HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2002-02-12/Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado,February 1 2,2002 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Municipal Building in said Town of Estes Park on the 1 2th day of February,2002. Meeting called to order by Mayor John Baudek. Present:John Baudek,Mayor Susan L.Doylen,Mayor ProTem Trustees Jeff Barker Stephen W.Gillette David Habecker Lori Jeffrey-Clark G.Wayne Newsom Also Present:Rich Widmer,Town Administrator Vickie O’Connor,Town Clerk Gregory A.White,Town Attorney Absent:None Mayor Baudek called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT None. TOWN BOARD COMMENTS None. 1.CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of): 1.Town Board Minutes dated January 22,2002. 2.Bills. 3.Committee Minutes: A.Community Development,January 24,2002: Special Events Dept.: 1.Standard Agreements:Rky.Mtn.Miniature Horse Club,Cob. Arabian Horse Club,and Horse Conference. 2.Grandstand Lighting Bid,Estes Valley Electric,$7,754. B.Public Safety,February 7,2002: Police Dept.: 1.Community Policing Philosophy. Fire Dept.: 1.Community Dr.,Woodstock Dr.,&Manford Ave.-Street Closure for Cob.State Fire Fighters Assn.Convention Event,06/21/02. 2.Fire Code Review Committee (establish). 4.Estes Park Housing Authority,December 12,2001 (acknowledgment only). 5.Estes Valley Planning Commission,January 15,2002 (acknowledgement only). Board of Trustees -February 12,2002 -Page 2 6.Re-Appointments: A.Al Sager,Estes Valley Board of Adjustment,3-yr.term,expiring 02/12/05. B.Ed McKinney and Ed Pohi,Estes Valley Planning Commission — Correcting previous terms from 3 to 4 yeats,expiring 12/31/04. C.Jim Banker and Jim Durward,Building Authority,3-yr.terms,expiring 01/01/05. D.Sybil Barnes,Museum Advisory Board —Completing 4-yr.term of Jackie Johnson,expiring 01/01/03. It was moved and seconded (Doylen/Gillette)the consent agenda be approved,and it passed unanimously. IA.PLANNING COMMISSION CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of): Rezoning.Lots 13 and 14,Block 8,Country Club Manor Addition.As there were no persons wishing to speak on this item,it was moved and seconded (GillettelHabecker)Ordinance #3-02 rezoning Lots 13 and 14,Block 8,Country Club Manor Addition from R-Residential to RM Multi-Family be approved,and it passed unanimously. Mayor Baudek declared a 5-minute recess at 7:04 p.m.and acknowledged members from Boy Scout Troop 10 attending the meeting to earn their Communications Merit Badge. Mayor Baudek reconvened the meeting at 7:08 p.m. 2.ACTION ITEMS: 1.ESTES VALLEY DEVELOPMENT CODE,BLOCK 2 AMENDMENTS - JOINT PUBLIC HEARING BETWEEN LARIMER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GIBSON,CH.,BENDER,and RENNELS,and BOARD OF TRUSTEES.Mayor Baudek introduced Commissioners Gibson,Bender, and Rennels and opened the public hearing. Community Development Director Joseph reported that the revisions address and correct errors and omissions that surfaced after the first year and a half of experience working with the Code.Other revisions clarify and modify existing Code provisions to produce standards that are more practical. Trustee questions/comments were heard from Trustees Jeffrey-Clark, Habecker,Barker,and Mayor Baudek (how is the 100 vehicle trips/day monitored?;the EVPC conducted a minimum of four all-day sessions on these revisions—the Code is a “living”document;how do property owners determine whether a drainage located on their private property is now regulated?;Bed &Breakfast—does the new regulation,defining accessory buildings,preclude a deck enclosure over a hot tub?).Director Joseph responded:an established industry standard is utilized to determine the number of vehicular trips/day;maps will be made available to any property owner to verify on-site drainage/streams;yes,the Code would preclude an enclosure of a hot tub as the regulation is intended to provide a consistent outward appearance in neighborhoods. County staff declined an opportunity to comment. Town Attorney White read Ordinance #2-02,applying only to the “municipal” portion of this public hearing. Board of Trustees -February 12,2002 -Page 3 Public testimony was heard from Bill Van Horn who expressed his appreciation to the EVPC and staff for the process utilized in submitting the revisions;and commented on Table 4.3 and impact on multi-family lots with mote than 10 dwelling units;Section 7.6 Wetlands and Stream Corridor—there is inconsistency pertaining to the setback and parking and such may cause a problem for the EVBOA.Speaking as a MacGregor Ranch Trustee,he expressed concern with Section 8 Barns and Stables Maximum Size—limiting barns to 2,400’does not function for a working ranch. Additional discussion followed on the definition of a driveway,with Dir.Joseph stating additional revisions with improved clarify are forthcoming.Town Attorney White stated that the MacGregor Ranch is not regulated by Section 8 as mentioned above. There being no further testimony,Mayor Baudek closed the public heating.It was moved and seconded (Habecker/Newsom)Ordinance #2-02 be approved.Trustee Doylen requested staff provide an improved driveway definition and how it is applied.The motion passed unanimously. Applying only to the “county”portion of the public hearing,Commissioner Rennels moved the amendments be approved as presented,and it passed unanimously. Concluding Action Item #1,Mayor Baudek declared a 5-minute recess at 7:55 p.m.to allow Larimer County Commissioners an opportunity to depart. Mayor Baudek reconvened the meeting at 8:00 p.m. 2.ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT PLAN DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT.In a memorandum dated February 7,2002,Public Works Director Linnane and EPURA Director Smith briefed the Trustees on said Environmental Assessment that evaluates the environmental impact of the chosen alternatives (4)as established in Phases I and 2 of the RMNP Transportation Study.Alternative 2 (preferred by RMNP) appears to be the most effective balance of expenditure of public monies and improvement to the transportation system and it recommends a visitor management strategy.This strategy is also one of the most controversial aspects of the Plan.Town Board comments are due by the close of business 2/19/02.Discussion followed,and,as there were no public comments, consensus was reached for support of Alternative #2,with the understanding that concern be expressed in the Town’s official comment letter on the “shuttle only access during peak periods”issue,and request that the Town be involved in the decision-making process.Town Administrator Widmer expressed his appreciation to Directors Linnane and Smith for their comprehensive report. 3.ESTES VALLEY LAND TRUST —LETTER AGREEMENT &OPEN SPACE AGREEMENT FOR THE KNOLL PROPERTIES (19.4 acres).Mayor Baudek noted that this item is a “discussion only item”this evening.If an agreement is reached,this item will be placed on the 2/26 Town Board meeting for action. Town Administrator Widmer briefed the Town Board on the background of these draft agreements,and encouraged the Board to revise said agreements as need be.The Open Space Agreement is intended to preserve and protect in perpetuity the Conservation Values of the site,and the following points were noted: Letter Acireement: >EVLT agrees to pay the entire remaining balance due “Beefit”from EPURA out of EVLT’s private funds. >The Town will provide to EVLT an Open Space Agreement for property specified on Exhibit A. Board of Trustees -February 12,2002 -Page 4 >EVLT will reimburse the Town for the first $50000 of the actual costs and expenses incurred by the Town for and in connection with the construction of improvements (including fencing and signage)on the property contained in the Open Space Agreement. Permitted and Prohibited uses of the Open Space Agreement were also reviewed.The Town would be required to develop a Master Plan for the property,and said Plan must include public comment/input.The Plan may be updated,following the established public process,and the Town is allowed to establish rules/regulations. EVLT Director Jim White stated that the Knoll/Willows property is the most important open space remaining in the Town of Estes Park.EVLT will pay $210,000 (fixed price with Beefit),and the Land Trust is not dictating what may or may not occur on the site due to the Master Plan Process. Audience comments in support of the proposal were heard from:Barbara Swartz,Vice President/League of Women Voters,Bud Hampton, Chairman/Knoll-Willows Conservancy (read a statement dated 2/12/02), Howard Lipke,Glen Mapesrrahosa Homeowners Assn.,and Jon VerSchuur/ARD. Favorable Town Board comments were heard from Mayor Baudek and all Trustees,with Trustee Gillette advising that he would be absent for the 2/26 Town Board meeting,thus he urged the Board to support this proposal.Mayor Baudek repeated that this item will return as a Action Item on February 26th 4.TOWN AUDITOR SELECTION —AWARD.Town Administrator Widmer stated that the firm of Hiratsuka and Schauss was contracted to perform the financial audit from 1997 through 2000.In the interest of competitiveness and efficiency,staff distributed REPs to six public accounting firms that specialize in local government audits.Completing the evaluation process,staff is recommending Swanhorst,Dragon and Cutlet be contracted to perform the independent financial audit for the year ended 12/31/01 at a cost of $16,500.It was moved and seconded (Newsom/Gillette)Swanhorst,Dragon and Cutler be contracted for a one-year trial basis to perform the audit as presented, and it passed unanimously. 5.RESOLUTION #4-02 RE-APPROPRIATING 2001 ENCUMBERED FUNDS TO THE 2002 BUDGET.Town Administrator Widmet reviewed the Resolution,and it was moved and seconded (Doylen/Jeifrey-Clark) Resolution #4-02 be approved,and it passed unanimously. 6.TOWN ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT. A.Town Board Room Remodeling Project Update.Board members were invited to tour by contacting Administrator Widmer;the project appears to be a week behind schedule,and the date of completion has not yet been announced. B.Sales Tax Report.When received,the December report will be distributed. Following completion of all agenda items,Mayor Baudek adjourned the meeting at 9:19 p.m. óhn Baudek,Mayor Vickie O’Connor,Town Clerk