Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority Commission
July 6, 1983
Also Attending:
Chairman Charles Phares, Commissioners Larry
Helmich, J. Donald Pauley, Edward B. Pohl,
Dale G. Hill, Anne K. Moss, Arthur Anderson
Chairman Phares, Commissioners Pauley, Pohl,
Hill, Moss, Anderson
Executive Director Cole, Public Works Director
Widmer, Secretary Jensen
Commissioner Helmich
Chairman Phares gave each Commissioner an opportunity to give his
background and the interest he has in the Urban Renewal Authority.
Commissioner Anderson stated that his basic interest has been
energy conservation and especially solar energy. Commissioner
Moss stated she can add little to what was stated in the newspaper,
but she is interested in maintaining a vital downtown Estes Park.
Commissioner Hill stated that he was a member of the Commission
to represent the Town. Commissioner Pohl stated that his background
was with the foreign service and administration was his field of
expertise with diversification in contracting. Commissioner Pauley
stated that the newspaper information was accurate. He is also
an active member of the Forward Estes Park Foundation and he is
interested in the economic development of the area.
Chairman Phares read a letter from Alma Hix, Vice President of
the Forward Estes Park Foundation congratulating the new members
and offering the Foundation's support.
A history of the Urban Renewal Development project was presented
to the Commissioners giving them a brief overview of the different
phases of the Urban Design components. A discussion followed.
Director Cole reported that Carl A. Worthington Partnership should
be completing the Urban Renewal Authority Plan by July 18th and
the Commissioners should have the executive summary by July 20th.
Meeting date and time: After a brief discussion. Art Anderson
moved the Urban Renewal Authority Commission meet on the first
and third Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. in the Conference
Room of the Municipal Building. Commissioner Moss seconded the
motion and it passed unanimously.
Staff: Commissioner Phares stated that the State Statutes allow
the Commissioners to appoint a Secretary/Executive Director.
Commissioner Hill stated that Barbara Cole was hired by the Town
as Planner and also as the staff person for the Urban Renewal
Authority Commission. Ms. Cole stated that she would like to fill
this position but requested a recording secretary be hired.
Commissioner Pohl requested a job description for the Secretary/Executive
Director. Chairman Phares requested that Ms. Cole prepare a brief
job description and have it available by the next meeting. No
decision was made regarding the recording secretary.
Urban Renewal Authority Commission - July 6, 1983 - Page 2
By-laws; Ms. Cole reported that she has requested information
from the Colorado Municipal League and others who have worked with
Urban Renewal Authorities and will have a range of possibilities
for the By-laws by the next meeting.
Legal Counsel: The Commissioners recommend that Chairman Phares
and Director Cole meet with Town Attorney Gregory A. White to
discuss the Urban Renewal Authority special requirements in hiring
an attorney.
Bond Counsel: Chairman Phares stated that although hiring a Bond
Counsel will be further down the road, he would like the Commissioners
to be considering this item. It was suggested that at the time
bond counsel is considered, the Commission request proposals from
several firms.
Work Program; Director Cole stated that the Commissioners needed
to consider a work program to decide what projects will be looked
at in this start-up period. They should consider one of two
programs - one from now until the end of the year, or one that
would encompass the next 18 months. The Commission recommends
the 18 month work program. A discussion followed regarding the
different project options available such as Confluence Park, lighting
on Elkhorn Avenue, pedestrian amenities, and better signage in
the downtown area. The Commission would like to consider the
lighting, pedestrian amenities and better signage in the downtown
area. Director Cole will put together a street lighting and sign
presentation to be presented at the next meeting.
Budget: Commissioner Hill stated that at present, the Urban Renewal
Authority has been using funds loaned from the General Fund of
the Town. The estimated commitments to date are in excess of
$400,000.00. The loan can be repaid at the first bond issue. The
Urban Renewal Authority will be receiving funds from a one percent
sales tax, sales tax increment which starts on July 1, 1983, and
bond money. The Urban Renewal Authority will have the same budget
year as the Town of Estes Park, which is the calendar year. Until
the URA is financially able to fund their projects, the General
Fund of the Town will loan them money. The Board of Trustees of
the Town of Estes Park will need to pass resolutions periodically
to cover the funding for the URA. Chairman Phares appointed the
following Commissioners to the Budget Committee: Dale Hill, Don
Pauley and Ed Pohl.
Public Relations: A concerted effort will be made by the Commissioners
to keep the public informed of the activities of the Urban Renewal
Authority. It was suggested that a letter be sent to the different
organizations in Town requesting input on the projects being considered
by the URA. Commissioner Pauley stated that Forward_Estes Park
Foundation will also be sending out a news letter which could
include the activities of the Commission. The press will also
be instrumental in providing coverage of the URA projects.
Riverfront Park: The Town has been working on the design proposal
for Riverfront Park with EDAW. Director Cole asked the Commissioners
if they felt they should take this project over or ask the Town
to complete it. A discussion followed on the overall design of
the projects to be included in the Urban Renewal area. The
Commission agreed that everything that takes place in the Urban
Renewal area should be monitored by the Commission to make sure
the pieces fit. Commissioner Pauley moved that the Town continue
Urban Renewal Authority Commission - July 6, 1983 - Page 3
with their work on Riverfront Park and that the Council keep the
Commission informed of projects going on in the Urban Renewal area.
Commissioner Art Anderson seconded the motion and it passed
Liability Insurance; Commissioner Hill reported that the Town
is working on the liability insurance for the Urban Renewal
Working With Developers: Director Cole asked the Commissioners
what their policy should be regarding developers who call and
request an opportunity to bid on projects in the URA area. This
item will be considered at the next meeting.
Other Items; Chairman Phares stated that a Vice-Chairman should
be appointed and this will be taken up at the next meeting.
Mr. Pat Coyle from the Division of Commerce and Development would
like to meet with a Commission member on Thursday, July 7th at
approximately 1:00 p.m. Commissioner Don Pauley agreed to meet
with Mr. Coyle.
Commissioner Ed Pohl suggested that the authority have their own
stationery. He also suggested that the Commission consider an
Estes Park area logo which would be a symbol of the new progressive
Estes Park. A discussion followed. This item will be considered
at the next meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
Ann E. Jeu^n, Town Clerk