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PACKET Community Development 1993-08-05
AGENDA Community Development Committee Thursday, August 5, 1993 10:00 A.M. i. Advertising Report Conversion Study - Contract for Services 2. Conference Center Update 3. Transportation Advisory Committee Appointments 4. Museum Report 5. Reports Public Art Project (Moraine Avenue) - Vogel/Anderson 6. Adjourn NOTE: The Community Development Committee reserves the right to consider other appropriate items not available at the time the agenda was prepared. Community Development Committee Advertising Report 8/5/93 1. Advertising Requests for information as of July 31, are running 2.98% behind the same period last year (Tables I, and Ia attached). 2. Telephone activity as of the end of June is down 7.8% compared to the.same period in 1992 (Table II, and Table IIb attached). Since 1990, requests for information have increased 38%, and incoming telephone calls have increased 51%. This growth has been achieved without a significant increase in the media budget during that same three-year period. We may simply be at a leveling off point in what the current media program can produce. 1 Estes Park Packet Requests Estes Park Advertising Program 59,727 601 55,306 57,918 1.-2 50-" 42,383 9 40 1 35,831 C 0 301 93+ 0 .C - 20- 10-" 03- - -- d 1- 4 lili g 1989 1991 1993 1990 1992 TABLE I: Year-to-Date July 31 2 Packet Requests by Month Estes Park Advertising Program 25- 20- 15- 10- F 5- 0- 4 -r.AlWA 1 1 JAN MARCH JULY FEB APRIL JUNE TABLE la I 1989 I 1990 ~ 1991 1*I 1992 ~ 1993 3 (Thousands) Estes Park Telephone Inquiries Estes Park Advertising Program - 351 32,031 29,535 30-/ - 26,776 . V 20,095 20-/ 16,626 15-·F 14 10-" 0 1989 1991 1993 1990 1992 TABLE 11: Year-to-Date June 4 ~ *ES ·1'fat ., -- +2 th m.. .r twe; 44. (Thousands) Telephone Inquiries by Quarter Estes Park Advertising Program 25- .-- 20- U) 2 15- CO 3 2 10- 0 7.3 I r First Third Second Fourth TABLE lib June 1989 ~ 1990 ~ 1991 13@ 1 992 ~ 1993 5 i ill Tl i -1 -1 ij i [[Till*liTTFH-lilillfi l it fi-, ITTill) Community Development Committee Advertising Conversion Study Agreement 8/5/93 1. Purpose of Conversion Study A. To evaluate the effectiveness of each magazine in which we advertise, in terms of the number of readers who requested information from us, who then traveled, or plan. to travel to Estes Park for all or part of their vacation. B. To measure the economic value of that "converted" traveler or travel party, and determine the net return on investment generated by the advertising program to the Town of Estes Park. C. To evaluate demographic changes that have occurred in the readership and market in general since the last conversion study conducted in 1988. D. To assist in refining and targeting the advertising program to make more efficient use of dollars spent. 2. Consultant selected to conduct Conversion Study A. The Advertising Policy Committee selected~.®E::~Assodi€ls/to conduct the conversion study. The selection was made from a field of four candidates, and was based on prior experience, qualifications, and cost. B. Agreement - attached. This agreement includes modifications suggested by Town Attorney White. 3. Parameters of the Conversion Study A. The cost of this study will begS-12,400,/and has been budgeted for 1993. B. The survey population will be approximately 5,200, which is 10% of the magazine response level expected for 1993. C. The survey will be split into two waves, with approximately 2/3rds of the surveys going out in September for summer travelers, and 1/3 in late October for fall travelers. Submitted by: Peter Marsh 6 AGREEMENT - 1 - ESTES PARK CONVERSION STUDY Po*141- brand laxtransmktal memo 7871 ~01*-• 5 - Pelan Ma.Ast ""= 4,6 c,6.46. . Co. C. Ue el!, 8 0.0. 449 - 4 562 -0 614-0249 F- 0 Prepared For: Town of Estes Park Prepared By: RRC Associates 4875 Pearl Fast Circle Boulder, Colorado 80301 303/449-6558 August 3, 1993 7 LEr[ER OF AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Related to a Survey-Bmed Conversion Study Concerning Magazine Inquirie, Regarding Estes Park This letter :tgreemen[ i, madc as of August 3, 1993 bctwocn Ihc Town of Estcs Park as 'Contractor' and RRC Associates as "Consultant. " I. Survey Design and Testing The Consultant (RRC) will assume primary respomibility for the design and review of the survey instrument to be used in Estes Park. In preparing the survey, wv will work closely with Town ataff to establish appropriate wording that would address market research issues, and ensure comparability to the nmilnum extent possible with past studies that have been done. This joint effort will determine the appropriate length for the fiestionnaire, the priorities for topics to be addressed, and the optimal meihod for obtaining the best possible sample of magazine inquirers concerning Estes Park, RRC will undertake fnal formatting of the survey in=ument and print the forms. Comultant will diswibute the forms in an agreed-upon manner, generally consisting of mailing forms to approximately 4.000 inquircrs. In addition, 100 followup telephone calin will be made to non- respondents to determine comparability of results fromresponder/non-responders. Thedesignofthe sample will be such that an accurate profiling of demographic3 and attitudes of inquirer, concerning the Estes Park area will be possible, and some stratification of the database into subgroups can bc performed. The Town will be responsible for providing the mailing list or labels for conducting the study. II. Data Entry ind Compilation Consultant will be responsible for entering the raw survey forms into the computer and will generate a series of tables describing the results of the study. Furlher. the Consultant will prepare lists of a selection of the 'open-ended" comments to allow local leaders and the Town staff to review the comments and suggestions being made by respondents. 1[I. Summary Report with Appropriate Graphics At the conclusion of ttic data collection phase of the study, the Consultult will assume primary responsibility for preparing a conversion-or}ented report of approximately 20 to 30 pages, plus appendices, summarizing the stildy findings. The two primary purposes of the report will be t) to docunicm the survey methodology, any limitations to the data collected, and the means by which imerested individuals can access the full daiabase that was generated; and 2) lo interpret and En,marize the key findings from the study in a written discussion th• describes results and implications as a source of direction for local policy and marketing efforts. Wherever possible, the 8 report will utilize charts and graphs to illustrate data collected by the survey. The report will also include an executive summary of tile result: suitable for use with selected groups as an overview of the study. It addition. the Consultant will provide a complete paper copy set of crosstabulaied results generated for analysis, and any Excel-based tables on diskette. if requested. IV. Work Session on Research Results Upon completion of the survey analysis, the Consultant will provide the Town with a draft of the repon for review and analysis. After the group has had an.opportlinity to review the information, a strategic planning work Iession will be scheduled to discuss the findings. The meeting will be coordinated by the Town staff, but its primary purpose will be to allow the Consultant to dISCUSB application of the research results. 111is meeting would examine the Implications of primary findings and would establish the overall direction and contents of the final report A second presentatjon shall be held • the conclusion of the study with Town of Estes Park Tnistees and the Oversight Committee. The session is expected to require minimal preparation by the Consultant and will use the final results (report) al the basis for the presentation and discussion. The Consultant shall provide 10 copies of the Research Results Draft Report, one copy of the full data printout generated during the study (cross:abulation tables), 10 bound copies of the final report, and one camera-ready copy of the final rcpon with appendices. V. Time Schedule for Completion of Research and Related Decoment, The Consultant's services shall be provided in accordance with the following schedule: Rak hilma July 23 Survey Instrument Review September 7 and October 30 Field Surveys November 30 Prepare Draft Report Decemher 15 Final draft report completed. schedule work session with Town staff, oversight committee and other interested groups January 15 Complete all work elements including meeting with Town Council VI. Specific Charges Re total cost of the proposed services shall not exceed $12,400, including reimbursable expenses related to trmvel and printing. Consultants shall be paid for the services as more specifically set forth on Exhibit "A.' 9 VII. Progress Payments Progress payments shall be made by the Client to the Consultant as based upon the monthly billing schedule outlined in Section 10 above. The amounts set forth as compensation for the Conmitant shall be duc and payable within forty-five (45) diys of submission of the request for payment and evidence that thework required to be completed prior to the payment of such progress payments hal been performed by tho Consultant. VII. Termination of Agreement This Agreement maybe terminated by either party inthe event the other party defaults under any of the terms and conditions of the Agreement. In the event of said default, Ihe non-defaulting party shall give the other party five (5) daya' notice in writing of the default specifying the same. If the default is not corrected within said five (5) day period, tle non-defaulting party may terminate this Agreement. The Contractor may mrminate this Agreement without cause upon ten (10) days written notice to the Consultant. In this event. the Consultant shall be paid compensation for services performed to the date of notice of termination. In the event of termination, the Consultant shall deliver the originals of all documents which it prepared pursuant to this Agrecmem up to the date of termination. VIKI. Ownership of Documents Reports, con,puter-generated tables. and the final document delivered to Contractor shall be Comractor'a property. All documents and copies thereof, prepared by Consultant in connection with this Agreement. which it is required to deliver to Contractor, shall bc and remain Contractors property. Both parties are authorized to retain said documents for their records; the Consultant shall maintain the confidentiality of all reports and findings and shall not release copies of the report Without the written consent of the Contractor. IX. Successors and Assigns Contractor and Consultant each bind themselves. their partners. successors. assigns and legal representatives to the other party to this Agreement and to the partners, miccessors, a:signs and legal representative3 of such other party with respect to all covenants of this Agreement. Neither Coiractor nor Consultant shall assign or transfer their imerest in this Agreement without the written consent of theother. 1 Governing Law Unless otherwise specified, this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Colorado. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, mis Agreement is executed 33 of the day and year first written above. TOWN OF ESTES PARK RRC ASSOCIATES AUTHORIZED REFRESENTATIVE PRESIDENT 10 EX•mIT 'Au The Client will pay the Consultant on the basis of its time and direct expenses incurred in order to provide the services required by this Agreement. provided, however, that the total amount does not exceed $12,400 unless otherwise agreed to by the Client. The Client will be billed on a monthly basis for work completed and charges incurred during the previous month, as described more fully below: a) The charge for time shall be based on ttic Consultant' s hourly billing Intcs. b) Dircct CXpco/3 incurred by the Consultant in connection with the project shall be charged to the Client on the basis of the expenses actually incurred by the Conmiltant, without any additional surcharge added by it. Such direct expense shall include such items as costs related to printing and reproduction costs, and long distance telephone charges. c) Upon reasonable advance request, the Client may inspect and copy any or all records of the Consultant which would bear on any amounts charged to ihc Client pursuant to this Agreement. d) Consultant may bill it• charges to Client for its se:vices and expenses hereunder not morethan once a month. Each bill shall cover only the se,vices perfonned and expenses incurred since the last bill, or in the instance of the initial bill, since the date services began. The Client will pay each bill, minus a 10 percent retention, within forty-five (45) days of its receipt. If Client fails to pay Consultant in full within forty-five (45) days of the receipt of the bill, the amount due shall include a late charge at the rate of 1.3 percent per month from tile 45th day. c) Each monthly bill shall include a statement which summarizes the time worked and general tasks undertaken by individual members of the Consultant team, including in-house personnel. Upon reasonable advance request, Client may inspect and copy any or all records of Consultant which would bear upon any amounts charged to Client in any particular bill or bills. 11 Estes Park Conference Center 1992-1993 Second Quarter Comparison Month User Type Conference Non-Profit Day Meeting 1993 1992 1993 1992 1993 1992 April 1245 1234 1375 2960 2150 2057 May 1460 1839 630 1155 0 328 June 2095 1390 1498 20 0 184 Total 4800 4463 3503 4135 2150 2569 Year to Date Comparison: 1st Quarter 2654 1701 1305 765 679 453 2nd Quarter 4800 4463 3503 4135 2150 2569 Total YTD 7454 6164 4808 4900 2829 3022 12 .. 4 1 17 4~;75 TOWN OF ESTES PARK pt#-bz~a~ls& 4 «-f'£.T 1.J/~.·12*'*- I - 1 , 1 .41 '*«13.-k .6 - -...*5;,1.- .....·- ~1,1~ *-=-r.~,f#94·, #.&.·32¢34 - July 19, 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: Community Development Committee FROM: Steve Stamey, Community Development Director ALj SUBJECT: Transportation Advisory Committee At the August 5, 1993 Community Development Committee meeting, I would like to recommend formation of a Transportation Advisory Committee. This committee could assist in formulating ideas/approaches for transportation system improvements and specifically address the bus partnership with Avon. I would suggest appointment of a six person committee consisting of: 2 - trustees 4144 + kuu,0 2 - staff 33, ,€60) 2 - at large ~6,0 »4 x ~4£, 74.tute.0 It would be in the interest of time to make these appointments on August 5. Please see me if you have questions. SLS:cj CC: Town Administrator Klaphake . 13 ~3033 :86-1331 1 RO, BOX 1 200 • ESTES PARK, CO 8051 7 • FAX (303) 5 86-281 6 A DM I N ISTRATION • FAX (303)586-6909 OTHER Estes Park Area Historical Museum MONTHLY STATISTICS June 1993 VISITATION Attendance Days open Visitor count Average/day June 1993 30 1549 51.6 June 1992 30 1181 39.3 % Change 0 +31.1% +31.2% YTD 1993 79 5484 69.4 YTD 1992 70 2597 37.1 % Change 0 111.1% 87.1% Geographic Breakdown Local Rest of Colorado Rest of United States Foreign June 1993 259 417 855 18 % of total 16.7% 26.9% 55.2% 1.2% YTD 1993 2007 2034 1407 35 % of total 36.6% 37.1% 25.7% 0.6% Ju ne 1992 168 323 662 28 % of total 14.3% 27.3% 56.1% 2.3% YTD 1992 626 884 1039 48 % of total 24.2% 34.0% 40.0% 1.8% Categories Adults Children Members Families Groups Other June 1993 465 81 99 435 277 192 % of total 30.0% 5.2% 6.4% 28.1% 17.9% 12.4% YTD 1993 1103 137 325 670 2889 360 % of total 20.1% 2.5% 5.9% 12.2% 52.7% 6.6% OUTREACH PROGRAMS Number Attendance June 1993 12 304 June 1992 8 201 % Change 50% 51.2% YTD 1993 50 3793 + 1000 TV = 4793 YTD 1992 44 957 + 12000 Radio = 12957 % Change 13.6% 296.3% -63% RESEARCH REQUESTS Number June 1993 3 June 1992 11 YTD 1993 37 % change -72.7% TOTAL PATRONS SERVED BY MUSEUM YTD 1993 10,306 15 MEMBERSHIP Individ. Family Contrib. Business Life Total June - New 2 4 0 2 0 8 June - Renew 3 14 4 2 0 22 Currrent Total 103 162 38 38 61 402 VOLUNTEERS Number Hours In-kind cost (at $9.20) Ju ne 1993 * 26 245 $2,254 YTD 1993 142 1367 $14,204 * Exhibit crew work not included. 16 MEMORANDUM TO: Community Development Committee FROM: Lynn Swain, Museum Director DATE: August 2, 1993 RE: Museum Report 1. Statistics - attached. 2. Preservation of Wigwam Tea House - offer of John Reichardt 3. Exhibits - Mountain Climbing open with record setting attendance. Chansonetta returned to Kingfield, ME. 4. Fund Raisers - Riverside Dance on July 31 was a success, as was the Estes Park Historical Automobile & Touring Society rally at the Museum on July 17. 5. Work Plan for 1994 - in draft stages (see handout), will be used to develop budget. 6. Memorial Policy - approved by Museum Advisory Board, request Committee recommendation to full Town Board on its adoption. 7. Acquisition Fund - Friends have developed a system to allocate unrestricted donations and memberships to funds earmarked for specific purposes. See attached. 8. Director's Resignation - effective September 29. Budget will be completed along with other agreed upon tasks between director and Town Administrator. Plans underway to look for replacement. 14 REPORT OF THE SPECIA1 FINANCIAL COMMITTEE Friends of the EPAHM Sub iect: Bookkeeping Accounts Committee: Frank Hix, Lennie Bemiss, John Hazlitt and Lynn Swain The committee recommends the following accounts and the distribution of revenue between the accounts. ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION Building Fund Designated gifts, 10% of Membership dues Interest on Fund investments Exhibits/Programs Designated Contributions 20 % of Membership dues Memorials unless otherwise designated Note: Individual exhibits/programs like "AllensPark, C.S. Emmons, Women's History," etc will be tracked. EPHA&TS (Car rally club) Dues, designated contributions, etc. Note: Special fund raising activity will be designated to accounts as EPHA&TS Officers designate. Museum Administration/FEPAHM 40% of Membership dues, Bank Account interest other than Building Fund Museum Director's Contingency 10% of Membership dues Acquisitions Designated Contributions 20% of Membership dues Note: When a special arrangement is tied to Membership, (such as an offer to give a copy of "Medium Rare" for a membership over a certain level, $10 will go to the Building Fund and the rest will be prorated per the above formula) the desire of the donor will be accommodated. 18 3853 Paseo del Prado 'Boulder, CO 80301 July 18, 1993 Mr. Gary Klaphake Town Administrator Town of Estes Park P.O. Box 1200 Estes Park, CO 80517 Dear Gary, Piease accept this letter as my notice of resignation. I anticipate that my last day will be Wednesday, September 29, 1993. My husband is accepting an tenure-track faculty appointment at Drexel University in Philadelphia, so I will be relocating to the East. Although he starts on September 1, it will take longer to sell our house, so I will stay through the completion of the sale. I am giving this long notice for several reasons. First, since museum publications are infrequent, this will give you the option to expedite the search for my replacement. Add iti ona 1ly,· I will negotiate with you and the Advisory Board which projects should be completed before I leave, and still allow enough time to complete them. A status report of projects in the 1993 work plan is attached, along with a list of priorities and a proposed schedule. I would like to express my deep regrets at leaving my position. This has been a tremendous opportunity to make the transition from a technical job·to management, and I am grateful for the chance. The Boards and the Town government have been very supportive of my efforts and that support has been deeply appreciated. The job has challenged me in many directions, and I have been glad for everyone's patience as I have learned and grown into the role of Museum Director. It has been a pleasure to work with you and mv board members, and I will miss you all. Sincerely, - «D Lynn Swain, Director Estes Park Area Historical Museum 19 MUSEUM MEMORIAL POLICY DRAFT Approved by Museum Advisory Board 7/20/93 The Estes Park Area Historical Museum welcomes gifts to the Museum in memory of area residents or visitors. Family members should meet with the Museum director or designated staff member to discuss that appropriate uses for monetary gifts or ideas for donation of physical items as memorials. The director/staff member will then present a written statement or contract outlining the designated memorial use to the Advisory Board for approval. In the event the designated use is not approved by the Advisory Board, the Board president and director/staff member will meet with the family members to discuss mutually agreeable use. If a contributor wants to donate an item which will require future maintenance , the contributor will be informed that he may be responsible for costs of that maintenance. When an item purchased with memorial funds is determined to be obsolete or no longer usable, staff will ask the Advisory Board for approval to dispose of the item. 17 . BRADFOROPUILISHINGCO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority - July 22, 1993 - Page 2 "All outdoor material and storage areas shall be separated from street and property lines by a planting area at least five feet wide, containing dense planting, and optionally, a sight impervious fence or wall." The owner recognizes this requirement and will add a note to the plat. Insert slats will be used in the chain link fence and will be appropriately colored. 5. The storage building adjacent to the north boundary should be screened by plantings for appearance. The owner believes this screening should have been part of the conference center project. 6. The roof color of the buildings should be a muted color rather than galvanized metal to minimize visual impact to adjoining properties. A green color similar to the Chamber of Commerce roof is preferred. The roof and building color has yet to be determined; however, they will not be the same as the conference center. A baked-on enamel finish not a shiny galvanized metal surface will be utilized. 7. Water release from the detention area shall not exceed historic release rates onto the adjoining property. Recognize and will be accomplished. 8. The building of curb/gutter and sidewalks along Dunraven and Stanley Avenues is recommended. Historic run-off is absorbed, not collected, and there are no existing sidewalks with which to connect. Clarification on the water release and placement of the fencing followed. Mr. Van Horn added that there is a shortage of this type of facility and that it is an appropriate use for the site. Those speaking in favor: Lynda Vogel (the proposal will improve the appearance of the neighborhood). There were no persons speaking in opposition, whereupon Director Anderson stated that if the proposal is found to be compliance with the Plan, EPURA approval would not allow or approve any potential violations to the Town Code. There being no further testimony, Vice Chairman Swank declared the public hearing closed. It was moved and seconded (Henderson/Putney) the Watson Development Plan be found in conformance with the Estes Park Downtown Redevelopment Program stating such approval did not allow or approve any potential violations to the Town Code, and it passed unanimously. As a reference, staff comments will be made available to the Planning Commission. Mr. Van Horn confirmed construction materials should be available when the proposal is submitted to the Planning Commission. - J , Art in Public Spaces - Moraine Avenue Parking Lot. Lynda Vogel, / Executive Director/CACEP requested EPURA consider authorizing a mural to be painted on the wall located behind the Moraine Avenue Parking Lot. CACEP suggests the artwork be provided by high school art students. An Ad Hoc Committee could be established to determine guidelines, theme and the like. The committee would l consist of various members of the community, including the High \ School Art Teacher and students. Ms. Vogel stated that this type I of art generally instills pride and promotes public art. Commissioner concerns included: whether the request should be made ~ directly to the Community Development Committee pursuant to their 20 / IMAC),OROPUILIS.ING.0. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority - July 22, 1993 - Page 3 h involvement in public art, potential vandalism and liability thereof, and financing of the materials. Consensus was reached that EPURA supports the use of the wall for this purpose if the Town elects to proceed with this project, and directed Ms. Vogel to give a presentation to the Community Development Committee August 5. The Commissioners requested Director Anderson attend the meeting to represent EPURA. The Commissioners also requested a response from the Town as soon as possible. STAFF. Director Anderson reported on the theft of the plague identifying the "Mother and Beaver Pups" in Riverside Plaza. A special meeting will take place concerning the contract award for construction of the Historic District roadway immediately following the Joint Meeting August 12, 1993. There being no further business, Vice Chairman Swank adjourned the meeting at 8:49 A.M. 1Gx.6 4 »uj Vickie O'Connor, CMC, Town Clerk 21 41+IRIAL <115 €(DIDIN€IL ©r EXTI% 13<101< 4.~ P.O. Box 4135 Estes Park, Colorado 80517 303/586-9203 The broad goal of the Cultural Arts Council Arts Council of Estes Park is to enhance the quality and accessibility of the arts in the Estes Valley by providing leadership achieving the following objectives: 1. Inform the community at large as to current and future activities in all areas of the arts as a means of building attendance at cultural events and broadening the base of community support of the arts. 2. Serve as a liaison for the exchange of ideas and opportunities among arts organizations and with other groups concerned with the cultural health of the Estes Valley. 3. Serve as a single unified organization in identifying and obtaining funds from private and public sources for the arts in the area and as a conduit to distribute gifts of monies and in-kind donations. 4. Create a vision of an accessible cultural environment in the Estes Valley which contributes to the quality of life, to be accomplished by identifying short-and-long term needs and developing appropriate plans to address them. , 5. Provide educational opportunities for arts groups and encouraging outreach programs as a means of facilitating access to and participation in the arts Proposal: Art in Public Places Project Concept: The arts community, government and Park High School student artists work together on an art in public places project. Benefits: Creates partnerships between community arts and the public school while providing students with hands-on experience Provides outlet for sense of pride Promotes public art Provides pleasing visual product Process: Select ad hoc CACEP committee to follow through on project Solicit donations of materials or business sponsors A e