Planning commission
May 17, 1994
Also Attending:
Chairman A1 Sager, Commissioners Mark
Brown, Harriet Burgess, Gary Cooper, Alma
Hix, Edward Pohl and David Thomas
Chairman Sager, Commissioners Burgess,
Cooper, A. Hix, Pohl and Thomas
Trustee/Liaison Dekker, Community
Development Director Stamey, Clerk
Commissioner Brown
Chairman Sager called the meeting to order at 1:30 P.M.
Minutes were approved as submitted.
2.A. Development Plan #94-5. Lot 1, Lone Pine Acres Addition.
Steve & Susan Swickard/Applicant. Applicant's representative
Paul Kochevar reported that the proposal is for a 5,683 sq.
ft. retail sales building with associated parking. The
building will have 1,600 sq. ft. of basement storage, 4,200
sq. ft. of retail on three levels, 533 sq. ft. of garage, and
950 sq. ft. of enclosed parking.
Twenty-four paved parking spaces are being provided, and a
portion of the parking is located on an adjoining lot, with
parking and access easement. A copy of the easement executed
by Steve and Shirley Swickard (owners of the adjacent lot to
the north) was provided to Director Stamey; staff confirmed
that the easement must be submitted to the Town Attorney for
his review and comment.
Routing for handicapped accessibility is along the south side
of the building. Concerning the detention pond, a note has
been added to the plat stating that maintenance or repair must
be completed as soon as possible and no later than 30 days
notification of the Town.
The lot area for Lot 1 complies with the Code, and Mr.
Kochevar was unable to confirm what might occur (or be
developed) on Lot 2.
Director Stamey reviewed the staff report which addressed
parking, potential future development on Lot 2 must "stand on
its own", drainage, landscaping, the proposed handicapped ramp
requires a setback variance which must be granted by the Board
of Adjustment, and determination of the size of the proposed
water service line to be made prior to issuance of a building
Comments from the audience were heard from Ron Harvey who
requested and received a clarification on the parking easement
relative to square footage calculation requirements.
Chairman Sager noted the Code requirement that handicapped
parking be located as close as possible to a building; and
staff confirmed that the Code does not require use of adjacent
property to be under one ownership.
Planning Commission - May 17, 1994 - Page 2
Stating that there are a number of items missing in the
proposal, and that the easement is critical for further
consideration, it was moved and seconded (A. Hix/Pohl)
Development Plan #94-5 be continued to June 21, 1994, and it
passed unanimously. Staff was directed to submit the easement
to Town Attorney White for his review and comment prior to the
June 21st meeting.
3.A. Amended Plat, Lots 8 and 9, Block A, Arapaho Meadows
Subdivision. Mary Ann Kundtz Trust/Applicant. Bill Van Horn,
Applicant's representative, stated that the Applicant is
proposing to adjust the internal lot line between two existing
lots. No additional building sites are being created, and
this adjustment provides for improved building sites of
slightly less than 1 acre/each.
Community Development Director Stamey reviewed the staff
report noting that Arapaho Meadows was originally approved as
a P.U.D., with a 30 ft. setback from the west lot line, 25 ft.
setback from the street property line, and 10 ft. setback from
the side lot line. Mr. Van Horn confirmed that these setbacks
will be shown on the plat.
Mr. Van Horn stated that the owners will be building on Lot 9
and selling Lot 8. The Applicant is aware of the setbacks as
As there were no comments from the audience, it was moved and
seconded (Thomas/Burgess) the Amended Plat of Lots 8 and 9,
Arapaho Meadows Subdivision be favorably recommended to the
Board of Trustees, noting the above-mentioned confirmation
from Mr. Van Horn concerning setback delineation on the plat,
and it passed unanimously.
3.B. Final Plat. Lot 3. Stanley Historic District - Stanley
Views Subdivision. FHK Company Partnership/Applicant.
Applicant's representative Bill Van Horn stated that
development of this site is subject to the Stanley Historic
District Master Plan and Development Agreement. The proposal
has evolved from multi-family with an allowable 50 multi
family units to a single-family development with 20 single
family lots; the owners have agreed to a significantly less
dense development than allowed by the Development Agreement.
Although the Applicant will attempt to minimize the impact, an
equestrian trail easement has been provided for the historical
trail rides through the area. The sites have been arranged so
as to require minimum earth movement.
Administrator Klaphake reported on a meeting with the Stanley
Hills Homeowners Association who reside to the east and north
of this proposal. The following issues were discussed: (1)
zoning impact with the site currently zoned RM - staff is
recommending a note be added to the plat limiting each lot to
a single-family residence; (2) open space - the Applicant has
agreed to set pins to delineate the setback/open space areas;
(3) existing access to Stanley Hills - the Town has agreed to
provide a physical barrier on this access; (4) the previously
graded scarred area overlapping into Stanley Hills - the
Applicant has agreed to furnish top soil to reclaim this site;
and (5) access for fire safety - due to the configuration of
the cul-de-sac serving the development, the roadway meets with
the approval of the Fire Chief. Other than one objection, the
Homeowners Association will support the proposal.
Planning Commission - May 17, 1994 - Page 3
Administrator Klaphake added that in order to expedite this
proposal, a compromise was reached by both the Owner and the
Town in two areas: Open space - the Master Plan states
that 30% open space is required, exclusive of lotted area.
Through negotiations, an alternative has been proposed which
allows for the open space to be included within the lots;
however, it must be protected by an open space easement which
prohibits disturbance, buildings, fences, patios, etc. This
reserved area is 30.1% of the site. The open space is
primarily on the perimeter of the subdivision. A 40 ft. wide
strip of open space abuts the Stanley Hills open space.
Cul-de-sac - the Code provides that no more than 12 residences
may be served by a cul-de-sac. Due to configuration and
negotiation, it is reasonable to allow the cul-de-sac to serve
20 residences.
The Technical Review Committee will still review all
development and there will be no overlot grading, fencing
(except for patio areas), and a maximum of 2-car garages
(attached). The landscape plan must also be approved. The
proposal includes a gated access on the private cul-de-sac
(street), and it will be built to Town standards.
The Planning Commission's role in this proposal, pursuant to
the Development Agreement, is to consider platting or
replatting of the parcels, such as this proposal.
Administrator Klaphake restated conditions to be considered
for approval: (1) Fire Chief approval of the access, (2)
setting of the property pins delineating the setback and open
space areas, (3) approval is not a precedent-setting in terms
of the Master Plan and modifications thereof.
Commissioner comments/questions included:
Gated access. Staff confirmed that the cul-de-sac is a
private street that must be constructed to Town standards
- the Fire Chief will need to approve the design of the
gated access. Rationale for the gated access was
provided by Mr. Van Horn who stated that this type of
security is common place throughout urban areas and it
should serve as a desirable marketing tool. The gate
will feature a "call button" for use by the residents for
their guests; however, the access does not include a gate
house and guards.
Pedestrian/Horse Trail. As it was determined that the
cul-de-sac did not require a pedestrian system, the Town
did not require such. The Technical Review Committee
will consult with both the Applicant and Stable Owners
and the relocation of the trail will be mutually
acceptable. The trail will exist whether or not the
stable continues to operate. Mr. Van Horn explained that
the Applicant does not desire to limit the trail to
horses, that the area will be of sufficient size to
accommodate both pedestrians and horses, and that the
Applicant has recognized the possibility of conflicts
with the gated entry and horses. The Applicant is
hopeful that in the foreseeable future, the trail will
emerge into strictly pedestrian use by the residents.
Comments from the audience were heard from Karen Zipser,
President/Stanley Hills Association. Ms. Zipser stated that
she represented most, but not all, of the residents bordering
Parcel 3. Residents are relieved that only 20 single-family
homes are being proposed; she was aware of the compromise
Planning Commission - Hay 17, 1994 - Page 4
issues, however, this plan is much better; and she expressed
her appreciation to staff for making this proposal possible
for them.
Stating that the plat, as presented today, exceeds the spirit
of the letter of the Stanley Historic District Master Plan,
and that she is satisfied with the requirements of the Master
Plan will control the construction of the dwellings and future
development, it was moved and seconded (A. Hix/Burgess) the
Final Plat of Stanley Views Subdivision be favorably
recommended to the Board of Trustees, contingent upon the
following conditions, and it passed unanimously.
1. The Fire Chief provide acceptance of the private
access, stating such is adequate for fire
Property pins be set by the Applicant for the open
space perimeter.
Approval of this proposal is non-precedent setting,
only applies to this site.
4.A. Controlled access points are not compatible with
streets. Findley Court should be designated
as a private street, and if, in fact, Findley Court
IS to be a private street, the following dedication
statement should be used; "Do hereby subdivide the
same into lots and blocks, open space easement
areas, right of way, private streets, utility and
other easements as shown on this plat, and do
hereby designate and dedicate all such utility
easements^ to and for the public use for the
instaHation and maintenance of utility, irrigation and drainage facilities." y
B. Prior to acceptance of the final plat, a private
homeowners association must be in place to maintain the open space easements.
C. A note be added to the plat indicating the legal
status of the horse trail. y
5. The compromises, a identified above, are a
reasonable modification of the Stanley Historic District Master Plan.
A note be added to the plat limiting each lot to a
single-family residence.
rSUiaftereth1e°5,»^?^ Director Stamey requested the Coimission
remain after the meeting to discuss the summer meeting schedule.
meSfngbatn92:?9 pf.UMr.ther bUsiness' Chaiman Sager adjourned the
Vickie O'Connor, CMC, Town Clerk
NOTE; The Planning Commission meeting schedule for June Julv
August and September, will be as follows; ' Y/
Study Session; 8;00 A.M., Room 203
Meeting; 9;30 A.M., Board Room (Room 103).