HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority 1984-04-18BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS
Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority
April 18, 1984
Also Attending;
Chairman Charles H. Phares, Commissioners Larry
Helmich, J. Donald Pauley, Edward B. Pohl, Dale
G. Hill, Anne K. Moss, Arthur L. Anderson
Chairman Phares, Commissioners Pauley, Pohl, Hill,
Moss and Anderson
Steve Boles, Don Fetner, Bob Lucas, Rick Hicks,
Greg Rosener, Bob Nicholson, Russell Moore,
Dee Godesiabois, Dave VanDer Wege
Commissioner Helmich
There were no corrections or additions to the April 4 minutes.
stand approved as read.
CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: Dee Godesiabois and Dave VanDer Wege from the
Trails Coalition gave a brief film presentation on the significance
of trails for horses, pedestrians, bikers, etc. They are concerned
about having trails considered early in the Urban Redevelopment Plan.
Phares stated we would consider the Trails in our planning efforts.
Rick Hicks, Owner of the Mountain Dulcimer Shop, expressed his
concern as a merchant on West Moraine for getting this section of
the project completed before June 1. He was also concerned that
this section be completed in the first phase of the Streetscape
Project. Cole indicated that a meeting would be held between the
West Moraine merchants and NCE1s staff to resolve questions and any
potential problems.
Cole presented the following bills:
Town of Estes Park:
Accounting Services - March
Accounting Services - April
Postage for March
Empire Laboratories, Inc,
Concrete Tests
Tests (Density)
Office Supplies:
McGill's (Letterhead Printing)
Ralph Schutzman & Assoc. (Checks)
Erickson's Flowers
Office Furniture:
1,231,. 00
102 ,.00
159 ,.70
28 ,.22
Bottom Line Designs
International Business Machines:
Service Agreement on Typewriter
.-f ■
Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority - Page 2
Windholz $ 6,197.40
Town of Estes
Trail Gazette (Secretarial Position)
Phares questioned the mathematical portion of the legal bill. A
motion was made and seconded (Anderson-Pauley) to pay the bills
including the legal bill after it had been reviewed by Cole.
Motion approved.
Cole told the Board about a Community Development Conference scheduled
at CSU in Fort Collins June 4-5. Information will be available in the
URA office. She reviewed a letter to Bob Horn, Director of the
Eastern Colorado Program, regarding an internship; a letter to NCE from
Chairman Phares concerning the concrete subcontractor; a letter to NCE
from Ed Pohl, URA Treasurer, verifying the Authority does have
sufficient funds available to pay for the Streetscape Project; a letter
to Russell Moore from Cole asking for clarification of a bill; and a
letter from Prudential-Bache Securities concerning the inyestment
of bond proceeds. Cole also explained that she had been invited
to run a workshop on community appearance at the Municipal League
Conference on June 20 in Vail.
Facade Workshops;
Pauley reported that several representatives from the Forward Estes
Park Foundation, the URA Board and the Merchants' Association met
and decided to prepare a guideline booklet as a mutual project for
distribution in May. There is a possibility the FEPF will offer a
cash incentive program in the Fall to encourage renovation of Rnard
storefronts. Pohl suggested that Chairman Phares aPP°^nJaf®°der
Member to serve on the committee. Phares said he would take this under
consideration and advise the Board at a later date.
Streetscape Project -
Change Orders:______
Bob Nicholson reviewed the Streetscape Project to date:
m One of the biggest problems has been the weather. NCE purchased
f ma?Lia! called Burleen to protect the ground from morsture
and freezing.
(2) NCE hit a section of frost on the south side of Elkhorn. They
picked it up and replaced it with gravel.
(3) There have been several issues requiring design changes jnd
( } Nicholson complimented Russell Moore, Design Studios West, Inc.,
for his prompt and efficient response.
(4) There has been a problem with the concrete subcontractor. A new
subcontractor has been hired to do the retaining walls jnd NCE
has also hired a concrete crew of their own_to do some of t
work in order to make up some of the lost time.
Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority - Page 3
(5) There have also been changes in the drainage systemiunder the_sidewalk,
The chases have been redesigned due to unexpected site conditions.
(6) A collapsed storm sewer pipe along Big Horn Drive needed to be
Phares reviewed a policy established by the URA Board January 18, 1984:
"A motion was made and seconded (Anderson-Pohl) that the Director
be authorized to approve in writing Change Orders up to $500 on the
streetscape construction. Change Orders in excess of $500 and up to
$5,000 shall be approved by the Director and one Board Member to
include Pohl, Phares or Anderson. All changes over $5,000 have to
be approved by the URA Board. Motion approved."
Phares indicated that several Board Members feel they are losing
control of the project through lack of dollar amounts on the
Change Orders.
Moore explained that when an item comes up in the f ^^to
the contractor has to know within several seconds whether or not to
^°CtUaeSSlngro?aerelsLS^f ccpr.
end of the project what the finalcost could give the Board
because It Is a cost-plus contract. f“"e“e hut until the joborders of magnitude, kpproximations and but until
is complete/yhe will not be able to provide exact costs.
^ -f-Viat of the 39 Field. Orders, only 16 appear to beNicholson explained that o j-voop chance Orders involves a
^^l???0°fdedri?ionThteo nth^ roS^r°a^ttte wo Orders TSe uPh30.eOLom
rsrsYrter?^^ He?Si Inch PVC pipe drainage
Cole explained that the P^®^®n^^1githerdMangelson or Widmer.
signature of NCE, Moore, Cole and eitner y
The change in the chase system rJ|u^ge^^f0™bleawith!C1The chase
had Cto he made that the Town of the design. It was
issue°had been edrSi"f iJ^Sey go^ S?o the f didn°^t
fine as designed on PaP®^ sidewalk would have popped off if it h
work. Within one year the si Cole wants to ensure that the
pro ject1" isCweli bfilEtXeaCnUdtSeatDio maintenance problems are being
created for the Town ^ in a very short amount
MOSS said she felt the Board c°uld ionCf?or?ole concerning the Change
o? ?ime" and after a short benefit the project as well
°f-su?riLrkweorK roSl^bS dene riVsifive fashion for fhe
Town. . j 3
cole indicated the only time the ®°“d0^athe°chairsysIemTe At the
SmS9|h“Scit!liSwas mlSe^Cole a°«">“rms °of co2t!iewho°pa?rwill
Hltrrm-eHrBoLbd^.UVorefFSltde-dertES-38 ---- tire
Nicholson said an estimate of ratrf eir bill :;oulda be *or4trooentr
He°wil 1' tryCand^provide tSl informaiion on a monthly basrs.
Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority - Page 4
Moore explained that the $21,000 addition to the project is above
and beyond the contingency that was set aside in NCE's contract
and is considered a cost overrun. The contingency fund of 5%, as
stated in the contract, which amounted to approximately $30,000
has a balance of $18,000. $12,000 has been used for the Burleen,
the change in the concrete subcontractor, etc. The final cost overrun
of the Project will be submitted when the final bills are submitted on
a cost-plus contract. Pauley asked if the concrete subcontractor whose
skills are not sufficient to complete the project will be paid.
Nicholson said no decision had been made at the present time. Sometimes
it takes more time, money and effort to fight than what the amount of
the bill represents.
Anderson feels the Board should change the present policy. The Board
has a good Executive Director and a good representative in Russell
Moore and they should be trusted to do the job. Hill agreed that
the last phase of the policy indicating Board approval, of $5,000
should be omitted.
Pohl feels the Board should know where the money is going because it
is held responsible for its finances.
.ELcSti^e Director, the
Town representative and Russell Moore. Motion approved.
Nicholson presented a pg JPffe-^j-af‘^LS!R”?SfsonffofpaSentif
^hrhbhlAsuSjeSnt ?rr”?La:ndSearP-:al,by the Executive Director.
Motion approved.
Bond Issue;
theeci::i:rofaBrt“ Pa?hDrbannReneS:rAittorni9ty’seTann«e;:lnfr
Bondf?n ?L amount of $1,320,000.
Phares explained to propose? ,F?^rSl^hBoa?d had
seri:rtrarthfiar p^posaflidPnot — ^^e besthPublxCnStftestthe
ISt mitnn?LlonrfSeobjl?tI|nf tohthe“roposaloWere = o(U the^UM
PtrS£lSUc?rSSIat“nbpr:S?Sms.'(?Se site is designated for parKrng rn
the plsri) • 4-v»f^ pXsn
Lucas responded that STREDEQ^INC^^was^prepared^to^ame^^ clrculation
-bSf wfuirb-inc^efsed9
Anderson ooixoented that th«|ea“aPes have a |°“|eh°“^es^'":L5iisBequals
ora9?welvePhour day^the P-^i^^T^^^ides for 5°nsParcars'perhour.
450 car day^ ^Th^ o^Le-hSlf hour which w°^^db^ean isoO car day.
average turn d the equivalency would a . d of Town
Anderson tndlSate^thft the traffic impact on the
would more than double. posltive aspects, but
P0hn“tSI S^?e!hethPerBPo0aS1co;?dhanot surPort or consider it.
Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority - Page 5
Job Description;
Phares asked the Committee established previously, cponsisting of
Pohl, Anderson and Cole, to update the job description for the
Executive Director since she is now a full-time URA employee and
to present it at the next Board Meeting.
Community Participation;
Moss explained that several civic groups are interested in making
f cL?ribution to the Streetscape Project and she -
keenina the support of these groups. Phares directed Cole and Moss
^r?ompile a liSt of items which have already been rnoluded rn the
Streetscape Plan {i.e., benches, planters, etc.) to include dolla
amounts next to each item and then let each organization select
!terthe? would lilce to donate. A small plaque could be attached
to each item indicating the donor.
Walking in Front of Service Stations:
Anderson expressed c°n«^Jnabo“Je^^eigr®a®alkinrand1visualtbMrier for
lllTsllilH aHheJ leave the «-ibjPficP“^i:9cSS^ittee Isklnf?hat
heSqiatrd wea?? ar^frerstt°ri^hed Pfo51re.:-ians of at least eiqht feet.
Pohl said the Plan also calls for screening of ApStshpr
A suggestion was made that a ient and can be easily enforced,
if he feels ^e present code -lderson contact the station owners
per5onally'^beforetsending' letters.
5S£5t_SEea)Ser,f°0!X2H±ihi- ^ urban Renewal
■lo in the process of establishing commissioners
Laramie, Wyoming invited cole and , to attend
foTen^a "ay 3 WOtkSh°P- ^
the workshop.
. coirat,ission Meeting John Carmack
ST4SSS - sa-
presented an p , . • on to the URA Boarwill be the new liaison
5treeteca£e^onstriact:ion__Commi_LLt^" .ntendent, has been
- c^-iThaving problems «tblosa the street to vehicul^ ^ith branches to each
providearwllkway down thc^nraaia ° problem on weekends^^beca „„ed
pedfsSaran1dSvehi|ular trat«rc.ekPeOnlr make sure peaestrr
SmS-ifthe^eXa^find not in the concrete.
Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority - Page 6
Demolition from the Chevron Station to Grandpa's will begin either
Friday, April 20 or Monday, April 23. There is a problem in this area
because there is not the required eight foot setback in.front of
several of the shops. The Committee also agreed that every effort
should be made to complete West Moraine by June 1.
One Way Traffic Circulation Committee:
Anderson, Pauley and Widmer met with Al Chotvacs concerning the
one-way traffic proposal. Chotvacs was very positive and suggested
that the URA hire a traffic engineer to gather the proper data required
to make a proposal to the State. He did reiterate the fact that
the change would be dependent upon local funding.
Cole asked for a meeting with the Chairman to obtain direction in
hiring a person on a project basis for the summer. If any of the
Commissioners are interested in reviewing cost reports from^
NCE, Field Orders or Change Orders, they will be available in the
URA office.
Moss explained that a Planning Commission Liaison Committee, had
previously been established, consisting of Moss, Hill and Sager.
This committee no longer has a purpose and she asked that it be
disbanded. Chairman Phares declared the committee disbanded.
The meeting was adjourned.
Joyce Graff, Recording Secretary