HomeMy WebLinkAboutPACKET Estes Park Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee 2021-12-16 ESTES FORWARD Prepared December 13, 2021 The Town of Estes Park will make reasonable accommodations for access to Town services, programs, and activities and special communication arrangements for persons with disabilities. Please call (970) 577-4777. TDD available. CompPAC –TOWN OF ESTES PARK TO BE HELD VIRTUALLY Thursday,December 16, 2021 9:00 a.m. Estes Park, CO 80517 The Estes Park Board Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committeewill participate remotely due to the Declaration of Emergency signed by Town Administrator Machalek on March 19, 2020,related to COVID-19 and provided for with the adoption of Ordinance 04-20 on March 18, 2020.Procedures for quasi-judicial virtual public hearings are established through Emergency Rule 06-20 signed by Town Administrator Machalek on May 8, 2020,and outlined below. Please click the link below to join the meeting: https://zoom.us/j/92672524563 Or Join by Telephone: 1.Dial US: +1 833-548-0276 (toll free) 2.Enter MeetingID: 926 7252 4563followed by # The meeting will also be live-streamed on the Town’s Youtube Channel and recorded and posted to YouTubeand www.estes.org/videoswithin 48 hours. Public Comment When the moderator opens up thepublic comment period for an agenda item, attendees wishing to speak shall: 1. Click the “Raise Hand” button, if joining online on the Zoom client, or 2. Press *9 and follow the prompts if joining by telephone. 3. If you are watching live on YouTube, please call the number listed above, and mute your computer audio for the duration of your remarks. Once you are announced,please state your name and address for the record. To participate online via Zoom, you must: Have an internet-enabled smartphone, laptop or computer. Using earphones with a microphone will significantly improve your audio experience. Prepared 12/13/2021 AGENDA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CompPAC) TOWN OF ESTES PARK Thursday, December 16, 2021 9:00 a.m.– 11:00 a.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. AGENDA APPROVAL 3. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL A.Minutes from December 2, 2021 4. PUBLIC COMMENT (Please state your name and address). 5. LOGAN SIMPSON -VISIONING A. Visioning Outreach to-date B. Workshop Preliminary Vision and Guiding Principles C. Upcoming Meetings and Next Steps 6. OTHER 7. ADJOURN Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, December 2, 2021 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held via ZOOMin said Town of Estes Park onDecember 2, 2021. Committee:Chair Matthew Heiser, Vice-ChairBob Leavitt, Members David Bangs, Eric Blackhurst, Kirby Nelson-Hazelton, John Schnipkoweit,Frank Theis,Karen Thompson, Rose Truman, David Wolf, David Shirk, Matt Comstock Also Attending:Community Development Director Jessica Garner, Larimer County Community Development Director Lesli Ellis, Trustee Barbara MacAlpine, Recording Secretary Karin Swanlund Absent: Truman Chair Heisercalled the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: The motion passed with a visual thumbs-up vote. up vote. up vote. PUBLIC COMMENT. None CONSENT AGENDA: tt Approval of Minutes from November 18November 18, 2021, 2021, 2021 It was moved and seconded It was moved and seconded ((Leavitt/BangsLeavitt/BangsLeavitt/Bangs) ) ) to approve the minutes. The motion passed to approve the minutes. The motion passed to approve the minutes. The motion passed ff with a visual thumbs-up vote.up vote. GUEST SPEAKERSGUEST SPEAKERS (discussio(discussio(discussion and comments summarized)n and comments summarized)n and comments summarized) Jim Duell, District Manager, Estes Park Sanitation, District Manager, Estes Park Sanitation, District Manager, Estes Park Sanitation, spoke on the spoke on the spoke on the existing facility, currently at 55% of capacityat 55% of capacityat 55% of capacitywith use approximately 50% commercial 50% residential. The with use approximately 50% commercial 50% residential. The with use approximately 50% commercial 50% residential. The biological demand is higher inbiological demand is higher inbiological demand is higher incommercial. EP San is not seeing vast amounts of growth commercial. EP San is not seeing vast amounts of growth commercial. EP San is not seeing vast amounts of growth aa but can send overflow to Upper Thompson, which has happened a few times.but can send overflow to Upper Thompson, which has happened a few times.but can send overflow to Upper Thompson, which has happened a few times. Chris Bieker, District Manager, Upper Thompson Sanitation, noted that revenue collected hris Bieker, District Manager, Upper Thompson Sanitation, noted that revenue collected hris Bieker, District Manager, Upper Thompson Sanitation, noted that revenue collected is reinvested back into the wastewater system. It was formed in 1971 to protect the water is reinvested back into the wastewater system. It was formed in 1971 to protect the water is reinvested back into the wastewater system. It was formed in 1971 to protect the water rr quality of the Big Thompson River. Ninetyquality of the Big Thompson River. Ninetyquality of the Big Thompson River. Ninety-six miles of collection systems follow the river drainages. Studies show a potential builddrainages. Studies show a potential builddrainages. Studies show a potential build-out of 4 million gallons per day by 2040, with a projected population double that of today.projected population double that of today.projected population double that of today.The 50-year-old infrastructure is failing and will need to be replaced. Future improvements are planned for 2023need to be replaced. Future improvements are planned for 2023need to be replaced. Future improvements are planned for 2023-2025, which will allow for state-of-the-art capture of all flow, with a cost of around 70 million dollars and art capture of all flow, with a cost of around 70 million dollars and dd partnering with the town to get the water main connected. ring with the town to get the water main connected. Forward-thinking and reactionary are important, and sanitation is doing an excellent job of that. Both Jim and Chris answered numerous questions from the committee. OTHER The December 16 meeting will be a joint meeting with the Estes Valley Planning Committee. Member Theis is planning a visioning meeting with the North End Property Owners. There being no further business, Chair Heiseradjourned the meeting at 10:45a.m. Karin Swanlund, Recording Secretary UPCOMING CompPAC MEETING DATES: Once the new year starts, we will go back to our original meeting dates on the SECOND and FOURTHThursday of themonth Thursday, January 13 Thursday, January 27 Thursday, February 10 *Tuesday, February 21, Estes Park Planning Commission Thursday, February 24 Thursday, March 10 Thursday, March 24 *TBD Estes Park Town Board of Trustees ZOOM INVITES will be sent out next week *dates not confirmed 170 MACGREGOR AVE. P.O. BOX 1200, ESTES PARK CO. 80517 WWW.ESTES.ORG Community Development Department970-577-3721 Planning planning@estes.org Building building@estes.org