HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Parks Advisory Board 2021-04-15 Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, April 15, 2021 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the PARKS ADVISORY BOARD of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held virtually in said Town of Estes Park on the 15th day of April 2021. Committee: Geoffrey Elliot Chair, Rex Poggenpohl Vice Chair, Kirby Nelson-Hazelton, Vicki Papineau, Ron Wilcocks Attending: Geoffrey Elliot, Kirby Nelson-Hazelton, Vicki Papineau, Rex Poggenpohl, Ron Wilcocks, Brian Berg, Greg Muhonen, Megan Van Hoozer Absent: None Chair Elliot called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Due to an outdated meeting agenda being published, no vote was cast at this meeting. The March meeting minutes will be readdressed at the May meeting. WOMEN’S MONUMENT PROJECT UPDATE The project is progressing very well, and donations continue to be received. At this point 65% of the goal has been reached. Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory created a Women’s Monument fudge and will be donating ten dollars per box sold to the fundraising efforts. Duck Race ticket are also available for the Women’s Monument Project. Wilcocks will put the artist in touch with Supervisor Berg to collaborate on the plans. Member Papineau stated the artist has a beautiful sculpture located at a Larimer County office on the east side of Loveland. Wilcocks asked about the artist contract approval status. Berg reported that he has a meeting with the Town Attorney and Director Muhonen immediately following today’s PAB meeting. Once he has the update, Berg will inform Wilcocks. In May, Wilcocks will provide the PAB with a signed contract and completed AIPP application for final approval of the art. Berg reported speaking with an annual AIPP applicant, Kathy Snyders. She informed Berg that due to the cancellation of the 2021 Wool Market, she wil l plan to apply for Yarn Bombing at a different art festival. 2021 PAB INITIATIVES Chair Elliot shared with the PAB a more refined version of the 2021 PAB Initiatives document per discussion at the March PAB meeting. The document will be included in the packet throughout the year to ensure the group is on-track with the established priorities. AIPP UPDATES Vice Chair Poggenpohl opened discussion on the proposed Town Board Trustee updates regarding the AIPP program and related issues. Chair Elliot rec ommended expounding on why the PAB is uncomfortable handling all art-related matters. Another point is that Town staff are not art appraisers, and that if an actual appraisal is needed, a certified art appraiser would need hired. Poggenpohl requested assistance locating, within the Downtown Plan, the verbiage specific to public art. Wilcocks stated that it is well defined on page 36. Poggenpohl will review and revise this update. Parks Advisory Board – April 15, 2021 – Page 2 Supervisor Berg wanted to revisit the amount of the listed appraisal of $1.7M . He questions how this was determined and defined. The information should be broken down so the group can be more specific about the dollar amount of what is not being properly maintained. Parks regularly and properly maintains all bronze donated to the Town. Poggenpohl stated that, according to the Finance Dept. the $1.7M includes all fixed assets (i.e., art, cars, equipment, etc.). Poggenpohl will work to better define these amounts to put it into proper perspective. Elliot requested that, to the extent possible, to identify where all the art is located. Elliot also stated that the reference in the document to uncoordinated town art, should apply to specific documents from Visit Estes Park (VEP), BEstes Group, Estes Arts District, and any others discovered. The various efforts need reigned in so all are consistent. Elliot will invite a member of the Estes Art Center and the Estes Art District, as these have been identified the most community-integrated art groups in town. ARBOR DAY PROCLAMATION AND ESTES VALLEY LIBRARY EVENT The annual big celebration for Arbor Day has been the Mountain Heritage Festival, which has been canceled for 2021. This activity is one aspect of the Tree City USA designation. Elliot and Berg are working with the Estes Valley Library to distribute Ponderosa saplings for the celebration of Arbor Day, and they agreed to work with us . Due to the timeline for the greenhouse being pushed back to early April, the biggest challenge will be that the saplings can’t be picked up until April 30 and they will need distributed on May 1. Both Berg and Elliot will be unavailable to distribute the sapling s and asked for volunteer assistance. Members Hazelton, Papineau and Poggenpohl offered their assistance. Berg will pick up the saplings on April 30. He stated that no time has been finalized but that once coordination with the library is completed, he will send the specifics out to members. THUMB OPEN SPACE UPDATE The needed title commitments have been finalized and the closing date is scheduled for May 26, 2021. Berg stated that he will be providing an updated to the Town Board at the upcoming meeting on the updates to the Conservation Easement (CE). The Town purchased five parcels in one purchase (64 acres), therefore the three separate CEs were combined into one. The CE allows the Town to open the property for public access, while also limiting what the Town can do with the property for area protection. The Management Plan should kick soon. Berg shared that a consultant may need hired to assist due to Town staff time constraints. At this point in the meeting, both Elliot and Berg’s fire radios alerted them to a structure fire and they had to excuse themselves from the meeting. Vice Chair Poggenpohl would complete the meeting.. Papineau made mention of a medallion on the purchased property. She wants awareness so that all is reestablished appropriately. PARKS DIVISION UPDATES (Parks Supervisor Brian Berg) No updates shared due to Berg’s absence. OTHER BUSINESS Vice Chair Poggenpohl adjourned the meeting at 9:31 a.m. Megan Van Hoozer, Recording Secretary