HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 2002-07-23‘Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado,July 23,2002 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Municipal Building in said Town of Estes Park on the 23rd day of July,2002. Meeting called to order by Mayor John Baudek. Present:John Baudek,Mayor Susan L.Doylen,Mayor Prolem Trustees Jeff Barker Stephen W.Gillette David Habecker Lori Jeffrey-Clark G.Wayne Newsom Also Present:Rich Widmer,Town Administrator Vickie O’Connor,Town Clerk Gregory A.White,Town Attorney Absent:None Mayor Baudek called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT On behalf of the US Forest Service,David Czapp presented a map to the Town representing the boundaries of the Big Elk Fire,and the latest update from the Southwest Area Incident Management Team.A public memorial service is planned July 24th at 11:00 am.at the Jeffco Airport for the two crewmembers who lost their lives fighting this fire when their Air Tanker crashed.Condolences may be expressed to: The Family of Rick Schwartz,P.0.Box 15,UIm,MT 59485 and The Family of Milt Stollak,P.0.Box 2412,Cathedral City,CA 92235.In summary,Mr.Czapp stated that the least Estes Park can do as community is to formally thank the firefighters who risked their lives. Trustee Jeffrey-Clark thanked Mr.Czapp,KEZZ Radio and all the electronic media for keeping everyone updated.The Town Board will find a way to formally express their thanks. TOWN BOARD COMMENTS None. 1.CONSENT AGENDA (Approval of): 1.Town Board Minutes dated July 9,2002. 2.Bills. 3.Committee Minutes: A.Light and Power,July 11,2002: 1.Dry Gulch Rd.Underground Replacement Project Cornerstone Engineering,$9,165.00. B.Public Works,July 18,2002. Board of Trustees —July 23,2002 -Page 2 It was moved and seconded (Doylen/Gillette)the Consent Agenda be approved, and it passed unanimously. 2.ACTION ITEMS: LIQUOR LICENSING: A.COLORADO POPPY’S,INC.,dba POPPY’S PIZZA &GRILL,342 E. ELKHORN AVE.-CHANGE OF CLASS LIQUOR LICENSE,FROM BEER &WINE TO HOTEL &RESTAURANT.Mayor Baudek opened the public hearing,and Clerk O’Connor presented the application.Poppy’s is submitting a “change of class”application from a Beer and Wine License to a Hotel and Restaurant License.The application is complete,and mandatory T.I.P.S.training is not yet scheduled.As there was no opposition to granting this liquor license,Mayor Baudek closed the public hearing.Trustee Barker cautioned the Applicant to adhere to Liquor Regulations.Trustee Doylen stated that the Board of Trustees finds that the reasonable requirements of the neighborhood are not met by the present liquor outlets in the neighborhood,and that the desires of the adult inhabitants are for the granting of this liquor license.Based upon said “findings”,Trustee Doyen moved this license be granted.Trustee Gillette seconded the motion,and it passed unanimously. B.GREAT DIVIDE RESTAURANT CORP.,dba HUNTERS CHOP HOUSE, 1690 BIG THOMPSON AVE.—NEW HOTEL &RESTAURANT LICENSE.Mayor Baudek opened the public hearing,and Clerk O’Connor presented the application.The application is complete,and TIPS. Training has not yet been scheduled.There being no opposition,Mayor Baudek closed the public hearing.Trustee Barker cautioned the Applicant to adhere to Liquor Regulations.Trustee Doylen stated that the Board of Trustees finds that the reasonable requirements of the neighborhood are not met by the present liquor outlets,and that the desires of the adult inhabitants are for the granting of this liquor license. Based upon said “findings”,Trustee Doylen moved this license be granted.Trustee Newsom seconded the motion,and it passed unanimously. 2.ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN ENCLAVES WITHIN THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK —ORDINANCE #10-02.Town Attorney White reviewed a memorandum dated July 17th whereby,in response to the Town Board’s request,five enclaves eligible for annexation within the Town are being submitted for annexation.Annexation Plats have been prepared and Town Attorney White provided notice to all affected property owners.The Community Development Department Office has received several contacts from affected owners,however,none of them voiced any strong objections. The enclaves subject to this annexation include: A.Lexington Lane Addition,1101 Lexington Lane B.Silver Lane Stables Addition,621 Big Thompson Avenue C.Ice of Estes Addition,693 Elm Road D.Gadecki Addition,1250 S.st.Vram Ave. E.Burke-Allen Addition,1750 S.St.Vram Ave. Town Attorney White reviewed state statute and procedure.There is no change in land use pursuant to the Estes Valley Development Code,and the Town will not change any existing non-conforming use.Attorney White read the Ordinance,and confirmed that pursuant to an IGA with Larimer County, the Town is required to consider annexation when possible.As there was no Board of Trustees —July 23,2002 -Page 3 public testimony,it was moved and seconded (Newsom/Jeffrey-Clark) Ordinance #10-02 be approved,and it passed unanimously. 3.TOWN ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT. A.Estes Valley Water Supply.Public Works Director Linnane and Town Attorney White explained how the Town’s water system differs from Front Range systems based on:(1)only 6.5%of total annual water consumption is used for lawn irrigation,as compared to 50%annual consumption by other communities,and (2)the Town maintains a closed basin (located at the top of the system)and has an official Augmentation Plan that gives the Town the ability to utilize its Windy Gap water to augment stream diversions at a rate of JO-I. The Town contracted for 500 ac.ft.of water from the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR water)in the 1940’s.This water is delivered by the penstock into the Marys Lake Water Treatment Plat.In the 1980’s,the Town acquired rights from Glacier Creek.The Town’s Black Canyon/Fall River rights were then transferred to Glacier Creek.The Town has been a member of the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District (NCWCD)since 1968,and thus acquired Colorado Big Thompson Project (CBT)shares;these shares translate to nearly 1,100 ac.ft.of water.In the 1970’s,the Town joined the Windy Gap (WG) Project.This Project maintains a diversion structure on the Colorado River that feeds into a pipeline into Lake Granby.This water is then available for distribution to participants.In the late 1990’s,with the aid of professional water engineers,an Augmentation Plan was prepared and in late 1999/early 2000,the Water Court decreed the Augmentation Plan “official”,and this Plan allows the Town to use Windy Gap water to augment its water system.Following its consumption,the Town returns this Windy Gap water to Lake Estes.The “keystone”of the Town’s water system is the Augmentation Plan.By managing various water rights,the Town has a water portfolio that is excellent through favorable and unfavorable periods.As the Town’s water system is based on CBT, BOR and WG water,the Town is not reliant on in-stream flows,and the Town has sufficient water to cover its needs through this year;however, all citizens are being urged to voluntarily conserve water.Previous Town Boards were proactive in maintaining the system,providing sufficient water,authorizing the expenditure of funds,and funding submittal of the Augmentation Plan through the Water Court. Public Works Director Linnane reported that staff is anticipating that the CBT system quota for 2003 will be at an all-time low of 30%.Since CBT water consists of only a portion of the Town’s water rights portfolio,even with a 30%CBT allotment,the Town is estimated to have up to a maximum of 450 ac.ft.±excess water rights above the estimated demand in 2003.This excess is a direct result of the Augmentation Plan’s 10 for 1 benefit mentioned in the first paragraph above.The Town’s water system is “very healthy”is it relates to water rights.Town Attorney White is working with the NCWCD to ensure sufficient water remains in Lake Granby and the tunnel next year to meet the Town’s needs throughout the entire year.It is important to note that this year is the driest year in recorded history due to the lack of snow and rain. Trustee Newsom questioned where water is coming from to supply new subdivisions along the front-range?Town Attorney White responded that it is common to equate growth with more water use;however,such is not the case.Existing water is being converted from agricultural use Board of Trustees —July 23,2002 -Page 4 to residential use,and homes use less water per acre than agriculture. Town Administrator Widmer added that the Board recently authorized the purchase of 100 additional shares of CBT water,and staff may be submitting a supplementary water purchase for consideration. B.Firefighters Thank You.Administrative Assistant Laurie Button has prepared a “Community Thank You”card,and the public is encouraged to come in and sign it.The card will be located in the Municipal Building.Staff is discussing ideas for a community event honoring the firefighters. C.Fall River Hydro Plant Museum Opening.The Grand Opening ceremony held July 15th was very successful,with several hundred citizens in attendance.Administrator Widmer complimented Museum Director Kilsdonk and staff and Light and Power Ass’t.to the Director Mangelsen not only for the renovation,but for the celebration event. The community was encouraged to visit the Museum. D.Sales Tax Detail for May.Statistics confirm that the retail category is up 30%over ‘01,accommodations are down 11.2%,restaurants are up 11.2%,and groceries are down 2.2%.Year-to-date detail indicates retail is up 6.8%,accommodations are down 9.5%,restaurants are down 7%,and groceries are up 4.4%.Thus,in comparing year-to-date with 2001,sales tax revenues are down 2.8%.Additional information was provided on economic indicators,such as traffic counts located on Highways 34 and 36. Following completion of all agenda items,Mayor Baudek adjourned the meeting at 7:58 p.m. 6’ohn Baudek,Mayor Vickie O’Connor,Town Clerk