Planning Commission
December 20, 1994
Also Attending:
Chairman A1 Sager, Commissioners Mark Brown,
Harriet Burgess, John Gilfillan, Alma Hix, Edward
Pohl and David Thomas
Chairman Sager, Commissioners Brown, Burgess,
Gilfillan, Hix, Pohl, Thomas
Community Development Director Stamey, Deputy
Clerk Kuehl
Chairman Sager called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. Chairman Sager
introduced and welcomed newly-appointed Planning Commissioner John
Minutes of the November 15, 1994 meeting were approved as
:> -a. Amended Plat, Lots 11, 12, 13, Park Entrance Esr^.a;1:es.r
A. T.arkin/Applicant. Applicant• s representative Bill Van Horn
explained that Applicant is proposing to combine three lots int
one lot, totaling 3.03 acres, zoned E-Estate, with
access or utilities. The existing land use is a single family
dwelling. Utilities are presently located in the street. Naomi
Williams, President of Park Entrance Estates, 740 Meadow Circle,
and Jack Ranney, 1235 Sunrise Lane, proposed that approval of this
SauSrbe delayed. Williams explained the subdivision welcomes
property owners wishing to combine lots. Hov^eV®^' th^ process of was recentlv annexed to the Town and is in the process or
establishing a Special Improvement District for paving the
AT thouah the method of assessing costs will be determined during
future^oublic hearings, most homeowners, including the Applicant,
SSned petii?ons agJIeing that the paving costs be shared equally
signed PetvLrt:ector stamey confirmed that subdivision regulations do
be favora^y recommended to the Town Board, contingent upon the
following, and it passed unanimously:
A statement be placed on the plat dedicating to the
centerline of adjacent streets, as public access easements.
Amend dedication statement to read public access easements.
Add vested rights statement on the plat.
Amended Plat, lot 10, Bloct 2^ Part Estates
Portion of S.W.
Parcel. Tea ‘-rr------ . 4.^“ ^wn lotsKochevar explained tb'e rs P-P-fn^tc-mbine tw^lots
Inio one lo?, totaling 1.527 ?cres,_ toned E-EstateIt was moved and secondedsingle family dwelling.land use is SSrAiendei Plat, Lot 10, BlocK 2, P-K Entrance(Brown-Burgess)section 26-5-73, be favorably
taoPthretiX0nwnO£BoSard, ‘c'ontingVnt upon the following, andEstates and
it passed unanimously:
1.Correct title block to include adjacent lot and lot number.
2. Show existing improvements,
Planning Commission, December 20, 1994 - Page 2
3. Place the following notes on the plat:
• Water service is not available above 7,975 feet.
• Approval from the owner of the private line is required to
tap into this line.
3.a. Special Review 94-2, Lots 16. 17, Crags Subdivision, Johnson
and Maria Lin/Aoplicants. Chairman Sager opened the Public
Hearing. Applicant's representative Bill Van Horn reported the
Applicants wish to transfer allowable density from Lot 17 to Lot
16 to allow construction of two, three-story, six-plex apartment
buildings and to allow Lot 17 to remain as open space. Director
Stamey explained that under Special Review, the Planning
Commission may allow construction on lots individually smaller or
an increase in dwelling units: "For land determined to be of
special importance because of value for animal habitat, wildlife
migration corridors, or scenic resource preservation, if reserved
from development through covenants accepted by the town." Lot 17
meets this requirement. Van Horn explained that 26 asphalt
parking spaces will be provided, including 4 handicapped, to be
located near the lower level building entries. The access from
Audubon has been designated and signed as a one-way entrance. A
retaining wall will be constructed to accommodate the grade break
between the parking areas at the southwest corner of Building A.
Erosion control and revegetation of the cut slope around the drive
in the vicinity of the fire hydrant will be provided. A Board of
Adjustment application has been submitted because the required 30
property line setback for this development plan will not be met
along the west property line. Chairman Sager suggested a lower
pitch line for the roof to remain within the 30' height maximum,
thus negating the request for a height variance, and Van Horn
agreed that the buildings could be modified to meet that
Guy Meulener, Alpine Automotive; Scott Boyatt, Boyatt Glass; and
Judith Kob, Estes Valley Self Storage, all expressed concern of
this development and requested performance bonds for
from water runoff. Town staff previously met with all downstream
property owners and Van Horn Engineering to alleviate those
concerns. The following solutions were noted: The historical
flow of water from Lot 17 will continue, the detention pond on Lot
16 will be oversized to protect surrounding property owners, the
development will not reduce absorption rate, every developer
upstream is required to provide detention ponds, and performance
bonds not available for this type project. Commissioner Brown
believes downflow will be controlled but recognizes that fl°^ ^
different from total volume. Van Horn explained that storm water
flow is calculated based upon steepness, absorPt:L°n ,aricf
water flow. Mike Miller, Golden Eagle, requested the density
transfer not be allowed for two reasons: (1) these lots SP^J-^
bv a city street and thus should be considered separate lots, and
(2) both lots should be designated wildlife c;orr^doJ •
Director Stamey explained that Attorney White confirmed the
density transfer is allowable as both lots are °?7ned .^Y
Applicants and are considered contiguous even though split by
Commissioner Thomas questioned the definition of handicapped
adaptable units. Van Horn explained that all approaches, grades,
andbuiding dimensions meet the required
handicapped accessories, such as bars, will not be installed in
the designated handicapped units until a handicapped P®1^30^
the unit. There being no further comments from the public.
Chairman Sager closed the Public Hearing. It was moved and
seconded (Brown-Pohl) Special Review 94-2 be favorably recommended
to the Board of Trustees, contingent upon the following, and it
passed unanimously:
Planning Commission/ December 20, 1994 - Page 3
1. Lot 17 is determined to be of special importance due to the
value for animal habitat, wildlife migration, or scenic
resource preservation.
2. That an open space covenant with appropriate maintenance
provisions for Lot 17 be provided to and approved by the Town
prior to issuance of a building permit. This lot would
remain in private ownership and not be deeded to the Town.
3. Provide a drainage easement for the detention facility on Lot
4. The roof pitch be redesigned to remain within the required
building height of 30 feet or less.
5. Applicants be required to meet with Staff to develop building
and roof color concepts.
6. Show underground electric service.
7. Provide utility easement for 6" water line.
8. Add details of the detention facilities to the development
plan. Identify the method that water will be carried to the
detention ponds. Show all curb and gutter. Construction to
incorporate comments of Public Works Director. Construction
plans to be provided prior to the first building permit and
any site work.
9. Provide a water line construction Plan and Profile prior to
the first building permit.
10. Add the following notes to the development plan:
. Maintenance of all three ponds and drainage facilities
is the responsibility of the property owner.
. The owner will repair drainage facilities within seven
days of notification by the Town. .4.
• Prior to asphalt paving, the Town will inspect the site
11 Existing trees north of the western building be protected
with fencing during construction, other trees to be rstained
Should also be fenced. Proposed trees should be 2 1/2
caliper minimum with a 6-foot height.
12. Show existing and proposed electrical facilities and provide
13. Conform with UTSD's service requirement.
14. An Improvement Guarantee will be required
improvements not completed at time of Certificate
It was moved and seconded (Brown-Hix) the Board of Adjustment
approval of the requested 10-foot setback variance to
allow the increased density on Lot 16, leaving Lot 17 as open
space, and it passed, 6 in favor. Chairman Sager abstained.
npyelOPmen4- Plan 94-7. Lots 2. Block 5, Fall River Estates
Tiois & Darold Rohrbauah/Applicant. Applicant's ,
Bill Van Horn explained the development will be commercial
accommodations consisting of office/living quarters and six sing 1
story duplex units with associated parking and site improvements.
Planning Commission/ December 20, 1994 - Page 4
The Board of Adjustment granted two parking variances, one street
setback and one river setback, on December 6, 1994. Van Horn
noted the parking configuration has been revised to allow two
entryways and provide a buffer from the street. Director Stamey
noted one driveway is preferable; however, the buffer and the
elimination of a frontage road is an acceptable compromise.
Chairman Sager requested an angle change in three of the parking
spaces of the newly-proposed parking layout. The underground
electric extension is shown on the Plan. Van Horn requested that
building permits be issued for the manager's quarters and Units 1-
3 pending approval of the amended flood plain, which^ has been
submitted to FEMA. It was moved and seconded (Hix-Thomas)
Development Plan 94-7 be approved, with the following conditions,
and it passed unanimously::
1. Provide documentation confirming existence of the 15-foot
wide access and utility easement.
Extend water main to the west, and relocate fire hydrant to
that point. Water line construction plans to be approved
prior to first building permit.
3 .
12. The plan include a bridge to Units 6A and 6B.
4 B Davelopment Plan. 94-10. Lot 1, Estes Park Orthodontic
PAPter subdivision, Allnutt Funeral Home/Applicant. APP^^c5n^ ^
representative Patrick Nook explained the project is a new 2,500
Square fooi single story funeral service arrangement and
visitation building, including a business office, selection and
Ir?anSmSnt ro0.nS, and garage. The Applicant received a densxty
variance from the Board of Adjustment on Deceinber /' • n
allowing the combined residential and 2,500 square foot commerci
Sse tL existing cabin may be used as employee housing. Nook
notid tLt services may be held on the Prel?ises'
would not exceed 15 people at any one service. Because of this
restriction. Nook feels the proposed parking area is adequate.
Commissioners expressed concern with the ab;LlltY f^®Jtions attendance at services. Commissioner Thomas requested definitions
for "reception/ gathering" and "selection/viewing" and was advised
the first is a living room atmosphere and the latter is used for
casket selection but could also include visitation and services.
Building permits be issued for manager's quarters and Units
1-3 only pending approval from FEMA for the floodplain
Comply with UTSD construction standards.
Modify landscape legend to Ponderosa Pine - 6 foot.
Show trash enclosure.
All construction to comply with the Town's floodplain
The wetlands south of units 6A 5 6B be fenced and protected
during construction. No fill or excavation is to occur in
this area.
The Development Plan (Phases I and II) is approved for the
vesting period.
An improvement Guarantee will be . rec5ui^edr,
improvements not completed at time of Certificate of
Granting of an easement for the proposed hike-bike trail.
Planning Commission, December 20, 1994 - Page 5
Commissioner Brown noted the selection/viewing room is divided by
a moveable partition, leaving the extreme possibility of a service
area larger than previously reported, suggesting a possible
parking problem. Brown provided the solution of a 4' wide door
and a stationary wall rather than the moveable partition wall.
Commissioner Brown also expressed concern regarding accommodation
of the proposed designed use, a place of assembly, on the lot
size. Owner Rick Allnutt stated that services are not promoted,
but do occur, and the possibility exists that two visitations
could be conducted simultaneously. In those instances, Allnutt
suggested valet parking, using the Community Church parking lot.
Director Stamey verified that one parking space is required for
every three persons, capacity based on the Uniform Building Code.
Public comment was heard from Ed McKinney who requested the
Commission accept the proposal as presented. It was moved and
seconded (Hix-Burgess) Development Plan 94-10 be approved
incorporating staff recommendations, with the following
conditions, and it passed, 6 in favor. Commissioner Brown opposed:
1. Development Plan Information - Show:
• Property line information.
• All exterior lighting and shielded light note.
• Existing underground electric facilities.
• Dimensions of building and walks.
• Drainage note and details of detention pond.
• Existing utilities to existing cabin.
• Relocate development sign from utility easement.
• Change the proposed Aspen trees to 2 1/2" caliper
Narrowleaf Cottonwood. f „
• Change the Bluechip Juniper to Tammy Juniper, Yellow
Flowering Current.
• Add parking plantings on west and south.
• Irrigate landscaping.
3. Parking.
• Provide curb for overhangs. _
. On east side of parking lot, a sidewalk and planting
area be incorporated between the parking curb and
. Due to limited parking, a note be placed on the
development plan stating that no more than 33 persons
are allowed for any services conducted on the property.
4. An Improvement Guarantee be provided for all site
improvements that are not completed at time of Certificate of
A six-minute recess was called by Chairman Sager.
Applicant. Applicant's representative Paul ^ocheYar .repo.rte^^^^^
Concept Plan was approved by the Planning Commission in g
1993 The Applicant proposes to remove 7 existing cabins, add
two-storv four-plex Lcommodation units, retain existing
restaurant, office, laundry, conference rooms, and 13 existing
aSSo^Sdatlcn units in 5 separate "9s, relocate exrstrng
driveways, parking, and underground utilities 15lvf^y;L!?^
significant cut and fill with new retaining walls' a^cfd4iona?
parking spaces, including 5 handicapped spaces. No additional
outdoor lighting is intended. The screened dumpster locations
have been shown Ind the vested rights statement will ba
Verbal approvals from all adjacent neighbors, one in writing, have
been obtained regarding a new access easement. Forty one parki g
spaces exist, with 71 spaces proposed (5 handicapped spaces).
Mount View Park and a
« fT " Addition. Black Canyon Inn^—Jim Sloan/
4.C. Development Plan, 9 4-11,—Lot—Ij
Planning Commission, December 20, 1994 - Page 6
including 21 spaces of shared parking between accommodations and
restaurant to meet a total parking demand of 92 spaces. The main
drive and restaurant parking will be asphalted, and all other
drives and parking will be gravel. Light and Power has requested
an underground loop feed from MacGregor Avenue. Re-vegetation of
exposed cut and fill slopes is necessary. Street and district
boundary plantings will be met or waived through retention of
existing vegetation and topography. Major proposed plantings
should be shown on the plan. It was moved and seconded (Burgess-
Brown) Development Plan 94-11 be approved, with the following
conditions, and it passed unanimously:
1. Relocate lower level handicapped parking space for building
south of restaurant to upper level. This lower level parking
area to be paved due to grade. Both upper and lower level
parking areas should be paved.
2. Provide a new access easement for adjacent properties.
3. Provide a walkway linking the restaurant with the new
building to the south.
4. Provide utility easements for all utilities.
5. The water line be replaced with an 8" main and adequate
hydrant. (The Water Department would have the option to
upsize to 12"). A water line plan and profile is required
prior to the first building permit.
6. Sewer and water service lines (with sizes) must be shown on
the utility plan. Also, the southwestern 8 units appear to
be located over an existing sewer line. The status of this
line is to be clarified.
7. A water fixture audit be submitted prior to construction.
8. Improvement Guarantee is required for utility changes and
site improvements not completed at time of occupancy.
5.a. Rocky Mountain Gateway - To rebuild and expand National Park
Visitors Center, Highway 34, Fall River Entrance, Rocky Mountain
National Park Acting Superintendent Sheridan Steele presented the
revised Rocky Mountain Gateway Master Plan. It was moved and
seconded (Pohl-Brown) that it be noted the revised plan
incorporates comments and suggestions made by this Commission and
that Larimer County Planning Commission be issued a statement from
this Commission stating enthusiastic support for this project, and
it passed unanimously.
Chairman Sager requested copies of the Colorado Municipalities
bulletin regarding "Housing in Aspen" and the latest APA Bulletin
be distributed to the Commissioners and the Town Board.
There being no further business. Chairman Sager adjourned the meeting
at 4:36 p.m.
Tina Kuehl, Deputy Town Clerk