HomeMy WebLinkAboutPACKET Town Board Strategic Planning Session #2
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Rooms 202/203
Lunch 12:30 p.m.
No public comment will be heard during this study session
This session will not be recorded or streamed. Public comments can be sent through
the Public Comment Form available at www.estes.org/boardsandmeetings.
1. Review of Objectives and Goals.
Staff Proposed Objectives and Goals and Consideration of Additions from the
Board for the following:
• Exceptional Guest Services. (20 min)
• Governmental Services and Internal Support. (20 min)
• Infrastructure. (20 min)
• Outstanding Community Services. (20 min)
• Public Safety, Health, and Environment. (20 min)
• Robust Economy. (20 min)
• Town Financial Health. (20 min)
• Transportation. (20 min)
1. We value broad collaboration in providing exceptional guest
2.A. Develop events that attract guests to Town in the
winter and shoulder seasons as well as mid-week events.2.A.1 - Produce a new event in January of 2024 (First People's Festival).
2.B. Continue to develop and attract diverse events and
audiences.4.1 - Implement a new user friendly and robust ticketing system for events.
2. We provide high-quality events that attract guests to the
3.A. Work with public- and private-sector entities to
encourage additional town destination opportunities for
guests, particularly in case visitation limits in the National
Park or elsewhere remain a factor.
4.A.1 - Design a new user friendly Events Department website using a different
website platform.
4.A. Continue to monitor and adjust marketing focus to
events that are branded to and successful in Estes Park.4.A.2 - Develop and implement a more robust social media program.
3. We strive to balance the impacts of visitation with the needs
and quality of life of our residents and our key outcome areas.
5.A. Implement the 2019 Stanley Park Complex Master Plan
projects at the Events Complex.
4.A.3 - The Visitor Center will implement a plan to cross promote Town signature
5.B. Maintain a high level of arena footing for horse shows
and rodeos at the Events Complex.
5.A.1 - Continue to work with the Fine Arts Guild to evaluate the feasibility of a
performing arts center in Stanley Park.
4. We make data-driven decisions in serving our guests and
residents using up-to-date and relevant data.6.A. Implement the Visitor Services Strategic Plan.
6.B.1 - Enhance the visitor experience in the Visitor Center through Estes Park
imagery and artifacts.
6.B. Visitor Services will work with Visit Estes Park on
developing and implementing ways to introduce new
technology to help educate and entertain guests at the
Visitor Center.
5. We value a well-maintained Stanley Park Complex.
6.C. Continue to implement a Guest Services (Service
Elevated) annual training for volunteers in the Visitor
6. We contribute to an exceptional guest experience through a
high-quality Visitor Services Division.
Exceptional Guest Services - We are a preferred Colorado mountain destination providing an exceptional guest experience.
For the purposes of Strategic Policy Statements, "We" refers to the Town organization, led by the Town Board of Trustees.
Town of Estes Park 2024 Strategic Plan
Vision: The Town of Estes Park will be an ever more vibrant and welcoming mountain community.
Mission: The Mission of the Town of Estes Park is to provide high-quality, reliable services for the benefit of our residents, guests, and employees, while being good stewards of public resources and our natural setting.
7. We work to address the complications created by increased
visitation with regard to our ability to ensure an exceptional
guest experience.
1. We maintain a well-trained and educated Town Staff.1.A. Implement Human Resources Strategic Plan.1.A.1 - Implement supervisor training for all Town employees with direct reports.
2.A. Complete updates to compensation model to keep
Town employee wages competitive with our market.
1.A.2 - Expore options, timeline, and cost in implementing the Human Resources
Strategic Plan.
2. We attract and retain high-quality staff by being an employer
of choice, including offering highly competitive benefits and
3.A. Ensure adequate grant writing capacity as the current
grant resources shift in time allocation.
7.A.1 - Create a public-facing dashboard to share performance measurement
4.A. Explore options to improve the Town's ability to
ensure diverse membership representation on Boards and
3. We match service levels with the resources available to deliver
5.A. Conduct a community survey biennially in odd years to
measure our performance and community preferences.
5.B. Evaluate inclusivity of Town community engagement
4. We strive to ensure that the membership of our Boards and
Commissions reflects the diversity of the community.
7.A. Implement a Town performance management system
including appropriate measures.
7.B. Develop an organizational culture that encourages
continuous process improvement.
5. We strive to gain meaningful input and participation from all
community members.
7.C. Upon completion of the electronic invoice approval
process in Laserfiche, begin the process
of converting the existing invoice archives into images
within this same Laserfiche database.
9.A. Minimize risk of becoming a victim of cybersecurity
6. We prioritize and support a culture of customer service
throughout the organization.
10.A. We will continually evaluate the functionality of our
website to ensure it serves the needs of our customers.
7. We support a culture of continuous improvement in our
internal processes and service delivery.
8. We operate with transparency, maintaining open
communication with all community members and proactively
making Town information available to the public.
Governmental Services and Internal Support - We provide high-quality support for all municipal services.
9. We monitor for, and protect against, cybersecurity threats.
10. We maintain a robust, transparent, and user-friendly public-
facing website.
1. We ensure water service reliability and redundancy.
1.A. By 2026, increase raw water supply security and
redundancy by obtaining new raw water from the Big
Thompson River.3.B.1 - Complete a Zero-Emission Fleet Transition Plan.
1.B. By 2026, improve water accountability by decreasing
overall treated water demand (per capita) through loss
4.D.1 - Hire consultants to assist in land acquisition and design to relocate the
Police Department out of Town Hall.
2. We ensure high quality, reliable, and sustainable electric
distribution service.
1.C. Develop a dedicated water distribution crew with the
knowledge skills and ability for capital construction
projects capable of replacing one (1) mile of pipe per year.
5.A.1 - Pursue grant funding for private and/or public flood mitigation and
stormwater projects.
3.A. Increase/enhance renewable energy sources and
storage in concert with PRPA's transition plan and advocate
for achieving the 2030 noncarbon energy goal on schedule.
5.A.2 - Complete at least one stormwater CIP project from the list included in the
Stormwater Drainage System Maintenance Policy.
3. We encourage and support renewable energy sources and
3.B. Establish guidance for the expanded placement of
Evehicle and Ebike chargers at appropriate locations within
Estes Park. Establish planning and policy guidance to direct
Town investment in zero emission fleet vehicles,
equipment, and infrastructure.
6.A.1 - Implement a Trailblazer Broadband program to help provide services at a
reduced or free rate to economically challenged families within the Estes Park
School District.
4.A. Evaluate the service condition, safety, functionality,
accessibility and land use restrictions of our 32 public
buildings using a data-driven approach and document the
outcomes in our LUCITY asset management system a
Facilities Master Plan.
4. We ensure that our facilities are well-maintained and meet the
needs of Town Departments and the community.
4.B. Upgrade the quality, function and safety of the Town's
public restrooms 5 busiest public facilities, to exceed the
expectations of our guests by 2025 .
4.C. Pursue energy conservation projects that improve the
efficiency of our buildings.
5. We are proactive in our approach to mitigating flood risks
including pursuing the implementation of the Stormwater
Master Plan.
4.D. Develop a strategy and funding source for Town
facility site acquisitions as identified in the Facilities Master
Plan. Establish a timeline and funding strategy to
implement the Facilities Master Plan recommendations.
Infrastructure - We have reliable, efficient, and up-to-date infrastructure serving our community and customers.
5.A. Upgrade and maintain our stormwater collection
system to reduce the risk of flooding and damage to public
and private property.
6. We ensure access to high-speed, high-quality, reliable
Trailblazer Broadband service.
5.B. Pursue flood mitigation initiatives to reduce flood risk
and increase public safety.
5.C. Evaluate implementation options for a Stormwater
Utility for the Estes Valley. Implement a Stormwater Utility
for the Estes Valley that funds the administration,
operation, maintenance, and capital expansion of
stormwater infrastructure over a 30 year or greater time
7. We partner with the three other owner communities to
advance Platte River Power Authority towards our goal of a 100%
noncarbon energy mix by 2030.
5.D. Explore the Community Rating System (CRS) program
as a way to minimize flood insurance costs to the
6.A. We will complete construction of a broadband over
fiber optic cable network for customers in the electric
service area by 2024.
7.A. Participate in PRPA's carbon-to-renewable transition
plan as an owner community.
1. We support a wide range of housing opportunities with a
particular focus on workforce and attainable housing.
1.A. Allocate portion of excess revenue to workforce
housing reserve fund. Plan for and utilize 6E funds to
achieve Workforce and Attainable Housing goals in
partnership with the Estes Park Housing Authority. 4.A.1 - Evaluate staffing needed to effectively manage 6E childcare funds.
1.B. Prioritize Estes Park Development Code (EPDC)
amendments on Community Development Master List that
impact housing.
5.A.1 - Establish a timeline and funding strategy for a Parks & Open Space
Master Plan.
2. We support the needs of our senior community.
1.C. Incentivize Downtown Housing. Incentivize
development, conversion, and/or preservation of
workforce and attainable housing, including downtown.
7.1 - Establish a timeline and funding strategy to implement the
recommendations identified in the ADA Transition Plan.
2.A. Evaluate the needs of the senior community in Estes
3. We support a family-friendly community and strive to be a
family-friendly employer.
3.A. Investigate the possibility of establishing one or more
pocket parks in residential areas.
4.A. Participate in County Strategic Plan childcare capacity
Outstanding Community Services - Estes Park is an exceptionally vibrant, diverse, inclusive, and active mountain community in which to live, work, and play, with housing available for all segments in our community.
4. We support a wide range of child care opportunities with a
particular focus on infants and toddlers.
4.BA. Allocate funding to childcare reserve fund. Plan for
and utilize 6E funds to address childcare issues consistent
with the Childcare Needs Assessment and Strategic Plan.
5.A. Develop a master plan for Town Parks and Open
Space, in cooperation with the Recreation District and
Estes Valley Land Trust.
5. We expand and improve the durability, functionality, and
efficiency of open space and public park infrastructure.
5.B. In accordance with National Fire Protection
Association Firewise USA criteria, Overhaul outdated and
aging landscaping in Children's Park, Riverwalk, Parking
Structure picnic area, and Wiest Park by 20256.
5.C. Specify the additional equipment, personnel and space
needed to deliver and maintain high-quality landscaping in
accordance with National Fire Protection Association
Firewise USA criteria as required by new capital projects.
6. We have an up-to-date Comprehensive Plan and Development
Code that reflect the will of the community.
5.D. Implement xeriscaping or zero-waste landscaping in
public parks.
6.A. Complete a full rewrite of the Estes Park Development
Code to align with the new Comprehensive Plan.
7. We are committed to improving community accessibility for
residents and visitors with disabilities.
6.B. We will collaborate with community stakeholders to
update our adopted transportation, drainage, and parking
design standards and construction policies in the
Development Code by 2025.
8. We enact policies that collectively support all demographic
segments of the community, and strive to minimize barriers to a
diverse, family-friendly community and robust workforce.
9. We preserve and make accessible the history of Estes Park to
understand how the community became what it is today and to
make informed decisions about its future.
1. We support environmental stewardship and sustainability
through our policies and actions.
1.A. Enact the Implementation Plan developed from the
Environmental Sustainability Task Force recommendations.1.H.1 - Develop a Climate Action Plan.
1.B. Modify codes and regulations to support alternative
and distributed energy.
1.H.2 - Develop information and incentives to encourage water conservation by
our residents and visitors.
Public Safety, Health, and Environment - Estes Park is a safe place to live, work, and visit within our extraordinary natural environment.
2. We are committed to safeguarding the lives and property of
the people we serve.
1.C. Encourage solar energy options on new and
established homes and businesses, including Town
1.D. Support beneficial electrification of buildings by
encouraging the replacement of fossil-fuel appliances with
cleaner electric alternatives.
3. We are committed to fairness and support for victims of crime,
including victims of crimes that invoke the Victims Rights Act.
1.E. The Events and Visitor Services Department will reduce
the environmental impacts of Town events.
1.F. Strongly consider funding to hire a full-time
Environmental Sustainability Manager at the administrative
4. We value the importance of maintaining a local emergency
communication center to serve the residents and guests of the
Estes Valley.
1.G. We support the County-wide Wasteshed Plan and will
remain active partners with Larimer County in its
1.H. Establish Estes Park as a leader in mountain
environmental stewardship and sustainable practices.
5. We strive to enhance the safety of emergency responders in
non-emergency and critical situations.
1.I. Continue work with Larimer County on Climate Smart
Future Ready initiative.
2.A. Evaluate and meet the sworn officer, dispatch, and
support services staffing needs of the Police Department.
6. We believe in and support restorative practices as a way to
build and repair relationships, as well as increase understanding
about the impact of crime in the Estes Park Community.
2.B. Integrate security camera systems in Town Hall, Visitor
Center, Events Complex, and Museum.
2.C. Evaluate pandemic response plan.
7. We train and prepare for responding to community
2.D. Work with the Estes Valley Fire Protection District to
evaluate the need for a full-time Emergency Manager.
7.A. Work collaboratively with the Estes Valley Fire
Protection District to build an Emergency Management
function that is focused on resilience, planning for
emergencies, responding to emergencies, and recovering
from emergencies.
8. We are proactive in our approach to wildfire planning and
mitigation in response to elevated fire risks in the Estes Valley
and the surrounding area.
9. We recognize the importance of mental health in our
community and work with local and regional partners to improve
mental health safety and awareness.
1. We foster an inclusive, robust, and sustainable economy by
making our economic development decisions based on a triple
bottom line model, considering economic, social, and
environmental impacts and benefits.
2.A. Evaluate and improve the Development Review
4.A.1 - Work with the Estes Chamber of Commerce and Downtown businesses to
evaluate implementation options for the Downtown Plan.
4.A. Implement the Downtown Plan.
2. We create and sustain a favorable business climate.
5.A. In conjunction with the Comprehensive Plan process,
identify and prioritize the Town's commercial corridors and
prepare redevelopment plans and policies for them.
3. We support a diverse economy, attracting and serving a broad
range of current and potential stakeholders.
4. We recognize the importance of a vibrant, attractive, and
economically-viable Downtown Core.
5. We support investment and revitalization in all of the Town's
commercial corridors and centers.
6. We support economic development efforts led by other
organizations, including business attraction, retention, and
7. We lead specific economic development efforts identified by
the Town Board.
8. We recognize the benefits of shopping locally and will actively
support our local businesses and the local economy.
Robust Economy - We have a diverse, healthy year-round economy.
Town Financial Health - We will maintain a strong and sustainable financial condition, balancing expenditures with available revenues, including adequate cash reserves for future needs and unanticipated emergencies.
1. We maintain up-to-date financial policies, tools, and controls
that reflect the financial philosophy of the Board.
1.A. Develop a plan to Replace the current accounting
system (ERP) with a new modern Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) system by 2025. This plan will be included in
a budget request for the estimated acquisition and
implementation costs, including staffing needs. This is
expected to include succession considerations as well.1.A.1 - Implement new ERP system. (Multi-Year Objective)
1.B. Develop a set of general budget policies to help guide
budget development in the future. This should include
consideration of reserve policies, use of one time funding,
budgeting approach to vacancies, etc.
2. We make data-driven financial decisions for capital projects.
1. We support having a sustainable, accessible, and efficient
multimodal transportation network.
1.A. Street rehabilitation efforts will result in an average
Pavement Condition Index of 73 80 or greater for the Town
street network by 2024 2034.1.A.1 - Complete the construction of the Cleave Street Improvements.
1.B. Fund the upgrade and maintenance of our public trail
network to comply with adopted safety and disability
standards through 2034.
1.A.2 - Complete the street rehabilitation of 1st Street, 2nd Street, 3rd Street,
North Court, and South Court and provide ADA compliant pedestrian facilities
following the water main and service installation project.
2. We continue to reduce traffic congestion and improve traffic
safety throughout the Town.
1.C. Study the possibility of adopting impact fees and fee-in-
lieu mechanisms to assist in funding multimodal
transportation improvements.
1.A.3 - Complete rehabilitation of West Elkhorn Avenue from Moraine Avenue to
Filbey Court.
2.A. Collaborate with Federal & State partners to mitigate
traffic congestion with multimodal solutions throughout
the Town.
2.A.1 - Deliver technical support and public communication assistance for
construction of the Downtown Estes Loop by FHWA. (Multi-Year Objective)
3. We effectively communicate to residents and visitors the
Town's parking and transportation options.
2.B. Develop funding options and strategies for street
rehabilitation and trail expansion in advance of the 2024
expiration of 1A (including evaluation of renewing the 2014
1A sales tax initiative beyond 2024).
2.H.1 - Select specific recommendations from the Multimodal Transportation
Plan for budgeting and implementation in 2025.
2.B. Develop funding strategies for the design,
environmental clearance, and construction of the Moraine
Avenue Multimodal Improvements.
2.D.1 - Seek funding and create an implementation timeline for the year-one
recommendations from the Transit Development Plan.
4. We make strategic, data-driven investments in technology that
promotes the financial and environmental sustainability of the
Town's parking and transportation assets.
2.B. Develop funding strategies and build the roundabout
improvements at the intersection of US36 and Community
4.A.1 - Evaluate implementation of paid parking in all downtown public lots and
the associated timing and funding impacts for a new downtown parking
Transportation - We have safe, efficient, and well-maintained multimodal transportation systems for pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, and transit riders.
2.E. Develop funding and partnering strategies to
commission a corridor study for US34 between
Wonderview Avenue and Steamer Drive to include
pedestrian, shuttle and general traffic accommodations,
and options for direct access from US34 to the parking
structure. I am not sure where we are with getting this
study underway but I would like to have some type of
objective to address the completion of the study and
devise a plan on how to move forward.4.A.2 - Construct a single-deck parking structure above the Big Horn parking lot.
2.C. Explore the potential for year-round local and regional
transit service.
5.1 - Seek funding to complete the construction phase of the SB267 Mobility Hub
5. We identify and leverage local, regional, and national
partnerships that strengthen and extend the Town's parking and
transportation system.2.D. Implement the Multimodal Transportation Plan.
5.2 - Actively participate in the US34 Coalition and Transportation Management
Organization planning and project implementation.
2.E. 4.A. Implement the Downtown Parking Management
Plan in a manner that delivers parking and transit services
as a self-sustaining enterprise-funded program by 2030.
7.A.1 - If funded, complete the design and construction of the multiuse path on
the west side of Community Drive between Manford Ave and US36. (2023
6. We consider the potential impacts of technology changes,
including electric and autonomous vehicles, in all transportation
2.F. Develop a funding strategy to complete a Multimodal
Transportation Plan within one year of completion of the
Comprehensive Plan.
7.A.2 - Pursue CDOT Safe Routes to School grant funding for the design of the
segment of the Community Drive Multi-Use Trail between Brodie Ave and
Graves Ave.
6.A. Implement the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure &
Readiness Plan as grant funding opportunities coincide
with Town needs.
7.B.1 - If funded by the 2022 MMOF and 2023 TAP grants, complete the design
of the Fall River Trail.
7. We continue to develop trail connectivity in the Estes Valley in
partnership with other entities, implementing the priorities in
the Estes Valley Master Trails Plan.
7.A. Participate in the CDOT grant funding program to
complete the bike and pedestrian network within one mile
of Estes Park public schools.
7.B. Complete the Fall River Trail using available trails
expansion funds, open space funds, and grant funding.
Environmental Sustainability: What do we want for Estes Park?
Report prepared by Barbara MacAlpine, March 30, 2023.
“Sustainability is not an end-goal that our community will reach one day, it is an ongoing commitment
to principles that help protect our natural environment and ensure the quality of life for present and
future generations.” (with appreciation to Durango for this statement)
At the Town Board Study Session on March 14th, trustees raised a number of questions about the
function and responsibilities of an environmental sustainability manager and advisory board, the
benefits and potential outcomes for having them in Estes Park, and what a climate action plan might
look like. The following sections will address these questions by incorporating comments and
suggestions from local citizens and providing examples from other Colorado cities and towns. While
each community is different, we all want our residents, our visitors, and the fauna and flora that share
our space to be able to thrive and survive in an increasingly challenged environment.
The town is involved with a number of environmental sustainability projects, but we could be doing
more for our current and future residents, as are many Colorado communities. We have no overriding
coordination, nor is there a central source of communication or point person for our residents or visitors
regarding sustainability. We could be saving money for the town, the residents, and the businesses as
well as enhancing the town’s reputation with an active sustainability program. Most importantly, we
have an obligation to do our part for the earth’s environment, perhaps best expressed with the phrase
“Think globally; act locally.”
What are the responsibilities of an environmental sustainability manager? Here are examples from a
few Colorado towns.
From Durango: The core functions of the Sustainability Program Manager are to
-Implement and periodically update the City of Durango's Sustainability Plan.
-Track and report on sustainability indicators including greenhouse gas emissions inventories, resource
consumption, LEED for Cities certification, and other relevant environmental sustainability data.
-Support, advise, and collaborate across city departments on services, infrastructure, projects, and
programs relating to sustainability.
-Perform public outreach, education, engagement, and events promoting sustainability behaviors
including energy and water consumption, waste/recycling/composting, clean transportation, and other
environmentally friendly actions.
-Apply for and manage grant funding in support of city sustainability initiatives.
-Evaluate city code and policies for sustainability impact and propose amendments as warranted.
-Represent the city in local, regional, and state sustainability initiatives.
From Frisco’s Environmental Programs Coordinator job description:
•Implements actions identified under the Town of Frisco Strategic Plan and adopted environmental
programs, including waste diversion and recycling programs, energy efficiency, public education and
communication, community events, special events, and ecosystem health.
•Provides leadership and coordination of complex projects, and is responsible for tracking and
reporting on progress toward achievement of the sustainability goals and environmental stewardship.
•Works closely with citizen and employee groups to achieve specific sustainability goals.
Environmental Sustainability Manager Report
• Identifies and analyzes sustainability options to the town, its employees, and the general public.
• Works closely with the Town Manager and interacts frequently with the Department Directors to
provide guidance and consultation to departments regarding sustainability programs, costs, timelines,
and other related activities.
• Makes public presentations to the Town Council and community groups.
What might be the responsibilities for an Estes Park Environmental Sustainability Manager? These
include items suggested in the ESTF Final Report as well as others.
•Carry out the town’s first greenhouse gas emissions inventory, either in-house or via a contracted
•Supervise the development of the town’s Climate Action Plan or Sustainability Plan.
•Develop a program that identifies and rewards green business practices; work with local businesses to
encourage and support their sustainability activities.
•Serve as liaison to the local and county recycling program and solid waste management initiatives.
•Coordinate a sustainability incentive program for residents and/or businesses.
• Serve as liaison to the Town's Environmental Sustainability Advisory Board; provide support for that
board's meetings and activities.
•Prepare information regarding sustainability on a regular basis to be communicated via the Town’s
website and PIO, local newspapers, etc.
•Serve as the Town’s point of contact for citizens regarding sustainability questions or issues.
• Coordinate with Town departments concerning sustainability policies, programs, and new initiatives.
• Organize and support staff training in sustainability principles.
• Collaborate with the Town's grant development manager in identifying and formulating sustainability
initiatives and funding opportunities.
• Serve as liaison to Visit Estes Park, Estes Park Chamber of Commerce, and other community
organizations regarding sustainability and managed destination programs.
• Serve as liaison to sustainability offices/programs of Estes Valley schools and special districts, Larimer
County, state offices, and other governmental jurisdictions.
• Collaborate with Town departments in development of sustainability performance measures and
baseline inventories. Participate in program performance reviews related to sustainability measures.
• Serve as a staff resource regarding sustainability principles and practices for the Town Board's annual
Strategic Plan.
• Prepare annual sustainability progress report.
What are possible outcomes or benefits related to having an Environmental Sustainability manager?
•By 2024, the town will have its first greenhouse gas emissions inventory, to serve as a baseline for
future comparisons and to determine future reduction goals.
•By 2024, the town will have its first Sustainability or Climate Action Plan.
•A green business certification program, focused on sustainability activities, will be underway with X
number of participating businesses.
•Citizen participation and assistance with environmental issues will be supported via the town’s
Environmental Sustainability Advisory Board.
•Grants will be submitted relating to sustainability activities, including funding for recycling, more EV
charging stations, replacement of gasoline-powered tools, energy-saving materials and equipment, etc.
•The town’s website will have a sustainability section with helpful information for residents and visitors.
•Estes Park will gain a reputation as an environmentally responsible leader among Colorado
communities, thereby encouraging more sustainable tourism.
•Monthly information will be shared with the public regarding sustainability practices and suggestions
that will benefit the community and potentially save money for individuals and the town.
•Communication regarding environmental sustainability practices and issues will be shared across
community organizations such as VEP, the Chamber of Commerce, the EDC, the school system, etc.
•Sustainability efforts across town departments will receive greater coordination and visibility.
Example of an Environmental Sustainability Manager Job Description
This is a job description from Breckenridge, for a full-time position they advertised and filled in 2018.
Note that an Estes Park Manager would be under the supervision of the Deputy Town Administrator
rather than the Community Development Director. Most sustainability managers have a bachelor’s
degree in environmental science, sustainability, environmental studies, biology, ecology or a related
field, while some have a master’s degree in sustainability or environmental science.
Town of Breckenridge Sustainability Coordinator
The Town of Breckenridge Community Development Department is seeking a uniquely qualified
individual for the position of Sustainability Coordinator. Under the supervision of the Director of
Community Development, the Sustainability Coordinator performs professional, technical, innovative
and analytical work to advance the Town's SustainableBreck Plan both internally and externally. The
Sustainability Coordinator provides leadership and coordination of complex projects, and is
responsible for tracking and reporting on progress toward achievement of the sustainability goals and
environmental stewardship.
This is a position with high visibility, working closely with citizen and employee groups to achieve
specific sustainability goals. Identifies and analyzes sustainability options to the town, its employees,
and the general public. Works closely with the Director and Assistant Director of Community
Development and interacts frequently with the Town Manager and Assistant Town Manager to
provide guidance and consultation to departments regarding sustainability programs, costs, timelines,
and other related activities. Makes public presentations to the Town Council and community groups.
Bachelor's Degree in Urban Planning, Natural Resources Management, Environmental Science,
Sustainability, or related field required.
A minimum of three (3) years varied experience in sustainability planning or related field.
Experience in development and administration of sustainability programs and long-term impacts
Master's Degree in Urban Planning, Environmental Studies, Public Administration or related field
USGBC LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Certification
ISSP-SA (International Society of Sustainability Professionals Certification)
SALARY: $60,200 - $90,200
What are possible functions of an Environmental Sustainability Advisory Board?
Here are examples from around the state:
The duties of the city’s Sustainability Advisory Board are to identify topics related to environmental
quality and sustainability, such as air and water quality, pollution prevention, solid waste disposal and
recycling, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and green building, and to advise the City Council on
plans, policies, and actions related to those topics. (Longmont)
The purpose of the Sustainable Futures Commission is “to advise the Board of Trustees on matters
relating to sustainable practices and policy and to support and improve the environmental stewardship
of the Town and its citizens.” (Lyons)
The purpose of the Green Team, appointed by the Town Council, is to advocate for a more resilient and
sustainable town. The Green Team sponsors projects throughout town that promote waste reduction,
improve energy efficiency, decrease greenhouse gas emissions, and promote sustainability. (Basalt)
The Green Team Advisory Board “encourages the community to appreciate and preserve the natural
world and to facilitate conservation efforts, share knowledge and resources and to advise the Town
Council on matters related to environmental quality.” (Mountain Village)
The Sustainability Committee “is focused on improving the City's carbon footprint through thoughtful
analysis of the community's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, updating and advancing local guidelines
and codes to lower energy consumption, and improvement of waste diversion and recycling to keep our
landfill viable.” (Salida)
“The Environmental Advisory Board (EAB) is the town’s primary resource for environmental
sustainability issues and efforts.” The town has a Sustainability Plan that is implemented and
periodically reviewed by the EAB. (Snowmass Village)
The responsibilities of the Planning and Environmental Commission, which is a volunteer board, include
to review and comment on programs and studies, and to conduct research and appropriate studies, of
environmental issues for the town and the Gore Valley, as well as to make recommendations to the
town council for the control of pollution and the protection of the environment. (Vail)
Climate Action Plans: What are they? Which Colorado cities have one?
They may be called a Climate Action Plan (CAP) or a Sustainability Plan, although they could differ in the
following way (per Durango's Sustainability Plan | Durango, CO - Official Website (durangogov.org)).
A Climate Action Plan focuses on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. A GHG inventory is an
important part of the plan.
A Sustainability Plan includes an overarching goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as
environmental, economic and social equity goals.
Either type of plan includes recommendations to reach community goals. The following components are
frequently seen in climate action or sustainability plans:
Energy (often subdivided by Buildings, Renewable, Residential, Commercial)
Transportation Solid Waste
Climate Water
Note that climate action or sustainability plans are neither uncommon nor limited to larger cities. The
following communities in Colorado represent only a fraction of those with one of these plans:
Fort Collins, Longmont, Lyons, Nederland, Aspen, Avon, Breckenridge, Crested Butte, Delta County,
Durango, Fraser, Dillon and Frisco (both adopted the Summit Community CAP), Glenwood Springs,
Gunnison, Salida, Snowmass Village, Steamboat Springs, Telluride, Vail (as part of the Climate Action
Plan for the Eagle County Community), Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Lafayette, Lakewood,
Louisville, Manitou Springs, and Superior.
The Delta County Climate Action Plan, developed in 2022, stated that “we conducted a review and
comparison of the climate action plans, or lack thereof, of eight counties in western Colorado: Ouray,
San Miguel, Gunnison, Pitkin, Garfield, Mesa, Montrose, including Delta. These counties were selected
because of their warming trends and approaches to climate change. Seven of the eight counties have
warmed 1.5 degrees Celsius or more, and four of the counties warmed 2 degrees Celsius or more. Yet,
the counties with the least warming compared to the others have developed climate action plans.”
(Climate-Action-Plan-for-Delta-County_Oct-2022_Final_PDF1-1_Nov82022.pdf (chc4you.org))
Two other recent plans that are useful to examine are:
Salida’s Climate Action Plan (2021): 2021-09-22_salida_climate_action_plan_final_low_res.pdf
Gunnison’s Sustainability Plan (2022): GunnisonSustainabilityPlan (2).pdf (revize.com)
Plans as well as GHG inventories may be developed in-house or contracted out. Two contract sources
that have been used by several Colorado communities for their inventories are Lotus Engineering and
Sustainability, LLC in Denver and the Denver office of ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability).
A Final Thought
As with any other town function, inclusion is imperative. Environmental sustainability practices can
provide both health and financial benefits to individuals, families, and businesses. It is vitally important
that these benefits be shared across our community, especially for people who are less able to invest in
products or practices due to economic limitations or the lack of cultural inclusion. This would be
facilitated by the sustainability manager.