HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Planning Commission 1995-05-16BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission May 16, 1995 Commission: Attending: Also Attending: Absent: Chairman A1 Sager, Commissioners Mark Brown, Harriet Burgess, John Gilfillan, Alma Hix, Edward Pohl, and David Thomas Chairman Sager, Commissioners Burgess, Gilfillan, A. Hix, Pohl and Thomas Trustee Liaison Dekker, Community Development Director Stamey, Senior Planner Joseph, Clerk 01 Connor Commissioner Brown Chairman Sager called the meeting to order at 1:31 P.M. 1. MINUTES. Minutes of the April 18, 1995 meeting were approved as submitted. 2. SUBDIVISIONS. 2.A. Preliminary Plat, Placid Lake Subdivision, J. R. and Rachel Preston/Applicant. The Applicant is proposing to divide two tracts of land into 8 lots with an open space outlet of 12.7 acres. Eight lots of approximately equal size (0.2 Ac.) are being proposed. The 14-acre site consists of two parcels, each containing an existing single family dwelling. Applicant's Representative Paul Kochevar reported that discussions were held with CDOT concerning access, and a remaining point of discussion is emergency access. Access to the site is from the existing western drive, with the eastern drive serving as an emergency access. The Applicant and CDOT have no objection to providing emergency access; however, CDOT must receive confirmation from the Town noting their approval. The access will have a gate for use by emergency vehicles. The Applicant has no objection to staff recommendations and they will be completed with the Final Plat. Commissioner Thomas questioned why the Fire Dept, had not submitted comments relative to access from the highway. Community Development Director Stamey reviewed the staff report, confirming that the proposal meets the intent of allowing for flexible development and zero lot line development. Staff is in agreement that the Applicant should provide emergency access. There were no comments from the audience, and Chairman Sager commended Roger Thorp, Architect, on the structure design. Finding that the proposal is unique and meets the intent of allowing for flexible development and zero lot line development, it was moved and seconded (A. Hix/Burgess) the Preliminary Plat of Placid Lake Subdivision be approved contingent upon the following, and it passed unanimously: 1. The Homeowner's Association documents by submitted with the Final Plat for review regarding the open space and private street maintenance. 2. Assurance that each lot has access to a public road. 3. Submit proof that the site is in the NCWCD or an application for inclusion has been filed. BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - May 16, 1995 - Page 2 4. The Applicant to provide emergency access. 2.B. Preliminary Plat of Lots 14 and 15# The Crags Subdivision, Sharon Nordic/Applicant. Commissioner A. Hix declared a conflict of interest, stated she would not participate in discussion nor vote, and vacated the room. Paul Kochevar, Applicant's Representative, noted that the Applicant is proposing to replat a 5.9 Acre site into six lots ranging in size from 0.31 to 1.7 Acres for single family development. The previous plan contained 11 dwelling units. A proposed street constructed to Town standards within public right-of-way would be extended from the existing cul-de-sac to the eastern property line. The Applicant has no objection to the staff recommendations and these items will be incorporated into the Final Plat. Director Stamey reviewed the staff report noting that primary access is from a 45' wide public right-of-way; reference to the private street is to be eliminated. A note should be placed on the plat stating that this street will not be maintained by the Town of Estes Park until such time as it connects to a public street to the east. As there were no comments from the audience, it was moved and seconded (Thomas/Pohl) the Preliminary Plat of a Replat of Lots 14, 15, Crags subdivision be approved contingent upon the following, and it passed by the following votes: Those voting "Yes" Commissioners Burgess, Gilfillan, Pohl, Sager, and Thomas. Those voting "No" none. Those "Abstaining" Commissioner A. Hix: 1. 2, 3. 4 6. Add plat information. Provide all required/necessary utility easements. Add Wildfire Mitigation notes to Final Plat. Add water service elevation and pressure system note to Final Plat. Final drainage plan and report to be submitted with Final Plat. Street and Utility Plan and Profiles to be submitted with Final Plat. 7. Identify area of Out lot A and the subdivision which created Outlet A. 8. The typical street and setback cross-section show 12'-wide travel lanes. 9. Provide drainage easement between Lots 3 and 4. 10. Provide location and install postal cluster box units. 11. Add a note to the Final Plat that "the Town of Estes Park will not maintain this street until time as it connects to a public street with the property to the east." 12. Improvement Guarantee to also include "punch list" items from previous filing. Due to scheduling constraints, Mr. Kochevar requested the BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - May 16, 1995 - Page 3 Applicant be authorized to begin excavation to rough-cut the road into Lots 14 and 15, acknowledging the owner will follow the existing trail. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded (Thomas/Gilfillan) the request be approved, contingent upon submittal and approval by staff of construction drawings, and it passed by the following votes: Those voting "Yes" Commissioners Burgess, Gilfillan, Pohl, Sager, and Thomas. Those voting "No" none. Those "Abstaining" Commissioner A. Hix. Commissioner A. Hix resumed her position on the Planning Commission.2.C. Final Plat of Arapaho Estates, Second Filxnq,—Bob Koehler/Applicant . Applicant's Representative Kochevar reported that Mr. Koehler was in attendance, and he noted the proposal is for a subdivision of 22 lots for single family development. Lot 23 is reserved for future development. Three open space outlets are proposed, and the open space totals 10.3 Acres. Staff has recommended that Arapaho Road be extended to the north property line of Lot 23 for a future connection to the north. With the exception of one location, building setbacks have been increased on Lots 15 - 20, thus increasing the open space. Director Stamey reviewed the staff report, noting a street connection to the east provides an opportunity fo future connection to Highway 7. Mr. Kochevar st^ted that a 70' wide easement would be provided along the north P^°P®^ty line for a pedestrian/bike path. Also, the note the private drive in the public right-of-way should be changed to a construction note; an Improvement Guarantee for the Second Filing is required and should be updated to include all unfinished improveLnts in the First refe r comments referred to by Public Works; with Arapaho Road was dedicated to the north property line. That street needs to be vacated by separate ordinance accomplished concurrently with Town Board review of the Final Plat.P Easements within Block 2 and 3 must be vacated by ordinance. Mr Kochevar responded that Arapaho Road has been realigned to th; east S provide access to the north, eventually connecting with Prospect States. The easement along the north property Tou^lotlB & C) line will be 70' wide and it will not impact the wetlands. Mr. Kochevar confirmed that the driveway for Lots 4 and 9 is being provided due to the slope. Public comments were heard from Doug camoaround—if homes will be bordering the campground, prospective buyers should be made aware that the allows campfires (contained in fire rings and approved by the Fire Dept ) Teddy Haines questioned the setback for Lots 1 , lir|nde?^,)des?rinyg a simiiqar setback as indicated for Lots 5 R and also expressed concern with the status or me futol rokdw^y-the three eristing affected prop^erty owners Ire not interLted in this roadway becoming a Publ;LC Staff responded that the setback will be 55 minimum, and that loaic suacrests that for future development, a street should be eSteSded/connectecT for future oiroulatlon and emergency service access. The Town must acquire ® ^ouldonnnrtunitv is provided. Chairman Sager confirmed that shouia ?Sr?oaS be SsSued, an opportunity would first be given to property owners for additional comment. It was moved and seconded (Pohl/Burgess) the final Arapaho Estates, Second Filing be favorably recommended to the BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - May 16, 1995 - Page 4 Board of Trustees, contingent upon the following, and it passed unanimously: 1. Plat Information 21 and street "it is to the • A setback dimension for Lots 2, 8, 10, 22 to be shown from the lot lines. • Label wetlands line. • All right-of-way be labeled with a name. • Add lot number for Lot 20. • Add a note to the plat stating that: the intent to extend Cherokee Drive north to connect with Prospect Estates, and a street east to connect with Highway 7." 2. Public Access Easement • The Statement of Intent states that, "A public access easement will be provided along the north property line...". This easement should be shown, or a note added to the plat stating that a public access easement is granted across Outlots B and C for construction of a pedestrian/bike path. Adequate width should be provided so the path would not be constructed within the wetlands. 3. Easement and Road Vacation • With the First Filing, Arapaho Road was dedicated to the north property line. That street needs to be vacated by separate ordinance and can be done concurrently with Town Board review of the Final Plat. Easements within Blocks 2 and 3 also need to be vacated by ordinance. 4.Access • The western portion of Cherokee Drive is not proposed to be constructed until Lot 23 is developed. • The street section between Lots 11 and i2 shown as an easement. This should be dedicated as right-of-way. This street segment would not need to be built until such time as there is a connection to the east. • The note regarding the private drive to right-of-way to be changed to a construction note. 5. Annexation Agreement Under the terms of the Annexation Agreement, the Applicant has made an offer to Purchas®.right"hat wa? across the property to the north. That landowner has refused the Proposed Applicant has agreed to enter into a security agreement with the Town. 6. Cluster Boxes Provide and install cluster boxes. BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - May 16, 1995 - Page 5 7. Open Space Homeowner1s covenants must be reviewed to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the open space. 8. Improvement Guarantee An Improvement Guarantee for the Second Filing is required prior to Town Board approval. That Improvement Guarantee to be updated to include all unfinished improvement in the First Filing. 9. Public Works All comments referenced in the May 10, 1995 Memorandum submitted by Public Works Director Linnane. 2.D. Final Plat of Sleepy Hollow_Subdivision—Gary^ p.y. connolv/Applicant. The proposed subdivision consists ot single family lots, a 14.7 acre open space outlet, and a 17.7 acre open space outlet. Rick England, RMC/Applicant s representative, reported that the Access Permit from CDOT has been received, and the Access Agreement with adjacent property owners has been signed and is now being held in escrow by TransAmerica Title. All staff recommendations have been completed and a revised plat has been submitted. Director Stamey reviewed the staff report, commenting that the note on the plat concerning any future maintenance on the one- lane bridge did not correspond to staff's recommendation. I iafaSmined that RMC referenced the draft =?Py recommendation, in lieu of the final cofy• S Stated that from the revised drawing, it bJ have been addressed. Mr. England confirmed that the bridge note would be amended to meet staff's approval. Public testimony was heard from Mike his concern with drainage which is a significant problem to topography. Public Works Director Linnane reported he ha Prdyditional design detail for . teainag® afnr°nro^^® Applicant's engineer, the intent is to in P Harris meetdrainage to the south or east, and suggested Mr. Harris meet with RMC for further clarification. It was moved and seconded (Burgess/Thomas) the Final plat heely Hdlow Subdivision be favorably recommended to^ the Board of Trustees, contingent upon the folio g, passed unanimously: 1. 2. Easement agreement be recorded. 4. 5. A COPY of the Homeowner's Association docum®nts provided for review and approval at least two weeks pri to Town Board. The conservation easement for Outlot B be recorded within SirtTdtyl of Final Plat approval and prior to issuance of a building permit. The Outlot B dedication note be modified per Town Attorney White. Larimer County Health Dept, note be removed. BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - May 16, 1995 - Page 6 6, 7. 8 10. 11. 12. Dedication statement be modified per Town Attorney White. Open space Outlet note state "Not a building site". The bridge replacement note be replaced with staff1s version as identified on the staff report dated May 5, 1995. Final infra-structure design incorporate those comments of Public Works. Additional drainage design details be submitted and approved by Public Works. Lots 3 and 8 be increased to 32,000 square feet. The applicant petition for inclusion in the NCWCD. Provide a location and install postal cluster boxes (installation can be secured by Improvement Guarantee). 13. Improvement Guarantee be provided. DEVELOPMENT PLT^S. ,.A. Development ^«:vAmendedm Applicant's” representative Applicant is proposing viuiidinq The' addition is an addition onto an existing bui-ldi g^ company employees two expansion of the existing use. The believes the people, the owner and son, and MJ(;wnKo“®^irements. The number of parking spa e in lieu 0f paving due to Applicant is proposing a 9 -reouired by the company on a the limited access and g problems due to the proposeddaily basis, and erosion poses P The Applicant is landscape timbers and at this time. Chairman SagerSquestioned thrdjspos^tion of^existing^tra^^^^^^ o^^idS thaerefore?theC trailers will be removed. 4-vara reoort, and commented thatDirector Stamey reviewed the with the seven outdoor ?ie parking layout meets st“dn“dsi spaces and two parking spaces Pi°Posed'Pd“® Discussion followed on existing interior ^Lpiative to the number of parking Sllest^how access”?” g^Ld for the proposed two interior parking spaces. AS there were n° comments "be a^P^veS? :SS?e=l ti ^rloUowing, and it passed unanimously: !. Drive and parking areas be 4" gravel in lieu of pavement. +. Vara ir-Tiaated and installed prior to 2‘ issuance1”! a°Certificate of occupancy. All lighting to be shielded to prevent off-site glare. outdoor materials be removed prior to building permit. ^ 4- «-F fill must be maintained over andFive feet of water main,around the perimeter of tne wa^ 3. 4. 5. BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - May 16, 1995 - Page 7 6. The four additional parking spaces notified by the Town of Estes Park. be created if 4. SPECIAL REVIEWS. 4.A. Special Review #86-4. Amendment to Development plan. Catch Wild Trout/Applicant. Commissioner A. Hix declared a conflict of interest, and vacated the room. Ricki Ingersoll, Applicant's representative, stated that the Applicant has attempted to comply with all staff's recommendations. Concerning the sign, the existing sign will be replaced with a new sign—the Applicant is aware of the Sign Code where only one freestanding sign is allowed. Ms. Ingersoll clarified the location of the walkway, portico location and emergency access. Senior Planner Joseph reviewed the staff report and commented that all staff comments were reflected on the revised plan. There were no comments from the audience, and it was moved and seconded (Burgess/Pohl) the Amendment to Development Plan #86- 4 be approved, contingent upon the following, and it passed unanimously by the following votes; Those voting "Yes" Commissioners Burgess, Gilfillan, Pohl, Sager and Thomas. Those voting "No" none. Those "Abstaining" Commissioner A. Hix: 1. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the owner provide proof of inclusion in the NCWCD, or proof that the application for inclusion has been submitted. 2. Provide a deed of dedication for the pedestrian/bike path. Commissioner A. Hix resumed her position on the Planning Commission. 5. REPORTS. The Planning Commission will resume its sTimmer meeting schedule in June, therefore, the meeting time for June through September will be: 8:00 A.M. study session; public meeting 9:30 P.M. Lou Canaiy addressed the Commission commending thed^ efforts toward preservation of open space, noting the cost of land for beautification is borne by the developer. There being no further business. Chairman Sager adjourned the meeting at 2:55 P.M. Vickie O'Connor, CMC/AAE, Town Clerk