HomeMy WebLinkAboutRESOLUTIONS 1982RESOLUTION 69-82 WHEREAS,unforeseen conditions caused by the July 15, 1982 flood have developed within accounts in the General and Light and Power Funds,and; WHEREAS,said conditions will continue unless additional funds are provided in the budget year 1982,and; WHEREAS,the Federal and State disaster assistance funds are adequate to fund the additional budget; WHEREAS,the Board of Trustees believes an emergency exists which could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of the adoption of the budget for the year 1982. NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado: THAT the sum of $375,000 be expended from the General Fund and $150,000 from the Light and Power Fund for the year 1982. Dated this 14th day of December,1982. ATTEST: 1 // yt2 Clerk Harry Mayor Publish:December 17,1982 C RESOLUTION 68-82 WHEREAS,the exposure of municipalities in Colorado and through out the country to federal antitrust lawsuits has been greatly expanded as a result of recent decisions of the United States Supreme Court; WHEREAS,the potential for treble damage awards and the sub stantial expense of defending antitrust litigation,even if success ful,may inhibit municipalities from enacting or enforcing regulations which are intended to protect the public health,safety and welfare, but which also may be deemed to restrict competition; WHEREAS,at least four Colorado municipalities already have been sued under the federal antitrust laws for various regulatory activities,with claimed damages,when trebled,exceeding $100 million; WHEREAS,the cost to the taxpayers of one Colorado municipality in defending one of these lawsuits,which was settled prior to trial,exceeded $250,000; WHEREAS,municipalities differ from private enterprise in that private enterprise is not charged with protecting the public health,safety and welfare; WHEREAS,numerous protections from municipal regulations, other than treble damages under the federal antitrust laws,are available such as,public notice,public hearing,public meeting and public record requirements,court review of actions,periodic elections and the rights of initiated referendum and recall,and the continuing authority of the state General Assembly or the people of Colorado to modify the statutory and constitutional authority of Colorado’s municipalities; WHEREAS,state legislation does not provide any certain solution to the problem and years of litigation will be necessary to decide whether any state legislation meets the test established by the U.S.Supreme Court for local government antitrust immunity; WHEREAS,federal legislation can address the problem directly by seeking a specific exemption from the federal antitrust laws for local governments and all or some of their activities; C WHEREAS,federal legislation could eliminate damages from the antitrust remedies available against local governments and their taxpayers;and WHEREAS,local governments should not be imperiled when en gaging in traditional local government regulatory activities such as zoning,enacting and enforcing building and fire codes,regu— lating the use of public rights-of—way,licensing,franchising and the myriad of other regulatory activities traditionally engaged in by local governments; NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK that the Congress of the United States should act as quickly as possible to provide appropriate exemptions for municipalities from federal antitrust liability. TOWN OF ESTES PARK By_______________________ .Z Mayor ATTEST: Townlerk LiORESOLUTION67-82BEITRESOLVEDbytheBoardofTrusteesoftheTownofEstesParkthatthefollowingwageandsalaryincreasesbeplacedintoeffectonJanuary1,1983:FinanceDepartmentandClerical6.8%PoliceDepartment7.2%PublicWorks,LightandPower,andWaterDepartments6.1%ProfessionalAdministration7.0% C RESOLUTION 66-82 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING PROPOSED STATE LEGISLATION FOR CIVIL REMEDIES BY UTILITIES FOR DIVERSION OF UTILITY SERVICES. WHEREAS,the Town of Estes Park owns and operates a municipal utility for the provision of electric service;and, WHEREAS,it is becoming more and more apparent that incidences of diversion of such utility services by means of bypassing,tampering and unauthorized metering account for a substantial loss of such services without remuneration to the Town;and, WHEREAS,such losses result in increased costs to other ratepayers; and, WHEREAS,the Colorado General Assembly will be considering pro posed legislative changes to specifically provide for certain civil remedies,including treble damages in certain cases,in order to facilitate collection of damages from persons responsible for such diversions;and, WHEREAS,the Town of Estes Park desires to endorse efforts in pursuit of such legislative changes. NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK: That Estes Park hereby endorses the efforts in pursuit of legislative changes to provide certain civil remedies,including treble damages in certain cases,in order to facilitate collection of damages from persons responsible for losses of revenue to utilities through diversion of utility services by means of bypassing,tampering and unauthorized metering. Dated at Estes Park,Colorado,this 9th day of November,1982. ;;;3 Harry B.T egent,Mayor ATTEST: 4 Ann E.Jens ,Town Clerk Q C RESOLUTION 65-82 WHEREAS,the Town of Estes Park owns and operates a municipal electric utility;and WHEREAS,the Town of Estes Park is a member in good standing of the Colorado Association of Municipal Utilities (Association”);and WHEREAS,the purposes of the Association include promoting the interests of its municipal electric utility members,providing services to its members and consumers in the management,operation,adminis tration,improvement and extension of electric utility services,and assisting in the enactment of legislation beneficial to and in the interest of municipally-owned utilities within the State of Colorado; and WHEREAS,some members of the Association are subject to the partial regulation and jurisdiction of the Colorado Public Utilities Commission insofar as,and to the extent that,they provide electric utility service outside the corporate boundaries of their respective municipalities;and WHEREAS,the Association is considering proposing certain legis lative changes to the General Assembly which will result in the return of control over the rates and service of municipally—owned electric and gas utilities to officials of the affected or potentially affected municipalities;and WHEREAS,the Town of Estes Park wishes to endorse the efforts of the Association and its representatives in pursuing such legislative changes. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,as follows: The Town of Estes Park hereby endorses the efforts of the Colorado Association of Municipal Utilities,of which it is a member,in proposing and seeking changes in existing Colorado law which will result in the return of control over the rates and service of municipally-owned electric and gas utilities to the appropriate municipal officials. ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the Town of Estes Park,this 9th day of November,1982. TOWN OF ESTES PARK By___________ Mayor ATTES/ Town Clerk / C RESOLUTION 64-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Mayor and any other appropriate Town Official or employee is authorized to execute any documents necessary to complete the funding for a Community Development Plan through the State of Colorado Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG). Adopted:October 26,1982 9 RESOLUTION 63-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Mayor and any other appropriate Town Official or employee is authorized to execute any documents necessary to complete the funding for the thirteen replacement bridges through the Housing and Urban Development tHUD)Grant. Adopted:October 26,1982 C,62—82RESOLUTIONTOAPPROPRIATESUMSOFMONEYARESOLUTIONAPPROPRIATINGSUMSOFMONEYTOTHEVARIOUSFUNDSANDSPENDINGAGENCIES,INTHEAMOUNTSANDFORTHEPURPOSESASSETFORTHBELOW,FORTHETOWNOFESTESPARK,COLORADO,FORTHE1983BUDGETYEAR.WHEREAS,theBoardofTrusteeshasadoptedtheannualbudgetinaccordancewiththeLocalGovernmentBudgetLawonOctober12,1982,and;WHEREAS,theBoardofTrusteeshasmadeprovisionthereinforrevenuesinanamountequaltoorgreaterthanthetotalproposedexpendituresasset.forthinsaidbudget,and;WHEREAS,itisnotonlyrequiredbylaw,butalsonecessarytoappropriatetherevenuesprovidedinthebudgettoandforthepurposesdescribedbelow,soasnottoimpairtheoperationsoftheTown.NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHEBOARDOFTRUSTEESOFTHETOWNOFESTESPARK,COLORADO:THATthefollowingsumsareherebyappropriatedfromtherevenueofeachfund,toeachfund,forthepurposesstated:GeneralFundCurrentOperatingExpenses$1,790,235CapitalOutlay1,840,140TOTALGENERALFUND$3,630,375Light&PowerFundCurrentOperatingExpenses$3,871,909CapitalOutlay1,038,200TOTALLIGHT&POWERFUND$4,910,109WaterFundCurrentOperatingExpenses$588,316CapitalOutlay342,000TOTALWATERFUND$930,316—7— LibraryFundCurrentOperatingExpensesCapitalOutlayTOTALLIBRARYFUNDGeneralRevenueSharingFundCurrentOperatingExpensesCapitalOutlayTOTALREVENUESHARINGFUNDConservationTrustFundStanleyParkFundSelfInsuranceFundPolicemen’sPensionFundFiremen’sPensionFundTOTALI4MayorC0$118,7493,500$122,249$10,65045,350$56,000$13,565$339,157$204,509$22,000$32,300$10,260,580ADOPTEDTHIS12thdayofOctober,1982.ATTEST:.—8— CC61—82RESOLUTIONTOSETMILLLEVIESARESOLUTIONLEVYINGGENERALPROPERTYTAXESFORTHEYEAR1983,TOHELPDEFRAYTHECOSTSOFGOvERNMENT’FORTHETOWNOFESTESPARK,COLORADOFORTHE1983BUDGETYEAR.WHEREAS,theBoardofTrusteesoftheTownofEstesParkhasadoptedtheannualbudgetinaccordancewiththelocalGovernmentBudgetLawonOctober12,1982,and;WHEREAS,theamountofmoneynecessarytobalancethebudgetforgeneraloperatingexpensesis$83,000and;WHEREAS,the1983valuationforassessmentfortheTownofEstesParkascertifiedbytheCountyAssessoris$22,520,720.NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHEBOARDOFTRUSTEESOFTHETOWNOFESTESPARK,COLORADO:THATforthepurposeofmeetingallgeneraloperatingexpensesoftheTownofEstesParkduringthe1983budgetyear,thereisherebyleviedataxof3.7millsuponeachdollarofthetotalvaluationforassessmentofalltaxablepropertywithintheTownfortheyear1983.THATtheTownClerkisherebyauthorizedanddirectedtoimmediatelycertifytotheCountyCommissionersofLarimerCounty,Colorado,themillleviesfortheTownofEstesParkashereinabovedeterminedandset.ADOPTEDthis12thdayofOctober,1982.\0QOOGOJz7/MayorATTEST:/—6— 0060—82RESOLUTIONTOADOPTBUDGETARESOLUTIONSUMMARIZINGEXPENDITURESANDREVENUEFOREACHFUND,ANDADOPTINGABUDGETFORTHETOWNOFESTESPARK,COLORADO,FORTHECALENDARYEARBEGINNINGONTHE1STDAYOFJANUARY,1983,ANDENDINGONTHELASTDAYOFDECEMBER,1983.WHEREAS,theBoardofTrusteesoftheTownofEstesParkhasappointedDaleG.Hill,TownAdministrator,toprepareandsubmitaproposedbudgettosaidgoverningbodyatthepropertime,and;WHEREAS,DaleG.Hill,TownAdministrator,hassubmittedaproposedbudgettothisgoverningbodyonSeptember14,1982,foritsconsideration,and;WHEREAS,upondueandpropernotice,publishedinaccordancewiththelaw,saidproposedbudgetwasopenforinspectionbythepublicatadesignatedplace,apublichearingwasheldonOctober12,1982,andinterestedtaxpayersweregiventheopportunitytofileorregisteranyobjectionstosaidproposedbudget,and;WHEREAS,whateverincreasesmayhavebeenmadeintheexpenditures,likeincreaseswereaddedtotherevenuessothatthebudgetremainsinbalance,asrequiredbylaw.NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHEBOARDOFTRUSTEESOFTHETOWNOFESTESPARK,COLORADO:Section1.Thatestimatedexpendituresforeachfundareasfollows:GeneralFund$3,630,375Light&PowerFund4,910,109WaterFund930,316PublicLibrary122,249GeneralRevenueSharing56,000Policemen’sPensionFund22,000Firemen’sPensionFund32,300SelfInsuranceFund204,509ConservationTrustFund13,565StanleyParkFund339,157$10,260,580—3— 0Section2.ThattheestimatedresourcesforeachGeneralFundFromunapprooriatedsurplusesFromsourcesotherthangeneralpropertytaxFromthegeneralpropertytaxlevyLight&PowerFundFromunappropriatedfundsFromotherrevenuesourcesTOTALLIGHT&POWERFUNDWaterFundFromunappropriatedfundsFromotherrevenuesourcesTOTALWATERFUND$998,8804,545,960$5,544,840$653,637671,835$1,325,472PublicLibraryGeneralRevenueSharingConservationTrustFundStanleyParkFundSelfInsuranceFundPolicemen’sPensionFundFiremen’sPensionFundTOTAL$122,250$56,056$13,565$339,157$204,509$321,368$178,092$12,013,894Cfundareasfollows:$914,0752,911,51083,000$3,908,585TOTALGENERALFUND—4— 00Section3.Thatthebudget,assubmitted,amended,andhereinabovesummarizedbyfund,beandthesameherebyisapprovedandadoptedasthebudgetoftheTownofEstesPark,Colorado,fortheyearstatedabove.Section4.ThatthebudgetherebyapprovedandadoptedshallbesignedbytheMayorandTownClerkandmadeapartofthepublicrecordsoftheTown.ADOPTEDthis12thdayofOctober,1982.TownkATTEST:—5— C RESOLUTION 59-82 WHEREAS,the Town of Estes Park has become involved in claims and litigation relative to flooding caused by the breaking of Lawn Lake Reservoir on or about July 15,1982;and WHEREAS,the Town of Estes Park has sustained loss and damages as a result of said incident which may make it necessary and advisable for the Town of Estes Park to make claims against the appropriate persons or entities responsible;and WHEREAS,the Town of Estes Park is being represented in defense of claims made against it by attorneys for the insurance carriers for the Town of Estes Park,but that there may be matters arising in such litigation affecting the interests of the Town of Estes Park which may not be the concern of the insurance carrier for the Town of Estes Park;and WHEREAS,the Town Attorney for the Town of Estes Park is not in a position to represent the Town in the foregoing matters because of certain conflicts of interest arising from the repre sentation of other persons or entities who may be involved in an adversary position to the Town;and WHEREAS,the Town Board of the Town of Estes Park believes it necessary and advisable to have independent legal counsel to represent it in the foregoing matters; NOW,THEREFORE,THESE PRESENTS WITNESSETH THAT the Town Board of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado,hereby employs the law firm of Harden,Schmidt &Hass,a Professional Corporation,to repre sent it in the following particulars: (1)To advise concerning the appropriate and proper proce dure in pending cases and claims against the Town of Estes Park to the extent that said matters are not covered by representation through the insurance carrier of the Town. (2)To advise concerning the undertaking of claims, counter—claims,cross—claims or third—party claims either in initiating new claims or in pending claims against the Town of Estes Park. (3)To advise concerning other and further legal matters in these connections as requested by the Town Administrator. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that no claims will be intitiated or undertaken by said firm without the prior approval of the Town Administrator. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the attorneys and paralegals in the firm of Harden,Schmidt &Hass,a Professional Corporation, shall undertake the legal services mentioned herein at their present and usual hourly rates,together with reimbursement for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred. PASSED AND ADOPTED THISd day of September,1982. TOWN OF ESTES PARK 2I / By•2///’ Mayor Town Clerk7 (SEAL) n C 58—82 RESOLUTION WHEREAS,a special meeting of the shareholders of the Estes Park Golf and Country Club will be held at the Municipal Building in Estes Park on Thursday,September 30,1982,for the purpose of presenting to the stockholders the question of whether or not the Estes Park Golf and Country Club should elect to be governed by the provisions of Articles 20 through 29,Title 7,C.R.S.,1973, as amended,known as the Colorado Non Profit Corporation Act,and; WHEREAS,the Town of Estes Park is a shareholder in the Estes Park Golf and Country Club. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor is authorized to vote the shares of stock owned by the Town of Estes Park at the shareholders meeting on September 30,1982. Adopted:September 28,1982 0 RESOLUTION 56-82 FINDINGS AND RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO CONCERNING A PETITION FOR THE FORMATION OF AN URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY IN THE TOWN Heretofore,a Petition signed by more than 25 registered electors in the Town was duly filed with the Town Clerk setting forth that there is a need for an Urban Renewal Authority to func tion in the Town of Estes Park.Pursuant to C.R.S.1973,Section 31-25-104(1)(a),the Town Clerk gave notice by publication that a public hearing would be conducted by the Board of Trustees of the Town on this date in order to determine a need of such an Authority in the Town.Such hearing has been held and the Board of Trustees has heard the evidence presented by all parties who desired to be heard concerning the need for an Urban Renewal Authority in the Town of Estes Park.The Board of Trustees,being thus advised,now finds and declares as follows: 1.That blighted areas do exist in the Town.This finding is based in part,but not limited to the fact that there is need of redevelopment and/or rehabilitation in the Town as a result of a flood of Fall River in the Town on July 15, 1922,and the Governor of the State of Colorado has certified the need for disaster assistance under Federal Law on account of such flood; 2.That the acquisition,clearance,rehabilitation,con servation,development or redevelopment or a combination thereof of such blighted areas is necessary in the interest of the public health,safety,morals or welfare of the residents of the Town of Estes Park;and 3.That it is in the public interest that an Urban Renewal Authority for the Town of Estes Park be created and that such authority exercise the powers provided to be exercised by such an authority in Part 1,Article 25,Title 31,C.R.S.1973, as amended. RESOLUTION 57-82 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK ADOPTING FINDINGS AND ESTABLISHING AN URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK: 1.That the foregoing findings of the Board of Trustees are hereby adopted. 2.That there is hereby established an Urban Renewal Authority in the Town of Estes Park pursuant to Part 1,Article 25, Title 31,C.R.S.1973,as amended,to be known as the Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority. 3.That the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park is hereby designated as the Urban Renewal Authority of the Town of Estes Park as provided in Section 31—25—115,C.R.S.1973, as amended. Passed and adopted this /4/day of ,1982. ATTE Town Cc C)a RESOLUTION 55-82 WHEREAS,a regular meeting of the shareholders of the Estes Park Golf and Country Club will be held at the Municipal Building in Estes Park on Monday,the 13th day of September,1982,for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting,and; WHEREAS,the Town of Estes Park is a shareholder in the Estes Park Golf and Country Club. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor is authorized to vote the share of stock owned by the Town of Estes Park at the shareholders meeting on September 13,1922. Adopted:August 24,1982 0RESOLUTION54-82WHEREAS,theTownofEstesPark,Colorado,isauthorizedandenpoweredbytheprovisionsoftheCountyandMunicipalityDevelopmentRevenueBondAct(29-3-101etseq.),C.R.S.1973,asamended,hereinafterreferredtoas“theAct”,tofinanceaproject,asthattermisdefinedintheAct,andtoissueitsindustrialrevenuebondsforthepurposeofusingtheproceedstherefromtofinancetheproject;andWhereas,theStanleySteamerHotel/Resort,Ltd.,hereinafterreferredtoas“theApplicant”,hasrequestedtheTowntoissueandsellitsindustrialrevenuebondspursuanttotheprovisionsoftheActforthepurposeoffinancingacommercialenterpriseconstitutingaproject,asthattermisdefinedintheAct,pursuanttotheapplicationfiledbytheApplicant;andWHEREAS,thefinancingoftheprojectoftheApplicant,namelythesaleoflimitedpartnershipinterestspursuanttotheConfidentialMemorandumfiledasapartoftheapplication,requiresaperiodoftimeforthemarketingofsaidlimitedpartnershipunits;andWHEREAS,therehasnotbeenfiledwiththeapplicationamarketingplanforthesaleoftheindustrialrevenuebondissuebecausesaidmarketingplanwillnotbeavailableuntilthesaleofthelimitedpartnershipunits;andWHEREAS,theissuanceoftheTown’sindustrialrevenuebondsforthefinancingoftheprojectiscontingentuponApplicantsatisfactorilycompletingthesaleofthelimitedpartnershipunitssetforthintheConfidentialMemorandumandthefilingofanadequatemarkingplanwiththeTownforthesaleoftheindustrialrevenuebondissue;andWHEREAS,theTownwishestodeclareitsintentiontoauthorizeanissueofitsindustrialrevenuebondsfprthepurposeoffinancingtheproject,asmorefullysetforthintheapplicationfiledbytheApplicant;intheamountrequestedbytheApplicantanduponsuchtermsandconditionsasmaythenbeagreeduponbytheTownandtheApplicant.NOW,THEREFORE,itisresolvedbytheBoardofTrusteesoftheTownofEstesPark,Colorado,thattheTownherebydeclaresitsintentiontoauthorizetheissuanceandsaleofaseriesofindustrialrevenuebondsoftheTownunderandinaccordancewith CtheprovisionsoftheAct,intheamountrequestedbytheApplicantpresentlyestimatedtobe$9,750,000.00;anduponthetermsandconditions,asmaybemutuallyagreeduponbytheTownandtheApplicant.Provided,however,thatpriortotheissuanceandsaleofsaidindustrialrevenuebondstheApplicantcompletethesaleofthelimitedpartnershipunitsinaccordancewiththeConfidentialIemorandumfiledwiththeapplication;thattheApplicantassuretheTown,itsattorneysandbondcounselthattheissuanceoftheindustrialrevenuebondsisinaccordancewithallapplicableFederalandStaterestrictionsandregulationsinforceatthetimeofsaidissuance;thattheApplicantfileamarketingplansignedbyanentityacceptabletotheTownforthesaleofthebonds;andthatthesestatedconditionsbecompletedwithinareasonableperiodoftimefromthedateofthisResolution.BEITFURTHERRESOLVEDthattheactualissuanceandsaleof•suchbondsmustbeauthorizedbytheTownatameetingtobeheldforsaidpurposefollowingcompletionoftheabovestatedconditions.PASSEDANDAPPROVEDthisKday,1982.Mayor)/—Town—2— CCRES01UTI0N53-82BEITRESOLVEDbytheBoardofTrusteesoftheTownofEstesParkthattheMayorandTownClerkareauthorizedtoexecutethecontractwithPaulH.andMarie1.WestforthepurchaseoftheirpropertyonWestRiversideDriveandtoclosethetransactionasnecessary.Datedthis/Cddayof__________________,1982.%ZHarryB.Tryent,MaSrorATTEST: 0 RESOLUTION 52-82 WHEREAS,the Board of Trustees has determined that a sidewalk,curb and gutter be constructed along the entire frontage of 205 Virginia Drive;and WHEREAS,pursuant to the provisions of Section 31-15-703(2), C.R.S.1973,as amended,the Board hereby proposes to order the construction of said sidewalk,curb and gutter to be done by the owners of the adjacent property;and WHEREAS,in the event that any owner does not construct said sidewalk,curb and gutter after notice to said owner,the Board has determined that the Town shall construct the same, and assess the costs thereof against the property owner;and WHEREAS,in the event of said assessment it shall be collected pursuant to the provisions of Section 31-15-401 (1)(d) and 31-15—704,C.R.S.1973,as amended; HOW,THEREFORE,be it resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park that: 1.The Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park hereby determines that it is necessary that a sidewalk,curb and gutter be constructed along the entire frontage of 205 Virginia Drive. 2.The Board of Trustees hereby instructs the Town Clerk to give notice to the property owners to construct said sidewalk, curb and gutter. 3.The Board of Trustees hereby finds that in the event the property owner does not construct said sidewalk,curb and gutter within 60 days of the sending of said notice that the appropriate officials of the Town of Estes Park are hereby empowered to construct said sidewalk,curb and gutter and that following said construction,the costs shall be assessed against the property owner adjacent to the construction of said sidewalk, curb and gutter. APPROVED: ayo r ATTEST: /77 To)m Clerk 1 0’C NOT ICE TO:Mr.Greig Steiner The Courtyard 205 Virginia Drive P.0.Box 3081 Estes Park,Colorado 80517 By Resolution No.52-82 adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park on July 27,1982,a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated in this Notice by reference, the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park has determined that a sidewalk,curb and gutter be constructed along the entire frontage of 205 Virginia Drive.The Records of the Clerk and Recorder of Larimer County,Colorado,show that you are the owner of the following described real property: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot 16,Block 10, Town of Estes Park,Larimer County,Colorado,as shown on the second amended plat thereof and as monumented by a Town of Estes Park brass capped monument bearing N25 21’27”E.a distance of 734.00 feet from the W 1/16th corner of NE1/4 of Section 25,Township 5 North,Range 73 West of the 6th P.M.,as monumented by a Town of Estes Park brass capped monument (all bearings contained herein are relative to the West line of the SW1/4 of the NE1/4 of said Section 25,considered as bearing 5 00 14’ 15”E);thence N 88 51’52”W 20.0 feet along the North line of Lot 19,Block 10,Town of Estes Park to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING:thence N 54 15’56”E 50.00 feet; thence S 88 5l’52”E 118.19 feet to a point on the Westerly ROW of Virginia Drive;thence Southerly along the ROW of Virginia Drive on a curve to the right having a central angle of 27 42’53”and radius of 250.00 feet for a distance of 120.93 feet,the resultant chord being S 08 06’03”W 119.75 feet;thence S 01 27’E 101.70 feet along the ROW of Virginia Drive;thence N 89 14’52”W 128.30 feet to the West line of Lot 18,Block 10;thence N 00 45’08”E 91.33 feet along the West line of said Lot 18 thence N 88 51’52”W 25.0 feet;thence N 00 45’08”E 100 0 feet to the North line of Lot 19,Block 10;thence S 88 51’52”E 6.32 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, Larimer County,Colorado. Also known as street and number:205 Virginia Drive, Estes Park,Colorado. You are further advised that your property lies adjacent to the western portion of Virginia Drive where said sidewalk,curb and gutter is to be constructed.You are further advised that said construction must be completed within Sixty Days (60)days of the date of this Notice.In the event that said construction is not completed within said period,the Town of Estes Park will complete said construction and assess the same to you. You are also notified that plans and specifications for said sidewalk,curb and gutter may be obtained from the Public Works Administrator of the Town of Estes Park at the hours between 8:00 A.M.and 4:00 P.M.,Monday thru Friday at the Municipal Building,Estes Park,Colorado. DATED:July 29 ,l982. To’C 1 e r k C R E S 0 L U T I 0 N 51-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That in compliance with Section 3.05.040 (2)of the Municipal Code of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado,the percentage of rental payments to be refunded to the elderly citizens shall be .455 (.455%)of the rental payments made during 1981. Adopted:July 27,1982 Formulas for tax refunds to the elderly -1982: Property Owners:.00325 X assessed valuation =refund Rentors:(Established by Resolution by the Board of Trustees according to Section 3.05.040) (Owner).003 =.00325 x =00455(Rentor).0042 X (1981)(1982) 00RESOLUTION50-82OFTHEBOARDOFTHETOWNOFESTESPARKADOPTINGINDUSTRIALDEVELOPMENTREVENUEBONDPOLICIESANDGUIDELINESWHEREAS,theBoardofTrusteeshavereviewedvariouspoliciesandguidelinesinconjunctionwiththeTownissuingIndustrialDevelopmentRevenueBonds;andWHEREAS,theTownofEstesParkiscommittedtoindustrialdevelopmentinandaroundtheTowncoupledwithsoundfinancialplanninganddirection;andWHEREAS,thesepoliciesandguidelinesfromthebasisforvariousdecisionsaffectingtheissuanceofIndustrialDevelopmentRevenueBonds;andWHEREAS,BoardofTrusteeswishestoformallyadopttheseIndustrialDevelopmentRevenueBondPoliciesandGuidelines.NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHEBOARDOFTRUSTEESOFTHETOWNOFESTESPARKthatthefollowingIndustrialDevelopmentRevenueBondPoliciesandGuidelinesbe,andthesameherebyareadopted:I.Policy:A.General.TheTownofEstesParkdesirestomaintainareasonablelevelofeconomicgrowthanddevelopmentintheTownandwithintheboundariesofitsUrbanGrowthArea.Tothisend,oneprincipalmechanismforimplementingpositivegovernmentactioninconcertwiththe 00privatesectoristheuseofIndustrialDevelopmentRevenueBonds(IDRB)pursuanttoCountyandMunicipalityDevelopmentRevenueBondAct,Title29,Article3oftheColoradoRevisedStatutes.B.EndorsementoftheUseofIndustrialDevelopmentRevenueBonds.TheTownofEstesParkendorsestheconceptofpositivelocalgovernmentalactiontostimulatebalancedeconomicdevelopmentinclosecooperationwithprivateinstitutions.ThiswillincludethediscriminateuseofIndustrialDevelopmentRevenueBondsasonemeansavailabletotheTownofEstesParktoachievethesepurposes.C.EconomicCompetition.ItisnottheintentoftheTownofEstesPark,throughtheimplementationofthispolicy,toprovideaneconomicallycompetitiveadvantagetoanyentitywhethertheirpurposeforexistencebeforprofitornon—profit.II.Guidelines:A.General.Guidelinessetforthhereinarenotintendedasminimumrequirements,andeachapplicationwillbeconsideredonitsindividualmerits.B.BenefitstotheTown.Generally,anIDRBproposalshoulddemonstrateoneormoreofthefollowingeconomicbenefitstotheTown.1.CreationofadditionaljobswithinEstesParkandwithintheboundariesofitsUrbanGrowthArea.—2— 0G2.IncreaseoftaxbaseresultinginanetfiscalbenefittotheTown.3.Stimulationofadditionalbusinessinvestment.4.ProvidefacilitiesorbenefitstoEstesParkcitizensforeconomicpurposesinamannerthatcomplimentstheTown’sownprogramsorfacilities.C.OtherConsiderations.TheTownwillencouragethesubmissionofproposalsthatareconsistentwiththefollowinggeneralguidelines.1.IDRBproposalsshouldbeconsistentwithstatedofficialpoliciesandgoalsandobjectivesoftheTownofEstesPark.ItistheresponsibilityoftheapplicanttoobtainsuchinformationfromtheTownadministration.2.TheTownofEstesParkwillencouragethesubmissionofproposalsthatprovidefordowntownrevitalization,andenergyconservation.D.FacilitiesandPrograms.AllfacilitiesandprogramsthatmaybefinancedundertheColoradostatuteswillbeeligibleforconsiderationbytheTown.CompetitiveimpactresultingfromthefacilityorprogramwillbeconsideredandaddressedinapprovinganIDRBissue.—3— CIII.FinancialResponsibility:ApplicantsforIDRBissuesmustclearlydemonstratefinancialresponsibilitysufficienttoamortizetheproposedbondissue.TheplanformarketingtheIDRB’swilldeterminethegeneralfinancialstandardsusedbytheTowntoevaluatetheproposal.ThemarketingplanforsaleoftheIDRBissuemustbefiledwiththeapplicationandkeptcurrentthroughtheclosingoftheIDRBissue.A.PublicOfferingofIndustrialDevelopmentRevenueBonds.ThefollowingfinancialcriteriawillbeusedasguidelinesfortheparticipationoftheTowninapublicofferingofIDRB’s:1.Thefinancialstatementsoftheapplicantshoulddemonstratesoundfinancialpositionandoperatingresults.2.Andfurther,thattheapplicantshouldpresentfinancialprojectionsoftheproposedprojectbasedonamarketingsurveyorafeasibilitystudy,whereapplicable.3.PrivatePlacement.1.Descriptionofprivateplacementinvestor(s)2.Thedebttoappraisedvalueoftheproposedfacilityshouldnotexceed90%.Exceptionstothisguidelineshouldbeallowedwheretheapplicantpresentsspecialcircumstancesforahigherdebttoappraisedvalueratio.—4— C.OtherGeneralEconomicConsiderations.1.Assetlifespanversustermofthebondissue.2.Managementstrengthofapplicant.3.Minimumsizeofbondissues.Generally,theTownwillnotconsideranIDRBissueoflessthan$750,000unlessprivateplacementhasbeenpre—arranged.4.Effortstowardpublic/privatepartnershipprojects.D.ReimbursementtotheTownofallexpenses.WhetherornottheproposedprojectisapprovedbytheTownofEstesParkandIndustrialRevenueBondsissued,theproponentoftheprojectwillberequiredtoreimbursetheTownofEstesParkforanyandall,expensesincurredasaresultoftheapplicationforIndustrialDevelopmentRevenueBonds.Thisreimbursementwillinclude,butnotbelimitedto,thecostoftimeofallthepersonneloftheTown,theexpenseofbondcounselandsuchconsultantsastheTownmayemploytoassistintheevaluation,andallotherexpensesincurredbytheTownrelatedtotheproposal.E.FeeschargedbytheTownfortheIssuanceofIndustrialDevelopmentRevenueBonds.IftheproposedprojectisapprovedbytheTownofEstesParkandIndustrialDevelopmentRevenueBondsareissued,afeewillbepaidtotheTownbytheapplicant.The—5— 00amountofsaidfeeshallbethepresentvalueoftheamounttobederivedfromapplying1/16of1%totheunpaidprincipalamountofthebondsattheendofeachbondyear.ThisfeewillbeinadditiontothereimbursementofanyandallexpensesincurredbytheTown.Notwithstandinganyprovisioncontainedherein,thisfeeshallnotexceedfederalarbitrageregulations.ThefeewillbepaidtotheTownatthetimeofofficialclosingonthesaleofthebonds.F.MoniesCollected.ThemoniescollectedasaresultoftheprovisionsofSectionIII,paragraphsDandFabovearetobeusedfortheencouragementofeconomicdevelopmentwithintheTownlimitsoftheTownofEstesParkandincludinganyotherareaallowableunderapplicablelawsandregulations.PassedandadoptedataregularmeetingoftheBoydofTrusteesoftheTownofEstesParkthis________dayoffI/à’Mayor—6— C0IDR3ADMINISTRATIVEPROCEDURESStep1ApplicationreceivedbyTownClerkwith$1,000deposit.•3copiesofallmaterialsreceivedbyTownClerk•Applicationmustcontainsufficientinformationtoallowreviewoftheprojectincludingallnecessaryfinancialinformation.•BackupmaterialforproposalStep2CopiesofapplicationandproposaldistributedtoLegal,Planning,andFinanceforreviewandcomment.Asapartofstaffreviewtheapplicationandproposalmaybesubmittedtoanindependentfinancialadvisorandbondcounselforreview.Step3Staffreviewmeeting•Staffreviewwillrequire2to3weeks.Eachdepartmentreviewingtheproposalwillsubmitwrittencomments.Ifadditionalinformationisneeded,asecondmeetingwillbescheduledforreviewandcommentaftercontactismadewiththeapplicanttoanswerquestions.Recommendationisformalizedbystaff. GStep4RecommendationandwrittencommentsareforwardedtotheTownClerkforreviewandschedulingonTownBoardagendaandforwardedtoapplicant.TownBoardmeetingsareheldthe2ndand4thTuesdaysofeachmonth.ThestaffreviewprocessmustbecompletedoneweekbeforetheBoardofTrusteesmeeting.Step5ApplicantisnotifiedofthedatetheapplicationwillappearonBoardagendaandarefundofanyexcessdepositorabillforadditionalreimbursementofcostissenttoapplicant.Costswillincludeanindependentfiscalagentandbondcounsel(tobeselectedbytheTown)toreviewauditedfinancialstatementsandtheproposaloftheapplicant.PaymentofadditionalcostmustbereceivedbytheDirectorofFinancepriortothescheduledBoardmeeting.Step6BoardapprovesordeniesinducementresolutionatscheduledBoardmeeting.Step7Ifinducementresolutionisapproved,Townstaffwillmeetwiththeapplicantandoutlineplansfortheissuanceofbonds. C,,0ESTIMATED1/8%YIELDEQUALAMMUALPRINCIPALPAYMENTS10%COUPONS5—Year10-Year15—YearTermTermTerm$3,022$4,914$6,160$15,116$24,570$30,800$30,220$49,140$61,600$45,330$73,710$92,400$1million$5million$10million$15million RESOLUTION49-82THEBOARDOFTRUSTEESOFTHETOWNOFESTESPARK,COLORADO,herebyresolvethatduetothefloodofJuly15,1982,intheTownofEstesParkandthesurroundingarea,thereexistsastateofemerencyandtheTownofEstesParkfloodrecoverypersonnelhavearightofentryontoprivatepropertytocarryouttheirofficialfloodrelatedduties.Datedthis16thdayofJuly,1982.HarryB.Trgent,Mayor/ATTEST: 00RESOLUTION__48-82WHEREAS,theTownofEstesParkhassufferedseveredamagebroughtaboutbyfloodwatersonJuly15,1982;WHEREAS,theTownofEstesPark,Colorado,isapoliticalsubdivisionwithinthestateofColorado,and;WHEREAS,extensivedamagehasoccurredtoroadways,bridges,publicandprivatepropertywithintheTownofEstesPark,and;WHEREAS,pursuanttoColoradoDisasterEmergencyhasdeterminedthatalocalexists.NOW,THEREFOREBEITRESOLVEDthattheBoardofTrusteesofEstesParkherebydeclaresalocaldisasteremergencysituationexistswithintheTownofEstesParkandhasexistedsince6:30a.m.,July15,1982.Datedthis16thdayofJuly,1982./•,HarryB.4regent,MayortheauthoritygrantedbytheActof1973,theBoardofTrusteesdisasteremergencysituationATTEST: C)RESOLUTION47-820CERTIFIEDCOPYOFCORPORATERESOLUTIONTOOBTAINMASTERCHARGE/VISACREDITMayorTownClerkRESOLVED,thatthetogetherwiththec,t9ky,ofthisCorporationareherebyauthorizedonbehalfofthisCorporationtoexecuteanapplicationandappropriatedocumentstoenterintoaCardholderAgreementthroughrecommendationofTheEstesParkBankwiththeFirst(AgentBankName)NationalBankofDenverwherebytheBankwillissueMasterCharge/VISAcardstoandinthenameofthisCorporationfortheuseofitsofficersandemployees.MayorTherdö4At/orpersonsauthorizedbyhim,shalldeterminethosepersonstowhomhedeemsitnecessarytoreceiveanduseaMasterCharge/VISAcardandprescribemaximumcreditlimitsforeachsuchcard.Thecard-issuingbankmay,atitsdiscretion,establishanautomaticcreditoverline.SuchpersonsareherebyauthorizedfromtimetotimeinthenameofthisCorporationtoobtaincreditbytheuseofsuchMasterCharge/VISAcardinsuchsumsasmaybereasonablynecessaryanduponsuchtermsasmaybeprescribedbyTheFirstNationalBankofDenver.TheappropriateofficersofthisCorporationareherebyauthorizedtorepaythecard-issuingbankinaccordancewiththeCardholderAgreementforallobligationsincurredbytheuseofsuchcard.Theauthoritygivenhereundershallbedeemedretroactiveandanyandallactsauthorizedhereunderperformedpriortothepassageofthisresolutionareherebyapprovedandratified.TheauthorityhereinconferredshallcontinueinfullforceandeffectuntilwrittennoticeofitsrevocationshallbereceivedbyTheEstesParkBank(AgentBankName)orTheFirstNationalBankofDenver.However,suchrevocationshallnotaffectanyindebtednessoutstandingasofthedateofterminationorincurredbeforeallMasterCharge/VISAcardsarereturnedtothecard-issuingbankatitsofficeatP.0.Box5812,T.A,Denver,Colorado80217.CERTIFICATIONTownClerkAnnJensen/rtAroftheTownofEstesParkherebycertifythattheforegoingisatruecopyofaresolutiondulyandirusteeslegalydoptedbytheBoardof,b/r’c/qfofsaidCorporation,atameetingofsaidBoarddulycalledandregularlyheld-__/19andthatsaidresolutionhasnotbeenmofedorrescinded.Dated’I/,79,y(SEAL)WhenSecretaryisamongthoseauthorized,PresidentshouldalsosignCertification.Mayor//eyitfF9768.0(1)79)tPJea5eCompleteReverseSide) Q .0 RESOLUTION NO.46-22 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: The Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado, in accordance with Section 31—12-110,C.R.S.1973,as amended, hereby finds that with regard to the proposed annexation of the following described area that the requirements of the applicable parts of Section 31—12—104 and 31—12—105,C.R.S.1973,as amended,have been met;that an election is not required under Section 31-12-107 (2),C.R.S.1973,as amended;and that no additional terms and conditions are to be imposed on the annexation.The area eligible for annexation as BEAVER POINT SECOND ADDITION”to the Town of Estes Park is as follows: BEAVER POINT SECOND ADDITION to the Town of Estes Park, Colorado,a portion of the South 1/2 of Section 26 and the North 1/2 of Section 35,Township 5 North,Range 73 west of the 6th Principal ieridian,being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 26 as monumented by a G.L.O.brass capped pipe,with all bearings relative to the East line of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 26 considered as bearing N01°40’39”W;thence N89°20’02”W a distance of 762.00 feet along the South line of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 26 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING:thence continuing N89°20’02”W a distance of 616.06 feet to a point on the centerline of the Big Thompson River;thence Southwesterly along the centerline of the Big Thompson River (the following eight courses and distances are resultant chords between points on the centerline of said river);thence S05°34’37”E a distance of 348.26 feet; thence S65°40’13”W a distance of 562.67 feet; thence N29°37’36”W a distance of 220.62 feet; thence N74°28’57”W a distance of 229.91 feet; thence N66°41’42”W a distance of 258.95 feet; thence S35°41’58”W a distance of 285.90 feet; thence S07°53’34”W a distance of 216.87 feet; thence S84°01’lO”W a distance of 229.14 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way line of Larimer County Road No.67 (1iarys Lake Road);thence the following two courses and distances along the Easterly right—of-way line of Larimer County Road No.67 (1arys Lake Road) thence 86.84 feet along the arc of a non—tangent curve concave to the Northeast,said curve has a delta angle of 08°19’13”,a radius of 597.99 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears N19°33’45”W a distance of 86.76 feet; thence N15°24’08”W a distance of 556.85 feet to a point on the Southerly right—of-way line of U.S.Highway No.36; thence 129.84 feet along the Southerly right—of-way line of U.S.Highway No.36 and along the arc of a non-tangent curve concave to the Southeast,said curve has a delta angle of 05°18’15”,a radius of 1402.50 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S75°26’32”W a distance of 129.79 feet; C thence N17°12’35”W a distance of 60.00 feet to the point of intersection of the Northerly right—of—way line of U.S. Highway No.36 and the Southerly right—of—way line of Larimer County Road No.67-W (High Drive);thence N06°l1’48”E a distance of 60.00 feet to a point on the Northerly right-of—way line of Larimer County Road No. 67—W (High Drive);thence N23°4812”W a distance of 298.84 feet along the Northerly right—of—way line of Larimer County Road No.67—W (High Drive);thence leaving said Northerly right—of—way line N06°16’20”E a distance of 170.02 feet;thence N l3°05120’E a distance of 354.90 feet;thence S89°33’40”E a distance of 50.00 feet; thence S50°30’46”E a distance of 468.96 feet;thence NOO°40’40”W a distance of 191.06 feet;thence S89°33’40”E a distance of 380.50 feet to a point on the West line of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 26;thence N00°40’50”W a distance of 509.57 feet along the West line of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 26;thence S29°33’04”E a distance of 300.00 feet;thence S00°40’50”E a distance of 424.19 feet; thence S29°33’04”E a distance of 200.00 feet;thence S00°40’50”E a distance of 286.53 feet to a point on the Northerly right—of—way line of U.S.Highway No.36;thence the following two courses and distances along the Northerly right—of—way line of U.S.Highway No.36;thence N59°28’22”E a distance of 990.47 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete;thence 507.25 feet along the arc of a non—tangent curve to the left to a Colorado DeDt. of Highways brass cap in concrete,Said curve has a delta angle of 1001510611,a radius of 2835.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears N54c211l21E a distance of 506.58 feet;thence leaving said Northerly richt—of—way line S 40°46’21”E a distance of 30.00 feet to a point on the centerline of U.S.Highway No.36;thence the following two courses and distances along the centerline of U.S.Hichway No.36;thence 512.62 feet along the arc of a curve concave to the Northwest,said curve has a delta angle of lO°15’06”, a radius of 2865.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S5402l’12”W a distance of 511.94 feet;thence S59°28’22’TW a distance of 432.04 feet;thence leaving said centerline S08°00’33”E a distance of 32.25 feet to a point on the Southerly right-of—way line of U.S.Highway No.36; thence S08°00’33”E a distance of 250.00 feet;thence N59°27’12”E a distance of 326.90 feet;thence N07°32’33”W a ãistance of 41.96 feet;thence N68°09’45”E a distance of 133.62 feet to a point on the centerline of the Big Thompson River;thence Northeasterly along the centerline of the Big Thompson River (the following two courses and distances are resultant chords between points on the centerline of said river);thence N69°27’20”E a distance of 32.46 feet;thence S89°49’57’1E a distance of 443.86 feet;thence S01°41’02”E a distance of 303.61 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. The above described tract of land contains 44.4 acres,more or less. DATED this 13th day of July,1982. / /: ,Tor 7 —2— RESOLUTION 45-82 WHEREAS,unforeseen conditions have developed with the Stanley Park account in the General Fund,and; WHEREAS,said conditions will continue unless additional funds are provided in the budget year 1982,and; WHEREAS,the Estes Park Horse Show and Rodeo Committee funds are adequate to fund the additional budget; WHEREAS,the Board of Trustees believes an emergency exists which could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of the adoption of the budget for the year 1982. NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado: THAT the sum of $195,200 be expended from the Stanley Park Fund of 1982. Dated this 13th day of July,1982. fr Harry B.>/Tregent,Mayor ATTEST: Publish:July 16,1982 0 0 RESOLUTION NO.44-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: The Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado, in accordance with Section 31—12—110,C.R.S.1973,as amended, hereby finds that with regard to the proposed annexation of the following described area that the requirements of the applicable parts of Section 31—12—104 and 31—12—105,C.R.S.1973,as amended,have been met;that an election is not required under Section 31-12-107 (2),C.R.S.1973,as amended;and that no additional terms and conditions are to be imposed on the annexation.The area eligible for annexation as “FALL RIVER ESTATES SECOND ADDITION”to the Town of Estes Park is as follows: FALL RIVER ESTATES SECOND ADDITION to the Town of Estes Park,Colorado,a portion of the South 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 15 and the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 22,T5N,R73W of the 6th P.M., being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Center 1/4 corner of said Section 22 as monumented by a brass capped pipe,with all bearings relative to the East line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 22 considered as bearing N01°05’OO”E;thence N89°04’OO”W a distance of 305.15 feet along the South line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 22 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING:thence N89°04’OO”W a distance of 955.10 feet continuing along the South line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 22 to a 1/16th corner as monumented by a pin with cap no.6499;thence N01°15’14”E a distance of 2561.43 feet along the West line of the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 22 to a 1/16th corner as monumented by a G.L.O. brass capped pipe;thence S89°29’38”W a distance of 1289.60 feet along the South line of th Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 15 to the Southwest corner of said Section 15 as monumented by a G.L.O.brass capped pipe;thence N01°19’OO”E a distance of 1130.89 feet along the West line of said Section 22 to a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of Larimer County Road No.20-C;thence the following five courses and distances along said Southerly right—of—way line of Larimer County Road No.20-C:thence 15.06 feet along the arc of non-tangent curve concave to the Northeast,said curve has a delta angle of 00°44’Ol”,a radius of 1176.28 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S81°03’OO”E a distance of 15.06 feet; thence S81°25’OO”E a distance of 598.10 feet;thence S73°00’OO”E a distance of 304.01 feet;thence S59°12’OO”E a distance of 269.99 feet;thence S73°54’OO”E a distance of 268.29 feet to a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of U.S.Highway No.34; 0. C)0 thence leaving said Southerly right-of-way lines N74°18’17”E a distance of 172.05 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete on the Northerly right-of-way line of U.S.Highway No.34; thence the following three courses and distances along said Northerly right-of-way line of U.S.Highway No. 34:thence S18°27’36”E a distance of 578.89 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete; thence S34°37’24”E a distance of 285.76 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete; thence 549°45’57”E a distance of 343.35 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in rock;thence leaving said Northerly right—of—way line S17°05’32”W a distance of 290.93 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete on the Southerly right—of—way line of U.S.Highway No.34;thence the following three courses and distances along said Southerly right—of—way line of U.S.Highway No.34;thence S02°40’18”E a distance of 281.81 feet;thence 295.14 feet along the arc of a non—tangent curve to the left,said curve has a delta angle of 27°08’36”,a radius of 623.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S15°55’50”E a distance of 292.39 feet;thence S29°47’36”E a distance of 659.24 feet;thence leaving said Southerly right—of—way line a distance of 113.52 feet along the arc of a non—tangent curve concave to the Southeast, said curve has a delta angle of 24°05’24”,a radius of 270.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S48°02’42”W a distance of 112.69 feet;thence S36°00’OO”W a distance of 110.57 feet;thence 110.66 feet along the arc of a curve to the left,said curve has a delta angle of 70°00’OO”,a radius of 90.58 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S01°00’OO”W a distance of 103.91 feet;thence 206.68 feet along the arc of a curve to the right,said curve has a delta angle of 31°00’00,a radius of 382.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S18°30’OO”E a distance of 204.17 feet;thence S03°00’OO”E a distance of 45.00 feet;thence 179.59 feet along the arc of a curve to the right,said curve has a delta angle of 21°00’OO”,a radius of 490.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S07°30’OO”W a distance of 178.59 feet;thence 165.81 feet along the arc of a curve to the right,said curve has a delta angle of 100°00’OO”,a radius of 95.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S68°00’OO”W a distance of 145.55 feet;thence S28°00’OO”W a distance of 105.68 feet;thence S01°00’OO”W a distance of 98.62 feet to a point on the South line of the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 22 and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. The above described tract of land contains 95.614 acres. DATED this 22nd day of June,1982. // -‘Nayor ./ —2— 0 0 RESOLUTION NO.40-82 WHEREAS,the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park has,at a meeting duly convened on June 8,1982, considered pertinent and material data and information concerning a proposed increase in base rates affecting electric service provided both within and outside the corporate limits of the Town;and WHEREAS,the Board of Trustees,after reviewing and fully considering all pertinent and material data so presented and after receiving the recommendation of the Light and Power Committee,does hereby determine and find that the proposed increase in base electric rates to be charged both within and outside the boundaries of the Town is required to offset increases in the operating and capital costs of providing electric service and is necessary to permit the Town to continue to provide electric service on a reliable and sound economic basis and to satisfy the debt service obligations of its electric utility system;and WHEREAS,it is recognized that the Public Utili ties Commission of the State of Colorado (hereafter some times referred to as “PUC”or “Commission”)currently exercises jurisdiction over the electric rates and electric service provided to consumers outside the corporate limits of the Town (hereafter referred to as “jurisdictional service”) and WHEREAS,the increase proposed will result in the same rates,within the same rate class,for customers receiving se-rvice either within or and outside the boundaries of the Town;and WHEREAS,it is desirable that such new rates be effective on the same date for consumers within the corpor ate limits of the Town and consumers outside the boundaries of the Town;and 0 0 WHEREAS,the Board of Trustees will adopt an appropriate ordinance implementing new rates following final Commission approval with respect to rate adjustments appli cable to service provided outside the municipal boundaries of the Town;and WHEREAS,it is the intent of the Board of Trustees that said ordinance to be later adopted as described immed iately above will also be applicable to electric service provided inside the municipal boundaries of the Town. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,as follows: 1.That the above recitals are incorporated by reference in this resolution. 2.That the proposed rates for electric service within and outside the Town of Estes Park is set forth in the attached Exhibit A which is incorporated herein as if fully set forth. 3.The Board of Trustees hereby authorizes the Town Administrator and other officials of the Town to file with the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado such documents and to take such action,including the employment of personnel and the payment therefor, as may be necessary to obtain the approval of said Public Utilities Commission as may be required under applicable law for changes in rates for electric service,but subject only to such jurisdiction as may exist in the Public Utilities Commission relative to electric service provided outside the municipal boundaries of the Town. 4.That notice of the proposed rate schedule modifications and rate adjustments shall be given by individual mailed notice to all affected customers receiving service outside the municipal boundaries of —2— C 0 the Town,as required pursuant to applicable rules and regulations of the Public Utilities Commission. 5.That the proposed rate schedule modifications and rate adjustments for customers receiving electric service inside the municipal boundaries of the Town shall not be implemented until such time as the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado has approved new rate schedules (by operation of law or by specific decisions)for customers receiving electric service outside the municipal boundaries of the Town, and pursuant to an ordinance to be duly adopted by the Board of Trustees subsequent to said approval of the Public Utilities Commission. 6.That a summary of the proposed rate schedule modifications and rate adjustments shall be provided to customers receiving service inside the municipal boundaries of the Town by either publication or by mailed notice. Passed by the Board of Trustees this 8th day of June,1982,and signed this 8th day of June,1982. /Mayor Town of Estes Park,Colorado I hereby certify and attest that the foregoing resolution was introduced,read and passed at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park on the 8th day of June,1982. —3— 0 0 PROPOSED MONTHLY PATES A.Residential Service 1.Customer Charge: 2.Energy Charge: 3.Minimum: B.Residential Service —Demand 1.Customer Charge: 2.Demand Charge: 3.Energy Charge: 4.Monthly Minimum Billing Demand: 3.Energy Use During Non—Heat Storage Period: 4.Minimum: $2.00 All Kwh used during Heat Storage Period (11:00 P.M. to 5:00 A.M.daily) $0.0375 per Kwh Billed under the Residential Service —Demand Metered Rate Schedule $2.00 D.General Service Small 1.Customer Charge: 2.Energy Charge: 3.Minimum: E.General Service Large 1.Demand Charge: 2.Energy Charge: 3.Monthly Minimum Billing Demand: 4.Minimum Monthly Bill: F.Municipal Service 1.Energy Charge: $7.20 $0.06845 per Kwh $7.20 $9.00 per Kw of billing demand $0.0299 per Kwh 60%of the highest billing demand established during the immediately preceding months of November through March $9.00 per Kw times Monthly Minimum Billing Demand or $50.00,whichever is greater. EXHIBIT A $2.00 $0.06358 per Kwh $2.00 Metered $2.00 $4.80 per Kw of billing demand $0.033l4 per Kwh 60%of the highest billing demand estab lished in the most recent twelve month period Customer Charge,plus $4.80 per Kw times Monthly Minimum Billing Demand 5.Minimum Monthly Bill: C.Residential Heat Storage 1.Customer Charge: 2.Energy Charge: $0.06l84 pe;Kwh C C V RESOLUTION NO.41-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: The Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado, in accordance with Section 31-12—110,C.R.S.1973,as amended, hereby finds that with regard to the proposed annexation of the following described area that the requirements of the applicable parts of Sections 31—12—104 and 31—12—105,C.R.S.1973,as amended,have been met;that an election is not required under Section 31—12—107 (2),C.R.S.1973,as amended;and that no additional terms and conditions are to be imposed on the annexation.The area eligible for annexation as “BEAVER POINT FIRST ADDITION”to the Town of Estes Park is as follows: BEAVER POINT FIRST ADDITION to the Town of Estes Park, Colorado,a portion of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 25 and the Southeast 1/4 of Section 26,T5N,R73W of the 6th P.M.,being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 25 as monumented by a G.L.O.brass capped pipe,with all bearings relative to the West line of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 25 considered as bearing N0l°40’39”W; thence N01°40’39”W a distance of 1391.97 feet along the West line of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 25 to a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No.36 and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;thence the following three courses and distances along the Northerly right-of-way line of U.S.Highway No.36; thence S62°23’58”W a distance of 671.65 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete; thence 172.20 feet along the arc of a non—tangent curve to the left to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete,said curve has a delta angle of 13°13’12”, a radius of 746.30 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S55°50’56”W a distance of 171.81 feet; thence S49°12’02”W a distance of 182.00 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete; thence leaving said Northerly right-of-way line S40°46’21”E a distance of 30.00 feet to a point on the centerline of U.S.Highway No.36;thence the following two courses and distances along the centerline of U.S. Highway No.36;thence 512.62 feet along the arc of a curve concave to the Northwest,said curve has a delta angle of 10°15’06”,a radius of 2865.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S54°21’12”W a distance of 511.94 feet;thence S59°28’22”W a distance of 432.04 feet;thence leaving said centerline S08°00’33”E a distance of 32.25 feet to a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of U.S.Highway No.36;thence S08°0033”E a distance of 250.00 feet;thence N59°27’12”E a distance of 326.90 feet;thence N07°32’33”W a distance of 41.96 feet;thence N68°09’45”E a distance of 133.62 feet to a point on the o a centerline of the Big Thompson River;thence Northeasterly along the centerline of the Big Thompson River (the following seven courses and distances are resultant chords between points on the centerline of said river):thence N69°27’20”E a distance of 32.46 feet;thence S89°49’57”E a distance of 563.23 feet; thence N68°47’58”E a distance of 531.92 feet; thence N01°19’52”E a distance of 181.10 feet; thence N36°53’32”E a distance of 158.36 feet; thence S86°38’13”E a distance of 442.53 feet; thence N56°50’32”E a distance of 159.42 feet to a point on the Northerly extension of a barbed wire fence; thence leaving said centerline S17°58’58”E a distance of 101.45 feet along said barbed wire fence,and the Northerly and Southerly extensions thereof,to a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of Riverside Drive as platted in High Pines Subdivision (30 foot width); thence the following six courses and distances along the Southerly right-of-way line of Riverside Drive as platted in High Pines Subdivision (30 foot width): thence N66°51’21”E a distance of 176.52 feet; thence N63°43’21”E a distance of 182.42 feet; thence N52°15’21”E a distance of 142.60 feet; thence N17°30’21”E a distance of 201.07 feet; thence N38°51’21”E a distance of 231.35 feet; thence N50°27’21”E a distance of 104.34 feet;thence leaving the Southerly right-of-way line of said 30 foot wide right—of—way S01°44’29”E a distance of 16.26 feet; thence N53°53’58”E a distance of 302.22 feet to the Southwest corner of the Kinnie Addition to the Town of Estes Park;thence leaving said Southerly right-of-way line with the following two courses and distances along the West line of the Kinnie Addition:thence N19°14’38”W a distance of 73.15 feet to a pin with cap no.532;thence N19°14’38”W a distance of 648.48 feet to a point on the centerline of the Big Thompson River; thence Northeasterly along the centerline of the Big Thompson River (the following four courses and distances are resultant chords between points on the centerline of said river): thence N27°38’14”E a distance of 72.23 feet; thence N63°19’SB”E a distance of 116.50 feet; thence N69°31’58”E a distance of 547.45 feet; thence S86°40’OO”E a distance of 72.06 feet to a point on the West line of the Lee and Alps Addition to the Town of Estes Park;thence leaving said centerline N00°21’35”E a distance of 69.78 feet along the West line of the Lee and Alps Addition to a point on the South line of the First Resubdivision of Buenna Vista Terrace Subdivision and the North line of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 25,said point bears N89°38’25”W a distance of 550.00 feet from the Center 1/4 corner of said Section 25;thence N89°38’25”W a distance of 225.87 feet along the South line of the First Resubdivision of Buenna Vista Terrace Subdivision to a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No.36;thence the following six courses and distances along the Northerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No.36;thence 72.00 feet along the arc of a non—tangent curve concave to the Southeast,said curve has a delta angle of 06°50’27”,a radius of 603.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S67°30’33”W a distance of 71.95 feet;thence S64°05’21”W a distance of 411.73 feet;thence 283.57 feet along the arc of a curve to the left to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete,said curve has a delta angle of 26°56’38”,a radius of 603.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S50°37’Ol”W a distance of 280.96 feet;thence S37°08’43”W a distance of 167.27 feet to a —2— 0 0 Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete; thence 831.30 feet along the arc of a non—tangent curve to the right to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete,said curve has a delta angle of 25°20’06”, a radius of 1880.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S49°46’18”W a distance of 824.54 feet; thence S62°23’58”W a distance of 490.94 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. The above described tract of land contains 51.2 acres, more or less. DATED this 8th day of June,1982. May ‘/ ATTEST: —3— C0RESOLUTIONNO.42-82RESOLUTIONARESOLUTIONAUTHORIZINGTHEBOARDOFCOUNTYCOMMISSIONERSOFLARIMERCOUNTY,COLORADOTOISSUEREVENUEBONDSFORTHEPURPOSEOFPROVIDINGADEQUATERESIDENTIALHOUSINGFACILITIESFORLOWANDMIDDLEINCOMEFAMILIESANDPERSONSONBEHALFOFTHISMUNICIPALITY.WHEREAS,pursuanttotheCountyandMunicipalityDevelopmentRevenueBondsAct,ColoradoRevisedStatutesSection29—3—101etseq.,asamended(the“Act”),acountyormunicipalitymayissuerevenuebondstofinanceresidentialfacilitiesforlowandmiddleincomefamiliesandpersons;andWHEREAS,Section29—3—101(2)oftheActauthorizesanycountyormunicipalityoftheStateofColorado(the“State”)toirrevocablydelegateforthetermofanybondissuetoanyothercountyormunicipalityoftheStateauthoritytoactonitsbehalfincarryingoutanyofthepurposesoftheAct;andWHEREAS,theBoardofCountyCommissionersofLarimerCounty,Colorado(the“County”)hasdeterminedtoissueitsSingleFamilyMortgageRevenueBonds,1982SeriesA(the“Bonds”)tofinancecertainresidentialfacilitieslocatedwithintheCountyforlowandmiddleincomefamiliesandpersons(tile“Project”);andWHEREAS,theProjectwillbenefittheresidentsofEstesPark(the“Municipality”)NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHEBOARDOFTRUSTEESoftheTOWNOFESTESPARK,COLORADO,ASFOLLOWS:Section1.TheMunicipality,pursuanttoSection29—3—101(2)oftheAct,herebyirrevocablydelegatestotheCountyforthetermoftheBondstheMunicipality’sauthorityundertheActtoissuerevenuebondsforthepurposefinancingresidentialfacilitiesforlowandmiddleincomefamiliesandpersonssuchastheProject.Section2.Thisresolutionshallbeeffectiveimmediatelyuponitspassage. 00lb.StateofColoradoCountyofLarimer)ss.TownofEstesPark)I,AnnEJensen,beingthedulyappointedandactingTownClerkoftheTownofEstesPark,Colorado,doherebycertifytheabovetobeatrueandcorrectcopyofaResolutionpassedandadoptedbytheBoardofTrusteesoftheTownofEstesParkonthe_8jdayofJune,1982.TownClerk/’/ C RESOLUTION NO.43-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: The Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado, in accordance with Section 31-12—107 (1)(g),C.R.S.1973,as amended,hereby states its intention to annex the area described herein.The Board of Trustees finds and determines that the Petition filed with the Town requesting annexation of the area described herein is in substantial compliance with Section 31-12—107 (1),C.R.S.1973,as amended.The Board of Trustees further finds and determines that the Petition is signed by persons comprising more than fifty percent (50%)of the land owners in the area proposed to be annexed and owning more than fifty percent (50%)of the area,excluding public streets, and alleys and any land owned by the annexing municipality. Such area,if annexed,will be known as “BEAVER POINT SECOND ADDITION”to the Town of Estes Park,Colorado.Such area is described as follows: BEAVER POINT SECOND ADDITION to the Town of Estes Park,Colorado, a portion of the South 1/2 of Section 26 and the North 1/2 of Section 35,Township 5 North,Range 73 West of the 6th Principal Meridian,being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 26 as monumented by a G.L.O.brass capped pipe,with all bearings relative to the East line of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 26 considered as bearing N01°40’39”W; thence N89°20’02”W a distance of 762.00 feet along the South line of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 26 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING:thence continuing N89°20’02”W a distance of 616.06 feet to a point on the centerline of the Big Thompson River;thence Southwesterly along the centerline of the Big Thompson River (the following eight courses and distances are resultant chords between points on the centerline of said river);thence S05°34’37”E a distance of 348.26 feet;thence S65°40’13”W a distance of 562.67 feet; thence N89°37’36”W a distance of 220.62 feet; thence N74°28’57”W a distance of 229.91 feet; thence N66°41’42”W a distance of 258.95 feet; thence S35°41’58”W a distance of 285.90 feet; thence S07°53’34”W a distance of 216.87 feet; thence S84°01’lO”W a distance of 229.14 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way line of Larimer County Road No.67 (Marys Lake Road);thence the following two courses and distances along the Easterly right-of—way line of Larimer County Road No.67 (Marys Lake Road): thence 86.84 feet along the arc of a non—tangent curve concave to the Northeast,said curve has a delta angle 0 Q of 08°19’13”,a radius of 597.99 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears N19°33’45”W a distance of 86.76 feet;thence N15°24’08”W a distance of 556.85 feet to a point on the Southerly right-of—way line of U.S. Highway No.36;thence 129.84 feet along the Southerly right-of-way line of U.S.Highway No.36 and along the arc of a non—tangent curve concave to the Southeast, said curve has a delta angle of 05°18’15”,a radius of 1402.50 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S75°26’32”W a distance of 129.79 feet;thence N17°12’35”W a distance of 60.00 feet to the point of intersection of the Northerly right-of-way line of U. S.Highway No.36 and the Southerly right-of-way line of Larimer County Road No.67-W (High Drive);thence N06°11’48”E a distance of 60.00 feet to a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of Larimer County Road No. 67—W (High Drive);thence N83°48’12”W a distance of 298.84 feet along the Northerly right-of—way line of Larimer County Road No.67-W (High Drive);thence leaving said Northerly right-of-way line N06°16’20”E a distance of 170.02 feet;thence N 13°05’20”E a distance of 354.90 feet;thence S89°33’40”E a distance of 50.00 feet;thence S50°30’46”E a distance of 468.96 feet; thence N00°40’40”W a distance of 191.06 feet;thence S89°33’40”E a distance of 380.50 feet to a point on the West line of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 26; thence N00°40’50”W a distance of 509.57 feet along the West line of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 26; thence S89°33’04”E a distance of 300.00 feet; thence S00°40’SO”E a distance of 424.19 feet; thence S89°33’04”E a distance of 200.00 feet; thence S00°40’50”E a distance of 286.53 feet to a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of U.S.Highway No. 36;thence the following two courses and distances along the Northerly right-of-way line of U.S.Highway No.36;thence N59°28’22”E a distance of 990.47 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete; thence 507.25 feet along the arc of a non—tangent curve to the left to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete,said curve has a delta angle of 10°15’06”, a radius of 2835.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears N54°21’12”E a distance of 506.58 feet; thence leaving said Northerly right-of-way line S 40°46’21”E a distance of 30.00 feet to a point on the centerline of U.S.Highway No.36;thence the following two courses and distances along the centerline of U.S.Highway No.36;thence 512.62 feet along the arc of a curve concave to the Northwest,said curve has a delta angle of 10°15’06”,a radius of 2865.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S54°21’12”W a distance of 511.94 feet;thence S59°28’22”W a distance of 432.04 feet;thence leaving said centerline S08°00’33”E a distance of 32.25 feet to a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No.36;thence S08°00’33”E a distance of 250.00 feet;thence N59°27’12”E a distance of 326.90 feet; thence N07°3V33”W a distance of 41.96 feet;thence N68°09’45”E a distance of 133.62 feet to a point on the centerline of the Big Thompson River;thence Northeasterly along the centerline of the Big Thompson River (the following two courses and distances are resultant chords between points on the centerline of said river);thence N69°27’20”E a distance of 32.46 feet;thence S89°49’57”E a distance of 443.86 feet; thence S01°41’02”E a distance of 303.61 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. The above described tract of land contains 44.4 acres, more or less. —2— 0 0 IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED,That in accordance with Section 31-12—108,C.R.S.1973,as amended,a public hearing shall be held on July 13,1982 ,at 7:30 P.M.in the Municipal Building,located at 170 MacGregor,Estes Park,Colorado, for the purpose of determining if the proposed annexation complies with the applicable provisions of Sections 31-12—104 and 31—12—105,C.R.S.1973,as amended. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED,That the Town Clerk shall give the notice of the hearing as provided in Section 31—12-108 (2), C.R.S.1973,as amended. DATED this 91 day ,1982. iØyor ATTEST:- —3— R E S 0 L U T I 0 N 39-22 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: The Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado, in accordance with Section 31-12-107 (1)(g),C.R.S.1973,as amended,hereby states its intention to annex the area described herein.The Board of Trustees finds and determines that the petition is in substantial compliance with Section 31—12-107 (1)(g),C.R.S. 1973,as amended.The Board of Trustees further finds and determines that the petition is signed by the landowners of more than fifty percent (50%)of the area to be annexed,excluding public streets and alleys.Such area,as annexed,will be known as “Fall River Estates Second Addition”to the Town of Estes Park,Colorado.Such area is described as follows: FALL RIVER ESTATES SECOND ADDITION to the Town of Estes Park,Colorado,a portion of the South 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 15 and the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 22, T5N.R73W of the 6th P.M.,being mote particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Center 1/4 corner of said Section 22 as monumented by a brass capped pipe, with all bearings relative to the East line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 22 considered as bearing NOT’05’OO’E;thence N89’04’OOW a distance of 305.15 feet along the South line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 22 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: thence N8904’OOW a distance of 955.20 feet continuing along the South line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 22 to a 1/16th corner as monumented by a pin with cap no.6499; thence N0115’14’E a distance of 2561.43 feet along the West line of the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 22 to a 1/16th corner as monumented by a G.L.O.brass capped pipe: thence SB929’38W a distance of 1289.60 feet along the South line of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 2/4 of said Section 15 to the Southwest corner of said Section 15 as monumented by a G.L.O.brass capped pipe: thence N0119’OO”E a distance of 1130.89 feet along the West line of said Section 22 to a point on the Southerly right—of—way line of Larimer County Road No.20—C; thence the following five courses and distances along said Southerly right—of—way line of Larimer County Road No.20—C: thence 15.06 feet along the arc of non—tangent curve concave to the Northeast,said curve has a delta angle of 004401”,a radius of 1176.28 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S8103’00E a distance of 15.06 feet; thence SB125’OO”E a distance of 598.10 feet; thence S730000E a distance of 304.01 feet; thence S5912’00E a distance of 269.99 feet; thence S7354’OO”E a distance of 268.29 feet to a point on the Southerly right—of—way line of U.S.Highway No.34; thence leaving said Southerly right—of—way lines N7418’17’E a distance of 172.05 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete on the Northerly right—of—way line of U.S.Highway No.34; thence the following three courses and distances along said Northerly right—of—way line of U.S.Highway No.34: thence S1827’36E a distance of 578.89 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete; thence S343724”E a distance of 285.76 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete: thence S49’45’57E a distance of 343.35 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in rock; thence leaving said Northerly right—of—way line S1705’32W a distance of 290.93 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete on the Southerly right—of—way line of U.S.Highway No.34; 39—82 o 0 thence the following three courses and distances along said Southerly right—of—way line ofU.S.Highway No.34: thence S02’40’f8”E a distance of 281.81 feet; thence 295.14 feet along the arc of a non—tangent curve to the left,said curve has a delta angle of 2708’36,a radius of 623.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S1555’50E a distance of 292.39 feet; thence S294736KE a distance of 659.24 feet; thence leaving said Southerly right—of—way line a distance of ff3.52 feet along the arc of a non—tangent curve concave to the Southeast,said curve has a delta angle of 2405’24”,a radius of 270.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S4B02’42W a distance of 112.69 feet; thence S360000NW a distance of 110.57 feet; thence 110.66 feet along the arc of a curve to the left,said curve has a delta angle of 7000’OO,a radius of 90.58 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S0100’00W 8 distance of 103.91 feet; thence 206.68 feet along the arc of a curve to the right,said curve has a delta angle of 31’OO’OO’,a radius of 382.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears Sf830’00E a distance of 204.17 feet; thence S0300’00E a distance of 45.00 feet; thence 179.59 feet along the arc of a curve to the right,said curve has a delta angle of 2100’OO’,a radius of 490.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S0730’OO”W a distance of 178.59 feet; thence 165.81 feet along the arc of a curve to the right,said curve has a delta angle of 10000.00k,a radius of 95.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S6B00’00W a distance of 145.55 feet; thence S2800’00W a distance of 105.68 feet; thence S0f’00’00W a distance of 98.62 feet to a point on the South line of the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 22 and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. The above described tract of land contains 95.614 acres. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED,That in accordance with Section 31- 12-108 C.R.S.1973,as amended,a public hearing shall be held on June 22,1982 at 7:30 p.m.,in the Municipal Building,located at 170 MacGregor Avenue,Estes Park,Colorado,for the purpose of determining if the proposed annexation meets with the relevant provisions of Sections 31—12—104 and 31—12—105,C.R.S.1973,as amended. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED,That the Town Clerk shall give the notice of the hearing as provided in Section 31-11-108 (2),C.R.S. 1973,as amended. Dated this 11th day of May,1982. — Q 0 RESOLUTION NO.3$-$2 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: The Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado, in accordance with Section 31—12—107 (1)(g),C.R.S.1973,as amended,hereby states its intention to annex the area described herein.The Board of Trustees finds and determines that the Petition filed with the Town requesting annexation of the area described herein is in substantial compliance with Section 31—12—107 (1),C.R.S.1973,as amended.The Board of Trustees further finds and determines that the Petition is signed by persons comprising more than fifty (50%)percent of the land owners in the area proposed to be annexed and owning more than fifty (50%)percent of the area,excluding public streets, and alleys and any land owned by the annexing municipality. Such area,if annexed,will be known as “BEAVER POINT FIRST ADDITION”to the Town of Estes Park,Colorado.Such area is described as follows: BEAVER POINT FIRST ADDITION to the Town of Estes Park, Colorado,a portion of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 25 and the Southeast 1/4 of Section 26,T5N,R73W of the 6th P.M.,being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 25 as monumented by a G.L.O.brass capped pipe,with all hearings relative to the West line of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 25 considered as bearing N01°40’39”W; thence N01°40’39”W a distance of 1391.97 feet along the West line of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 25 to a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No.36 and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;thence the following three courses and distances along the Northerly right-of-way line of U.S.Highway No.36; thence S62°23’58”W a distance of 671.65 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete; thence 172.20 feet along the arc of a non—tangent curve to the left to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete,said curve has a delta angle of 13°13’12”, a radius of 746.30 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S55°50’56”W a distance of 171.81 feet; thence S49°12’02”W a distance of 182.00 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete; thence leaving said Northerly right-of-way line S40°46’21”E a distance of 30.00 feet to a point on the centerline of U.S.Highway No.36;thence the following two courses and distances along the centerline of U.S. Highway No.36;thence 512.62 feet along the arc of a curve concave to the Northwest,said curve has a delta angle of 10°15’06”,a radius of 2865.00 feet and is G 0 subtended by a chord which bears S54°2P12”W a distance of 511.94 feet;thence S59°28’22”W a distance of 432.04 feet;thence leaving said centerline S08°00’33”E a distance of 32.25 feet to a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of U.S.Highway No.36;thence S08°00’33”E a distance of 250.00 feet;thence N59°27’12”E a distance of 326.90 feet;thence N07°32’33”W a distance of 41.96 feet;thence N68°0945”E a distance of 133.62 feet to a point on the centerline of the Big Thompson River;thence Northeasterly along the centerline of the Big Thompson River (the following seven courses and distances are resultant chords between points on the centerline of said river):thence N69°27’20”E a distance of 32.46 feet;thence S89°49’57”E a distance of 563.23 feet; thence N68°47’58”E a distance of 531.92 feet; thence N01°19’52”E a distance of 181.10 feet; thence N36c53I321IE a distance of 158.36 feet; thence S86°38’13”E a distance of 442.53 feet; thence N56°50’32”E a distance of 159.42 feet to a point on the Northerly extension of a barbed wire fence; thence leaving said centerline S17°58’58”E a distance of 101.45 feet along said barbed wire fence,and the Northerly and Southerly extensions thereof,to a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of Riverside Drive as platted in High Pines Subdivision (30 foot width); thence the following six courses and distances along the Southerly right-of-way line of Riverside Drive as platted in High Pines Subdivision (30 foot width): thence N66°51’21”E a distance of 176.52 feet; thence N63°43’21”E a distance of 182.42 feet; thence N52°15’21”E a distance of 142.60 feet; thence N17°30’21”E a distance of 201.07 feet; thence N38°51’21”E a distance of 231.35 feet; thence N50°27’21”E a distance of 104.34 feet;thence leaving the Southerly right-of-way line of said 30 foot wide right—of-way S01°44’29”E a distance of 16.26 feet to a point on the Southerly right-of-way line of Riverside Drive (60 foot width);thence N53°53’58”E a distance of 302.22 feet along the Southerly right-of-way line of Riverside Drive (60 foot width)to the Southwest corner of the Kinnie Addition to the Town of Estes Park;thence leaving said Southerly right-of-way line with the following two courses and distances along the West line of the Kinnie Addition: thence N19°14’38”W a distance of 73.15 feet to a pin with cap no.532;thence N19°14’38”W a distance of 648.48 feet to a point on the centerline of the Big Thompson River;thence Northeasterly along the centerline of the Big Thompson River (the following four courses and distances are resultant chords between points on the centerline of said river): thence N27°38’14”E a distance of 72.23 feet; thence N63°19’SS”E a distance of 116.50 feet; thence N69°3P58”E a distance of 547.45 feet; thence S86°40’OO”E a distance of 72.06 feet to a point on the West line of the Lee and Alps Addition to the Town of Estes Park;thence leaving said centerline N00°21’35”E a distance of 69.78 feet along the West line of the Lee and Alps Addition to a point on the South line of the First Resubdivision of Buenna Vista Terrace Subdivision and the North line of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 25,said point bears N89°38’25”W a distance of 550.00 feet from the Center 1/4 corner of said Section 25;thence N89°38’25”W a distance of 225.87 feet along the South line of the First Resubdivision of Buenna Vista Terrace Subdivision to a point on the Northerly right--of-way line of U.S. Highway No.36;thence the following six courses and distances along the Northerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No.36;thence 72.00 feet along the arc of a non—tangent curve concave to the Southeast,said curve —2— 0 0 has a delta anqie of 06°50’27”,a radius of 603.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S67°30’33”W a distance of 71.95 feet;thence S64°05’21”W a distance of 411.73 feet;thence 223.57 feet along the arc of a curve to the left to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete,said curve has a delta angle of 26°56’38,a radius of 603.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S50°37’Ol”W a distance of 280.96 feet;thence S37°08’43”W a distance of 167.27 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete; thence 831.30 feet along the arc of a non—tangent curve to the right to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete,said curve has a delta angle of 25°20’06”, a radius of 1880.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S49°46’18”W a distance of 824.54 feet; thence S62°23’58”W a distance of 490.94 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. The above described tract of land contains 51.2 acres, more or less. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED,That in accordance with Section 31—12—108,C.R.S.1973,as amended,a public hearing shall be held on June 8,1982 ,at 7:30 P.M.,in the Municipal Building,located at 170 MacGregor,Estes Park,Colorado, for the purpose of determining if the proposed annexation complies with the applicable provisions of Sections 31—12—104 and 31—12—105,C.RS.1973,as amended. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED,That the Town Clerk shall give the notice of the hearing as provided in Section 31-12—108 (2), C.R.S.1973,as amended. DATED this 27th day of April ,1982. $ayor ATTEST: —3— R E S 0 L U T I 0 N 37-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the petition and plat of Columbine Ridge Subdivision are hereby approved and that the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized and directed to sign the plat. Adopted:April 27,1982 7—82 R E S 0 1 U T I 0 36 -22 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the final plat of Prospect Estates Subdivision (Lots 1—18)are hereby approved subject to the receipt of the attorneyFs letter of certification and that the Mayor and Town Clerk be authorized and directed to sign said final plat upon the receipt of said letter. Adopted:April 27,1982 4-82 C RE SOLUT ION 35-22 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the agreement by and between the Town of Estes Park and Jim Mihalek for nighttime rodeo performances at Stanley Park during Summer 1982. Adopted:April 13,1982 5—82 Th RESOLUTION 34-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the filing date of the application for a new Beer and Wine License filed by Anthony F.and Kathy Ricciardi dba Big Horn Cafe located at 401 West Elkhorn Avenue1 Estes Park, Colorado,is April 13,1982,and it is hereby ordered that a public hearing on said application shall be held in the Board Room of the Municipal Building,170 MacGregor Avenue,on May19, 1982 at 7:30 p.m.,and that the neighborhood boundaries for the purpose of said application and hearing shall be the area included within a radius of 2.39 miles as measured from the center of the applicants’property. Adopted:April 13,1982 4—P 2 0 0 RESOLUTION 33 -82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: The Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado, in accordance with Section 31-12—110,C.R.S.1973,as amended, hereby finds that with regard to the proposed annexation of the following described area that the requirements of the applicable parts of Sections 31—12—104 and 31—12—105,C.R.S.1973,as amended,have been met;that an election is not required under Section 31-12—107 (2),C.R.S.1973,as amended;and that no additional terms and conditions are to be imposed on the annexation.The area eligible for annexation as “FALL RIVER ESTATES FIRST ADDITION”to the Town of Estes Park is as follows: A portion of the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 22,T5N,R73W of the 6th P.M.,being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Center 1/4 corner of said Section 22 as monumented by a brass capped pipe,with all bearings relative to the East line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 22 considered as bearing N01°05’OO”E;thence N01°05’OO”E a distance of 1079.94 feet along the East line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 22 to a point on the Northerly right-of-way line of U.S.Highway No. 34;thence the following five courses and distances along said Northerly right-of-way line of U.S.Highway No.34:thence N29°49’39W a distance of 5.24 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete; thence N29°45’47”W a distance of 246.09 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete; thence N29°49’59”W a distance of 298.92 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete; thence N15°56’36”W a distance of 245.46 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete; thence N02°51’06”W a distance of 556.16 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in rock;thence leaving said Northerly right-of—way line S17°04’33”W a distance of 290.94 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete on the Southerly right-of—way line of U.S.Highway No.34;thence the following three courses and distances along said Southerly right—of-way line of U.S.Highway No.34:thence S02°40’56”E a distance of 281.79 feet;thence 295.14 feet along the arc of a non—tangent curve to the left;said curve has a delta angle of 27°08’37”,a radius of 623.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S15°56’36”E a distance of 292.39 feet;thence S29°48’22”E a distance of 659.61 feet;thence leaving said Southerly right—of-way line a distance of 113.34 feet along the arc of a non—tangent curve concave to the Southeast, said curve has a delta angle of 24°03’03”,a radius of 270.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S48°01’31”W a distance of 112.51 feet;thence S36°00’OO”W a distance of 110.57 feet;thence 110.66 ).,__C)) 0 0 feet along the arc of a curve to the left,said curve has a delta angle of 7000010011,a radius of 90.58 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S01°00’OO”W a distance of 103.91 feet;thence 206.68 feet along the arc of a curve to the right,said curve has a delta angle of 31°00’OO”,a radius of 382.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S18°30’OO”E a distance of 204.17 feet;thence S03°00’OO”E a distance of 45.00 feet;thence 179.59 feet along the arc of a curve to the right,said curve has a delta angle of 21°00’OO”,a radius of 490.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears 507°30’OO”W a distance of 178.59 feet;thence 165.81 feet along the arc of a curve to the right,said curve has a delta angle of 100°00’OO”,a radius of 95.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S68°00’OO”W a distance of 145.55 feet;thence S22°00’OO”W a distance of 105.62 feet;thence S01°00’OO”W a distance of 98.62 feet to a point on the South line of the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 22;thence S89°04’OO”E a distance of 305.15 feet along the South line of the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 22 to the Center 1/4 corner of said Section 22 and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. The above described tract of land contains 6.549 acres. DATED this i3 day of April,1982. Mayor /7 ATTEST: )/ guc)L —2— 0•0 R I S 0 L U T I 0 N 32-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the final plat of Saint Vram Center Subdivision and petition for exception to Section 16.16.060 of the Municipal Code are hereby approved and that the Mayor and Town Clerk are authorized and directed to sign the plat. Adopted:April 13,1982 2—82 n R E S 0 L U T I 0 N 31 -82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the agreement by and between the Town of Estes Park, Park School District R-3,and the Community Church of the Rockies regarding the ownership and maintenance of the 6”waterline serving the schools and Community Church. Adopted:April 13,1982 fl—82 RESOLUTION 30-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the agreement by and between the Town of Estes Park and Holaways Plumbing Service for the construction of the Lexington LaneJAspen Avenue waterline. Adopted:April 13,1982 0-82 o C RESOLUTION 29-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the agreement between the Town of Estes Park and the Colorado C.A.R.E.Inc.for performances at Stanley Park during August 3—8,1982. Adopted:March 23,1982 9—82 0 0 R E S 0 L U T I 0 N 28-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the petition and plat of Regal Pines Resubdivision are hereby approved and that the Mayor and Clerk are authorized and directed to sign the plat. Adopted:March 23,1982 8—82 o 0 R E S 0 L U T I 0 N 27-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE ESTES PARK GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB,INC.: That the President and Secretary be authorized and directed to execute a disclaimer on behalf of the Estes Park Golf and Country Club,Inc.regarding a small strip of land located on the west side of the Estes Park Golf Course which is specifically referred to in law suit #8O-CV—748 Scott vs.Nagl. Adopted:March 23,1982 7—82 0 RESOLUTION 26-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a disclaimer regarding a small strip of land located on the west side of the Estes Park Golf and Country Club which is specifically referred to in law suit #80-CV-748 Scott vs. Nagl. Adopted:March 23,1982 6—82 0 0 RESOLUTION 25-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the lease purchase agreement with the First National Bank of Estes Park to finance a new telephone system being pur chased from Executone of Colorado,Inc. Adopted:March 23,1982 5—82 0 .0 R E S 0 L U T I 0 N 24-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the agreement by and between the Town of Estes Park and the Colorado State High School Rodeo Association for per formances at Stanley Park during June 16 -19,1982. ADOPTED:March 9,1982 24—82 0 RESOLUTION 23-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the agreement by and between the Town of Estes Park and Larimer County regarding the collection of sales tax on motor vehicles. ADOPTED:March 9,1982 3—8 0 0 R E S 0 L U T I 0 N 22 -$2 WHEREAS,unforeseen conditions have developed with the advertising account in the General Fund Budget,and; WHEREAS,said conditions will continue unless additional funds are provided in the budget for the year 1982,and; WHEREAS,sufficient funds for advertising were not provided in the 1982 budget,and; WHEREAS,the Board of Trustees believes an emergency exists which could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of the adoption of the budget for the year 1982 NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado: THAT the sum of $30,000 for advertising be expended from the Capital Fund,General Government Buildings Miscellaneous of 1982. ADOPTED:March 9,1982 2—22 C C RESOLUTION 21-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the agreement by and between the Town of Estes Park and W.W.Wheeler and Associates,Inc.regarding a water needs study and analysis. ADOPTED:March 9,1982 0 0 R E S 0 L U T I 0 N 20-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the agreement among the Town of Estes Park,Mountain Bell,and Estes Park Cable TV Company regarding pole usage. ADOPTED:March 9,1982 0—82 0 0 RESOLUTION 19-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Agreement dated August 7,1981 by and between the Town of Estes Park and Estes Park Cable TV Company be amended to permit the moving of PTL from the midband tier to the basic tier of service in place of KBDI (12)Denver educational channel. ADOPTED:March 9,1982 9—82 fl RESOLUTION 18-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That Section 7 (B)of the Agreement dated August 7,1981 by and between the Town of Estes Park and Estes Park Cable TV Company be amended to permit a construction extension to May 31,1982. ADOPTED:March 9,1982 8—82 C C R E S 0 L U T I 0 N 17-82 WHEREAS,by the Statutes of the State of Colorado,the 6th day of April,1982 is fixed as the time for the election of three trustees of the Town of Estes Park; AND WHEREAS,Senate Bill 251 amended Section 31-10-401 C.R.S. 1973,as amended,which allows the Board of Trustees to delegate to the Clerk by Resolution the authority and responsibility to appoint the judges of election. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado,that the Clerk of the Town of Estes Park be authorized and directed to appoint the judges of election in accordance with the State Statutes for the municipal election scheduled for April 6,1982. Adopted:February 23,1982 .7—82 0 R E S 0 L U T I 0 N 16-82 WHEREAS,by the Statutes of the State of Colorado,the 6th day of April,1982 is fixed as the time for the election of three trustees of the Town of Estes Park; AND WHEREAS,it is the duty of the Board of Trustees to provide for holding such election. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that an election for the purpose of electing three trustees shall be held on Tuesday,April 6, 1982; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the polling place shall be in the Board Room of the Municipal Building,170 MacGregor Avenue, Town of Estes Park,Colorado,that the polls shall be open from 7:00 A.M.to 7:00 P.M.on said election day. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that voting machines shall be used in the municipal election and that the Town Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and directed to perform all acts and functions necessary for the use of such voting machines as required by the laws of the State of Colorado pertaining thereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the judges of election appointed by the Town Clerk shall receive for their services the sum of fiCty dollars ($50.00). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be authorized to give notice of the election by publication as provided by law. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Town Clerk shall at the expense of the Town arrange for such materials and supplies for such election as may be necessary. Adopted:February 23,1982 6—82 C) R E S 0 L U T I 0 N 15-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: The Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado, in accordance with Section 31—12—107 (1)(g),C.R.S.1973,as amended,hereby states its intention to annex the area described herein.The Board of Trustees finds and determines that the petition is in substantial compliance with Section 31-12—107 (1)(q),C.R.S. 1973,as amended.The Board of Trustees further finds and determines that the petition is signed by the landowners of more than fifty percent (50%)of the area to be annexed,excluding public streets and alleys.Such area,as annexed,will be known as “Fall River Estates First Addition”to the Town of Estes Park,Colorado.Such area is described as follows: FALL RIVER ESTATES FIRST ADDITION to the Town of Estes Park.Colorado.a portion of the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 22.15N.R73U of the 6th P.M..being more particularly described as follows: Com—encing at the Center 1/4 corner of said Section 22 as monumented by a brass capped pipe. with all bearings relative to the East line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 22 considered as bearing NO1O5’OO’E thence NO105’OO’E a distance of 1080.35 feet along the East line of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 22 to a point on the Northerly right—of—way line of U.S.Highway No.34: thence the fo]lowing five courses and distances along said Northerly right—of—way line of U.S.Highway No.34: thence N29’4853’W a distance of 4.50 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete; thence N2945Of’W a distance of 246.09 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete; thence N2949’I3’W a distance of 298.92 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete: thence N15’55’50’W a distance of 245.46 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete: thence NQ2’50’29’W a distance of 556.16 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in rock: thence leaving said Northerly right—of-way line S17’05’32’W a distance of 290.93 feet to a Colorado Dept.of Highways brass cap in concrete on the Southerly right—of—way line of U.S.Highway No.34; thence the following three courses and distances a]ong said Southerly right—of—way line of U.S.Highway No.34: thence S02’40’18E a distance of 281.81 feet: thence 295.14 feet along the arc of a non—tangent curve to the left,said curve has a delta angle of 2708’36’.a radius of 623.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S15’55’50’E a distance of 292.39 feet: thence 52947’36’E a distance of 659.24 feet: thence leaving said Southerly right—of—way line a distance of 113.52 feet along the arc of a non-tangent curve concave to the Southeast,said curve has a delta angle of ?4’05’24’,a radius of 270.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S48’02’42W a distance of 112.69 feet; thence S3600OOW a distance of 110.57 feet: thence 110.66 feet along the arc of a curve to the left,said curve has a de]ta angle of 70’OO’OO’,a radius of 90.58 feet and is subtended by a chord which beats S01’00O0’W a distance of 103.91 feet; thence 206.68 feet along the arc of a curve to the right,said curve has a delta angle of 3100’00.a radius of 382.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S18’30’0O’E a distance of 204.17 feet: 3—82 o thence SO3’00’0OE a distance of 45.00 feet; thence 179.59 feet along the arc of a curve to the right,said curve has a delta angle of 21’OO’OO,a radius of 490.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S07’30’00W a distance of 178.59 feet; thence 165.81 feet along the arc of a curve to the right,said curve has a delta angle of 10O0O’00.a radius of 95.00 feet and is subtended by a chord which bears S68’OO’OO’W a distance of 145.55 feet; thence S28’OO’OOW a distance of 205.68 feet; thence S0200’00W a distance of 98.62 feet to a point on the South line of the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 22 thence SB9’04’00E a distance of 305.15 feet along the South line of the East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of said Section 22 to the Center 1/4 corner of said Section 22 and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. The above described tract of land contains 6.547 acres. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED,That in accordance with Section 31— 12-108 C.R.S.1973,as amended,a public hearing shall be held on April 13,1982 at 7:30 p.m.,in the Municipal Building,located at 170 MacGregor Avenue,Estes Park,Colorado,for the purpose of determining if the proposed annexation meets with the relevant provisions of Sections 31—12—104 and 31—12—105,C.R.S.1973,as amended. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED,That the Town Clerk shall give the notice of the hearing as provided in Section 31—12-108 (2),C.R.S. 1973,as amended. Dated this 23rd day of February ,1982. C C RESOLUTION 14-82 WHEREAS,the Estes Park General Improvement Sewer District No.1 has been dissolved by ordinance;and WHEREAS,the agreement between the Town and The Estes Park Sanitation District provides for the transfer of the main sewer line extension,any other collector sewer lines,and all other facilities and easements of the District to The Estes Park Sanitation District;and WHEREAS,the Town has determined that said property should be transferred to The Estes Park Sanitation District. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,that: 1.Upon filing of the certified copy of the ordinance dissolving the Estes Park General Improvement Sewer District No.1 with the Clerk and Recorder of Larimer County,Colorado, that the Town transfer all of its right,title and interest into the main sewer extension line,all other collector sewer lines,all easements,and any other facility owned by the Estes Park General Improvement Sewer District No.1 to The Estes Park Sanitation District. 2.The appropriate officials of the Town of Estes Park are hereby authorized to execute any documents necessary to accomplish said transfer. APPROVED: // Maybr ATTEST: 4J2/U4JJiL(J Town 9/erk Adopted:February 23,1982 .4—82 RESOLUTION 13-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOAPD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the agreement between the Town of Estes Park and Larimer County regarding library services to rural residents during 1982. Adopted:February 9,1982 3—82 0 0 R E S 0 1 U T I 0 N 12-22 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the agreements between the Town of Estes Park and Northern Colorado Quarterhorse Association for performances at Stanley Park September 4 -6,1982,and the Rocky Mountain Paint Horse Association for performances at Stanley Park during August 13 -15,1982. Adopted:February 9,1982 12—82 n 0 RESOLUTION 11-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the agreement by and between the Town of Estes Park and Walter Alsbaugh for rodeo performances at Stanley Park during July 21 —24,1982. Adopted:January 26,1982 1—82 0 0 R E S 0 L U T I 0 N 10 -82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the agreement by and between the Town of Estes Park and the National Old Time Fiddlers Association for performances at Stanley Park during August 25 -22,1982. Adopted:January 26,1982 )—82 0 0 RESOLUTION 9-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the 1982 Advertising Agreement by and between the Town of Estes Park and the Estes Park Area Chamber of Commerce. Adopted:January 26,1982 —82 RE SQL UT ID N 8 -82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the agreement by and between the Town of Estes Park and Mountain and Plains Appaloosa Horse Club for performances at Stanley Park in 1982,1983 and 1984. Adopted:January 12,1982 —82 7-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the agreement by and between the Town of Estes Park and Larimer County regarding leasing of rooms in the Municipal Building beginning January 1,1982. Adopted:January 12,1982 ‘—82 0 0 R E S 0 L U T I 0 N 6 -82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the filinq date of the application for a 3.2%retail beer license filed by Philip J.and Christine E.Switzer dba East Side Food Store to be located at 381 South Saint Vram Avenue,Estes Park,Colorado,is January 12,1982,and it is hereby ordered that a public hearing on said application shall be held in the Board Room of the r4unicipal Building,170 MacGregor Avenue,on February 23,1982 at 7:30 p.m.,and that the neighbor hood boundaries for the purpose of said application and hearing shall be the area included within a radius of 3.07 miles as measured from the center of the applicants’property. Adopted:January 12,1982 —82 0 0 RESOLUTION 5-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK, COLORADO: That the filing date of the application for a new massaqe parlor license filed by Patricia W.De Fries and Adel Parker dba Estes Park Holistic Health Center to be located at 405 West Elkhorn Avenue,Estes Park,Colorado,is January 12,1982,and it is hereby ordered that a public hearing on said application shall be held in the Board Room of the Municipal Building,170 MacGregor Avenue,on February 23,1982 at 7:30 p.m.,and that the neighborhood boundaries for the purpose of said application and hearing shall be the area included within a radius of 2.19 miles as measured from the center of the applicants’property. Adopted:January 12,1982 —P2 C 0 RE SQL UT ION 4-82 WHEREAS,an Application for a Planned Unit Development, Prospect Mountain Subdivision -a P.U.D.,1st Filing,was filed on the 24th day of November,1981;and WHEREAS,the Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park held a public hearing and considered the proposed Prospect Mountain Subdivision -a P.U.D.,1st Filing Application,Site Plan and Subdivision Plat on January 12,1982. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: 1.The Board of Trustees finds and determines that the Application,together with all supporting documents,are in substantial compliance with the requirements of Chapter 17.60 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado; that the applicants have substantially complied with the provisions of said ordinance;and that said Planned Unit Development is in general conformity with the Master Plan of the Town. 2.The Board further finds and determines that pursuant to said ordinance and the laws of the State of Colorado,all notices,publications and public hearings have been given, made and held with respect to said Application. 3.Prospect Mountain Subdivision -a P.U.D.,1st Filing is hereby approved and that the Mayor and Town Clerk are authorized and directed to sign the plat. Adopted:January 12,1982 4—82 C PESOLUTION NO.3 -82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLOPADO: The Board of Trustees of the Town of Estes Park,Colorado, in accordance with Section 31—12—110,C.R..S.1973,as amended, hereby finds that with regard to the proposed annexation of the followinq described area that the requirements of the applicable parts of Sections 31—12—104 and 31—12—105,C.B.S.1973,as amended,have been met;that an election is not required under Section 31—12—107 (2),C.B.S.1973,as amended;and that no additional terms and conditions are to be imposed on the annexation.The area eligible for annexation as “PROSPECT ESTATES ADDITION”to the Town of Estes Park is as follows: A portion of the SE 1/4 of Section 36,T5N,P73W of the 6th P.M.and the SW 1/4 of Section 31,T5N,P72W of the 6th P.M.,being more particularly described as follows: Beqinning at the F 1/4 corner of said Section 36 as monumented by a U.S.G.L.O.brass capped pipe;thence S 01001137??W 1271.48 feet;thence S 89°22’53”F 1066.34 feet; thence S 4101610711 W 27.71 feet;thence S 89°22’53”F 278.01 feet;thence S 00°15’OO”E 30.00 feet to the SW 1/16 corner of said Section 31 as monumented by a brass bolt in concrete;thence N 89°22’53”W 383.30 feet;thence N 41°l6’07”E 1.32 feet;thence N 89°22’53”W 944.66 feet; thence S 0l00lI37 W 557.01 feet;thence S 80°24’08 W 326.47 feet;thence along a curve concave to the north having a. radius of 507.5 feet and a central angle of 37°38’for a distance of 333.34 feet;thence N 6l057?52 W 91.5 feet; thence 5 01001140??W 554.43 feet;thence N 88°52’W 273.6 feet;thence S 01001?W 238.82 feet to the township line common to T5N and T4N;thence along the township line N 88°52’W 1655.33 feet to the S 1/4 corner of Section 36 as monumented by a U.S.G.L.O.brass capped pipe;thence N 01°05’38”E 971.73 feet;thence along a non tangent curve concave to the south with a radius of 746.3 feet and a central angle of 07°49’42”for a distance of 101.97 feet, resultant chord being N 85059147?!F 101.89 feet;thence due north 78.64 feet;thence due west 100.00 feet;thence N 0l005?38?F 1559.61 feet;thence S 89°28’16”E 2652.37 feet to the Point of Beginning. All hearinqs herein are relative to the South line of said SE 1/4 being N 88°52’W. D?TED this 12th day of January,1982. Mayor - ATTEST: -82 0 RESOLUTION 2-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the water extension agreement dated January 12,1982 by and between the Town of Estes Park and R.V.Water &Roads, Inc. Adopted:January 12,1982 2—82 C RESOLUTION 1-82 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF ESTES PARK,COLORADO: That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to sign the agreement dated January 12,1982 by and between the Town of Estes Park and R.V.Water &Roads,Inc.regarding the installation of the water system to serve Range View Subdivision. Adopted:January 12,1982 1—82