Planning Commission
August 15, 1995
Also Attending:
Chairman Sager, Commissioners Mark Brown,
Harriet Burgess, John Gilfillan, Alma
Hix, Edward Pohl and David Thomas
Chairman Sager, Commissioners Brown,
Burgess, Gilfillan, A. Hix and Thomas
Trustee/Liaison Dekker, Community
Development Director Stamey, Senior
Planner Joseph, Clerk O'Connor
Commissioner Pohl
Chairman Sager called the meeting to order at 9:30 A.M.
Minutes of the July 18, 1995 meeting were approved as
2.A. Preliminary Plat of Mountain Park Subdivision (Storer
Ranch), Richard Wille and Jim Wehr/Applicant. It was moved
and seconded (A. Hix/Brown) the Plat be continued to September
19, 1995, and it passed unanimously.
2.B. Amended Plat of Lot 1, Stanley Meadows Addition, Town of
Estes Park/Applicant. It was moved and seconded
(Thomas/Burgess) the Plat be continued to September 19, 1995,
and it passed unanimously.
2.C. Amended Plat of Lots 7, S, 25» and a Portion of Lot 24,
Block 10, Town of Estes Park (Lewiston Condominiums) , Rex
Miller/Applicant. It was moved and seconded (Burgess/Brown)
the Plat be continued to September 19, 1995, and it passed
2.D. Amended Plat of Lot 2, Tanton Subdivision, Dave
Tanton/Applicant. Applicant's Representative Paul Kochevar
noted that this plan was originally submitted to the Planning
Commission in 1994. Due to changes necessitated by staff and
the time expended, it was decided to present this Final Plat
to the Commission for their recommendation to the Town Board.
The Applicant desires to divide two lots into four, with all
lots meeting the minimum lot size requirement. The Applicant
prepared a drawing that meets all Town requirements, and he
(the Applicant) has no objection to staff comments. The
rezoning request will be considered by the Town Board.
Concerning utilities. Lots 2 and 4 are served by UTSD; Lot 1
is served by a septic system and needs to be connected to
public sewer—said connection will be accomplished. The
Applicant intends to provide separate water and sewer service
lines for each of the four lots, and the Applicant is
acquiring easements. Subsequent to a meeting with adjacent
property owner Alan Kob, Mr. Kochevar amended the plat by
adding an easement over the existing waterline. In addition,
water service to Tracts 15 and 16 follows the existing line.
The Applicant will provide an Improvement Guarantee; a utility
drawing will be provided indicating where the existing and new
water and sewer lines are installed; and the cluster box
location was identified.
Planning Commission -August 15, 1995 - Page 2
Sr. Planner Joseph reviewed the staff report, clarifying that
access for Lot 3 is directly off Riverside Dr.
There were no coinments from the audience. Commissioner
questions/comments were; clarification that Riverside Dr. is
an arterial street; concern with the increasing amount of
traffic on Riverside Dr. and the number of accesses being
proposed for an arterial street; confirmation that existing
utilities serving all lots be located in easements shown on
the plat; confirmation that the Applicant is in agreement with
a common driveway serving Lot 3 and the lot to the west; and
confirmation that the site is within the NCWCD. There being
no further discussion, it was moved and seconded (Brown/A.
Hix) the Amended Plat of Lot 2, Tanton Subdivision be
favorably recommended to the Board of Trustees contingent upon
the following, and it passed unanimously;
1. All lots be served with public water and sanitary
2. A shared access and maintenance agreement for Lot 3
be prepared and submitted for Town staff review
prior to Town Board action.
3. Final Plat and rezoning request to be considered
concurrently by the Town Board on September 26,
2.E. Final Plat of Tracts 96A and 96B, Placid Lake
Subdivision, J. R. and Rachael Preston/Applicant. This is a
14-acre site consisting of two existing parcels, each
containing an existing single family dwelling.
The subdivision plat is comprised of the following major
• Eight lots of approximately equal size (0.2 Ac.)
resembling building envelopes.
• Vehicular access via Outlet C to the site from the
existing western drive with the eastern drive
serving as an emergency access.
• All sites have access to the river and lake from
their lot via uninterrupted pedestrian access
across the common area.
• Two open space outlets of 11.36 acres that will be
common area to the lot owners - Placid Lake,
walkways, river access, and a picnic area at the
southwest corner of the property.
The proposed density of 8 single-family lots equates to one
lot per 76,230 sq. ft. of total site area. This ratio meets
the requirements for this site.
Paul Kochevar, Applicant's Representative, noted that the
fencing item has been added to the Homeowners Association
documents. The intent is to use fencing for dog runs; the
existing fence along the north boundary line along the highway
is being replaced with a split-rail fence. The proposal
includes a 30' setback from the river; and that the Applicant
has applied for inclusion in the NCWCD (has been advised
acceptance may take 6 months - 1 yr.) ; the Homeowners
Association documents, as well as utility plans, have been
submitted with the plat. The Applicant has no objection to
Planning Commission - August 15, 1995 - Page 3
staff comments.
Commissioner comments included: there are three fences (west,
north and east), however, the fences are not intended to deny
wildlife access; confirmation that a note will be added to the
plat stating that the second access (northeast) is for
emergency access and which will include an appropriate
barrier; pursuant to the time delay for acceptance into the
NCWCD, a request for an Improvement Guarantee to ensure
protection of the public in purchasing a lot without any water
service (staff could determine the amount of the improvement
guarantee); and confirmation that the hike/bike trail is
located within the highway right-of-way.
Sr. Planner Joseph reviewed the staff report, noting that
there are two open space lots, and confirmation that the
Homeowner's Association documents and utility plans have been
submitted and are being reviewed; the recorded covenants are
to be submitted prior to the issuance of building permits; the
Dedication Statement should be amended as there are no
streets, future streets or rights-of-way dedicated to the
public; and the note concerning one emergency access should be
added to the plat.
Public comments were heard from Linda Tucker (received
confirmation that the lots are approximately 8,700 sq. ft.
each, total acreage is 14.3 acres, zoning is E-Estate, and the
building envelope areas were reviewed).
Staff confirmed that a public path, most likely between Fall
River and the highway is being proposed. Due to steepness,
the path cannot be placed along the river.
There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded
(Thomas/Burgess) the Final Flat of Tract 96A and 96B, Placid
Lake Subdivision be favorably recommended to the Board of
Trustees, contingent upon the items identified under Project
Review dated August 9, 1995 be incorporated, including the
following, and it passed unanimously:
1. Delete the reference to public streets on the plat.
2. The Homeowners Association documents be submitted
with the Final Plat for review regarding the open
space and private street maintenance.
3. Submit proof that the application to the NCWCD has
been filed, and that an Improvement Guarantee be
provided, with staff to determine the dollar amount
of the guarantee.
4. A copy of the recorded covenants be provided to the
Town prior to issuance of a building permit.
5. The eastern access at the highway be labeled
"emergency access" on the plat, with said access to
have an appropriate barrier.
Mr. Kochevar confirmed that two easements have been added to
the plat for the Light and Power and water services lines.
3.A. Fish Creek Addition (formerly submitted as Waterburv
Addition), Joan Waterburv/Applicant. Chairman Sager opened
the public hearing. This proposal is for a subdivision
Planning Commission - August 15, 1995 - Page 4
combined with an annexation request. The site consists of two
existing unimproved parcels under the same ownership zoned as
E-Estate in the County. The applicant is requesting R-S
zoning and subdivision into three lots of just under one acre
each. Additional land is being dedicated as public right-of-
way along Fish Creek Road. Each of the proposed lots is
bisected by the Fish Creek drainage, and 100-year floodplain
and wetlands exist on each lot.
Applicant's Representative Kochevar noted that the area is
bound by E-Estate (Town) on the west, and R-S Residential
(Town) on the north and south. Access to each lot is
available off Fish Creek Road. The Applicant intends only
single-family units, and has no objection to staff comments.
Concerning access, pursuant to discussion with staff, it
appears the best proposal is to combine a driveway for all
three lots (access north of Lot 3) to include a common access
easement for all three lots—this will be shown on the plat.
The public walkway easement could be placed along Fish Creek
Road. In addition, the additional wetlands on the southeast
corner will also be added to the plat. Mr. Kochevar confirmed
that the Applicant has obtained a permit to cross the
wetlands. The property boundary at Fish Creek Road must be
revised, and right-of-way dedicated to Larimer County—all to
be revised on the plat. Warren Campbell, adjacent property
owner, stated he would work with the Applicant on an agreement
for access off Country Club Dr.
Sr. Planner Joseph reviewed the staff report confirming that
the subdivision qualifies as a minor subdivision under Chapter
16.12.070, therefore, it can be considered as a Final Plat.
Staff recommends the Fish Creek Road right-of-way be dedicated
to Larimer County by a separate document, which will ensure
the Town will not maintain a county road. Also, the shared
driveway access off Fish Creek is very desirable.
As there were no comments from the audience. Chairman Sager
declared the public hearing closed.
Due to design details concerning the common access off Fish
Creek not being provided on the plat, it was moved and
seconded (Brown/A. Hix) the Fish Creek Addition be continued
to September 19, 1995, and it passed unanimously.
Staff confirmed that the trail along Fish Creek Road should be
identified as a public access easement. Commissioner Brown
reiterated his concerns with inclusion into the NCWCD relative
to protection of the public. Commissioner Burgess expressed
her desire that the Applicant return with designated building
Director Stamey reported that he administratively approved a
building extension/addition for Black Canyon Inn.
Chairman Sager acknowledged that the next Planning Commission
meeting will remain on the summer schedule, meeting at 9:30 A.M.
The regular meeting schedule (1:30 P.M.) will begin in October.
Paul Kochevar called attention to the J. R. Preston Final Plat
(Placid Lake) whereby the Applicant took a detailed approach,
providing substantial information. This approach is three/four
times more expensive. Mr. Kochevar's comments were relative to the
approaching Comprehensive Plan review/adoption. In addition, Mr.
Planning Commission - August 15, 1995 - Page 5
Kochevar suggested the Comprehensive Plan should address when the
Commission will require river access.
Commissioner Thomas commented on the lack of Fire Dept, comments,
particularly relative to the Placid Lake proposal where emergency
access was pertinent to the proposal. While he understands the
Department is volunteer, it is disturbing that comments are not
received when access for the Fire Department is being
There being no further business,
meeting at 10:35 A.M.
Chairman Sager adjourned the
S/ickie O1 Connor, CMC/AAE, Town Clerk