HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Town Board 1996-07-09Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado,TUl •,19. Minutes of a .Regular...meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of EBtes Park,Larimer County,Colorado.Meeting held in the Municipal Building in Bald Town of Estes Park on the ..day of .,A.D.,19. at regular meeting hour. Robert L.Dekker Meeting called to order by Mayor Present:Mayor Also Present Absent: Robert L.Dekker Gary F.Kiaphake, Town Administrator Gregory A.White, Town Attorney Vickie O’Connor, Town Clerk None Trustees:Susan L.Doylen, Mayor ProTein Jeff Barker, John Baudek, George J.Hix, William J.Marshall, J.Donald Pauley Mayor Dekker called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT. None. Mayor Dekker responded to comments previously made by Austin Condon concerning the Fall River Hydro Plant where 4 cfs must be maintained for the stream which is equivalent to 16 garden hoses flowing into the stream.In actuality,4 cfs is comparable to 400 garden houses. Mayor ProTem Doylen reminded the community of the upcoming Western Heritage Days and Rodeo Week,and encouraged all to attend and enjoy the festivities. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1.Town Board minutes dated June 25,1996. 2.Bills. 3.Committee Minutes: A.Public Works,June 27,1996. B.Community Development,July 3,1996. C.Special Planning (acknowledgement only). Commission,July 2,1996 D.Board of Adjustment,July 1,1996 (acknowledgement only). 4.Rezoning Request:Lots 1—4,7—50,7B—16B,Buenna Vista Terrace Subdivision,Buenna Vista Terrace Subdivision Property Owners/Applicants -Request of Applicant to refer back to Planning Commission. Administrator Klaphake clarified Item 4,Buenna Vista Terrace Rezoning Request:at the June 18 Planning Commission meeting,the Commission forwarded a recommendation for denial.The Applicant desires to obtain additional signatures and return to the Commission,and rather than consider the denial recommendation, staff is requesting this item be referred back to the Planning Board of Trustees -July 9,1996 -Page 2 Commission. It was moved and seconded (Doylen/Hix)the consent calendar be approved,and it passed unanimously. ACTION ITEMS: l.A.Hondius Water Users Association,Inc.-Approval of Agreement and Ordinance #14-96.Public Works Director Linnane reported that High Drive residents have requested the Town provide bulk water to their area,and an Agreement with the Hondius Association was presented.Their water supply is being terminated.Attorney White has reviewed the Agreement,and he read the associated ordinance.Staff clarified the service area,and it was moved and seconded (Hix/Doylen)Ordinance #14-96 and Agreement lie approved,and it passed unanimously. Whereupon Mayor Dekker declared the Ordinance duly passed and adopted,ordered it numbered 14-96,and published according to law. B.Fuel Tank Proiect -(1)Agreement with Larimer County.An Agreement with Larimer County was presented authorizing the Town to use the County’s fuel site to obtain fuel for vehicles owned and/or operated by the Town.The term is for two ten— year periods,which includes a 5c/gallon surcharge.The Town uses approximately 40,000 gal./yr.which equates to an annual surcharge of $2,000. (2)Bid for Construction.Bids were opened June 17 and Flint Engineering submitted a low bid of $22,254.15.The budget line item is $80,000,and this bid leaves a contingency of $55,000.The budget will not be exceeded,and staff will keep the Public Works Committee apprised on this project. It was moved and seconded (Doylen/Marshall)the Agreement with Larimer County,and the bid in the amount of $22,254.15 from Flint Engineering be approved,and it passed unanimously. Administrator Kiapliake reported that the Agreement authorizing Police vehicles to fuel at the School has not yet been finalized. C.Raven Avenue/Lone Pine Drive Drainage Prolect.Director Linnane stated he received Public Works Committee approval to submit this item directly to Town Board.Van Horn Engineering’s cost estimate in the amount of $10,140 was presented.The budgeted amount for inlets,pipe,ditches, asphalt curbing,etc.is $28,000.Ranch Meadows is to construct drainage facilities,and the Town can use the same system,which is of benefit to both parties.The pipe is being upsized to 24”;the Town will pay $6.00/if for pipe,and for 2 inlets,swale,and asphalt patching,for an amount not to exceed $10,140. In addition,staff is requesting approval to expend $17,860 to improve the roadway.The Condominium Association will pay for all asphalt patching ($5,000),thus this project with be a 3- way partnership.It was moved and seconded (Doylen/Hix) staff be authorized to expend $10,140 for the drainage,and $17,860 for roadway improvements,not to exceed $28,000,and it passed unanimously. D.Street Striping.The Committee recommended up to $30,000 of the Street Overlay Budget be allocated to street striping. Epoxy striping and pre-formed markings will be used downtown due to the life expectancy (approximately four years), reflectivity and aesthetics.It was moved and seconded (Doylen/Hix)staff be authorized to proceed,expending up to $30,000 with In-Line Marking for street striping,and it passed unanimously. Board of Trustees -July 9,1996 -Page 3 2.A.Final Plat of Ranch Meadow Subdivision (formerly Mountain Park Subdivision),Richard H.Wille Trust/Applicant.It was moved and seconded (Hix/Pauley)the Final Plat be continued to July 23,1996,and it passed unanimously.Director Stamey commented that some site work may begin immediately,and that the Subdivision Regulations do allow earth work to begin prior to final plat approval.Public Works Director Linnane has reviewed all construction drawings and corrections are being made by the engineer. B.Rezoning Request for Ranch Meadow Subdivision:from C-O Outlying Commercial to R-S Residential for Lots 4—15,23—39; and from C-O to R-M for Lots 17-22,26 and 30,Richard H. Wille Trust/Applicant.It was moved and seconded (Hix/Doylen) the Rezoning Request be continued to July 23,1996,and it passed unanimously. C.Special Review Request #96-4 Lone Tree Village,Lot 5,Manford Addition,Simpson Housing Limited Partnership &Loveland Housing Development Corp./Applicants.Mayor Dekker opened the public hearing.Community Development Director Stamey reviewed the Development Plan and displayed the Landscape Plan.The 4.7-acre site is located west of Community Dr., west of the elementary school.The Applicant is proposing a multi-family development with 57 units in eleven two-story buildings;zoning allows this type of development.Below- market rental housing is being proposed which includes handicapped adaptable units.The Applicant has exceeded minimum parking requirements,there is no vehicular access off Community Dr.,and there are sidewalk connections.During the Planning Commission meeting,there was considerable discussion regarding potential noise conflict with the existing animal clinic.The Applicant is installing additional insulation and landscaping for the unit at the northwest corner of the site to mitigate this concern.All other items have been addressed with the drawings.Mayor ProTem Doylen received confirmation that the 8 handicapped adaptable units are all 2-bedroom,and she questioned whether some 3—bedroom units could be adapted for the handicapped.Assistant Administrator Widmer confirmed that the Applicant is researching the requirement to have a “mixture”of handicapped-adaptable units and the Applicants will provide whatever the law requires.Townhouses as well as flat-type buildings are being proposed;if the “mix”is changed,this will affect the cost of construction. Audience comments were heard from Toby Hale,Estes Park disability activist.Ms.Hale read a portion of the ADA Interim Final Rule for Housing where handicapped units were to be dispersed throughout a development to provide a choice of housing types.Ass’t.Administrator Widmer reiterated that the Applicant will comply with the ADA Act.There were no persons speaking in opposition,thus Mayor Dekker declared the public hearing closed. It was moved and seconded (Doylen/Baudek)Special Review Request #96-4 for Lone Tree Village be approved,and it passed unanimously.Discussion may take place at the Public Works Committee concerning an improved pedestrian/sidewalk system. Scott McFadden/Applicant (who had been detained)was introduced.Mr.McFadden confirmed that the Project must abide by all ADA regulations;he is very excited to get started with the Project and it will be a great asset to the community.In response to Mayor ProTem Doylen’s concern,the Applicant confirmed that every handicapped individual is to have equal rights to any unit they desire.The 1,2 and 3- bedroom units are all handicapped adaptable.The recently opened affordable housing development adjacent to Lake Loveland rented immediately,and most projects have waiting lists.Construction should begin in September,with units Board of Trustees -July 9,1996 —Page 4 available in February;as buildings become available,they will be leased.The color scheme will be gray or tan wood siding,compatible with the mountain community.The project will be owned and maintained by the Applicant,and they will have on-site leasing 30-days prior to availability.Residents must qualify,and office telephone numbers will be published. Mayor ProTem Doylen expressed her appreciation to the numerous persons involved in this project. 3.Temporary Shelter Ordinance #15-96.Administrator Klaphake reported that the Town’s special legal counsel,John Frye,has suggested the Town clarify its uses for tents.Thus,Town Attorney White prepared and submitted an ordinance amending Chapter 10.16.010(D)relating to the use of temporary shelters for commercial and residential purposes.No tent,temporary shelter,canopy or tepee,including all or any part of the supporting framework,shall be used for living or sleeping purposes or as a store,office or place for carrying on a business,trade or profession within the Town except as follows: 1.As an accessory use to a residential dwelling so long as the use is temporary and does not exceed a period of seven (7)consecutive days. 2.As an accessory use to a commercial use so long as it is not used for living or sleeping purposes,the use is temporary,and the temporary use does not exceed thirty (30)days in any calendar year. 3.The use does not occur within the C—D Downtown Commercial District. 4.As an accessary use to any municipally sponsored or approved event. 5.As an accessary use on any municipally owned or occupied property. Attorney White read the ordinance,and it was moved and seconded (Hix/Pauley)the Ordinance #15-96 be approved,and it passed unanimously.Whereupon Mayor Dekker declared the ordinance duly passed and adopted,ordered it numbered 15—96, and published according to law. 4.Town Administrator’s Report.CIRSA,the Town’s liability insurance agent,is in such a good financial position that they intend to refund money to the Town (approximately $100,000).This is possible as CIRSA has held their claims down and increased their reserves.Pursuant to TABOR ramifications,the Town will advise CIRSA how to refund their portion. Following completion of all agenda %ems,Mayor Dekker adjourned the meeting at 8:32 p.m./ n Robert L.Dekker,Mayor Vickie O’Connor,Town Clerk