HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2006-05-09Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, May 9, 2006 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in the Municipal Building in said Town of Estes Park on the 9th day of May, 2006. Meeting called to order by Mayor Baudek. Present: Also Present: John Baudek, Mayor Bill Pinkham, Mayor ProTem Trustees Eric Blackhurst Darla Eisenlauer Richard Homeier Wayne Newsom Randy Repola, Town Administrator Jackie Williamson, Town Clerk Gregory A. White, Town Attorney Absent: Chuck Levine, Trustee Mayor Baudek called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and all desiring to do so, recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Baudek acknowledged Rob and Julie Pieper (Poppy's Pizza and Grill, Mama Rose's Restaurant) as the Estes Park Pride Award Business Persons of the Year for 2005. PUBLIC COMMENT Jim Austin, 1661 Windham Court, of the Firewise Coalition presented the Board with a copy of the notice to form a Rural Fire district in the unincorporated Larimer County. He thanked Randy Repola, Scott Dorman, Tracy Feagans and Greg White for their support. Pat Newsom, 450 Wonderview Avenue, invited everyone to a memorial service at the Estes Valley Memorial Gardens on Memorial Day at 11:00 a.m. Also, Mrs. Newsom shared positive comments she received from visitors while stationed at Tregent Park during the Duck Race: impressed with facilities, the new Visitor Center, benches along main street, location of restrooms, police use of Segways, the new shops, etc. Not one person mentioned the lack of parking or the road construction. She encouraged the residents of Estes Park to look at the Town with a new perspective. TOWN BOARD COMMENTS Trustee Blackhurst stated the Estes Park Housing Authority would hold its monthly meeting in Room 203 at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 10th. He also invited the public to attend the Public Works Committee meeting on Thursday, May 11th in the Board Room at 8:00 a.m. Mayor Baudek stated the Arbor Day Foundation has named Estes Park Tree City USA for 2005. The Mayor welcomed all to the celebration of Arbor Day beginning at the Middle School on May 12th at 10:00 a.m. and continuing at the Senior Center at 11:00 a.m. 1. CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of): 1. Town Board Minutes dated April 25, 2006. Board of Trustees — May 9 2006 — Page 2 2. Bills. 3. Committee Minutes: A. Public Safety, April 27, 2006: Police Department 1. Customer Service Training — Griggs Achievement Academy - $9,600. 2. Police Department Policy Manual Updates. 3. Clancy Parking Systems Inc. — Contract. B. Community Development, May 4, 2006: Convention and Visitor Bureau 1. CVB Retail Policy. 2. CVB Distribution of Non-profit/Community Event Information Policy. 3. Stanley Park Fairground 2006 Renovations - $188,430 Community Development: 1. Development Review Re -submittal Fee Policy. 2. Sign Permit Fee Waiver — Mrs. Walsh's Garden. 3. Extension of FOSH Agreement. 4. 2006 Christmas Parade Contract. It was moved and seconded (Newsom/Homeier) the Consent Agenda be approved, and it passed unanimously. 1A. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA (Approval of): Mayor Baudek: Open the Public Hearing for all Consent Agenda Items. If the Applicant, Public or Town Board wishes to speak to any of these consent items, they will be moved to the "Action Item" Section. 1. CONSENT ITEMS: 1. EASEMENT VACATIONS A. Vacation of Water Line Easement, Lot 5, Village Acres, Dirk Knobel/Applicant. B. Vacation of Water Line Easement, Tract 56B of the Replat of Tract 56, Amended Plat of Lot 2, Deer Crest Subdivision and Tracts 56 & 57, Fall River Addition, James & Marlene Richter/Applicant. C. Vacation of a Portion of Utility Easement, Lot 2, Chiquita Subdivision of Lot 130, Al Fresco Place, Ginger Tackman — Prudential Team Real Estate/Applicant. It was moved and seconded (Pinkham/Blackhurst) the Planning Commission Consent Agenda be approved, and it passed unanimously. 2. ACTION ITEMS: 1. 1st QUARTER FINANCIAL REPORT. Dir. McFarland reviewed the first quarter financial report including the General Fund, Sales Tax, Investments and detailed information on the Light & Power and Water Funds. He explained the 2006 budget information does not balance to the 2006 Summary and Detail Budget due to the rollover of encumbrances that increased the budget expenses for 2006. The projected fund balances for December 2006 would not change. Board of Trustees — May 9, 2006 — Page 3 2. ESTES VALLEY LIBRARY DISTRICT APPOINTMENT. Library Dir. Perrault requested the appointment of Amy Hamrick, to replace Diane Jordan on the Library Board and complete a 4-Year Term, expiring 12/31/09. Mayor ProTem Pinkham stated Ms. Hamrick would bring a fresh approach and a nice addition to the Board. It was moved and seconded (Pinkham/Homeier) to approve the Library Board appointment, and it passed unanimously. 3. TREE BOARD APPOINTMENTS. Sue Doylen to replace Zach Wheatley and Bruce Kane to replace Keri Iverson and complete 4-Year Terms, expiring 04/30/08. It was moved and seconded (Newsom/Blackhurst) to approve the Tree Board appointments, and it passed unanimously. 4. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. • Bond Park to be completed by Memorial Day. Last Fall the Parks Department corrected drainage and upgraded electrical and irrigation throughout the park. Topsoil, sod and pathways will be completed the week of May 15th. A small visitor information building will be requested at the next Public Works Committee to be placed in Bond Park for the 2006 season. • A Town Board Study session will be held on May 17, 2006 in the Board Room to review current projects (Trails, Stanley Park, Fire District, Performing Arts Facility), financial overview of the General Fund, Community Reinvestment and utilities. The Board retreat will be held on June 6th at the Museum to develop a strategic plan. • Fall River Road construction continues with the first layer of asphalt completed. The estimated completion date is July 4th. 5. REQUEST TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION: 24-6-402(4)(B), C.R.S. — Conference with Town Attorney White for the purpose of receiving legal advice on the following specific legal question: Chamber of Commerce Lawsuit. Motion: It was moved and seconded (Pinkham/Blackhurst) the Town Board go into Executive Session for a conference with Town Attorney White for the purpose of receiving legal advice on the specific lawsuit listed above, under C.R.S. Section 24-6-402(4)(B), and it passed unanimously. Whereupon Mayor Baudek adjoumed the meeting to Executive Session at 7:37 p.m. Mayor Baudek reconvened the meeting to open session at 8:04 p.m. and as there were no further agenda items the meeting was adjoumed at 8:04 p.m. n Baudek, Mayor Q _ kal a U,-L1: Q Jackie Williamson, Town Clerk