HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1996-09-24Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado,.September 24 ..,19.96. Minutes of a Regular...meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estee Park,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Municipal Building in said Town of Estee Park on the .4i2I)..day of S.epttfl)D A.D.,19.96. at regular meeting hour. Robert L.Dekker Meeting called to order by Mayor Present:Mayor Robert L.Dekker Trustees:Susan L.Doylen, Mayor ProTem Jeff Barker, John Baudek, William J.Marshall, J.Donald Pauley Also Present:Gary F.Kiaphake, Town Administrator Vickie O’Connor, Town Clerk Absent:George J.Hix,Trustee Gregory A.White,Town Attorney Mayor Dekker called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT. Austin Condon commented on his discussions with Mayor Dekker, Trustees Baudek and Hix,and staff regarding the Fall River Hydro Plant,and conveyed his appreciation to the Town for the earnest manner in which this issue is being treated. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1.Town Board minutes dated September 10,1996. 2.Bills. 3.Committee Minutes: A.Light and Power,September 12,1996. 3.Public Safety,September 19,1996. C.Planning Commission,September 17,1996 (acknowledgement only). 4.Special Review #96-5,Nicky’s RV Resort -Continued to October 8,1996 at the Applicant’s Request. It was moved and seconded (Doylen/Pauley)the consent calendar be approved,and it passed unanimously. ACTION ITEMS: l.A.Electric Shutoff Policy.Light and Power Director Matzke reported that said Policy was referred back to staff by the Town Board August 13.Pursuant to additional review,an amended Policy was presented to,and favorably recommended by, the Light and Power Committee.Director Matzke reviewed the six recommendations (see Light and Power Minutes dated SeptemDer 12,1996 for apmplete listing).Staff confirmed that the Billing Dept\iill continue to notify delinquent actual day their electricity is being shutoff,and that Recommendation #6 raising the disconnect/reconnect charge from $15 to $30 during business hours,and from $30 to $60 after hours will require an ordinance.Following discussion,it was moved and seconded (Pauley/Marshall)Items 1-5 in the Shutoff Policy be adopted as presented,authorizing Town Attorney White to prepare an Ordinance (Item #6),and it passed unanimously.Items 1-5 will be effective the beginning of November. Board of Trustees -September 24,1996 -Page 2 B.Christmas Decorations Installation and Maintenance.Director Matzke reported that two bids were received for the installation and maintenance of all Christmas decorations.The lowest bid,in the amount of $49,750,was submitted by Rocky Mountain Lawn Care. Director Matzke noted that the Light and Power Dept.has traditionally installed and maintained the Christmas decorations, and this is the first attempt to privatize this project. Internal cost estimates are $42,000;however,this figure may not include the entire realm of expenses.Administrator Klaphake voiced his support of the privatization as it will allow skilled labor to focus their efforts on capital projects not decorations. This privatization avoids a fuiltime equivalent on the workforce, and staff believes that in the long-term,it will be cost efficient.It was moved and seconded (Marshall/Pauley)the low bid in the amount of $49,750 submitted by Rocky Mountain Lawn Care be accepted,and it passed unanimously.The start date is by October 15,1996. 2.Resolution #15-96 Ratifying/Affirming Telephone Access Facility Charge for E911.Police Chief Repola reviewed the current E911 Intergovernmental Agreement,requesting approval of a resolution ratifying/affirming the Telephone Access Facility Charge for E911 of $.50/month/exchange,which will allow a continuance of the rate at its current level.Chief Repola thoroughly reviewed the Larimer Emergency Telephone Authority (LETA)and E9l1 capabilities/facilities.Larimer County has already approved a similar Resolution,which is expected to be followed by each of the LETA Members.It was moved and seconded (Doylen/Baudek) Resolution #15-96 be approved,and it passed unanimously. Trustee Doylen noted that the E911 System is operating efficiently in Estes Park due,in part,to the well-trained personnel. 3.Resolution #16-96 -Intent to Annex “Elm Road Second Addition”. Town Administrator Kiaphake reported that the Town has been working on a proposal to better coordinate trash services,and this annexation is an integral portion of the plan.A-i Trash is submitting a Development Plan and Site Plan for review by the Planning Commission.Staff reviewed the preliminary annexation map,and Clerk O’Connor read the Resolution.It was moved and seconded (Barker/Doylen)Resolution #16-96 be approved,referring Elm Road Second Addition to the Planning Commission for their meeting October 24,1996,and it passed unanimously. 4.Town Administrator’s Report. A.Municipal Parking Lot Renovation.Administrator Kiaphake announced that EPUPA has begun reconstruction of the Municipal Parking Lot.A parking map was distributed, and all Municipal Building employees have been directed to park their vehicles at Bond Park or up MacGregor Ave.for duration of construction (approximately 2 months,depending upon the weather).Phasing was reviewed,as well as a drainage easement which was cooperatively provided by the First National Bank.EPUPA will maintain reasonable access to the Library,and a parking space in front of the Building has been designated for a Finance employee to facilitate mail delivery/pickup. There being no further business,Mayor Dekker adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Robert L.Dekker,Mayor ) Vickie O’Connor,Town Clerk