HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority 1983-09-07BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.t DENVER RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS
Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority Commission
September 7, 1983
Also Attending:
Chairman Charles H. Phares, Commissioners
Arthur L. Anderson, Larry Helmich, Dale G.
Hill, Anne K. Moss, J. Donald Pauley, Edward
G. Pohl
Chairman Phares, Commissioners Anderson,
Moss, Pauley and Pole
Mayor Tregent, Executive Director Cole,
Jim Windholz, Legal Counsel, Joy L. Pohl
Volunteer Recording Secretary
Commissioners Helmich and Hill
Ned Linegar, Larry Stumpp, Chamber of Com
merce; Tim Asbury, Estes Park Trail Gazette;
Dave Solder, Rocky Mountain Jim's
Minutes of August 17, 1983 were read by Executive Director Cole.
Chairman Phares requested that the following amendments be made:
Staff Report
Riverfront Park
First sentence should be changed to read:
. . . "after minor changes, it was agreed
they be referred to Legal Counsel for re
view and to be put into final form."
Delete "CSU Conference", insert "Seminar
in Fort Collins".
Line 5: delete "to"; insert "for".
Commissioner Pohl asked the following be changed:
Logo Contest First sentence to read: "Commissioner
Pohl reported several entries had been
Commissioner Moss requested that the following be added to first
Public Speaking "; any of the Commissioners who are able
and willing to speak could do so in place
of or with Executive Director Cole."
MOTION: Commissioner Anderson moved that the minutes be accepted,
as amended. Commissioner Pohl seconded. Motion carried unanimously,
Dave Solder, Rocky Mountain Jim's, presented his group's plans for
the renovation of the present "Ripley's Museum". Mr. Solder gave
a brief description of his background in planning. National Park
Service, and retail business. His partner in this endeaver is
Gary Brown, lawyer. The purpose of this business^concept is to
offer food service, retail opportunities, entertainment for the
entire family, and seasonal housing. It will be in the turn-of-
the-century style and should be in keeping with the revitalization
of the downtown area and the overall URA Plan. Mr. Solder also
gave a visual presentation showing a designer sketch by Gary Kile
of the Saloon and floor levels. There will be a restaurant,
saloon, entertainment areas and a general store.
Urban Renewal Authority - September 7, 1983 - Page 2
Mr. Solder stated that he was aware, in accordance with existing
law, he was not required to obtain EPURA approval of his pro
posal. He had brought the matter to the attention of the Com
mission as a matter of courtesy and to answer any questions or
concerns which the Commissioners might have.
Condensed questions and answers are as follows;
Seasonal business? No, year-round with
limited scale off-season.
Eat on street: No.
Entertainment: Yes, by service personnel
in period costumes — honky-tonk piano,
How many employees? At peak season, 15-18
Building dimensions? SO'xllS'.
Type of retail businesses? Turn-of-
century items found in General Store; re
conditioned early games, playroom for
younger children.
Liquor license? Yes, but initially only
beer would be sold.
Hours: 9:00 A.M. to 10-11:00 P.M.
Housing? Employees would be housed on
third floor.
Exterior building design? In keeping with
turn-of-century design, opening up front
as much as possible, especially second
When renovate? Takeover mid to late
November, with opening in May, 1983.
The Commission thanked Mr. Solder for his presentation and appre
ciated the fact that he brought it to them for consideration.
While not required, tacit approval was given to the project, as
Jonathan Rutstein and Larry Melton presented their_synopsis of
the BBC Economic Report on Estes Park. The synopsis had been
funded by COG, the Estes Park Chamber of Commerce and EPURA. It
would take an economist forty (40) hours to read and understand
the original document. The condensed versions can be assimilated
by the novice in under one-half hour. The documents will be of^
particular value to the Chamber of Commerce in answering economic
queries about Estes Park.
The Commission expressed its appreciation for the fine work which
had been done.
Urban Renewal Authority - September 7, 1983 - Page 3
a. Executive Director Cole reported the expenditures as of
August, 1983.
The report was accepted and approved, as presented.
b. EPURA received a letter from the law firm, Mehaffey, Rider,
Windholz and Wilson concerning their services and appointment
as Legal Counsel. The arrangement for legal services are as
$300.00 per month: 6 hours of time at rate of $50.00 per hour
In excess of 6 hours, $75.00 per hour
Mileage, 20<: per mile, hour starts when counsel arrives
Chairman Phares explained that six firms had been considered for
legal services and narrowed down to two by those Commissioners
present at the meeting. Chairman Phares was given the responsi
bility of interviewing these two and making the final decision.
MOTION: Commissioner Anderson moved that approval be given to
engage the law firm Mehaffey, Rider, Windholz and Wilson and
accept the terms of hiring as stated in their letter. Commissioner
Pauley seconded the motion.
During discussion on this motion. Commissioner Moss questioned
the procedures used in interviewing and selecting the Legal Counsel
and expressed concern that more Commissioners were not involved in
the decision.
Chairman Phares reviewed the procedures used and stated that
Jim Windholz was selected on the basis of experience, familiarity
of program, and competence. Commissioners Anderson and Pohl
stated that they had differed their involvement in the selection
process to Commissioner Phares and that Commissioner Pohl did
participate in the final interviews.
The final decision was made by the Chairman in accordance with
his previously granted mandate.
Motion carried unanimously.
c. A letter was received from Sims and Kaufman (the other finalist)
acknowledging the selection and expressing regret at their not
having been chosen. They offered further assistance, if needed.
a. Budget Committee - On behalf of Commissioner Hill, Execu
tive Director Cole presented the proposed budget which
was developed by the Committee of Commissioners Hill,
Pauley and Pohl. The procedure is;
(1) Budget is to be reviewed by Commission.
(2) Budget will be published in newspaper on Friday,
September 9, 1983.
(3) Public Hearing will be held October 19, 1983.
(4) On November 1, 1983, the budget will be certified
to the State.
Urban Renewal Authority - September 7, 1983 - Page 4
Executive Director Cole gave an explanation of the budget as out
lined in the paper given to all Commissioners. Total revenue:
•5 Million. Budget for 1984: $609,477.00.
Chairman Phares stated that a notice of hearing had to be published
two times in the newspaper with a 30-day wait in between.
MOTION: Commissioner Pauley moved to accept the budget as pre
sented, with Commissioner Moss seconding the motion. Motion
carried unanimously.
b. Streetscape Committee - The Committee considering the
proposals consisted of Commissioners Pohl, Anderson,
Moss and Pauley. Invitations to submit proposals were
mailed to sixteen firms, with eight proposals being re
ceived. Out of these eight, the Committee selected
four firms to interview:
EDAW, INC., Fort Collins
Commissioner Pohl explained that the decision was made after a
careful review of the proposals. All of them were acceptable
and within the RFP guidelines. The decision as to who would be
invited for interviews took into consideration professional
qualifications, timliness and, ultimately, the cost. The pro
posals ranged from $39,000 to $68,000. The RFP had indicated_the
amount of money wavilable was $50,000. The four companies which
the Committee decided to interview were within the $50,000.
Final interviews will be held Monday, September 12, 1983 in one-
hour segments. The Commissioners are to take the proposals and
study them before the Monday meeting.
Commissioner Pohl requested a formal meeting of the Commission,
Monday, September 12, 1983 at 6:00 P.M., following the interviews
in order to make a final selection.
MOTION: Commissioner Pohl made the motion to hold a meeting as
stated above and Commissioner Anderson seconded it. Motion carried
Commissioner Moss asked if the public could attend the interview
sessions. Yes, with closed meetings after each interview, if
c. Job Description Committee - Each Commissioner was given a
written job description prepared by Commissioners Anderson
and Pohl for Executive Director Cole. Commissioner Ander
son explained the duties entailed in this position.
MOTION: After review. Commissioner Moss moved to accept the job
description as presented. Commissioner Pauley seconded it. Mo
tion carried unanimously.
d. Legal Counsel (Note: Acceptance of Legal Counsel pre
viously covered in Paragraph 4b. Legal Counsel will
make remarks under Staff Report.)
a. Logo Competition - Commissioner Pohl announced that 90
designs had been received and were on display. He sug
gested that each Commissioner pick one or tv/o designs,
from which a final selection would be made. Commissioner
Urban Renewal Authority - September 7, 1983 - Page 5
Pohl offered to disqualify himself from the selection
as he knew several of the entrants. The other members
of the Commission asked him to participate in the se
lection. Twelve designs were chosen for final con
sideration. The winning design was done by Barbara
Leyendecker, Graphic Designer, Fort Collins. Second
choice v;as anonymous, with third selection being one
submitted J. Clint Fairchild, Architect. Jane Wal
lace's entree was singled out for special mention be
cause of its slogan "Planned Progress".
Executive Director Cole is to notify the winner.
MOTION: Commissioner Anderson made a motion to give a cash award
of $50.00 to Mrs. Wallace's entry with the notation of "Planned
Progress" which will be used by the URA in some way. Commission
er Moss seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner
Pauley moved to accept Barbara Leyendecker's design as the logo
for the EPURA, with possible alterations. Commissioner Anderson
seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
b. EPURA Secretary - Executive Director Cole reported that
she had received eight applications for the position.
She will interview these applicants as soon as possible,
in conjunction with Vickie O'Connor.
c. EPURA Office - Executive Director Cole also requested
authority to purchase office equipment and supplies.
MOTION: Commissioner Pohl moved that authorization be given to
Executive Director Cole to purchase office equipment and supplies
up to the budgeted amount of $5,000.00 and to set up the office
as soon as possible. Commissioner Pauley seconded. Motion
carried unanimously.
d. Financial Advisors - Bond Underwriting - Executive Di
rector Cole announced that Kircher-Moore gave a seminar
on bonds. This information is available on tape for
those wishing to review it. It is necessary to schedule
a meeting to discuss financing for the streetscape. Com
missioner Pauley suggested a study session between Sep
tember 7, 1983 and the time Chairman Phares returns
from leave. The study session with the Financial Ad
visors was scheduled for Monday, September 19, 1983 at
9:00 A.M. The regular meeting will be held on Wednesday,
September 21, 1983 at 9:00 A.M., with the second and
final financial meeting scheduled for Monday, September
26, 1983.
Commissioner Phares reported that he had met with Kircher-Moore
last week when they interviewed three different firms in connec
tion with hiring assistance for the bond counsel.
e. Confluence Park - Executive Director Cole reported the
Committee held a meeting/work session on this subject.
Commissioner Pauley reported that they discussed options
for development of the Confluence Park. A commercial
developer made a presentation. It is recommended that
the Committee talk with other developers.
Meetings will be set up by Executive Director
Urban Renewal Authority - September 7, 1983 - Page 6
f. Items from Commissioners
Liaison with Town Planning Commission - Commissioner
Moss stated that she had met with A1 Sager, Planning
Commission Chairman. They discussed how URA and the
Planning Commission could work together to assure that
the Plan is implemented within the procedures of build
ing codes and zoning ordinances and how information can
be exchanged. Mr. Sager suggested that Commissioner
Moss attend the meetings of the Planning Commission
the third Tuesday of each month (the next meeting being
September 20, 1983) and be available for questions and
comments from the Planning Commission in her role as
liaison between URA and the Planning Commission. Com
missioner Moss suggested that whatever discussions or
decisions made at URA be reported to the Planning Com
mission. She would take a set of the minutes, or a
written letter with comments of the Commissioners, to
the Planning Commission Meetings.
Chairman Phares questioned how the activities of the
Planning Commission fit in with the responsibilities
of the Town Planner, and how the URA functions with
the Planning Commission. Suggestions or modifications
go through the Planning Commission, who then in turn
makes recommendations to the Town Board. He further
queried whether or not this liaison created an extra
layer when Executive Director Cole was already in at
tendance .
Executive Director Cole is staff to both Commissions
and she stated that she would like to have someone
from the URA attend. At a previous meeting (August
17, 1983), it was decided that Commissioner Moss
would be the Commissioner representing URA.
Commissioner Anderson stated that there is a need to
communicate with and express opinions of the URA to
the Planning Commission. Commissioner Moss asked if_
individuals who are goint to be working on construction
in the downtown area need go through the URA for com
patibility with the Plan. Commissioner Pauley noted
that there are no guidelines for facades and expressed
the need to establish such criteria.
Jim Windholz, Legal Counsel, was asked by Executive_
Director Cole for his opinion on how the relationship
between the URA and the Planning Commission be handled.
Mr. Windholz stated that some typ of policy should be
established to the effect that any development planned
must go to URA first, then to the Planning Commission.
It is an important layer as an Advisory Board to the
Planning Commission. This will be an additional pro
cess, but it gives credence to the URA Redevelopment
MOTION; Commissioner Anderson moved that URA designate a member
of its Commission to serve as liaison with the Planning Commiss
ion and that initially Commissioner Moss be so appointed. Com
missioner Pauley seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Action: The URA must establish policy for Commissioner Moss to
carry it through.
Urban Renewal Authority - September 7, 1983 - Page 7
a. Executive Director Cole reported that people from
Louisville visited Estes Park. She is meeting with
Bob Turner, State Director of Administration, to let
him know what URA is doing.
b. She also requested:
o a letter to the Town supporting its intention to
amend zoning ordinances;
o a letter to the Council of Governments asking.for
$15,000.00 for technical assistance;
o a letter of thanks to the Council of Governments
for their work for the URA.
Chairman Phares stated that the URA should support any efforts
to bring money into the community and that the letter requesting
the $15,000.00 should be written.
MOTION: Commissioner Pauley moved that the letter be written.
Commissioner Anderson seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Phares asked Executive Director Cole to prepare the
necessary letters.
c. Insurance - Commissioner Moss questions whether or not
Commissioner Hill had resolved the matter of insurance
for URA. Chairman Phares responded that it is being
looked into.
d. Contract - Commissioner Moss also asked if a written
contract with the Town regarding office space had
been made. Chairman Phares said that when Commissioner
Hill returns, he will discuss the matter and obtain a
written contract.
e. Remarks by Legal Counsel - Mr. Windholz stated that a
written contract on space, staff services, auditing
facilities and office supplies should be executed.
This will help maintain separate identity which is most
Action: Mr. Windholz will write a contract.
Mr. Windholz also stated that the insurance for URA
be done immediately. It is to be with the same in
surance carrier as the Town's, as a rider.
Executive Director Cole asked Mr. Windholz if the new
anti-trust ruling affects the Commissioners. It does.
Mr. Windholz thanked the Commission for selecting his
firm. He feels that the Commission is heading in the
right direction. The whole project is going to be a
challenge and he will need the Commissioners' input.
He also gave a presentation on his interests and methods
of work.
Motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Moss and seconded by
Commissioner Pohl at 12:10 P.M.