HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2005-07-12Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, July 12, 2005 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held at Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 12th day of July, 2005. Meeting called to order by Mayor John Baudek. I Present:John Baudek, Mayor Susan L. Doylen, Mayor ProTem Trustees David Habecker Lori Jeffrey-Clark Chuck Levine Wayne Newsom Also Present:Randy Repola, Town Administrator Vickie O'Connor, Town Clerk Gregory A. White, Town Attorney Absent:Bill Pinkham, Trustee I Mayor Baudek called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., announced that Rooftop Rodeo Week is underway and encouraged everyone to attend. All desiring to do so, recited the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT. Robin Parker/Intrigue Gift Shop, 1861 Raven Ave. called attention a recent National Geographic Traveler article where “Traffic, condo developments, and noise around the sappy, touristy town of Estes Park lessen appeal [of RMNP].” This perception needs to be changed. Administrator Repola confirmed that staff (P. Marsh) is aware of the article, the Advertising Committee will review the article and attempt to mitigate any negative impact. Speaking on behalf of various downtown businesses. Trustee Jeffrey- Clark expressed concern with the lack of visitors to date. Mayor Baudek noted he and CVB Director Pickering contacted the Magazine, and an apology was issued, and the CVB is doing their job. Trustee Doylen stated that the Community Development Committee receives reports from the Ad Committee concerning fulfillment, etc., and all are accountable. The Town is leading the charge in advertising Estes Park, however, business owners must also review their private marketing strategy. Additionally, Trustee Pinkham is leading Business Roundtable discussions with various business leaders, and information from these discussions will be forthcoming. TOWN BOARD COMMENTS Trustee Doylen stated that with Clerk O’Connor’s pending retirement, this is her last Town Board meeting; comments on achievements during her 29 yr.+ tenure were also noted. 1. CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of): 1. Town Board Minutes dated June 28, 2005 and Study Session dated June 29, 2005. 2. Bills. 3. Committee Minutes: Board of Trustees - July 12, 2005 - Page 2 A. Public Safety, June 30, 2005: Police Dept. 1. 2. 3. Resolution #16-05 - Re-establishing the Monthly Telephone Exchange Access Facility Charge and Wireless Communications Access Charge of $.45/each, effective January 1, 2006. Policy Manual - Inclusion of 5-yr. Strategic Plan in Policy Manual. Parking Analysis Plan RFP - See Action Item #1 below. Fire Dept.: 1. One-year Extension of Memorandum of Understanding between Rocky Mountain National Park and the Town/Estes Park Volunteer Fire Dept, for personal services and equipment required for both structural fire and wildfire suppression, July 20, 2005 - July 20, 2006. I B. Community Development, July 7, 2005: Museum/Senior Center Dept.: 1. Senior Center - New Position: Part-time On-Call Activity Driver. Community Development Dept.: 1. Building Permit Fee Waiver - Habitat for Humanity of Estes Valley, Halbach Lane Development (2 homes). Special Events Dept.: 1. Estes Park Heritage Festival, August 27, 2005: • Waiver of Item 4 under Special Requirements for Bond Park to allow the new event. • Closure of MacGregor Ave. on 8/27/05 from Elkhorn Ave. to Park Ln. from 4:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. • Carriage Rides. Trustee Levine requested Item 3.B.I. be removed from the Consent Agenda. It was moved and seconded (Doylen/Levine) Item 3.A in its entirety and 3.B. 1. Senior Center Dept. Item and the Special Events Dept. Item be approved, and it passed unanimously. It was moved and seconded (Newsom/Doylen) Item 3.B.I. for the Community Deveiopment Dept, be approved, and it passed with Trustee Levine Abstaining. 1A. PLANNING COMMISSION CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of): Mayor Baudek opened the Public Hearing for both Consent Agenda Items, and advised that if the Applicant, Public or Town Board wish to speak to any of these consent items, they will be moved to the “Action Item” Section. CONSENT ITEMS: a) SUPPLEMENTAL CONDOMINIUM MAP: (i) Supplemental Condominium Map #3, Mary’s Lake Lodge Condominiums, Units 17 and 18, Lot 3 Mary’s Lake Subdivision, CMS Planning & Development, Inc./Applicant. b) FINAL CONDOMINIUM MAP: (i) The Guest House at Mary’s Lake Lodge, Units 17A, 17B, 17C, 18A, 18B and 18C, Lot 3, Mary’s Lake Subdivision, CMS Planning and Development, Inc./Applicant. I Board of Trustees - July 12, 2005 - Page 3 I Planner Chilcott noted that a letter dated July 12th signed by Tyler Campbell, Mike & Carol Dugan, and Ginger Juhl was received expressing concern with (1) how the proposed changes would affect the Marys Lake Lodge Condominium Common interest Community Declaration and (2) density. (Note: discussion on this item was delayed until 8:05 p.m. pending Mr. Dugan’s appearance; however, as a condominium representative did not appear, the Board resumed consideration of this item. Town Attorney White confirmed that the Town requires an attorney’s certificate on condominium documents and these documents were received--the Town does not involve itself in homeowner association documents. Regarding density, the request was included in an amended development plan that was approved by the Planning Commission. There being no further testimony. Mayor Baudek closed the public hearing, and it was moved and seconded (Levine/Homeier) Consent Items a) and b) be approved, and it passed unanimously. IB. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA. a) PROPOSED BLOCK 7 TEXT AMENDMENTS TO EVDC PERTAINING TO THE A-ACCOMMODATIONS ZONING DISTRICT (Tabled May 24. 2005 pending public meeting June 7th). Mayor Baudek opened the Public Hearing and Community Development Director Joseph presented the Staff Report, noting that approximately 45 Estes Valley residents attended the June 7th meeting. There was no public testimony, thus Mayor Baudek closed the Public Hearing. Trustee Homeier commented the proposed changes may not be the best way to address the issue at this time; however, it still is a potential problem. It has been argued that unit owners may never live in the condos because they are too small and at the same time some attainable housing units are smaller than many of the condo units; therefore the potential for residence does exist. Trustee Doylen concurred; adding that residential use in commercial zones is a property tax issue concern. Concluding all discussion, it was moved and seconded (Levine/Doylen) the proposed Block 7 Text Amendments to the EVDC pertaining to the A- Accommodations Zoning District be denied, and it passed unanimously. Dir. Joseph stated that given this action, staff intends to submit housekeeping revisions regarding minor density and parking formulas with the EVDC to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. 2. ACTION ITEMS: I PARKING ANALYSIS PLAN RFP FOR COMPREHENSIVE MANAGEMENT PARKING PLAN. Police Chief Richardson reviewed his memorandum dated July Qm specifically regarding parking on the Comprehensive Plan, Estes Valley Comprehensive Plan, a study by Felsburg, Holt & Ullevig/Estes Valley Transportation Alternatives Study of a Parking Analysis Plan and Goal Team 5 Public Transportation and Parking. The Team contacted Republic Parking Systems to conduct an in-depth study/survey of current parking patterns within Estes Park, and the Public Safety Committee supported the Republic Parking Systems Proposal ($22,500). Brian Kern/Republic Parking Systems was introduced, and the scope was discussed. The survey timeframe is seven days between July 27th and August 2na. Discussion included: assurance that any recommendation be “in character with Estes Park”, confirmation that while Republic may suggest other aspects of parking systems provided by their company, approval of the study is a separate issue; a follow-up study is imperative, and the date should remain open-ended; and Republic representatives will meet with the Goal Team to convey their impressions. Board of Trustees - July 12, 2005 - Page 4 Concluding discussion, it was moved and seconded (Newsom/Homeier) the Agreement with Republic Parking System in the amount of $22,500 be approved, and it passed unanimously. 2. RESOLUTION 17-05 - SUPPORT OF WILDERNESS DESIGNATION FOR ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK. Mayor Baudek commented on the public meeting where wilderness designation was discussed, and Town Attorney White read the Resolution supporting the Wilderness Designation for RMNP contingent upon: ♦ The wilderness designation be the same as delineated in the Rocky Mountain National Park Wilderness Boundaries Map No. 121-60,403a, June 1999. • Consideration of amending the proposed area by the exclusion of the Headwaters Trail Alliance Buffer Zone on the Map dated June 29, 2005 and attached to the Town of Grand Lake’s Letter of Support of June 29, 2005. It was moved and seconded (Levine/Newsom) Resolution 17-05 be approved, and it passed unanimously. Mayor Baudek commented that while representing APPA/PRPA in Washington, he will hand deliver copies of the Resolution to Colorado’s elected officials. 3. TOWN ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT. A. 2004 CIRSA Award. The Town has received an award from CIRSA for “Most Improved Safety.” I Following completion of all agenda items. Mayor Baudek adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m. Vickie O’Connor, Town Clerk John Baudek, Mayor I