HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Planning Commission 1994-08-16BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission August 16, 1994 Commissioners: Attending: Also Attending: Absent: **REVISED Item 2.D. Brookside Sub. - added "finding" to motion. Chairman Al Sager, Commissioners Mark Brown, Harriet Burgess, Gary Cooper, Alma Hix, Edward Pohl and David Thomas Chairman Sager, Commissioners Burgess, Cooper, A. Hix, and Pohl Community Development Director Stamey, Deputy Clerk Kuehl Commissioners Brown and Thomas Chairman Sager called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. 1. MINUTES. Minutes of the July 19, 1994 were approved as submitted. SUBDIVISIONS. 2.A- Preliminarv Plat, Sleepy Hollow Subdivision, Fall Riv_^ . flarv D. connellv/Applicant. (Continued from July 19^, 1994.) Due to unresolved easement issues, Kerry Prochaska, Applicant's representative, requested action on this plat be continued to the next meeting. The site is se^ed by an existing travelled way from Highway 34, through tl^ Trail West and Blackhawk properties. Mr. Wallace' recruested a 100% guarantee that the Town would not change this easement, which is his parking area, to a right-of-way. Public Works Director Linnane explained that, in general, rn Town would only pursue a right-of-way at the property owners. Jim Tawney, Ponderosa Lodger stated that he owns the northern half of the roadway anfldiaha ^as not been contacted by Mr. Connelly. It was moved and sec°nd®d Burgess) the Preliminary Plat of Sleepy Hollow Subdivision be continued to September 20, 1994, and that approval of motion does not indicate approval of the future submittal of the preliminary plat, and it passed unanimously. 9.n. Pinal Plat. Manford Addition,—Lot 31^——porner o£ Graves & rnmnnnitv Drive. Estes Park Orthodontic Center, Rick Allnutt/Applicant. Applicant's representative Paul Kochevar stated this location is zoned commercial-outlying. Applicant proposes to divide the existing lot into two ^J utilities are available to these proposed lots. Community Development Director Stamey stated his concern that Lot 1 may not bePlarge enough to accommodate the proposed development. The working site plan submitted to Staff indicates conflict with driveway separation, density, and number of parking spaces. It was moved and seconded (Hix-Pohl) the Final , Manford Addition, Lot 31, be favorably recomended to the Board of Trustees, contingent upon the following conditions, and that approval of this lot split in no way implies approval of the working site plan, and it passed unanimously: 1. A note to be placed on the plat limiting access to Graves Avenue. 2. A drainage easement be provided. 3. The dedication statement be changed per Town Attorney. BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - August 16, 1994 -• Page 2 4. Petition to be included in Upper Thompson Sanitation District. 2.C. Bonnie Brae Addition, community Drive and Brodie Avenue, Replat of Lot 31. Crystal Creek Development/Applicant^ Applicant's representative Paul Kochevar stated the Applicant wishes to divide Lot 31, which is presently zoned R-M Multiple Family, into 8 separate single-family lots, 18,006 to 18,181 square feet each. Access to the lots is from two private access easements. A utility and drainage easement is reserved that includes all areas outside the building envelopes on all lots, unless otherwise noted. It was moved and seconded (Cooper—Burgess) the Replat of Lot 31, Bonnie Brae Addition be favorably recommended to the Board of Trustees, contingent upon the following conditions, and it passed unanimously: 1. Remove the term "typical" from the final plat. 2. 3. 4 . 5. Add to the plat a maintenance agreement note for the private drives. Separate utility service lines for each lot. Petition to be included in the Upper Thompson Sanitation District. Drainage outflow directed around the building envelope south of Lot 1 and placed in a swale, with the detail shown on the street plan, and a drainage maintenance agreement note added to the plat. 6. The dedication statement be modified. Mr. Kochevar stated Applicant will comply with these items. 2 D. Final Plat. Lot 26. Twin View Addition (Brookside Sub:i division)- Fish Creek Road & Brook Drive, Estes Homes, Inc^ Applicant. Paul Kochevar, Applicant's representative, stated the 5.1 acre lot is presently vacant and zoned R S Residential. Lots 1-8 were proposed for single-family dwellings; Lot 9 was proposed for a duplex. After discussion, it was concluded the proposed density complies with the of this property. Cluster boxes will be located in the of the cul-de-sac. Wetlands are identified and acceptable monumentation placed. Director Stamey read a letter of opposition from Tom Blaue, which included the following concerns: environmental impact, need, and traffic impact. It was moved and seconded (Burgess-A. Hix) the Final Plat for Twin View Addition, Lot 26 be favorably recommended to the Board of Trustees, with the finding that the open space outlet is determined to be of special importance because of value for animal habitats, wildlife migration corridors, scenic resource preservation, conditions being met prior to the Board meeting, and it passed unanimously: 1. A note be placed on the final plat stating that the wetlands be maintained in their natural condition with no excavation, fill, or disturbance permitted. 2. Homeowners' covenants be provided that addresses the preservation and maintenance of the open space. 3. Dimensions be added to the building envelopes on the final plat and the "typical" note deleted. BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - August 16, 1994 - Page 3 4. An agreement with the Applicant and Gerald Palmer regarding water line reimbursement be signed. 5, A 6-inch water main be extended to the west property line. The cul-de-sac water main be 8 inches in diameter. The existing 2-inch water main is located farther west than shown. 5, Provide water main construction plans. 5. Drainage easements dedicated through Lots 9 and 7. The hike/bike path easement be extended to Brook Drive. Final road design be based on .sJu?y* Vegetation next to the roadway be re-established. An improvement guarantee and letter of credit is required prior to Town Board approval. The developer provide a street light at the intersection of Look Drive s Brook Court. The property be Included within the Upper Thompson Sanitation District. The "Restricted “s^6 o'^aScS? words "with an existing industrial use on j lot". It was moved and Lot 2, Tanton 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. . V■ nenlat of Tiot 2, Tanton subaivlsi^.^ --------- Ssra;v?Loi:Pbe1;onSnuli to^Le^September fO, 1«4 meetrn,, and it passed unanimously. 2_iJL__Amended_Platt_555ffi;-^t^^^^^^— Block 2 f 101 Bill nowers/Applicant. C_D commercial Downtown, and the 1%Tfa0n?o combinTthe three lots into two. Applicant IS proposing t Estes park Sanitation District, Because of concerns vo:Lce.<^?^cate for the service line for Applicant will do a sP®clf under the buildings on Lots 15, Lot 27, which ^PPea^f. Ji0-n1 easement describing its location. 16, and 17, and provide , expressed concern regarding Ernie Petrocine, Western Bran • ^ and water easements, the status of the access, sewe_, possible solutions Encroachments of the f^aiintian Sager reported on safety were discussed at lel?gth* n^hief Racine regarding the concerns expressed right-of-way. Chairman Sager building encroachment ir^o 9 ^ property until the is opposed to any chang_ T-^c-oived. It was moved and encroachment i.ssue, Plat, Town of Estes Park, seconded (A. Hlx”^oh^i y. 2 xoi e. Elkhorn Avenue, combining rheVhree^XotTihto' Ebe“dg !, A note on the plat that ^==^S=|a°hmentS Tf^tht Ei?LingesSor4eaSlsnide of the property into Brg Horn Drive. access easement be provided in the 2- opS^refbJLeen the two buildings. BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - August 16, 1994 - Page 4 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. A maintenance agreement note be added to the plat that a sanitary sewer/storm sewer cleanout exists in this area. A drainage maintenance agreement note be added to the plat that a drainage problem exists along Big Horn Drive due to the building and landscape encroachments. Each building be separately metered by 3/4" water meters. Access easement be provided across Lots 15Aiasement oe proviaea across lious j.oa and 16A, 20 feet wide, which incorporates the existing travelled way. Applicant to install a curb and 3-foot walkway along Big Horn and be responsible for maintenance. An easement be provided for the sewer line from Lot 27, or said line be relocated. The Planning Commission also requested that Town Attorney White comment on the Town's ability to require removal of the building encroachment. 2.G. Final Plat. Lot 6, Little Prospect Mountain Addition, 137 Stanley Circle Drive. Geraldine Kappely/Applicant. The Applicant proposes dividing an existing lot, zoned R-S one and two family, into two lots of 1.44 and 1.29 acres. Existing land use is one single family dwelling on Lot 6A; Lot 6B is vacant. With one exception, development that has occurred in the Little Prospect Mountain area has been single family. In order to maintain compatibility, a note should be placed on the plat which limits use of each lot to one single family dwelling. Mr. Van Horn stated that the existing driveway curb cut would be used and such to be added to the plat, and that both lots would be connected to Estes Park Sanitation District service. It was moved and seconded (Burgess-Cooper) the Kappely Subdivision of Lot 6, Little Prospect Mountain Addition be favorably recommended to the Board of Trustees, contingent upon the following conditions being met prior to Town Board approval, and it passed unanimously: 1. Single family use note be added to the plat. 2. If driveway access is shared, a maintenance agreement note be added to the plat. 3. Overhead utility lines relocated at owner expense. 4. Submit additional drawings showing the intent to connect both properties to Estes Park Sanitation District. CONCERNS Commissioner Burgess expressed concern regarding the unresolved U- Haul situation at 551 S. St. Vrain Avenue; no action was taken. There being no further business. Chairman Sager adjourned the meeting at 11:12 a.m. Tina Kuehl, Deputy Town Clerk