operation ofthe demised premises, either party shall have the option to request that this Lease be renegotiated. F. Lessee may operate the Concession Stand other than at events scheduled at Stanley Park Fairgrounds by the Town of Estes Park through the Estes Park Fairgrounds Director. Lessee will pay the Town as rent for the events covered by this specific Paragraph five percent (5%) of the gross sales minus sales taxes from the operation ofthis Concession Stand during these events. For the purpose ofthis specific paragraph only, gross sales shall be defined to mean the total amount of funds realized from all sales of food, and beverage from the Concession Stand exclusive of sales taxes. 10. Lessee understands and agrees that it is an independent contractor under the terms and conditions of this agreement. As such, the Lessee is not entitled to unemployment or insurance benefits through the Town. Also. the Lessee understands and agrees that it is solely responsible for all Federal and State income tax, FICA taxes and unemployment insurance taxes. Lessee also understands and agrees that it is responsible for worker's compensation coverage and taxes for itself and any emplovee. 11. All notices, demands or other documents required or desired to be given, made or sent to either party, under this Agreement shall be in writing, shall be deemed effective upon mailing or personal delivery. If mailed, said notice shall be mailed, postage prepaid as follows: LESSOR LESSEE Town of Estes Park Lions Club of Estes Park Attn: Special Events Director P. 0. Box 2016 P. 0. Box 1967 Estes Park, CO 80517 Estes Park, CO 80517 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands the day and year first above written. TOWN of ESTES PARK, COLORADO By: Mayor ATTEST: Town Clerk LESSOR LIONS FLUB OF ESTES A. By: E~-,A~';{Fid:~t~ ATTEST: ituff P 22-4 4,£_ Secretary LESSEE 4 ~i -sv-71- :.·a.n. lai.* // 3 9 f.: 16.- f -4 1 --11 ) ' . f 5.- \\#..2% ~ 4 -' : 4. 1 9 '29 / f 'IN ./- 41 7... - -- 7 I . . 7 -- ·97· /7--·tf.4,9 i * d - *N-, f. 1 4*i, , .44./. . 1 I f.- f j ! 0 22.7 23 ' .X-- , \ --~•t.,1 21, 2 7 , 2 Z . f --h- f j ; I . P I , .\4<9 7 7 , I / , .-/ I.:i } 2, , /7 - . 9 2 e . / il 4 ' / 11 9. 0, EXCLUSIVE FOOD AREA LIC'JOR LIC:.NSE .TRI;.1 463+' I , EXHIBIT "B" INVENTORY LIST - JANUARY 1999 Estes Park Lions Club Grill True refiigerator/cooler (3 door) Toastmaster food warmer Gold Medal SnoKone machine Ember-Glo hot-dog steam range J-H-McKie coffee maker Toastmaster commercial toaster Ashdown stainless coffee table Aerohot steam table Toastmaster deluxe reversible broiler Montgomery Ward compact Whirlpool micro-wave refiigerator /freezer Montgomery Ward 1. 5 micro oven Kelvinator ice cream freezer True stainless steel refiigerator Aerohot insulated ice tray Whirlpool upright freezer Royal 125 NT cash register Kelvinator upright refiigerator/freezer Astro*Pop popcorn popper Char-Broil #940 BBQ grill Manitowoc ice machine Bar Stool Intege International electric meat slicer City ofEstes Park Sanyo cash register Walk-in cooler Stainless triple sink Small white sink National water heater Chairs 6