IBoard of Trustees Study Session
November 27, 1995
Also Attending:
Mayor H. B. Dannels, Trustees Dekker, Doylen,
Gillette, Marshall, Miller and Pauley
Mayor ProTem Dekker, Trustees Doylen,
Gillette, Marshall, Miller and Pauley
Town Administrator Klaphake, Attorney White,
Ass't. Town Administrator Widmer, Supervisors
Linnane and Matzke, Clerk O'Connor
Mayor Dannels
Mayor ProTem Dekker called the meeting to order at 9:04 a.m.
In a memorandum dated November 22, 1995, Ass't. Town Administrator
Widmer reported that the 1996 Pay Plan Team, consisting of D.
Campbell, B. Goehring, M. Mangelsen, C. Pass, F. Thorson-Boudreaux,
and R. Widmer, reviewed pay plan adjustments for the past five
years, gathered employee input, analyzed CPI data, reviewed local
and front-range 1996 pay plan changes, and reviewed the CML pay
Team recommendations are:
1. A 4.0% across-the-board increase for all employees; raise
pay ranges 5.0% to adjust for market.
2. 0.25% pool for incentive awards to be managed by the Town
Administrator Klaphake reported that the preliminary 1996 Budget
contains 5% for the pay plan, and that Department Heads will be
excluded from the across-the-board increase as they will be
individually evaluated (paid for performance), not to exceed 4%.
A new Employee Development Plan/Performance Review system has been
developed for implementation in 1996 (subject to Town Board
approval); however, merit awards based on the new system will not
be awarded until January, 1997. As the current performance
evaluation system is obsolete, the Pay Team recommends that no
merit-based pay increases be given for 1996.
Staff also reported that the health plan appears to be neutral in
terms of cost for 1996; however, the Town will be required to
purchase tail insurance coverage as the plan is being revised--this
item will be presented during the December 5 Town Board meeting.
The Committee recommends the 1996 Pay Plan be adopted as presented.
Ass't. Administrator Widmer reported that by January 1, 1996, all
municipalities with fewer than 50 Commercial Driver's Licensed
(CDL) drivers are required by federal regulations to have drug and
alcohol testing policies and procedures adopted. The Town has 27
drivers with CDLs, and Town Attorney White has prepared a policy
following federal regulations and a sample policy- prepared by
CIRSA. Major points are:
1. ■ The policy applies only to the Town's 27 CDL drivers, or
to future employees required to have a CDL as part of
employment. CDLs are required for large trucks, transit
Board of Trustees Study Session - November 27, 1995 - Page 2
vehicles, or vehicles hauling hazardous materials.
2. Drug and alcohol testing will be performed before
employment begins (drugs only), following an accident
involving a death or moving violation, whenever
"reasonable suspicion" of use exists, and randomly during
the year. Twenty-five percent of the drivers will be
randomly tested for alcohol and 50% for drugs each year.
3. Alcohol testing is performed with the aid of an
Evidentiary Breath Testing Device (EBT). This device
must meet strict federal certification regulations, be
calibrated, and be operated by trained technicians.
Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAG) of 0.02 or greater
would violate the policy. The testing site is not known
at this time; however, it may be a mobile unit as a
testing site in unavailable in Estes Park.
4. Drug testing is performed using urine specimens collected
under highly controlled conditions. Drug testing is
limited to marijuana, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines, and
phencyclidine. The testing site will most likely be at
the Estes Park Medical Center.
5. If a positive test for alcohol or drugs occurs, the
employee will be placed on administrative leave without
pay until return-to-duty testing is completed. Substance
abuse professionals, counseling, and follow-up testing
may be utilized if necessary. If the BAG level for
alcohol is 0.02 - 0.04, the employee is dispatched to
their home for at least 24 hours. If the level is 0.04
or greater, or if tested positive for drugs, the employee
may be subject to further discipline as set forth in the
Town's Personnel Policy Manual.
Staff is presently evaluating contractors to perform the necessary
testing, and they estimate these services will be approximately
$750 - $1,000/year. Staff stressed that the Town is being forced
into this policy pursuant to federal regulations, and that
following this meeting, staff will brief all affected employees.
Attorney White confirmed that the regulation applies to only CDL
drivers and only during the performance of a "safety-sensitive"
function. Mr. White was unaware of any municipalities requiring
testing for all employees pursuant to several pending court cases.
Training of supervisors is required so as to effectively document
reasonable suspicion. Amendments to the policy were added to
protect employees and their individual rights.
Staff confirmed that if an employee would be put on administrative
leave without pay as a result of a positive test, and that test
proved to be in error, that the employee would be reimbursed their
back pay. The policy addresses such a scenario, and includes
language that the employee is also to be free of any ramifications
from an erroneous test. If an employee does violate a test, the
employee is subject to follow-up testing for five years.
Additional discussion included confidentiality provisions, and
prescription drug usage. Attorney White also confirmed that
volunteers are exempt from this policy, i.e. Fire Dept.
The Committee recommends adoption of the Drug and Alcohol Testing
Policy, as presented.
Staff confirmed that adoption will include a resolution, that the
policy will not become a portion of the Personnel Policy Manual,
Board of Trustees Study Session - November 27, 1995 - Page 3
and that the Town Board will consider this item at the December 5
There being no further business, Mayor ProTem Dekker adjourned the
meeting at 9:28 a.m.
Vickie O' Connor, CMC/AAE, Town Clerk
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