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MINUTES Planning Commission 1994-04-19
BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning commission April 19, 1994 Commission: Attending: Also Attending: Absent: Chairman A1 Sager, Commissioners Mark Brown, Harriet Burgess, Gary Cooper, Alma Hix, Edward Pohl and David Thomas Chairman Sager, Commissioners Brown, Burgess, Cooper, Pohl and Thomas Trustee/Liaison Dekker, Senior Planner Joseph, Town Attorney White, Clerk O'Connor Commissioner A. Hix Chairman Sager called the meeting to order at 1:30 P.M. and welcomed newly-appointed Commissioners Cooper and Thomas and Trustee/Liaison Dekker, and acknowledged the reappointment of Commissioners Brown and A. Hix. 1. 2. MINUTES. The minutes were approved as submitted. UNFINISHED BUSINESS; feAJlPwlim^I!arY Plat,_LOtS 14 and 1S- CraqS fi^bdivi3ion. r,ayygpydick/Applicant. This proposed replat of a 5.9 acre site MarchS1l5l0ti9f?r fln^le+rfain-ilY devel°Pinent was continued from 15' J19®4 to. determine whether the Applicant would onsider designating building envelopes. Applicant'sroSahf^ i ve^PaUl.KOCheVar' stated that the lot line^wLe Iht^Sulldino ?-TUnity D®vel°Pment Director Stamey n°thellowMthe^<To\^a^ccess ^to its^watera^an)f *thi^sCstatW°U^^ wes rescinded. Discussion followed on the access to theSeast °^r™n«%OSsitetsheandRtehee (utilitle9s ™ .-lf led .ln the staff teconunendation p?fia1?rtdrSlven“n1r1hn9neSS t0 “ puwTc acceDSUse vll Se sftian?r?hatthattheUnt11 -phPPtirmePOarstl?tn has “ee/deternined iaVE- “• ofP^iCant;S BilinvanaHorntnstatedPthat ?f4- ^d3acent property owners had been provided in a letter dated March 16, 1994, CDOT advised thatP the .'existing BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - April 19, 1994 - Page 2 condition includes a gate and asphalt pavement to the right- of-way and appears to be adequate with no improvements required" (based upon an on-site inspection), and a lot analysis. The adjoining 29 tracts of the neighborhood were examined. The tract size ranges from as small as 15,750 sq. ft. up to 208,906 sq. ft. Sixteen tracts are larger, and 13 tracts are smaller than the proposed 41,000 sq. ft. for the resultant tracts of Tract 15. Therefore, by separating Tract 15, the new tract size will not be out of the ordinary. With regard to the Coi^ission's request that the feasibility of realigning the driveway be reviewed, no further action by the Applicant is required as COOT did not request relocation of the existing access. Senior Planner Joseph reviewed the staff report, and there were no comments from the audience. Finding that there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the property; that the exception is necessary for the preservation and the enjoyment of a substantial property right of the petitioner; that the granting of the exception will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the neighborhood in which the property of I^itJ^ner is situated or in conflict with the purposes ob3e^tlve® of title, it was moved and seconded the Final Plat of Tract 15, Pall River be. _fa^orably recommended to the Board of Trustees with the following conditions, and it passed unanimously: 1. That the newly created Lot 15B share access via the existing driveway and that there shall be no other orHighSayaSd t0 LOt 15B' either frOIn Valley ROad 2. Add the following to the Plat: a‘ ac”eas1sn.tenanCe agreeInent not® for the common b. Water main and service line. Provide private sewer service line to Tract 15B. Secure approval from utility companies reaardinrr int0 and vacancies oftte portfofof Tract i5A Y easement alon<3 the west bSindary of lling to the access for Tracts 15A and 15B. Y 3* SUBDIVISTOWfl subdivision of a portion of lanrt 1 Proposing aDistrict in conformance Ath the Master Me? Hjstordo rmpiemenration^of open^space object^s a^S\“tu/ela"eve" restrictionsVfor fofsl, sTal S^an^JrHoS'raf h™r;i?gaWhpertehsecrrP°" development1 of 0t1hTinfeiwed rt0B|t if fv~UTy address direct access through Lotd4^+-;L-?>,-n0t4.'necessarY to Joseph reviewed the staff this time. Planner been addressed with the exception ofS;fh9 tha^ items had sewer line and easement whichPmust be addedTo'the^Ja? 3ry 3. 4. BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - April 19, 1994 - Page 3 Comments from the audience were heard from Rowland Retrum, who, in summary, stated that the Final Plat must be reviewed through the Subdivision Review Process which requires that the location of streets, easements, areas of public use, etc. must be identified,^ Town Attorney White responded that whenever there is a division of any parcel, such must be submitted to the Planning Commission for their review. This submittal conforms to the Development Agreements. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded (Brown/Burgess) the Final Plat of Lots 3-9, Stanley Historic District be favorably recommended to the Board of Trustees with the condition that the sanitary sewer easement across Lot 8 be provided and identified on the plat, and it passed unanimously. 5•B•,—^-nal.—-----Arapaho Meadows, Phase li. Bob Koehler/Applicant. Paul Kochevar advised that the Commission reviewed the Preliminary Plat in February, 1994. The Applicant is proposing a 19 lot single-family subdivision with one open space outlet. The site is zoned E-Estate and the proposed number of lots is in conformance with the E-Estate coSitionstoV +-hThea Fin?1 Plat also meets the terms and 0J.the Arapaho Meadows Annexation Agreement and fo^Lot|riiaCi?0niSaJId building envelope non-disturbance areas ha5oL^o«1//.i2/ 13 jiavf heon established. All staff comments Perait withd^h«Sed W;;’th..tiie exception of the CDOT Access 4-W ?he required detail that must be provided the Applicant will apply for said Permit at a latS date benfinaiiIedhor•eS19? and aligninent of Arapaho Road which must Kochevar1Zstated°rth^t anti’hefUrpU=aa1„et 0fwiB1110Cka!s2o "an ?opT„rL^?rr“1tee\rrB1rKstrr“on3o£ access^easement6 tQr Lots ^het40° that this will be accomplished9^^ covenant Thf^ ”P°rt?a document will be submi+-+-ori c°venant. This separate review tted to the Town Attorney for his with th4 follow conSiSoSiy f;r"?enae'J to the T°OT* Bdord OXlowing conditions, and it passed unanimously: IthThi°s%?miS Plf'/--"e dediMtedhto "tr'lc™3 - bS pPlanceSdaon dteiliCa^i?n <0r reservation) note must reviewPaCe he°:^rnii^edaforSstaff LnaiStrare inreer^Ht ,f,°r th\4°' access easement submitted for staff review. "US PrePared and £siL%dtsVi£\lS"~ 1. 2. BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - April 19, 1994 - Page 4 3.C. Amended Plat,^ Lot 41, Fall River Addition. Frank & Alma Hjx/Applicant. Bill Van Horn s'ta'ted that the Applicant is proposing to subdivide an existing lot zoned E-Estate into two E-Estate lots, each 41,809 square feet in size. Applicant is requesting an exception to the minimum lot size under Section 16.24.010. The lots will be accessed from a private drive, a portion of which is existing. As proposed, the private drive will provide access to five lots with a grade of 10% - 15% approaching the site. These lots are somewhat secluded and are removed from the views from nearby homes. Potential building envelopes are separated by an existing water line easement which runs through a natural draw. Average slopes are 23%. The proposed building type is well suited to a sloping site, and the proposed lots will be somewhat larger than several adjacent lots. Considering the average slope, the minimum lot area requirement is approximately 71.000 square feet. 1 ' exPr®ss®d concern that the proposed lot boundaries should be revised to be directly adjacent to the access ?h«emfn^‘4-'Verifl°ation of the availability of access across ™a?«4-eX1Stlng private drive must be made, and a road voiced^wI^-F^ 39ree®snt prepared for review. Concern was also if thf waSr-t??nWai^er-1;LIie easeinent* Mr- Van Horn stated that if « +.1 13 lnadequate, it could be enlarged. There IS a blanket easement across Lot 39 for sewer and water Sere?6 t0 thS existing “ains. Lot 46 is o^^^lby a Trus^ therefore, an easement cannot be included on said lot The pplicant, Frank Hix, commented that an existing 2" water line ---- ^,xtension^of mainSwithrthree e:L\r„\andrSfauntdure0btwainsraPPnnrsrl^ ?"«a1taetr1°SepUtSt "IS existini easement shown on the Sit USt remain Within the SStSi Stthetenortthiis0liSi1|nSew-^S Slz.e Anali’siE ‘ "The dsvGlorifiH II , 3nd Will most likoly nsvsr b© Srat=Sesrs0ae\saLSte renSory3“ that he (the Applicant! t0 sta7 within the boundary.Of the lot, Ind that builr,Tn„ 1^t”,ain within the <=°nfines terrain. In addition if I » .teS-, ar? li”ited to the on one side of the lita he S"ily dwellin9 placedremaining piSe S SSerly- atle t0 Utilize the ?l|i|SPsSiSg9rao£iaai"£tnefr^^^^^^ must be reconciled. rn a^reed that this issue reviewedSShereSere ncIcomraent^SrOTo1 the*^^iencel Sinding BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 1. 2. 3. 4. Planning Commission - April 19, 1994 - Page 5 that there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the property; that the exception is necessary for the preservation and the enjoyment of a substantial property right of the petitioner; that the granting of the exception will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the neighborhood in which the property of the petitioner is situated, or in conflict with the purposes and objectives of this title, it was moved and seconded (Cooper/Pohl) the Amended Plat of Lot 41, Fall River Addition be favorably recommended to the Board of Trustees with the following conditions, and it passed by the following votes: Those voting "Yes" Commissioners Burgess, Cooper, Pohl, Sager and Thomas. Those voting "No" Commissioner Brown. If two water service lines are installed that they remain within the present easement, or if the water line is enlarged to 6", it be installed pursuant to Town standards and obtain Water Department approval, and also be located within the present easement. Confirm that the access easement conforms to where the actual physical road lies within the access easement, and explore the possibility of increasing lengthSement t0 3 uniforin 30' width throughout its S^Wfr easements to serve the proposed 1KtST the Estes Park Sanitation District. These should be shown on the Final Plat. A shared access maintenance agreement shall be prepared and provided for staff review. large lot form, conforming to the E-Estate zoning. Chairman Sager declared a recess at 3:15 P M Chairman Sager reconvened the meeting at ^24 P.M. "-la. Lone Pi rift acreS Prochaska PPstateH * +- A|fP?-:Lcant s Representative KerryeSSlnf'c-O coMer^a^ ProP°sal to replat fivl lots. Adjacent lo?s on =lx Proposed single-family Commercial3. There are E-sh|nd°B-M a"r WeSt are z°ned c‘° The proposed lots will e v. i? S1^es across Raven Ave. sr Snsi?si%s1'6n fofiOnslnVll-Va2m0iiay1ro^^ L" tnhi”U£r0lai£?lfyi4°°eola^M lots exceed this minimum. Mr. Prochtska stated® existing 20' orivat^» ,• • f^°c"asKa stated that the developIr and thiys Dortion Etill ouned by the original Lots 8—IP • r V, por:ion has been deeded to the owner of Following'review Town Attornetf Plat t0 this effect- contained in the'note. Prochaska StedV?2 language relative to tv«o ■frocnasKa noted that discussion ?rh4h®ber1ciCanWg°errtoDi^^^^^^^^ reguirement Th«a ont corner lot subdivisionLofini^ihef all%ccessSSWillSebeenotffalnng L°t 9A t0 acoess west line of Lot 13A. Director Linnane noted that the curbing BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - April 19, 1994 - Page 6 along Raven Ave. is in need of repair and that the Applicant is responsible for such repair. Planner Joseph confirmed that all access will be off Raven Ave. and that an access easement to Lot 8A and associated maintenance agreement for said easement be made a condition of approval. All lots confirm to the minimum lot size requirement. Comments were heard from Ron Harvey, who advised that the majority of the Homeowner's Association he contacted were in agreement with the proposal, particularly with the note being placed on the plat stipulating that all lots would be for single-family development. It was moved and seconded (Burgess/Brown) the Amended Plat of Lots 8-12, Long Pine Acres Addition be favorably recommended to the Town Board with the following conditions, and it passed unanimously; c 1. A note be placed on the plat restricting access of a^. lots to Raven Ave., prepare and provide a maintenance agreement for access to Lot 8A for staff review. 2. Improve the drainage along the south side of Raven Ave. 3 4, The bearing basis be added to the plat. Ave.b|fi"Ll1ea!0ti0n al0ng the SOUth Side of Raven Commissioner Burgess noted her pleasure with the chance n'r. development from commercial to residential 9 ".s.sj'krH‘i SI additional freestanding signs on Lot°l. th8 prohlbltlon of ef • gro%s 160?000dsqan?tthlimitOOrMareS belOW grade/is included in the if in 0 the* future stanlev* lTiiTaln nagrefd and adviaad that increase the combined aS 7^1Tlage Development desires to must be obtained from EPURA and3 thnedep?t00<^ that aPProval There were no comments froHhe audJeLe “1agil nT::^S%10?; recommendations had been met it waS 11Staff(Thomas/Pohl) the Pinal Plat ^ moved and seconded 4* development PT.AWB BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - April 19, 1994 - Page 7 on Lot 1. building will be office use in nature, non intense retail if at all. The proposed building architecture, use, and size conforms with EPURA's original finding of compliance with the Urban Renewal Plan. On—site parking, which was originally approved by EPURA, is 54 spaces, with shared parking off-site, equal to 4.8 spaces/1000 sq. ft. Parking is accessed directly off-street. Pedestrian access, as shown between parking and building entries, will be 3' wide where vehicles are parked. Parking shown on the plan extends into the 30' access easement along the north property line. Commissioners requested and received a clarification on the non-exclusive parking spaces relative to the five existing spaces "reserved'' for the bank. Mr. Van Horn stated that the Planning Commission allowed said reserved spaces during the first subdivision application. Parking supply is not an issue as existing parking spaces are in excess of the buildings, with regard to the actual number of parking spaces, Mr. Van Horn recognized that not all spaces are conforming and that the invent°ry will be amended to correctly reflect the total a11 Parkin9 spaces. Chairman Sager read a portion ?hr-foapter 17 •24 •010 B5 "Backing"—all parking areashaving % more spaces or egressing onto arterial streets shall tSlgne n0 vehicle wil1 be required to back on a y 0r d.riveway serving as access to 50 ore more H spaces in order to enter or exit from a parking ^ . Chairman Sager stated his concerns with the vSnPHornCst^^^nrta^^iilgv,proposal along the south and east. Mr. t^the eSstina WaS unaware of any accidents relative g4. f . e sPaces/ and that the roadway is not r-1C^ arterial street; however, he would review same spaces.Wl11 lnclude the potential expansion of handicapped which3 wii0irnhfla>fifi-ed the design of the two-story building ^SiS1„W;“nben0htaratffebL“?tSSa^Pi-anCIen additi°n' thI nrt0cLPe1ntnsnefroretPhe ra^d?rnlthe ??aff report and there (Pohl/Brown) DevelSLnt Prrr#94-it L.t iT'a. «fonaea Subdivision be epprSved sSiLt ?tanley yiHage and it passed unininouslyf3 followin9 conditions, 1’ b“f"r,-SSrking areas to be Provided on-site shall be for common use of all Stanley village tenants. P1'jl1ng0arnusrt be no°tedbo0nhtheXDeSve1ro9pmS^? buildings Tn toee?utoeeXnudldeXi?sonL0rnl'te0rind ?rStLfln°T aref identified. Floor area to confora so ft p^iI3ai appy°val of a maximum of 160,000 t’ • F:inished floor elevations to confoni to the original EPURA approval. morm ro 3. 4. l^tn a0reaas1mu:atinbeeTunr?lsh9e?roenTtolnrestfffngand Developmlntepian.S alS° bS referenoed on the Sheet two of the Development Plan be prepared ??ooJnLeX;LStiLrg. and ProPosed buildings and gross fioor areas within the building envelopes as shown 198?e sit®.plai? for Stanley village, July 984. Updated parking inventory also be noted on n BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - April 19, 1994 - Page 8 this sheet. 5. Conditions as noted on the Final Subdivision Plat be referenced on the Development Plan. lili—Amended Development Plan #92-i. Lot i. Timber lane Subdivision,____Curtis____&____Patricia___Thompson/Applicant. Representative Van Horn stated that the Applicant is proposing to: (1) convert the lower level of four existing multi-family units (A2, A3, Bl, B2) to guest units, for a total of four; (2) remove one existing mobile home; and (3) add eight parking spaces.^ This will result in an Amended Development Plan consisting of nine multi-family, four guest units, and one garage. The new project phasing is: 1994 1996 1998 Four guest units Two multi-family units Two multi-family units. St^£f reP°r'ted that construction on the four lower level auest units were commenced without a building permit, therefore cer£lflcatlon mus't: t*© provided by a licensed architect or ?T1o1Seer t4-hat+.£he lower finished floor elevation complies with uii?oT^rR,t^C^^0n ®tandards and that the construction meets mu£t°be appUeS9for <UBC) re'Juirements • Building permits ^oaePh reviewed the staff report. Outlot "B" must be ptlhatTrepe?1erdSU?nnt it9°92t.he X66"!?! “"V" deletedatl0?here Warr l5ine exdtensions an(J Paving “Jhotfld “I planned* to be Irovided P?h?s and .8 ”‘°re IffsUtrae«Pfsrkin? ?eJnd- A n- water,n:eatinbc0rt?sseXs1 tth1engsi?f fixtures will be usUerdeSataStheltsamSe tSe1"613' that S11 °f the toejun|,1liCi9|8iSwMSeStingaa level°P»>®nt schedule extension as srt loririn \rtTclT^a?%\hteleS\racrVhsreeXarprStin9 extension? iSTo™gUif|drne°y 9S?lte To"1/19 5PPr°Val statements relative to tha dtell confirmed Mr. Van Horn's without approval of a total project.7 10 obtaining financing telitete te9etenstVrtetfonthweitteted1"9 0fficial’s Procedure BrteatoraSt°afme? l!r|dai rtoendheed teveTopment pTan tlr condition,“ndn|tS^Ster;“nl:oSI?rea Wit,, tlle fOll0wln9 1. 2. Building permits be applied for. A licensed architect/engineer certify flood BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - April 19, 1994 - Page 9 protection and UBC requirements. 3. Outlet "B" be dedicated to the Town by a separate deed of dedication. This is to be done prior to issuance of the next building permit. 4. Street frontage plantings be completed by July 1, 1994. 5. Specific approval for extension of the development schedule to June 1, 1998 is hereby granted. There being no further business. Chairman Sager adjourned the meeting at 4:42 P.M. Vickie O'Connor, CMC, Town Clerk