HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Sign Committee 1965-04-21CD
Sign Committee
April 21,1965
CONMITTEE:C.M.Hunter,Chairman;Trustees Henry Dannels &Harry Tregent,
Dave Hart,Ted Matthews,N.T.Petrocine,Richard Pohly,Lee
Byerly,Dallas Tanton,Verne Fanton,Jim Knox,Phil Martin,
E,R.Anderson,and Building Inspector W.Ted Hackett
Attending:C.M.Hunter,Chairman;Dave Hart,Dallas Tanton,Richard
Fohly,and Building Inspector W.Ted Hackett
Absent:Trustees Henry Dannels &Harry Tregent,Ted Matthews,N.T.
Petrocine,Lee Byerly,Verne Fanton,Jim Knox,Phil Martin,
Meeting was called to order by Chairman C.M.Hunter.Minutes of the last
meeting were read and approved.
The purpose of this meeting was to review the final draft as written by the
Town Attorney and approve same for reconnuendation to the Board of Trustees
at their next regular meeting.
The Building Inspector read the new Ordinance section by section,each
section receiving discussion by the members present.With minor changes,the
Ordinance was approved for recommendation,a copy of which is attached.
Meeting adjourned.
B lding ns ectr W.Ted Hackett
k I
Sectfon 1.That Section 12.12-2 of the *rnicipal Code
of the Town -of Zstes Fark,Colorado be and the sane 1a hereby
anded to read:
12-2 (1)Signs -DfLLtioøe1 As used herein the
following words and phrase.are dsfined as follows:
(a)Yr..Standing Sign:Any sign that is not
attached toe building and is supported by its own structure.
(I)Flat Face Sign:Any sign the face of idich is upon
or is parallel to any exterior surfmce of any building or structure,
including windows and building fronts,ubich does not project more
thea 12 inche*from said surface.
(c)Pxojcting iuildig Sign:Any sign that La connected
to and supported by a buildtng and projcts more than 12 inches
from its exterior surfaces.
(d)Exterior Surface:The exterior portion of a building
or structure,except the cbineeys,flues and parapet walls thereof.
Ce)iil4ing Line:A line parallel to th.property line
along the building set back required by this Code.
(f)Curb Line:Any property line that ii comson to any
public street.
(g)Stret:A public way for roadway,being the entire
width from lot line to lot line,and including the terms “road,”
“higbwy,”“place,”“avenue,”“drive,”or other similar designations.
(Ix)tace or Wall.of Nuilding:Th.general outer surface
of any main exterior nell or foundation wall of the building and
shall include -windows and store fronts.
Ci)Double lace Signs:A sign sber.the two sides are
separated by not non than 24 inchøs and are parallel to each
other.Such signs ebsU be coesl4.r.d as one sign.
(j)SuUding:tzi addition to the ordinary neaning,
includes say structure.
fk)Sign:Any uses,if guns,character,outline,spectacle,
display,advrtistng,billboard,device,or any other thing of
sinus:nature to attract attention outdoors,and fucludee aU parts,
portions,units and materials co5ing the sa.
(1)Area:The area of a sign neenc the space enclosed
by th.outer dinaustonc of a sign.Where a sign is painted on
a will,the area of the sign shall be c,utd by enclosing each
letter and image of such sign within sets of parallel lines and
taking the area thus inclo*d.
12.12-2 (2)Prolectina BuUding4gna.AU projecting
building signs shell be conatructed as provided in this section.
No projecting building sign shall project closer than four (4)
feet to the curb line,nor be lower tbsnne (9)feet iron the
extiting grade of the ground or sidenelk area imsetl.ately below the
sign,nor higher than twive (12)feet above the highest exterior
surface of the building to which such Lgn is attached.No project
ing building sign shall exceed one hundred twenty (120)square
feet in area.There shell be only one (1)projecting building sign
per occupancy,as occupancy t*defined in the Uef fore Inilding Code
adopted by Section U.I of this Coda.
,l2-.*(3)Free StandLn AU ire.standing signs
shell be constructed as provided in this section.No free standing
sign shall extend bigher than thirty two (32)feet above the existing
average grids of the gronxI surface idiately below such signs.
So free standi*g sign shell exeød one hundred twenty (120)square
feet in area par face.So free standing sign shall be eractad
darner then .ibt (8)feet fran any curb line,nor closer than
four (4)feet o any building or other structure,ncr within the
side or back y%xd line as provided for in this chapter.There absfl
be net nori tha two (2)free standing signs per occupancy.
12.12—2 (4)Flat Face Signs.All flat face signs shafl
be constructed as provided in this section.No flat face sign
shall exceed twenty five percent f25Z)of th.well or roof area
of the building or structure upon which it is located.
12.12-2 (5)Electric Sign Requirements.All electric
wiring to be used in connection with any sign shall be done by
persons licensed to do electric wiring within the Town and in
accordance with all ordInances,rules and regulations relating to
electric wiring.High potential neon gas signs *1st be of an
approved type,using high power factor transformers,and each
sign mist be provided with an approved master switch located at,
on or near th.sign and arranged to disconnect all ungrounded wires
supplying the sign transformers and accessible only to the authorized
service men.All luminous electric discharg.tubes or other lighting
of the fixed position type,of inhernt low power factor character.
istics,shall at all tines be provided with effective power factor
corrective equipment and such equipment shall be directly eonnected
in the load circuits with separate fuses or other protection.
12.12-2 (6)Signs Co1fance.All existing signs
shall comply with this section within two (2)years from the date
this section becomes effective as a portion of this Code.Signs
destroyed by fire,wind,or otherwise,or when more than fifty
percent C 50Z)thereof have been so destroyed or damaged,as deter
mined by the Town’s Suild tug Inspector,shall conform with the
provisions of this section before being reconstructed or repaired.
12.12-2 (7)fj Support Limited.No sign shaH be supported
in whole or In part from any street,sidewelk,parkway,public
property or required set-backs.
12.12-2 (8)ftau Content -Location Limited Rotating or
Novg Signs.The lettering and advertising netter on all signs
within the Town,except as herein provided,shall solely deal with
and clearly indLcate th.bus Loess done or services rendered upon such
premises and nope other.No sign shall be placed upon any vacant
or unimproved property,except that it deal exclusively with the
sale,lease or transfer of such property.
No rotating or moving signs shall be permitted.
No signs shall be permitted in the 1-1 Residence District
except:Name plate not exceeding 2 square feet in area indicating
the name of the occupant;identificatioa signs for churches,
piysieians,dentists.,artist,,mesicfan,and the letting of rooms,
not to xc•ed 6 square feet in area;one sign for each property
or subdivisiom relating to the sate,laase or rental ef said property,
not to exceed 12 square feet in area.
12.12-2 (9)Suns Spcia1 Permit.Nothing
brein contained shell prevent the ar.ctfon and maintenanc,of
official traffic,fire and police sips,directional signs,signals,
devices and markings med.by and for the State of Colorado,the toim
of Estee Park,or other governt apse is..Nothing herein con
tained abut prevent the Town Ecard from granting a temporary,spcial
permit on such têTe ai it mey deem proper for signs pertaining to
a civic or patriotic special event of general public intereat.
12,12-2 (10).jS!Equired.It shall be unlawful For
any person,firm or corporation to irect,construct,maintain,ve,
alter,change,repair,place,suspend,or cause the same to be dome,
any sign or advertising structure,vithoet first obtaining from the
Suilding Inspector,a written permit •o to do,paying the fees
prescribed therefor,and conforming to and complying with all the
provisions of this ordinance.
A permit shall not be required for minor repairs,painting
on a permitted sign,and normal muintezanee,providing the area
of the sign is not increased and the location of the sign is not
chenged to any degree whatsoever.Said permit say at any time be
rescinded by the Noilding Inspector or by the Towe Noard,should any
of the provisio*s of this ordinance be violated.All applicants
for a permit shell certify the aensent and approval of the owner,
lessee,or agent having charg.of the property on which th.sign is
to be erected,*aintalaed or attached.
kfor.issuing •permit,the Building Inspector shall
determine that •ll ordinanc..and regulations will be complied with
and that no public hazard will be created.
12.12-2 (U)Permit The following fees shall be
charged for all permits ismued hereunder,and shall be based upon
the inetallid cost of th.sign for wbicb the permit is to be issued:
Sign Cost Pee
Up to and including $700 .00 *5.00
Ibre than $700.00,to and including
$1,000.00 6.00
Bach addLtfonal $1,000.00 or fraction,
to and includtng $25,000.00 3.00
Each additional $1,000.00 or fraction,
to and including *30000.00 2.50
Each additional $1,000.00 or fraction,
to and including $100,000.00 1.50
Each additional $1,000.00 or fraction,
more than $100,000.00 1.00
Section 2 •It is th.intention of the Board of Trustees
that the provisions of thi,ordinance ar.hereby declared to be severable,
and If any section,provisIon,or part thereof shall be held
uuconstitutioal or invalid,the remainder of this ordinance shall
•outinue in fufl force and effect,it being to the legislative
Intent that this ordinance would have been adopted even if such
unconstitutional matter bad not been included therein.it is further
declared that if any provision or pert of this ordinance,or the
application thereof to any person or circamtanc.s,is held invalid,
the remainder of this ordinance and the application thereof to
other persona shall not be affected thereby.
Section 3.AU Ordinances and parts of Ordinances In con.
flict herewith be,and the same are hereby repealed.
Section 4.The Board of Truates herevith finds,determines
and designates that this Ordinance is necessary for the ineedlate
preservation of the public peace,health and safety,and whereas
in th.opinion of the Board of Tre tees an an.rgency exists,this
Ordinance shall take effect and he in force five (5)days after it&
final passage,adoption and publication.