HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Special Estes Park Regional Planning Commission Committee On Permits 1957-07-08.........
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‘So that today’s Actions may be So
Investments for Tomorrow’s Needs.
BOX 785
July 8, 1957
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Oonmittee on Permits, °f
Estes Park Regional Planning Oommlsslon. Meeting held in the To m ti
on the 8th day of July, 1957 at ^^-:30 P*M.
Present: “■H“hra1n?on!-3fo?4tCa;S!: HUnter'
The application 0^nP^“t^J|llEjI,ivl^<!naroonsiLrea!0trOTltten detail
report of the Advisory Ooramlttee was^|Ed ^1by 4oJproperty owners application. A petition was also signed by TO prophrtywith
iS the High Drive area, Proteetd"S this applioation^^s^g^ nri!a_
any future applications for d that p-ne application beIn view of the above, Charles His moved that tne pp
denied. O.M. Hunter seconded the motion. Upon roiJ. o
motion unenlmouBly carried.
The application of D.E. R°binson t° a oomSittU!C°ThrTOlttenat his motel on U.S. 3^ was °°naJ;aered bywtherComm1tejeoting the
recommendation of adviJ?^ed -hy n property o\’mers in the area
application. A petition, slSa®^1l3y Based on this in-
was read, protesting the aPP^°vaJ;appgcation he denied. C.M.
formation, Glenn Prosser move“^^odV cail said motion unanimously Hunter seconded the motion. Upon roll call sax
There being no further applications, the meeting adjourned.
Estes Park Regional Planning Commission
Verne H. Fanton, Secretary
Minutes of a regular meeting of The Estes Park Local Planning Commission.
Meeting held in the Towi Hall on the 25th day of June, 1957, at 7:30 P.M.
Minutes of the regular meeting held on June 18 and the meeting held on
l^ay 28th, read and approved as read.
Present: G-.H. Gillan, Chairman, Ronald Brodie, Charles Herzog, Charles
Hix, C.M. Hunter, C.A. Law, Glenn Prosser.
Also Present: Trafton Bean, Planning Consultant, Verne H. Fanton, Sec,y.
As a result of the public hearing held at the last meeting, the Commission
proceeded to consider the proposal of annexation for the University Heights
subdivision. The Board reviewed and discussed all possible phases of
the proposal. From the record available, it appeared that 10 property
owners were in favor and 10 against. It appeared that those in favor
represented about 65^ of the land area. In the final conclusion, Glenn
grosser made the following motion: Although the eventual annexation
of University Heights is a desireable step toward proper planning, and
of benefit to the area and the Town, but at this time is not clear that
the territory is legally eligible for annexation, therefore the proposal
should be rejected. Charles Hlx seconded the motion. Upon roll call
said motion unanimously carried and said proposal rejected.
The accordance with the public hearing conducted at the last meeting,
the Commission proceeded to consider the request of Mr. C.A. Law, to
re-zone an additional 40 feet on the V7est of Lot 2, Little Prospect
Addition, from the existing R-1 Residence District, to C-2 Commercial
District. After discussing all details and opinions expressed at the
hearing, C.M. Hunter moved that the Commission recommend that the Town
Board amend the Ordinance in accordance with the request. C.A. Law
seconded the motion. Upon roll call, the following vote vras recordered;
Those voting “Yes11 and in favor of the chs,nge in zoning, Charles Herzog,
C.M. Hunter, C.A. Law. Those voting "No” and not in favor, Ronald Brodie,
Charles Hix, Glenn Prosser. The Secretary readthe recordered vote,
stated that the vote was a tie, and ask the Chairman to cast the deciding
vote. Chairman G.H. Gillan voted "yes1J, and declared the motion carried.
The Secretary presented a plat of Lot 33j Fort Morgan^Colony, submitted
for annexation by Mr. C.L. VJilllams, and state*d tha.t due to the^ location
of the improvements on the lot, it was Mr. Williamsls opinion that he
could not dedicate a 30 foot right-of-xmy for street purposes. The
Commission revievred the circumstances and C.M. Hunter moved that the
plat be rejected until a 30 foot right-of-way is provided^for. Charles
Hix seconded the motion. Upon roll call said motion unanimously carried.
The Town Board referred to the Commission, a request from property owners
on V^est Riverside Parkway, not to cha,nge the name of the street to
Horse Shoe Drive. The request X'fas accompanied by a petition.signed by
17 persons living on the street. Charles Hix moved that the street name
remain West Riverside Parkv:a.y. C.M. Hunter seconded the* motion. Upon
roll call said motion unanimously carried.
There being no further business, the^eeting adjourned.
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G.H. Gillan, Chairman
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