HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Planning Commission 1993-11-16BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission November 16, 1993 Commissioners: Attending: Also Attending: Absent: Chairman A1 Sager, Commissioners Wendell Amos, Mark Brown, Harriet Burgess, Alma Hix, Michael Miller and Edward Pohl Chairman Sager, Commissioners Amos, Burgess, A. Hix, and Pohl Trustee/Liaison G. Hix, Community Development Director Stamey, Deputy Clerk Kuehl Commissioners Brown and Miller Chairman Sager called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. 1. MINUTES. Minutes of the October 19, 1993 meeting were approved assubmitted. 2. SUBDIVISIONS. ~7^----gj-nal Plat, Lot 26, Block 1. Fall River Estates, n.a. ^enemann/Applicant.. It was moved and seconded (Amos-Hix) meSan«t:L0n,q0“4-thlS plat b® continued to the December 21, 1993 meeting, and it passed unanimously. 3 • DEVELOPMENT PT.AN handicapped) will be orovid^ar^ pa^kin9_ spaces (four designated in each of the parkinrsnaCl V. rent 5arriers will be placed sidewalk area. PThe pLsent l 4 0Yerhang onto the acres with a 20-foot boundari'^-.o be increased to I.5 existing 60-foot easement a^nc:«ri-TfXtien4.S:i0n to the north- An used for the entrance Sr th& SOuth wil1 applicants would dedicate an ’ easPTTTffrJi ^1S° stated that the path that would parallel Fall f° o a pedestrian/bikeelevation drawinPg of one of'the buildfngs UStEr SUbl“ltted th%n CR2ocKn;WMSiAtaalnFalN1at“v- speaking on behalf of concerns regarding thif t^/e1 Yhe 1. 2. 3. 0n 0f riParian lands. Impact on wetlands to the north. Designation of flood plain. between Fall ^RivTr Ind theeHighwfyawiTl repor.ted that the area SLf^?:^dPl1Sed|?^?ncaot40snor|fEle"?S wetlands. y COrps of En9meers has also reviewed for LoVte?,anB?0Scr03rFfliAS^refErS=^) tbe De-l°P-nt Plan passed unanimously, contingent upon.the followi^ir3' and i,: BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission Meeting, November 16, 1993 - Page 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Submission and approval of a final plat adjusting the lot line between Lots 1 and 2 prior to any construction. Dedication of a pedestrian/bike access easement along Highway 34/Fall River with the final plat. Maintenance of the existing willows between Fall River and Highway 34 to satisfy highway frontage requirements. Removal of barbed wire fence between property line and highway, if applicant controls this fence. Include culvert under driveway entrance (show on Development Plan). v «« Final location of the buildings and parking areas be adjusted in an effort to save as many of the existing trees as possible. 5. REPORTS, Commissioner Pohl and Director Stamey reported that the series :stTharthriSa»asKf Pti,rceoooTityPeaopiae “hole r planlnapp?ovealrieethisS' c°mmissl:oner Burgess belilves^he =sls-J - Commissioner Amos commended sta-f-f -Fro* i ?£SiiCaSe anpiadnenfngOPercS re.solvi"9 --- “an1? eW^tlai“l recommendations in all plaJS'^Iubmltted?63 Conslder staff meeting13 at"9!: 50 p*mr.ther buslness< Chairman Sager adjourned the