HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPLICATION Water Tap 2209 Fish Creek Rd/RECEPTION #20180079367 12131/2018 9:58:43 AM, 1 of 4,52800 Angela Myers.CIE .Re’er.Lanmer County CO APPLICATION FOR WATER TAP OU I SIDE TOWN LIMITS TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO The undersigned owner of the foflowing described property outside the corporatelimitsoftheTownofEstesPark,Colorado,to-wit: (Insert legal description as shown in the owner’s deed or equivalent source)Lo+%1,ik-IO)4Mc.&.fja,4 Cftrrt5e qHic 9frL does hereby apply to the Town of Estes Park,Colorado,for permission to tap an EstesParkwaterworksdistributionmainat: (Insert address and size of tap requested)12o1 ç5k Cr-tcLd.EY4sPtrLiCo ?0Cl’ 0 for the purpose of supplying water to said property.It is expressly understood andagreedbytheundersignedthat,if granted,the use of Town water on said propertyshallbeinconsiderationofanduponthefollowingtermsandconditions,to-wit: 1.The applicant shall pay all fees,costs or charges incident tomakingsaidtap,as provided by the Town for water usersoutsidetheTownlimits. 2.The Town will furnish a water meter and other appurtenancesofsuchsizeandatsuchlocationsasmaybedeterminedbytheTown.The cost of such meter and appurtenances,and theinstallationthereof,shall be at the expense of the property PLEASEownerandsaidmeterandappurtenancesshallremaintheRETURNpropertyoftheTown. ThE TOWN OF ESTES3.If the property to be served by said tap shall ever be included CEwithintheboundariesofaterritorywhichissoughttobeDEPARTMEannexedtotheTownofEstesPark,Colorado,either by BoxproceedinginitiatedbylandownersortheTownitself,then and 12Dbinthatevent,the undersigned specifically agrees that he willconsenttoandjoinintheannexationofsuchterritorytothe 50517TownofEstesPark,Colorado;and that the undersigned willcomplywithallofthelegalrequirementsandconditionspertainingtotheannexationofterritorytotheTownofEstesPark,Colorado,including payment of all fees and expensesrelatedtosuchannexation,such as,but not limited to,thepaymentofareacharges,the donation of land for park andrecreationpurposes,the furnishing of water or water rights as may be required at the time of annexation,and the dedication ofstreets,utility and/or drainage easements.It is understood by theundersignedthattheprimaryconsiderationforthegrantingofthisapplicationforawatertap,if this application is granted,is theundersigned’s covenant and promise that he will consent to theannexationofsaidterritorytotheTownofEstesPark,Colorado,pay all fees and expenses as aforesaid,sign all petitions andmapspertainingthereto,and donate and dedicate all requiredproperty. Applicant further covenants and agrees that,if he fails to sign anysuchannexationpetitionandmapwhentheabovedescribedpropertyisincludedthereinorfailstoabidebyeachandeverycovenanthereincontained,then and in that event,use of theTownwaterontheabovepropertymaybeterminatedbytheTownofEstesPark,Colorado,upon the giving of thirty days’notice in writing of its intention so to do.Furthermore,theundersigneddoesherebyempowerandirrevocablyauthorizeandappointtheactingTownClerkoftheTownofEstesPark,Colorado,his lawful attorney-in4act for him and in his place andstead,to sign,on behalf of the undersigned,any such annexationpetitionandmapincludingtheabovedescribedpropertytherein,thereby binding the undersigned to all of the terms and provisionsofsaidpetitionandmapasfullyashemightdohimselfandforallintentsandpurposesasifhehimselfhadsignedsaidpetitionandmap.This power of attorney shall not be affected by the disabilityofprincipal.This appointment shall not preclude the Town ofEstesPark,Colorado,from undertaking any other availableaction,which may be necessary to enforce the provisions of thisapplication,including an action for a specific performance.Non-use or abandonment of water service by applicant shall in no wayeffectapplicants’obligations pursuant to this paragraph. 4.Applicant agrees to abide by all of the rules,regulations andordinancesoftheTownofEstesPark,Colorado,and the laws oftheStateofColoradopertainingtotheuseofsaidwaterandtopaythefeesandchargestherefor. 5.The applicant agrees,in connection with water to be furnished toanyimprovementstobeplacedonanyoftheabovedescribedproperty,before said improvements are placed thereon,that thelocationandconstructionofthesameshallbeapprovedbytheTownEngineeroftheTownofEstesPark,Colorado. 6.All of the terms and conditions herein set forth,shall extend to andbebindingupontheheirs,assigns or successors in interest of theundersigned,and be a covenant running with the above describedland.Furthermore,it is agreed that,in accepting title to the above 2 / described property,any grantee,heir,assign or successor ininteresttotheundersignedexpresslyagreestobeboundbythetermshereof,including,but not limited to,the appointment of theactingTownClerkasattorney-in-fact for the purpose set forth inParagraph3above. 7.Until such time as the above described property is annexed to andbecomesapartoftheTownofEstesPark,Colorado,service ofwatertosaidpropertybytheTownislimitedtowhateversurpluswatertheTownmayhaveavailable,and the right of the applicanttoreceiveserviceofwatershallbesubjecttothepriorrightsofwateruserslocatedwithintheTownlimits. 8.The water tap shall be used to furnish water to one dweHing,business or residence only and each dwelling,business orresidencemustbeservedbyaseparatetap;and the applicantshallnotsellwaterfromsaidtaptoanyotherpersonorpermitwaterfromsaidtaptobeusedbyanyoneoranyotherpropertythantheabovedescribed. 9.The water furnished by the Town will be used by the applicant fordomesticuseandconsumption. 1D.This application shall be recorded pursuant to the provisions ofColoradoStatutes;and the Town may undertake any actionlegallyavailabletoenforcetheprovisionshereofinadditiontoanyremedyhereinprovidedfor.In the event the Town is required toundertakeanyactiontoenforcethetermshereof,the undersignedagreesthattheTownmayrecoverfromtheundersigneditsreasonableexpenses,including attorney’s fees and court costsincurredwithrespecttosuchaction. 11.If any section,sections or provisions of this application is declaredinvalidforanyreasonwhatsoeverbyanycompetentcourt,suchinvalidityshallnotaffectanyothersectionsorprovisionsofthisapplicationiftheycanbegiveneffectwithouttheinvalidsection,sections or provisions. 12.The following grammatical rules shall apply to this application:any gender includes the other gender;the singular numberincludesthepluralandviceversa;words used in the presenttenseincludethepastandfuturetensesandviceversa,unlessmanifestlyinapplicable;and the words shall be construedaccordingtocontextandapprovedusageoflanguage. 13.If the applicant is a corporation,it has the power to enter into thisapplication,and its officers signing for it have full power andauthoritytodoso.In the event such power does not exist or has 3 not been granted,water service from the above water tap may beterminatedbytheTownofEstesPark,Colorado,upon the givingofthirtydays’notice in writing of its intention so to do. 14.If the person or corporation signing this application is not theowneroftherealpropertydescribedabove,the tap granted inaccordancewiththisapplicationshallbecomenullandvoid,andallwaterservicethroughthesamemaybeterminatedbytheTownofEstesPark,Colorado upon the giving of thirty days’notice in writing of its intention so to do. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the/‘T1-day of ‘Pc-t.-iz_ _______ Please Print Name Signature -Owner STATE OF__________ County of ______________ ) ss. Subscribed and sworn to before me this by dayofLflbQ,2OZ Witness my hand and official seal. Commission expires: (Ret 10-28-14) W \WATER’Watec taps\AppVcaLonloc Top OulsldeTown Unks2O13 Su&&s Dran NotFriSeO .APPLICATION FOR WATER TAP OUTSIDE TOWN LIMPS do: V.— Please Print Name applicant has hereunto set his hand and seal this.20 18 gnature -Owne( 4