Light and Power Committee
November 4,1993
Committee:Chairman Hix,Trustees Brown and Dekker
Also Attending:Ass’t.Town Administrator Widmer,Light &
Power Director Matzke,Clerk O’Connor
Chairman Hix called the meeting to order at 10:00 A.M.
Staff included $5,000 in the 1993 Budget to purchase a wire
trailer.The purpose of this equipment is to provide a smaller,
more maneuverable means of transporting reels of cable to job
sites.In addition,the trailer will provide an opportunity for
improved cable pricing and reduce wasted cable material.Staff
prepared bid specifications;however,as both bids were over—
budget,investigation continued and a third supplier was contacted:
Redi-Haul Trailers,Inc.,Model #RHO816RC Reel Trailer -$3,635.75.
The Committee recommends the bid in the amount of $3,635.75 as
submitted by Redi-Haul Trailers be accepted.
Chairman Hix introduced Al Wasson,2590 Larkspur Ave.,who has
expressed an interest in assisting the Town in obtaining a
sophisticated communications infrastructure with such advanced
features as data switching capability,increased deployment of
fiber optic distribution facilities,and the like.While the
tourism industry is very important,the Town does have certain
growth limits.Mr.Wasson commented that in the Town’s
Comprehensive Plan,the Town believes that some diversification
into “clean”business is desirable.With the latest
telecommunication technology,Estes Park presents an ideal place to
work from the home.As a strategy,the Town must be able to
represent to US West that there will be a concerted effort by the
Town to attract new businesses to utilize such services and
facilities.However,as the communication industry is extremely
competitive,Mr.Wasson believes it will be necessary for the Town
to “put something on the table.”Following discussion,the
Committee recommends:(1)Al Wasson serve as Chairman for the
Telephone Service Citizen’s Advisory Group;(2)Chairmen Hix and
Wasson consider preparing a mission statement and length of term
for the group;(3)names of potential members be given to Chairman
Hix.Once the advisory group is formed,reports are to be given to
the Committee on a yet-to-be determined basis.The Committee
expressed their appreciation to Mr.Wasson.
Christmas Scene Restoration Project.Lynda Vogel reported that the
scene restoration project began in 1988 with research on
restoration techniques and restoration of the Santa’s Card Shop
scene.With the assistance of Dave Schutz,one scene has been
restored every year.The process taken to restore Christmas scenes
was reviewed:document the scene,replace nails with screws and
make the scene structurally sound,bond the old and new layer of
paint,using permanent pigment paints;and repaint.All restored
scenes have been primed on the reverse side and metal strips have
been attached to the bottom of each to provide a barrier from
ground moisture,stabilize,and make easier to transport.A full—
size sample piece of artwork was displayed.Ms.Vogel stated the
Light and Power Committee -November 4,1993 -Page 2
most important parts of restoration are preventive maintenance,
scenes should be handled properly,and stored with care (scenes are
currently stored at the former Light and Power Building).The
Committee commended Ms.Vogel for the tremendous effort displayed
on this project,and in preserving Mr.Porter’s integrity.
1993 Electric Rate Changes.Director Matzke advised that the
public hearing for said rate changes is scheduled November 23.
Staff is recommending that an afternoon off-peak period from 1:00-
3:00 P.M.be added to the rate schedules that require energy
storage electric heat systems.The off—peak energy rate would be
$0.0255/kWh and currently affects one customer.The time-of-day
rate requires a time—of—day meter which will be provided at cost to
the customer.Staff emphasized that the rate changes are revenue
neutral.Concerning the outdoor area lighting rate and stray
lighting,staff anticipates utilizing a light fixture with a flat
head and lens.
Due to the change in the meeting schedule,the Financial Report was
unavailable;however,the Committee reviewed associated graphs for
the month of August.
Project Updates.The Department is continually connecting service
to new customers,as witnessed by the significant number of work
orders.Staff anticipates completing the installation of Christmas
decorations by the end of next week.WAPA has initiated a “peer
match”program designed to match electric systems and share
information related to energy efficiency.Staff will travel to
Saratoga,Wyoming to exchange information and/or ideas,
particularly regarding time—of—day rates and energy storage
heaters.This program is fully sponsored by WAPA.
PRPA.Ass’t.Administrator Widmer reported that PRPA anticipates
adopting their $136.2 Millon 1994 Budget in the near future.This
budget is the smallest budget since 1981,and it does not include
a rate change for its member cities.The expenses include $10
Million to the resource replacement fund;$2.5 Million to the rate
stabilization fund,and $7 Million to the contingency fund.PRPA
anticipates refinancing one addition bond issue,and work continues
on actively marketing surplus power.Due to the recent election,
PRPA will most likely receive a new board member from Longmont and
There being no further business,Chairman Hix adjourned the meeting
at 10:58 A.M.
Vickie O’Connor,CNC,Town Clerk
NOV 91993