HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1999-01-12I Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado,January 12,1999 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Municipal Building in said Town of Estes Park on the 12th day of January,1999.Meeting called to order by Mayor Robert L.Dekker. Present:Robert L.Dekker,Mayor Susan L.Doylen,Mayor ProTem Trustees Jeff Barker John Baudek Lori Jeffrey William J.Marshall Also Present:Rich Widmer,Town Administrator Vickie O’Connor,Town Clerk Gregory A.White,Town Attorney Absent:George J.Hix,Trustee Mayor Dekker called the meting to order at 7:01 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT: Patrick Cipolla requested the Town abolish its 4%sales tax on food and utilities as it places an unfair strain on lower-income people and senior citizens.In his opinion,the Town has lots of money;if the intent of the food tax is to make tourist pay for services,why not have it in effect from May to August? George Hockman urged each Trustee to speak directly into their microphone during the meeting. TOWN BOARD COMMENTS: None. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1.Town Board Minutes dated December 8,1998. 2.Bills. 3.Committee Minutes: A.Public Works,December 17,1998: 1.Harmony Foundation Water Line Reimbursement Agreement - Approval. a)CDOT Hwy.34/36 Project -Approval of RMC Scope of Services. b)Village Green/Lexington Water Line -Approval of Change Order. B.Public Safety,January 7,1999: a)Partners 1999 Grand Prix Event -Approval. C.Planning Commission,December 15,1998 (acknowledgment only). Board of Trustees -January 12,1999 -Page 2 D.Board of Adjustment,January 5,1999 (acknowledgment only). 4.Resolution #1-99 -Setting public hearing date of February 9,1999 for New Liquor Store License application filed by Rocky Mountain High Discount Liquor. 5.Resolution #2-99 -Intent to Annex Pedersen Addition and setting the Town Board public hearing date of March 9,1999 and referring the plat to the U Planning Commission for their public hearing scheduled February 16, 1999. 6.Mayor Dekker opened the public hearings and as there were no public comments,declared the heating closed.A representative from Van Horn Engineering stated he was available to answer any questions: A.Amended Plat of Lots 12,13,and 14,Block 1,Fall River Estates. Linemann,Goff,Harrison &Jobe/Applicants. B,Amended Plat of Lots 18 and 19,Quasebarth Resubdivision.Stan & Mary Hart and Mark &Vicky Holler/Applicants. It was moved and seconded (Doylen/Jeifrey)the consent calendar be approved,and it passed unanimously. ACTION ITEMS: Resolution #3-99 -Public Posting Notice for Lobby Area.Clerk O’Connor presented the Resolution that establishes the lobby area immediately adjacent to the Administrative Offices as the designated Public Place for Posting Notices of Town Meetings.It was moved and seconded (Doylen/Barker)Resolution #3-99 be approved,and it passed unanimously. 2.Liquor Show Cause Hearing for Young Hee Kim,OwnerIROCKY MOUNTAIN DISCOUNT LIQUOR.In a memorandum dated January 8, 1999,Deputy Chief of Police Filsinger.&Clerk O’Connor reported that they met with Gregg Coffman,Attorney representing Ms.Kim to discuss a Stipulation and Agreement for the alleged “sale to a minor”liquor violation. Utilizing the Stipulation Guidelines adopted January,1998,staff negotiated a 30-day suspension,with 15 days served and 15 days held in abeyance on the condition that no further violations occur within the one year stipulation period.The Town Board’s options pertaining to the Stipulation and Agreement are:(1)approve it as presented,(2)amend it,or (3)deny it and proceed with the Show cause Heating. Staff is suggesting the Stipulation and Agreement be approved,setting the following dates for suspension:from 12:01 a.m.January 25,1999 through 11:59 p.m.February 8,1999,and not proceeding with the Show Cause Hearing.Trustee Doylen noted that one of the reasons why the Town Board adopted the Stipulation Guidelines was to give order to process—a logical direction on how.to deal with liquor violations,and staff could proceed accordingly.Trustee•Bäudek commented that the Guidelines bestows continuity,particularly as such violations/show cause hearings occur on such an infrequent basis;Attorney White confirmed that the Board of Trustees -January 12,1999 -Page 3 ultimate penalty for a liquor violation is revocation of the liquor license. Deputy Chief of Police Filsinger responded to questions raised on the incident,and the Board noted their.adamant stance against selling to minors.It was moved and seconded (Baudek/Marshall)the Stipulation and Agreement and subsequent Findings and Order of Suspensbn be approved,and it passed unanimously.Trustee Baudek stated that should a subsequent violation occur with this licensee within the next year,the liquor license will be revoked. 3.Town Board Action Plan for 19992OOO.Town ‘Adminiètrator Widmer presented the proposed Action Plan for the Board’s goals for 1999 and 2000.The Action Plans were written with assistance of the Dept.Heads. Each goal has an individual action plan,timeline,and action team who is responsible for achieving the goal.Each team will have a team leader, staff,and one or two Trustees.Where applicable,budgeted amounts were shown with each goal.Goals are listed below: Housing Strategies - Goal 1(A)To facilitate and provide minimal dollars and support to an assisted living project. Goal 1(B)To facilitate,in coordination with the Chamber Resort Association,the establishment of seasonal employee housing. Goal 1(C)To investigate new options in the governance of housing authority activities. Comprehensive Planning Goal 2(A)and 2(B)To complete the EVPC draft of the Development Code by December 1998 and to secure public acceptance,and Town Board and Larimer County approval of the Development Code no later than March 1999. Goal 2(C)To develop an annexation plan for commercial properties adjacent to the Town limits. Public Information Strategies Goal 3(B)To increase Trustee outreach. Goal 3(C)To perform the community survey. Economic Development Goal 4(A)To initiate an educational campaign on the value of tourism to Estes Park. Goal 4(B)To evaluate the special events program,and modify as necessary,for maximum benefit to the economy and our community. A Caring Community Goal 5(A)To develop an annual recognition program for volunteers. Goal 5(B)To continue a financial commitment to community service organizations and activities. Board of Trustees -January 12,1999 -Page 4 Transportation Stategies Goal 6(A)To expand and improve the hike and bike trail system. Goal 6(B)To initiate the west bypass project. Goal 6(C)To evaluate transit options. Urban Renewal 7(A)To secure a new tenant for the Municipal Building. 7(6)To implement the highway 36 gateway improvement plan. 7(C)To facilitate development of a large screen cinema project. 7(D)To evaluate the relocation of the of the post office. 7(E)To explore the West Elkhorn pedestrian mall options. Goal 8 To prepare a benefit analysis of home rule v.statutory governance. 4.Stanley Hall Advisory Board -ResignationslAppointments:Mayor Dekker announced the resignation of Jo Hazlitt,acceptance of Karla Porter to replace Ms.Hazlitt,and that Trustee Jeffrey will replace Trustee Baudek as Liaison.Trustee Baudek commented he requested replacement due to scheduling conflicts. 5.Estes Park Volunteer Fire Department -Annual Report and Election of Officers.Secretary Landkamer reported on the Department’s recent Election of Officers,and requested approval of the following: Fire Chief -Scott Dorman First Assistant Chief -Ray Parker Second Assistant Chief -Daryl McCown Secretary -Jon Land kamer Treasurer -Doug Deats It was moved and seconded (Marshall/Doylen)the above-listed officers be approved for 1999,and it passed unanimously. The Financial Report was thoroughly reviewed,and Trustee Marshall commended the Department on funds raised by the Crafts Fair,a portion of which benefits MDA.Town Administrator Widmer commended Secretary Land kamer for his excellent job in financial reporting. Chief Dorman reviewed the Run Report (increased ±18%from 1997),and Training Report.A question and answer period followed,and the complete report was made a part of the record by reference thereto.Mayo Dekker commented on the static number of volunteers (30.)for the past 30 years, and Chief Dorman reported that the Dept.is trying to increase their membership by at least 5 members within the next 2-3 years..The Recruitment Program was also reviewed.Mayor Dekker praised the Dept. for their report,adding .that it was easy to follow;the entire community is Board of Trustees -January 12,1999 -Page 5 proud and pleased of the terrific job accomplished by the Volunteer Fire Dept. 6.Town Administrator’s Report: A.Executive Sessions.Administrator Widmer responded to a recent Trail Gazette article regarding the amount of Executive Sessions: there were 46 Town Board meetings,and 17 executive sessions in 1997 and 1998.Staff believes the Town Board should attempt to minimize the number,of executive sessions;however,due to personnel laws ‘and other legal considerations,some executive sessions are inevitable. B.Marketing District Senate Bill #99-30.Administrator Widmer reported that with the demise of the Colorado Tourism Board, affected entities have been working on an alternative.Thus, Administrator Widmer will be attending the Legislature on Tuesday, January 19th where the Marketing District Bill hearing will be held before the Senate.The original Bill was designed to allow communities/surrounding areas to produce revenue from a wider area than city limits.This Bill was successful;however,it was discovered that since statutory towns are limited to a cap of 7% sales tax,a revision would be required to remove the cap (Senate Bill #99-30).Senator Matsunaka and Representative Kaufman are sponsoring the Bill and CML has offered its support.The Bill allows the creation of an independent marketing district with a separate board.An election must be conducted to establish the tax,and money raised will be administered by the newly-established board. The revenue source is from the rental of rooms.Additional information will be provided as available. Following completion of all Agenda items,Mayor Dekker adjourned the meeting at 6:03 p.m. Ro ert L.Dekker,Mayor L.•) Vickie O’Connor,Town Clerk