HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Planning Commission 1996-01-16BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission January 16, 1996 Commission; Attending: Also Attending; Absent: Chairman A1 Sager, Commissioners Mark Brown, Harriet Burgess, John Gilfillun, Alma Hix, Edward Pohl, and David Thomas Chairman Sager, Commissioners Brown, Burgess, A. Hix, Pohl and Thomas Trustee/Liaison Dekker, D1irectorTS^J™;y' cT°rk Attorney White, Senior Planner Joseph, Clerk 01 Connor Commissioner Gilfillan Chairman Sager called the meeting to order at 1.3 1. MINUTES. Minutes Of the Decenhsr !9, 1995 meeting were approved as this time. Th.u^'1Jjne Aoolicant was withdrawn, subdivision, Rich Wille, Appiican 2. SUBDIVISIONS. ^ ^ f Fall !unenaM-J3ai-2fri®rS-tiraSfbTiSiStr_Thrt;^^ owner's be a3- Reasoning for this fter the project building Pe,rI"10' ply for the accesspcrmitat will be owner's need to PP ^hich will cJ;a^;i|yrhe0cWeived a letter from IS totally 0165 j3 The j\ppileant has rece ^hown to them m using the access. allow two accesses as aonroved theCPo/stating theyfWllloaUoWason_ CDQ app^v^ the field. If,. wouid have access to a .t a covenantpermit, the ^ar wiii prepare and submit ^ uno build addition, Mr. identified as the Town can verifyrequiring the area 1 building permit, the athft-;hirSvet?ant wan recoraea. buiwing enveiopes Oirector Stamey reviriea bt\falcat\T°f or^-°tSr4=esrwl21Dl « with dimension a subsequent , and if approved, protect association with the ®10' buUaing Pjrmite rnottes4uWed>=-df1edsutchtt?mfatS XSepcte0Siaarfor “i^ohJa6; ana that sta«JS -“’re^iae'ntial ana commercral rrirf?cbS^^Lh-2HW - aCCeSSd. nce it was moved ana BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - January 16, 1996 - Page 2 Block 3, Fall River Estates be favorably recommended to the Board of Trustees, contingent upon the following. Discussion followed concerning the 10' utility easement required by the Light & Power Department along the Fall River Drive property line; shared access relative to whether or not CDOT requires that the driveway be installed on private property, not in the right-of-way—staff reviewed the grades and location of the access easement as related to bridge construction and found this option feasible, however, staff is considering impacts related to driveway construction and the amount of disruption to vegetation along the River; and installation of a new bridge relative to potential floods. The motion passed unanimously: 1. Identify open space area (Outlet A). 2. Access permits for Lots 2A and 2B shall be secured prior to application for a building permit. 3. The notes regarding access to Lot 2D should be added to the final plat (access from Fall River Drive, privately constructed bridge, ability to construct bridge in easement). 4. Show the location of the new sewer and electric utility easements and add note regarding vacation of a portion of the existing sewer easement. 5. Verify or apply for inclusion in NCWCD prior to Town Board approval. 6. Add CDOT utility permit requirement to Utility Plan. 7. compliance with UTSD permit fees. 8. Rezoning of Lots 2C and 2D to R-S Residential. 9. Show adjacent subdivision/lot information. rezoned to R-S. ■ „ Portion of Block 7, ark^^Brysa na liman/Robert_Dekker/Applicairb. Gazette for today's that this item was advertisecl^an staff meeting. Typically, such 9notification occurred notifies adjacent land °vJn * two adjacent land owners with the preliminary hFinal ' Plat presentation beingwere not advised of the Finafl the planning considered ti'tem to a special meeting February 6Commission continue this it o-c,^ded (Brown/Burgess) the at 1:30 p.m. It was mov.fe^antdheS®i°f1epiit of Block 7, Town Planning Commission cons.ld.ermJ:iVe.^a February 6, 1996 at 1:30 of Estes park at a special meeting F®®^"aKych4var expressed p.m., and it Pass;ti, ,unan“?f'f.' relative to Town Board constdera^'wen-iSaS till meat with Mr. Kochevar to discuss this matter further. 3. SPECIAL REVIEWS. BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - January 16, 1996 - Page 3 with attached garages in five single story buildings, and two buildings with walkout lower levels ("C" Buildings), as follows: 4 Duplex Buildings 1 Triplex Building 2 Single Unit Buildings The project is to be developed in a single phase to be completed in three years. This development proposal has obtained unit type and setback variance from the Board of Adjustment. Bill Van Horn, Applicant's representative, noted that this proposal was previously submitted and that the previous Planning Commission items_ have been addressed. Waterline extension construction drawings will be presented to staff for their approval. Director Stamey noted that the Public Works Dept, has not yet received the drainage plan and details for the swale. Van Horn confirmed that waterline drawings will be submitted/approved prior to Town Board consideration. The Applicant is requesting they aj-lowefri^° escrow the access easement and that all associated documents be recorded simultaneously following Town Board approval. Staff confirmed that the size of the water main extension is to be 6". Planner Joseph reviewed the major points of the staff report: tirApplicant needs to meet with the Light 6 Power Dept. concerning overhead utilities and =-hn.1stafmf received S reflected on the final development plan, staff ^e<^e;L.^®a. ^ number of sections illustrating site grading and building Sads An existing drainage culvert, which has historically negatively ^5impacted the adjacent land owner needs to be cleaned and maintained. around3 i2^:Snedinthifeeirn\tiena9sytsll||r£^^^^^^ a part of building, it is a gd Van Horn indicated ?hai themw?u7sS1^ote intended t°hfL?gh? *, flSSS ^jSd:?\in\^r%\«SonCOoTar vgial negativ^ ae^thetrreimpact °f^Pg^Q^gSyeneertmatched materials for the wall whlch. 1euxf/tfn„St™|K tall^ and an as closely as possible to nlan be changed from additional concernthatthen P van Horn confirmed ais^aintrwnrbe'cofSSifon the plat. There were no comments from the audience. It was moved and seconded (Pohl/A. 2ffor Lots 7, 8, 25 and a P°rtion of Lot 24, Blocs of'Trustees contingent u^cHhliollowing, and it passed unanimously: Provide access easement document. pltrSe ??lviled prior to Town Board review. 1. 2. BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - January 16, 1996 - Page 4 3. Show existing overhead electric and planned underground electric, and provide an easement on the subdivision plat, as required. 4. Provide drainage report and details of all drainage facilities. 5. Clean existing driveway culvert and improve outlet. 6. The property to be included in the NCWCD. Commissioner Brown suggested that due to numerous discussions concerning building height, that staff look at clarifying the regulations. 3.B. Special Review #96-1, Lot 1, Block lf Lake View Tracts,. David F. Habecker/Applicant. This plan proposes a combination of condominium units and accommodation suites, both to be managed for overnight accommodations, as follows: Bldg. A: 8 units, 2-story, 2 & 3 Bedroom condominiums with attached garage. Bldg. B: 8 units, 1-3 story, 1 & 2 bedroom suite lodging with attached garage. Bldg. C: 5 units, 2-story, 1 & 2 bedroom suite lodging with office. Future Bldg. D: 2-story meeting room with garage under. Optional Bldg E: Swimming pool enclosure. A 6' high cedar privacy fence is being proposed for the west, east and south property lines. SIS th^rlcS^eS^^onfccntained .in the sta„ report co=inr|h{^di^:ciT:sa- existing elk migration route. advised that a business ensuring adequate parkingovernight units, he will add a note ensuring dwe5;iing) ; Sltir-fat btheraerp^^ -?Kinfg£i?n'the nnt f3 L, ooSiono th^ staff IS agreeable to th g 5irination by Mr. Habecker lhatPndeueS to t^xeistri1nVgeWtSography, the buildings cannot be "stairstepped." Audience cements were heard iron Robert of'^^incone^year la(nodn-Toning)) rh0reGdXuPceed property vaiue, BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - January 16r 1996 - Page 5 incompatibility of proposed construction, loss of repeat business, reduction of time of occupancy, the fence would limit snow removal, construction occurring during the peak season, resulting in considerable loss of business, prevailing wind blows dust and trash, and loss of wildlife viewing and migration route. The items above were reinforced by a letter from Range Realty, Peterson's personal calculations, and various photographs. Chairman Sager reviewed the Commission's parameters in considering the application. Lee Herman, representing Paul and Shirley Carpenter, 1061 Pine Ln. also presented photographs and requested clarification as to how the elk/deer corridor would be protected, suggesting perhaps a gap be planned in the fence installation. There were no further comments from the audience. Commissioner comments included: clarification of the maximum use by right on this site particularly relating to overnight accommodation units and kitchen facilities (density calculation); confirmation that the Applicant is not seeking any bonus units; confirmation that 37 units are allowed; confirmation that the Special Review requirements are Prompted by accommodation gross floor area in excess of confirmation by the Applicant that it is ^inds f loo" the units to reduce the impact to the _ Four Winos property; confirmation by Habecker that d\xe to weather constraints, construction would most 1;L.kely^®gil^^^g summer to provide an opportunity to advertise the units, however hePwill attempt to limit construction dVring n?r“^1 davlight hours; discussion of setback; confirmation that the proposal conforms to zoning and building confirmation that the proposed land use is with existing land use. Commissioner A. exPressJ^ cha?gSd with S: rdi°nPtor'drn%Vrrte\^VaeVd^%^^■cne ouraen u i arlv #2 Building and Site Design ScwSr^lsu;i Intrusion is managed. Attorney "hits confined that 9--an11y;.sth;r^eTel waPs prompted however, m this proposal, p t d th t buiidings were located^tort^hea*adv^*ta^^e3e<I^e^^<^-^^^ ai^^t|^con^Irm^d that will not be a visual intrusion Attorney »^tte confiarks^ not Denver has a height on oc;+.-,hl ■; Shed view corridor in intrusion and how site desi^gn buildings9 could be lowered other adjacent property - aaainst this proposal, and/or re-design - the options sP3^k tL west and Mr. Van Horn noted th® Pr.°Pei5h;^s cl?iteria applied to it, and what would have occurred i j 0n fhis site when the he also noted ^kethui1^dp®0per4 has not been equally applied criteria placed on tkl3 Pro°Pertrhye nDroperty has been available to other sites m additio , The Applicant isfor purchase for a l^"9thy Psnod °fwtime.in The Appli sides_ working with property that zoning has changed, andcommissioner Brown stated t^t zoning n j Applicants are subject to rules in affect at rnau There being no further discussion it was (A. Hix/Thomas) that based Sl deiiel and Review #96-1, L0*; ®1l0° .dn'a votes Those voting "Yes" it passed by the following pohl and Thomas. Those commissioners Brown, Burgess, . BroWn noted that thevoting "NO" Chairman Saff-“mSJ=mSIs0snfornBrb7 addressing the foPnii?nf or aay nersTte?0orthsubSmlth!1s propYosal to the Town BRADTORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - January 16, 1996 - Page 6 Board. Special Review #9 6-2, Portion of Lot 2, Block 3,_Fall River Estates. Kvien Trust/Applicant. This proposal consists of 16 dwelling units in a four unit building configuration; two units over two units. It is anticipated that most of the units will be one bedroom in size with approximately 4 units being two bedroom. Each unit will be served by individual taps for water, sewer, electric, gas and telephone. In addition to utility lines, 20 parking spaces will be provided and a two-car maintenance garage will also be constructed (attached to units 15/16 at the north end). Applicant's representative Kochevar noted that the Applicant is requesting a bonus on the number of units. Calculations as presented in the staff report have been changed as space (reserved area) has been increased, thus the bon request is for 1.62 units (for the preserve area). The site will be minimally disturbed as the site was previously damaged due to the flood. Extensive landscaping, also due to the «ood is being planned. Five trees will be removed, three of which are alre^y dead. The Applicant is in agreement with staff recommendations, and Mr. Kochevar is preparing e landscape plan. Discussion included confirmation of the bonus request of 1.62 floodplain designation. license pursuant to the overnight units. regils?:d”XtstTnrg\arabrtilnn^\r^^^^^ no purpose, be removed. . • i4. tTae moved and seconded (Brown/A.concluding all discussion, it m°Vrtion of hot 2, Block 3, Hix) special Review #56-2 t recommended to the Board of Taristeerr«ith th; "foJibing "conditions, and it passed unanimously: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. Proposed contours to be shown. •4-v, 4-v.^a street and parking planting requirement bf demonstrated, and a landscape plan be provided. Add cluster box location. increase open . space area (Habitat Preserve, to allow for density bonus. Bridge foundation be located out of the 100 year floodplain. Show ..Habitat -=:t^\irthetopAen0sPpanceSPcao°u?d; Non-Build Area. Altern y th the Town and breecoPrrd?negrVoef thfOcOenS^and development plan. BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - January 16, 1996 - Page 7 8. Relocate sewer line and provide new easement. 9. All unnecessary barb wire be removed. 4. REZONINGS. Lots 2C and 2D. Block 3. Fall River Estates,—Fal1 Estates. Inc./Applicant. Chairman Sager opened the Public hearing. This request is to rezone Lots 2C and 2D from CO Commercial Outlying to R-S Residential. The size of the lots would allow one single-family dwelling on each lot. F.yj sting Land Use Vacant Accommodations & Vacant Accommodations Vacant & Single Family North South East West Existing Zoning C-0 Commercial Outlying C-0 Commercial Outlying R-M Multiple Family E-Estate commercial. Mr. Kochevar confirmed the sire a p adequate footprint. • 1 I.V. T-onrvrt and as there were noPlanner Joseph reviewed the PSager declared the public comments from the audlJJce'igs compatible with the hearing closed. As the R _ 9 e compatible neighborhood, and the R-S zoning uses it was moved andwith the site than c-0 ^°n^ng eandz uses^, Lots 2C seconded (Burgess/Brown) . t g fr0m C-O Commercial to R- T\lDsUlTil ' bealf avorabl^Streco^ended to tte Board o£ Trustees, and it passed unanimously, chairman Sager deoiared a receaa at 4:00 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 4:05 p.m. 5, REPORTS. 6jAjL__iresentatiqn_oi^]^ti^i^r^^^^— fiamble” The^Iannlng cOjmmls7vs^°;i4.fiwavs to the 2lst Centurybriefing statement. A^ J_ the YMCA which was Conference" was held t ^ Larimer County and others, ^h sponsored by the Town ,RMNP, L Qf and surrounding purpose was to discuss th wpiT.e held to review key issues Cds. A series of workshops were helditt_up ^ t;ie and establish priorities. . d Lands Evaluation dated Sct:b«?eai99C50nharsentein "prepared ^«^nebres1hifpVfasis“ , s!x Ixotic plants, night Pa task force consisting of /+-rails^ RMNP desires to establi 4-pf.hnical advisor on eachifdownlrs, community lead«s,haendTawteana p both ha^^e °* pfg Vstim and ,Plann“ Jt0eSe1phna owfIship around Park. Sf if d a map indicating Prrvate la“ east and west side The focus will be on ^ake 1-1/2 yrs to complete study £ Park It will most likely _+.v,Q-r vear for the west side. on the east side and Pg0paa1^ky force will identify sol^^^°ing Following mapping, t]}e ,t each task force (6) conductingThe process will conclude with each ra discuss potential ffSshop to more |aUUyHa-cusSb issueaSs made the task force solutions. Thus far, BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - January 16f 1996 - Page 8 directive to Boulder, Larimer, and Grand Counties, the Estes Valley Land Trust, and the EVIA, some are cautiously supportive. Upcoming presentations will be given to the Board of Realtors, Chamber of Commerce, League of Women Voters, and eventually all 140 people who attended the Conference. Four points include: the borders and Park are inextricably linked, long-term health of RMNP is a shared responsibility, only through a viable partnership can a grass roots approach be successful, and success can best be achieved by enhancing communication. In summary, Mr. Gamble is seeking approval of the approach identified above. Discussion followed with no further action taken. Bill Van Horn commented on the upcoming revision to the Zoning Regulations and need for a simplified codification process where the "lay person" can easily locate information. There being no further business. Chairman Sager adjourned the meeting at 4:30 P.M. Vickie O'Connor, CMC/AAE, Town Clerk