HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority 1984-03-07BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS
Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority
'^March 7, 19 8 4
Also Present:
Chairman Charles H. Phares, Commissioners Larry
Helmich, J. Donald Pauley, Edward B. Pohl, Dale G.
Hill, Anne K. Moss, Arthur L. Anderson
Chairman Phares, Commissioners Helmich, Pauley, Pohl,
Hill, Moss and Anderson
Paula Laing, Richard Wood, Don Fentner, Robert Lucas,
Bill Van Horn, Jim Kreidle, Mark Johns
A motion was made and seconded (Anderson-Moss) to approve the February 22
minutes. Motion approved.
Mr. Bill Van Horn, Van Horn Engineering and_Surveying, expressed his
disappointment with the URA Board for allowing the press to attend a
Work Lssion held February 22 with the URA Board and f
had asked for permission to attend the meeting and was4.c?e^;L®^£5tl?J
of attendance. Chairman Phares explained that the meeting d
be a closed session but the press insisted on the right ?J®S5JnHorn
Phares also indicated that the URA Board does intend to meet with
and Wheeler.
Cole presented the following bills:
Rent: $ 235•00 (March)
Casters for Chairs:
February Postage;
TOTAL BILLS $ 368.61
a motion was made and seconded (Pohl-Pauley) to pay the bills,
'cole reviewed the —espondence for the past twOhWeehs -hich^included a
letter to Al Chotvacs, Colorado DaPa^^maa^ Town lupp0rt for a monument sign
sign system and also the p d letter to Ann Jensen, Town Clerk,
for the U.S. 34/36 sidLalk improvements along
requesting a permit for the . tion to the Fall River Bridge
welt Elkhorn from the Moraine ^Jk^SJ^r^^?^^32ction to the river,
and along Moraine Avenue from the Elkhorn inrers
Status of Streetscape Project;
4- a +-1,;,+- P, successful groundbreaking ceremony was ^ald Anderson ^eP°rted ^hat a^^C^^J|etsc| e construction Committee will be
every widi^sliy moaning at 8 Lm. in the Constructron Trarler.
Mark Johns, NCE, explained that the aependmlgreatlyhupon tL
NCE one week to spare bf : ™t hate any weekend work scheduled
weather. At the present „hrare open on weekends maximum
ao«sIibility!anMtbaf wither does occur, they may have to work some
Johns indicated the te.a"^sm!=°?rLturedW?raCcSl? p?uftalisPanddis
budget. The masonry contract was restructurea ro
Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority - Page.2
expected to come in about $65,000 as opposed to the $75,000 fixed bid
figure. The concrete bid came in at approximately $38,000. The combined
total for landscaping and sprinkling is approximately $7,000 ^naer the
budget figure. Demolition is a very critical area. They ve had very
good luck so far with demolition and if the luck continues, there could be
a savings of $3,000 to $4,000.
Another critical area is a budget item called
anticipates a possible frost problem on the
have to put up temporary structures and provide heat to thaw the
line. This is still an unknown.
cole indicated that the total budget for the Streetscape has t?sremaint
under $700,000. A number of items have been pulled out o church
such as concrete tests, the activity plaza in 0f Ji°i^sCby
Shops, construction observation, and the installation of lights by t
Estes Park Light and Power Department.
Given the tight construction schedule and the
made a recommendation tl3at' e Avenue which would be a savings
improvements on the east side of f .. street will require an
of approximately $20,000. To do this if line.4 The West
extra road cut across Moraine ]u tly not taken across the street.
Elkhorn system would operate more efficiently ir n
At the present time we have only a 5% contingency fund ^^ich^Cole^fe^_
Sr1tLfwfLetI?hrfiLt0sc^edure,tCoLWere:Sended deleting this portion
of the project.
The present budget ^i^ure from hCE is $564 000aSdiWithethereitems LlCet_
hTheeN^rSuPdg^^efig-e0£shrirbCe°S^rr-i-tely 6523,000 (estimate, .
There was discussion concerning the |esthentiCnaspect^the ---s ofhf e
East H-ai“t”«C^SfSea"LSpoLd one week so that the Board couldahave,aticS;
decision on this cur us on cost savings, aestneric
arSpdatefl984apropoLdaSp|ndi?ure to 9et a clear pioture5Ofstheien i^
in order to serve aa a" p?ojLt is moving,
of the fast pace with whicn tne P j
Tax Increment Bond Issue; e+.^tpitient"
3------------- 4- ^r-pft of a "Preliminary Statemenr
will be meeting wath Raoay Piatca- Board Members are invited to
from 1 to 4 p.m. in Pierce s on
Kirchner-Moore shoul avaiiable.
if the proceeds are not a
Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority - Page 3
Special Assessment District;
Kreidle explained that there are numerous ways of organi^i”^. . . s
Assessment District. The Board needs to or?a;1?e.andrpJ^tj5pnshwill include:
for what they hope to accomplish with the District. The p k.ch1+-■;nn
(1) establish parking area priorities; (2) hire an engineer on a c° h
h iq. (3\ talk with the Town Board to see how they would like to hav _ _
The meeting will be in Room 207.
Development Within URA District;
Windholz said there will be a staff “?e™Satione;sHto1whaia?he'Tc™e
and himself for the purpose of making ^ .should be and the recommendations
and the Urban Renewal Authority's P°slti°"= faevelopers. Basedwhich should be made to the respective Boards ooncerning^ae
on that recommendation the Board will me
Recommendation from Anderson:
Anderson indicated that in thinking about alXEthLworkeWh^hnneedSntOtbe
accomplished over the next six ™°^ths h ^ ishin special committees to
h?SSethtLPwrrr:h?crn;edf ^Accomplished such as:
A committee for a Special Assessment District.
A Confluence Park committee. the traffic questions,A committee.to study and proceed with the train g
particularly the ohe-way loop.
Anderson feels these things all tie togetherandit ^t^tica lack
bfaoA at onoe rather than in a piecemeal f=|hionp tlfprocesSi using the
SLlrardnasTSSSI'toAoo?riArthe efforts of the individual committees,
A motion was made *nd secondede^Pau;^y-Anderson^ thatutteBChairman
SAr^SleAeteA ?hree additional |hf C?CS1nLAa?Ans by
tte coLi?tee, subject to the aPPr°^fbft^he Board Teet. a1s0j
the Chairman should be so^Stions can be reached for
the Board communicate with Cole and see waa
the staff problem.
After some discussion col^Ja^^i^g1^^^eJU^oSp0togSS? ?SrGmeetinP^ Pauley
and the difficulty of getting a larger |JatPtheycoininittees should consist
amended his motion and Anda^S°^eag3^er frL the community. The motion
of two URA Board Members and one memPer iruu
was approved as amended.
Pauley reiterated that he felt it was important to have a lay person serve
on each committee.
cole A1 Sager, Planning commission Chairman, Rich Widmer, Hill and Pharos
Sfu'meA to discuss the staff problems.
oommtttEE REPORTS:
Planning Commission Liaison: ^
MOSS reported that the Planning Co^j==i°nt^°”akSSln plIAinraSdevelopment
£¥s?!: the Boards in this Manual.
Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority - Page 4
Moss asked if the Board felt it might be appropriate to establish review
procedures for potential developers wanting to build within e, , . , ,
District. She suggested that the URA Committee °^;L5inally
September 21, 1983 by Chairman Phares to include Moaa' ' ^0^®biedt
Saaer meet to develop these procedures. Phares suggested this s 3
be tabled until after the Town Board and URA Board have .g600"™6
dations on the position they should take in regard to developments.
MOSS reported that the Planning Commission and ^^^dnshilliP
Herr to review the zoning ordinances and make necessary revisions.
Streetscape Construction Committee:
Anderson reported several problems which have occurred in the demolition
process on north Elkhorn:
1. When the concrete was cut ^etw^n the TomTom and Pioneer GiftQt
fu?PL^^!eCt0e?retSo:S.ei?hhLtcars:dinfeece^^if to orach hach on
privatePproperty. This will have to be replaced.
2. There is a double .^^^H^^k'Sn'wMLihf Lr^abS""
anfrideSalherrr;a?tiSlir3itting. «CE cut the roch and chipped
it out.
Road base is being put in |t°nt °f many of ^he atores-cEThxs °f
dirt with a small amount of gravel. It we^^^ store that ,s open ^he
Sfekaendaytorafd ^^lest?!^trSfic. The gravel will be less costly
wood bridges.
... rnmmprce and Development is in Towncole explained that the Drvisron of Commerce and
filming the Streetscape Pro3eot.
a a staff indicated how impressed they have been with the
The entire Board and Staf d and the Trail Gazette,
news coverage of the projeou
Windholz: • a -f
Windholz reported that the interim^contraot^wit^CE^does^provie^o ^^^
CoStractionSCo™ittee. eihe Town staff^is t;;^®s^j5®riStsta?eCIwarLda
^^^'Secfsio^rmad: ^fto wh^dLSEpers are allowed to do with proiects.
Facades; ,
Pohl said that he and Moss are gj^21p|rk°FSSndationeThu?sday, March 15
^?im98?foSetSt12=fo p^l art ?he Lazy T Motor Lodge on Highway 34.
Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority - Page 5
A motion was made and seconded (Pauley-Anderson) to
to Wednesday, March 14 at 10 a.m. in the Board Room. Motion approved.
Joyce Graff, Recording Secretary