HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2022-05-24Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado,May 24,2022 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 24th day of May,2022. Present:Wendy Koenig,Mayor Scott Webermeier,Mayor Pro Tern Trustees Marie Cenac Kirby Hazelton Barbara MacAlpine Patrick Martchink Cindy You nglund Also Present:Travis Machalek,Town Administrator, Jason Damweber,Assistant Town Administrator Dan Kramer,Town Attorney Kimberly Disney,Recording Secretary Absent:None. Mayor Koenig called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.and all desiring to do so,recited the Pledge of Allegiance. YEARS OF SERVICE RECOGNITION. Mayor Koenig recognized staff which met service milestones with the Town,including Jackie Williamson —20 years;Derek Fortini,Jeremiah Polucha,and Kate Rusch —15 years;Adam Edwards —10 years;and Sarah Clark,Greg Smith,Jessica Michak,Becky Weller,Chad Edwards,and Maria Jonoska —5 years. AGENDA APPROVAL. It was moved and seconded (Webermeier/Younglund)to approve the Agenda as presented,and it passed unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENTS. John Meissner/Town citizen spoke regarding the mass shooting in Texas,mental health, active shooter drills,and gun control. TRUSTEE COMMENTS. Lodging Tax Exploration Task Force Liaison Update.Mayor Pro Tern Weberrneier and Trustee Younglund provided updates on the Task Force regarding contracting with consultant Bill Brown,tax amounts needed for bonds,non-resident property tax,effects on housing costs,and election timing.The Task Force would meet May 25,2022 to discuss tax delineation between childcare and housing. Trustee comments were heard and have been summarized:A community meeting would be held by the Estes Valley Fire Protection District regarding the Community Wildfire Protection Plan.The Rooftop Rodeo would be held July 7,2022 through July 11,2022 and volunteers are needed.The Police Auxiliary held an ambulance training on and the spring clean-up was well attended.The Parks Advisory Board met and discussed results of the 2022 Arbor Day and future improvements,NOLA Creative Company gave a presentation on rotating art options,and Chainsaw Mike has been commissioned to carve a gnome in the Sensory Garden.The Estes Park EDO met and would be moving forward on a five-year strategic plan and discussed an entrepreneurial ecosystem plan to welcome new businesses to the area.Restorative Justice’s Annual 2022 Golf for Justice Tournament fundraiser would be held July 29,2022.The Transportation Advisory Board met and discussed an express pass for paid parking which would allow visitors to purchase a three-day parking pass. Board of Trustees —May 24,2022 —Page 2 TOWN ADMINISTRATOR REPORT. Town Administrator Machalek provided an update on the increased numbers of Covid-1 9 in Larimer County and Estes Park.The Board discussed Larimer County recommendations on public gatherings and mask usage. Trustee Talks and Mayor’s Chats were discussed including the format of both meetings, — —location of Trustee Talks,options of holding Trustee Talks,combining the two meetings, implications of increased Covid-19 numbers,preparing discussion topics,consistency of monthly meetings for the public,when to restart the meetings,and time obligations.It was determined to restart combined Trustee Talks and Mayor’s Chats in September 2022. CONSENT AGENDA: 1.Bills. 2.Town Board Minutes dated May 10,2022 and Town Board Study Session Minutes dated May 10,2022. 3.Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee Minutes dated April 14,2022 (acknowledgment only). 4.Community &Family Advisory Board Minutes dated November 4,2021 and Special Community &Family Advisory Board Minutes dated January 6,2022 (acknowledgement only). 5.Letter of Support for a Grant Application to CDOT 2022 Local Multimodal Transportation Program and Mitigation Options Fund Program for Fall River Trail Construction. 6.Letter of Support for a Grant Application to CDOT 2022 Local Multimodal Transportation Program and Mitigation Options Fund Program for a Multimodal Transportation Plan. 7.Letter of Support for a Grant Application to CDOT Federal Transit Authority for Fiscal Year 2022 5339(b)Bus and Bus Facilities Grant Program Funding. 8.Resolution 41-22 Extension #2 of the 2021 Services Contract for 2022 Summer and Special Event Shuttle Service with RAPT Dev USA,$568,979 —Budgeted. 9.Resolution 42-22 Setting the Public Hearing for a New Distillery Pub Liquor License Application for Estes Park Distilling Co.,LLC dba Estes Park Distilling Company,Bob and Tony’s Pizza,124 &128 W.Elkhorn Avenue,Estes Park, Colorado for June 14,2022. 10.Resolution 43-22 Setting the Public Hearing for a New Distillery Pub Liquor License Application for FTD Estes Park,LLC dba Full Throttle Distillery &Grill Estes Park,231 Moraine Avenue,Estes Park,Colorado for June 14,2022. 11.Resolution 44-22 Setting the Public Hearing for a New Hotel &Restaurant Liquor License Application for New Village Pizza Corporation dba New Village Pizza,543 Big Thompson Avenue,Estes Park,Colorado for June 14,2022. 12.Resolution 45-22 Setting the Public Hearing for a New Lodging and Entertainment Liquor License Application for Fall River Village LLC dba Fall River Resort - SkyView at Fall River Village,278 Sunny Acres Court,Estes Park,Colorado for June 14,2022. It was moved and seconded (Webermeier/Hazelton)to approve the Consent Agenda,and it passed unanimously. Board of Trustees —May 24,2022 —Page 3 REPORTS AND DISCUSSION ITEMS:(Outside Entities). 1.ESTES VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT UPDATE.Chief Wolf provided an update on the Estes Valley Fire Protection District.He highlighted the districts mission,employees and volunteers,service area,district origins and structure, service increase demands,wildfire history and challenges,fire restrictions,current projects,and the future of fire safety.The Board discussed July 4th fireworks, fireplace air quality effects,preferred number of volunteers for the district,whether the district’s budget was comparative to other communities,volunteer recruitment, and effects of housing on the district. ACTION ITEMS: 1.RESOLUTION 46-22 SPECIAL REVIEW,“SELF-SERVICE MINI-STORAGE”421 STANLEY AVENUE,STEVEN MARTISCHANG,OWNER/APPLICANT,TRAIL RIDGE CONSULTING ENGINEERS,REPRESENTATIVE.Mayor Koenig opened the public hearing and Planner Woeber presented Resolution 46-22 for a special review at 421 Stanley Avenue to add four new storage buildings in addition to the existing structures.The new buildings would contain an office area,a resident employee quarters,and additional storage units.The applicant and representatives were available for questions.The Board discussed the legal non-conforming welding shop,hours of operation of the facility,and current occupants of the residences. John Meissner/Town citizen spoke regarding 24-hour access,a fence around the structure,and the location of the welding shop. Mayor Koenig closed the public hearing and it was moved and seconded (MartchinklYounglund)to approve Resolution 46-22,and it passed unanimously. 2.REVISED POLICY 306 —LEAVE.Town Clerk Williamson presented revised Policy 306 —Leave which would update Town recognized holidays to include Juneteenth and Veterans Day,and adjust years of service vacation accruals to move employees through the accrual schedule faster.These changes would increase the Town’s competitiveness as an employer.The Board discussed financial impacts,effects on PERA compensation,Town facility closures,and effects on retention.It was moved and seconded (Hazelton/MacAlpine)to approve Revised Policy 306 —Leave,and it passed unanimously. REQUEST TO ENTER EXECUTIVE SESSION: It was moved and seconded (Younglund/Hazelton)to enter into executive session for discussion of specialized details of security arrangements or investigations Section 24-6-402(41(d),C.RS.—Regarding Board Security,and it passed unanimously. Mayor Koenig recessed the meeting at 8:55 p.m.The Board entered into executive session at 9:01 p.m. Mayor Koenig reconvened the regular meeting at 9:40 p.m. Whereupon Mayor Koenig adjourned the meeting at 9:40 p.m. Vendy K,Ønig’MayorY Recording Secretary