HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Water Committee 1970-03-02cc RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Water Committee Meeting March 2,1970 Committee:Chairman Dannels;Trustees Grove and Steele Attending:Chairman Dannels;Trustee Steele Also Attending:Superintendent McCracken,Business Office Manager Duncan,Town Administrator Hill Absent:Trustee Grove WATER APPLICATIONS Dale York -20 residential units on Fall River.This application approved;connect to 12”main. Fay Delahide -Residential unit in Upper Broadview.This applica tion approved. Ed Krise -Residential unit on Spur 66.Conditional approval granted upon certification of elevation by Town Engineer and line extension to be installed according to recommen dations of Water Superintendent. ELKHORN LINE EXTENSION: Superintendent McCracken reported that cost estimates range from $6,000.00 to $10,000.00 for the project.The Committee reconnnends tabling this pro ject until a later date. DOMESTIC WATER PROJECT AT NARY’S LAKE THROUGH BUREAU OF REClAMATION FACILITIES: Town Administrator Hill presented letters relative to the proposed project for the committee’s consideration.Northern Colorado Water Con servancy District -letter of January 30,1970,Bureau of Reclamation - letter of February 16,1970,and Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District -letter of February 19,1970,are attached to and made a part of these minutes. There being no firther business,the meeting adjourned. Lloyd\Duncan,Business Office Manager Dale G Hill,Town Administrator 1PRovP (!R9 1970 i-C -iIRECTORS C ° OFFICERS ..IULER COUNTY J.6E NIX.PRESIDENT DUDLEY I.HUTCHNSON.JR. GEORGE DEINES CLYDE C.MOPPITT,VICE.PRES. MILTON H.NLSON J.H.EARKEY,SECRETAR( LARIMER COUNTY J.C.NEL5ON,TREASURER GORDON C DYEKMAN CLYDE C.MOFPITT JOHN S.MOORE STAFF WELD COUNTY J.R.BARKLEY.MANADERW.0.PARR WILLIAM E.OOHLENDER EARL F.PHIPPS. 1.BEN NIX Ass.STANT MANAGER U S.HIGHWAY 34 —WEST OF LO’dEAND WASHINGTON AND o sox 679 DENNW C.WALKER. MORGAN COUNTIES 0.&M.SUPERINTENDENT R J.LAMAORN LOVELAND.COLORADO 80537 J.C.NELSON. LOGAN COS.NTY CONTRACTS ADM,NISTRATOR H.H.VANDEMOER I ——C7UflL.cI.DAIS.GRAHAM &STUDOS SEDGWICK COUNTY LEGAL COUNGEL KIYO5HI OTSUKA PRINCIPAL.COUNSEL EMERITUS DIRECTORS JOHN M AYRE DR CHAS.A LORY AMEHCAN NATIONAL BANK ED P.MUNROE .BUILDING DENVER COLORADO V0202 Mr.Elmo G.Peterson Nelson,Haley,Patterson &Quirk,Inc. 2021 Clubhouse Drive Greeley,Colorado 80631 Re:Your Proj.No.69-60-103 Dear Mr.Peterson: We appreciate your letter outlining the alternative choices which you feel will fulfill the requirements ror domestic water service proposec or Fish Creek Park,Inc. The several means of withdrawing water from the project system ha’ie been studied by us and have now been discussed with the appropriate repre sentatives of the Bureau of Reclamation.eased upon your examination,we agree that your suggestion of a combination of Items 3 and 4,as set forth in your letter,would provide the better of your several suggestions. We also agree with your comment that thought should be given to tne design of a facility which can accommodate tne future needs or the entire area.On that po:nt,you recaL tnat we mentioned tne existing outet facility which serves tne treatment plant of r\oral heights Water Company. nat,or course,is another a1ternatve if appropriate agreements could be arranged to satisfy the mutual interests or the several deveoping subthvi— sions.Also,the Town of Estes ?ark might well have an interest in the general development around the Marys Lake—Prospect Mountain area since both Fish Creek Park and Koral Heights are adjacent to the present Town boundary. While it may have no direct bearing on your inquiry regarding facHities for Fish Creek Park,I cannot refrain from a general comment.Neither this District nor the United States desLes to encourage a proliferation of water delivery faci 1 ities to serve a number of small treatment plants and se,Jarate distribution systems that might be better served by a single installation. One facility could provide the mutually desired water service now being sought by several subdivisions which might,in the future,find it desirabe to become a part of the Town of Estes Park. NORT-N COLCZADO VVAE CDXSVANCY 667.2437 •I,.•co 9.• Page 2 Mr.Elmo G.Peterson Returning to specific coimnent upon your suggested use of Items 3 and 4, as you outlined them,our discussion w!th the Bureau disclosed that current plans are presently being deveiced which would assure that the line above Marys Lake Power Plant would suffer no outages except for lnspect!on purposes or for unforseen emergencies.While the purpose of the plans are independent of your needs and will require additional measuring facilities,it appears quite possible that your Item 4 will satisfy your complete needs if you have provision for some emergency clear water storage. We are advised by Bureau representatives that their plans will be completed in about 30 days and that we will be advised of their decision on plan imple mentation Inmiediately thereafter. Because of the obvious advantage of an outlet above Marys Lake Power Plant, particularly with water available for delivery at that point at all but very iimited time periods,we suggest that you postpone a decision until we receive the precise Bureau plans and can advise you in detail on the proposed operation. of the C-BT system at the location in çuestion.It might alter your choice of treatment plant location and the çuantity of clear water storage which might be requi red. I should note that the withdrawal of water from the system above Mary’s Lake Power Plant is subject to a power interference charge of $14.49 per acre— foot as opposed to $13.37 per acre—foot below Marys Lake and above the Estes Power Plant.However,this appears to me to be rather minimal In light of the advantage of being able to utilze a single point of withdrawal. We will contact you as soon as we are advised of the Bureau’s decision on its plans. 7 Secr ta —Manage JRB:lms L../”I CC:James E.StGkes,U.S.Bureau of Reclamation Melvin Dinner,Attorney,Fish Creek Park,Inc. L.C.Moiander,Koral Heights Water Company k’Dale 2.Hill,Town Administrator,Estes Park Ernest G.Hartwell,Attorney,Town of Estes Park •I t — .:. UNITED STATES - V DEPARTMENT CF THE INTERCR BUREAU OF RECLAMATION t_SOUTH PLATTE RIVER PROJECTS —REGION 7 .0.BOX 449 LOVELAND.COLORADO 80537 VV.. N REPLY REFER TO:S 4O0 Feb VT 16,1970 r J B Bardey,Secretary_Marage: Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District V Post Office Box 679 1V Loveland,Colorado 80537 Dear Bob: :.V rsarb to r d;seussos wit o on Jana:j 9,1970,—o letter to !u.Elmo Peterson,we have considered the possisne alterna-:•c tives for supplying water to the Carriage 111s Subdivision nd Cry..tal hi Water Company at Estes Park. Me-ie:s of saff nave veiea a a ara1yz.n e vrcs tocsa_._e ears for 1bnara’f:c::oe ‘ãC _cs an ze f3:n n ?etersons letter of January to you.A summary of our canments is presented in the following rumbered paragrahs which correspand to the :inurbe:ed paragraphs in r Peterso,vs leer I ltnougn here is a possab_..j tan if staiiaG_c of a tap could cc i aae i-i te Pros ct c..ana Conoant bj ne sane tye of constructIon as was recuired of the Arins vlatnr V V, Asscciatio-,_ic ,“e nej tazed azDr2e Sin’oa,tis plan is not recoanended.We are convinced that it would be very imnrac tical to attempt such an diatica cecause of ianerference with operational requ anent o tac existing ilities.As we V:: V 1now,t’e re ie—es on -e Ccndr are iery aerra for te transportation of water,power generation,and as a source of an ec water for t’ie Thm o Esto.P ad orai ei;its Seo dvisIon.it is very doubtful if ensugh dorntima could be sched tied to ma1e such a tap without serious effects in cue or more of V :VV these services.Purtar:ssre,there would a no assurance of a Cc’t1noDts enntentd na;lao1iy of wa:Su.piy ,o t-e waer cop.;es froT tue Cothnt 2 We iold no be alar to g:ar parssio”for te 1 tin of the turbine-type pumps in the gate structure.Available stace is insuff1cint for the installation and still leave reotired room for -cue Piacing ana removal or stop logs,ic appears t:at 00 this would be rther coanlicateci by the fact that coiderabie sPace would cc required.ror tne discharge mae.Additionaiy, because of liability and other factors,it is undesirable to have other than Bureau or bureau contractor neonle working in or operating a bureau structure..e ao not nesire to ansune respon sibility for oneration and.mel anne of such an installation N /: even if ownership of the facilities were traasferrd to the United States,which transfer prcbably would be reçuired.Also,the location of tne p;relne rrcm the gatehouse woul pose serious prooens.Afl plan requrang excavatIon of a trenen on or across the dan would not be accertaDle The alternate suggestion of a separate buIlding immediately adja cent to the present building would not be acceptable for some of the above-stated reasons and because of rossible interfeucace with full access no or use of existing structure and.equipment as nay be required in the future. .The construction of a pumn house structure with intake in the southwest corner of the Lake aprears to be a practical plan.This is a logical location for installation of facilities for withdrawal of the required amounts of water for the development areas.Such an installation would be separate from.the Bureau facilities. Therefore,not Ofli would there be iess restrictions in the con struction and operation initially,but alSO this plan would offer :. greater flexibility for any future eumansion or alteration that nay be required.We do not anticipate any serious problems in .:Pobtainingauthoritytograntapprovalforthisinstallation. The connection of a pipe no the 12-inch drain line from Maryz Lake gatehouse could not be permitted because there is not enough space for such an installation between the wall of the gatehouse and the spiilway structure.The 12-ineb pipe from the valve in the gate structure to a point 3.75 feet outside of the structure is cast iron.The remainder of the drain is soil pine.The entire drain assembly from.the wail of the gatehouse to a point wnere it enters the splmway structure is encased in concrete..This existing anstallation should non be disturbed cecause of the major problems that could result from the extensive work that would be involvd.It should also be noted that the rower inter ference cost unar this plan would se greater than if all the water were availahe to flow through karys Lake ?owerplant and taken from the Lake below as suggested in Paragraph 3. We attempted to analyze each suggestion objectively and thoroughly before the above decisions were reached.I believe you will agree that an installation completely separate from the Bureau’s installation would ..:- 2 t:::.:.:::::T:.: 1 — — - -: J% * % . a . 4 ‘ - . 6 - — — b 5 j - • s . - : 4 t t 7 . . . t . t z ; : : t ‘ • ‘ • - • • _ • e s . . • _ _ . . . 4 . . — - • • . r _ t — —— . . 1 S I’ C U ) F ii h i t 1 t t j j ( b f l b - s . L I g 4 1 - l ? f f f * , ‘e f f 0 & v t 11 h a VI! 1b p I n l l . b f P V rd n1 e t j p t f l : -U b , . , . a g 4 ‘ as s d i i 4 I a l a 2 Z t 1% ( j I • D (A l fi f i p cc‘ I 4 I V C - 0 00 Dl RECTORS OCULDER COUNTY DUDLEY I.HUTCHINSON.JR. GEORGE DEINES MILTON H.NELSON LARIMER COUNTY GORDON C.OVERMAN CLYDE C.MOFPITT JOHN R MOORE WELD COUNTY W.0.PARR ].R.BARKLEY.MANAGER WLLIAM E.BOHLENDER EARL F.PHIPPS,1,SEN NX ASSISTANT MANAGER WASHINGTON AND MORGAN COUNTIES DENNIS C.WALKER. 0.&M.5ERINTENDENTR.U.LAMSORN J.C.NELSON.LOGAN COUNTY - H H.VANDEMOER CONTRACTS ADMINISTRATOR DAVID.GRAHAM &STUBBSSEDGWICKCOUNTY LEGAL COUNSELKIYO5HIOTSUKA PRINCIPAL COUNSEL— EMERITUS DIRECTORS JOHN M SAYRE DR.Cl-lAS.A.LORY AMERCAN NATIONAL BANK ED F.MUNROE BUILD NO DL .,COLORADO 80202 Re:Your Project No.69-6O.100 Dear Mr.Peterson: Enclosed is a copy of a letter from Mr.James .Stokes which sets forth the Bureau of Reciamation comments in regard to the alter— natives suggested in your letter to us dated January l,1970. am sotry to learn that your Alternate 14 cannot be installed because or space limitations.As I commented in my letter to you, the outages on that line will cease exceot under emergency conditions, and a connection at that location might have precluded the necessity for pumping. I note that the Bureau comrents were limited to the specific alternatives wnicn you suggested.t-!owever,aso note the comment in the next—to—last paragraph of Mr.Stokes letter which concurs with our thou9ht on the possible installation of a facility which could provide service for all potentally interestea enzities.o me,this suggests the possibility that you might wish to take a fur ther look for other alternatives.Perhaps,from a cost standpoint, other choices might be well above your first suggestions but could be mutually afforded by the several interested entities referred to in my letter of January 30,1970. When we can be oF further assistance,please let us know. Sincerei.y ycs, )-,-•/ JRB:kh - .Sear ary—’.anager Enclosure CC:James E.Stokes ./ Melvin Dinner L.C.Molander /Dale C.HH1 Ernest C.Herwell OFFICE FIG .1 DI N NIP,FuEGIrcNT CLYOt:t:.MO PITT,VIP:l..PRCD. J.8.OAR<cEy,SECRETARY J.C.NELSON,TREA000ER STAFF ____ -.—‘‘—-•-,,-.-,—-....—-...•‘-,- Z:iø’_—_\ NORiMi C CADO WATEt?.c:r?.VANCY :c U 5.HIGHWAY 34 —WEST OP LOVELAND P.0.BOX 070 .667-2457 LOVELAND.COLORADO 80537 February 19,1970 Mr.Elmo C.Peterson Nelson,Naley,Patterson &Quirk 2021 Clubhouse Drive Creeley,Colorado $0631