Planning Commission
October 20, 1992
Also Attending:
Chairman Sager, Commissioners Wendell Amos,
Mark Brown, Harriet Burgess, Sue Doylen, Alma
Hix, and Larry Wexler
Chairman Sager, Commissioners Amos, Brown,
Doylen, A. Hix and Wexler
Trustee/Liaison George Hix, Community
Development Director Stamey, Public Works
Director Linnane, Clerk O'Connor
Commissioner Burgess
Chairman Sager called the meeting to order at 1:30 P.M. and
welcomed newly-appointed Commissioner Sue Doylen.
The Commission recognized an "Award for Outstanding Service^ to the
APA Colorado Chapter" which was recently presented to Director
Minutes of the September 15, 1992 meeting were approved as
2. A» Presentation bv Design Studios West (DSW)_- Update. John
Lanterman briefed the Commission on the public workshops held
October 6, plus various meetings and speaking engagements to
a number of local organizations. Additional public meetings
will be held October 29 and November 16.
3. A. •iminarv Plat of a Portion of Lot S» Manford Additioni.
O. M. Naal and Co./Applicant. Paul Kochevar stated that the
Applicant is proposing to divide an existing 4.8 acre lot into
four (4) lots for development purposes. Director Stamey
reviewed the staff report confirming that a drainage report
will be required with submittal of the final plat which will
address development drainage and existing drainage problems
along Manford Avenue, adjacent to Lots 1 and 2. Other than a
waterline extension, utilities are available.^ Staff suggested
further examination be given to the access points on Community
Drive and Manford Avenue. There being no further discussion,
it was moved and seconded (Brown/Wexler) the Preliminary Plat
of a Portion of Lot 5, Manford Addition be approved contingent
upon the following, and it passed unanimously:
1. A final drainage plan be submitted with the Final
Plat, incorporating comments made by the Public
Works Department.
2. Water service be extended as required.
3. Access be further evaluated for combined access
3.B. Amended Plat of Lots 2, 3. and 4, Big Horn Subdivision^.
Richard Gray. CGL Enterprises/Applicant. Chairman Sager
opened a public hearing to consider said amended plat which
does not change lot lines or increase the number of lots.
Paul Kochevar advised that a home was constructed on Lot 2
Planning Commission - October 20, 1992 - Page 2
which extends beyond the existing building envelope. The
primary purpose of the plat is to extend the building envelope
5' to the north for Lot 2; the building envelopes for Lots 3
and 4 will also be extended by 5'. Director Stamey reviewed
the staff report addressing road vacation and utility
easements. Chairman Sager declared the public hearing closed.
It was moved and seconded (A. Hix/Brown) the Amended Plat of
Lots 2,3 and 4, Big Horn Subdivision be favorably recommended
to the Board of Trustees contingent upon the following
conditions, and it passed unanimously:
1. As approval of the plat is dependent upon a roadway
vacation, such to be approved by the Public Works
Committee and Board of Trustees.
2. Applicant to reimburse the Town for all legal fees
associated with vacation of this roadway.
A.A. Pevelonment Plan #92-5, Lot 14. Pine River Subdivision,.
Alan and Judith Kob/Annlicant. The Applicant is proposing to
construct a 2,310 sq. ft. metal storage building to be used
for self-storage units. Ms. Kob stated that the site would
allow a larger building; however, such was not^ being
constructed due to its close proximity to Riverside Drive and
existing trees. The Applicant is proposing a 6' sidewalk in
lieu of a driveway on the south side, and 20'-wide asphalt
drive and 14'-wide roadbase parking area on the north sid®/
vehicles along the east side will be required to "back-up to
turn-around; the Applicant will confirm the location of the 6
utility easement specifically pertaining to PSCo. The
Applicant confirmed that should access along the south side of
the building become a problem, they would correct and asphalt
the area. Director Stamey reviewed the staff report
addressing drainage, access and landscaping, stating that i
would be advisable to show the access improvements and
driveway on the plat, should the south driveway become
necessary. Based upon the commitment from t^e Applicant
concerning the driveway, it was moved and seconded
Hix) Development Plan #92-5 for Lot 14, Pine River Subdivision
be approved contingent upon the following, and it passed
1. Drainage revisions be added to the development
2. Identify alternate access to the south side of the
building which would be constructed if vehicular
use occurs.
3. Construction of an easterly driveway with a barrier
at the end, as well as an alternate travelled way
being delineated on the plat should the alternate
prove necessary.
neveloom^nt Plan #92-6, Lot 12, PeVille Bubdivision, Mi^
Erieson/APDlicant.Commissioner A. Hix declared a potential
"conflict of interest" and withdrew from the room. PauJ KoSheiafstated that the Applicant is proposing to construct
two (2) self-storage buildings totaling 7,800 sq. ft. on th
north side of Graves Avenue which will sit well
Access will be paved. A poster containing various J
QTfe and the proposed exterior and interior was
reviewed. To conform to existing units, the .e^t:erioru^J:1^0?®
white and the roofs will be non-glare. An existing power pol
Planning Commission - October 20/ 1992 - Page 3
will be removed being replaced by a new guy wire at another
location. Due to unknown soil conditions on the street
frontage and unnecessary water or sewer connections, the
Applicant is proposing a 15' wide berm along Graves Avenue to
be used for screening, a split-rail fence between the street
and the berm, random placement of boulders, and re-seeding of
the entire disturbed area. Director Stamey reviewed the staff
report adding that a note should be added to the plat stating
that if ownership of the lot to the north is changed, a
separate detention must be provided on this lot for this
development. In addition, a note should be added stating that
the Applicant will rip-rap and vegetate the drainage swale.
Staff noted that the Planning Commission may approve
alterative landscaping plans based upon screening and site
characteristics. As there was no public comment, it was moved
and seconded (Amos/Doylen) Development Plan #92-6 be approved
with the following conditions, and it passed unanimously:
1. Add a "no outdoor storage" note to the development
2. Lighting to be shielded from off-site.
3. Add a note that the berm will be re-vegetated.
The amount of plantings (shrubs) will meet code
A split—rail fence will be installed as noted.
Add a note to the plat stating that if the
detention pond on the lot to the north is changed,
separate detention must be provided.
Commissioner A. Hix resumed her position on the Commission.
4.g. Development Plan #92-7, Lots 13 and 14f Block HUP-B
Addition. Old Plantation___Shops Ralph— and— Al°?^
Haber/Applicant . Commissioner A. Hix declared a potential
"conflict of interest" and withdrew from the room. ^oge^
Thorp advised that the project consists of redevelopment and
expansion (to the east and south) of the existing building
include four (4) shops located at 128 E. ElkhornAve. which
was formerly operated as the Plantation Restaurant. The
Applicant intends to include a restaurant on the second floor
and will attempt to maintain the present Georgian
architecture. EPURA is proposing to complete t|ie ri1JierW^J;g
directly behind this building; in the C"D.
building setback from the high water mark may
20' to 10' when public access is provided, and the Applicant
is coordinating final design with EP^. na sketch of the rear elevation which includes an elevator to
service the restaurant. An alternate sketch was also provided
which illustrated an alternate facade treatment; Jjoweye^.' ^
second floor will not be developed at this time.
comments include: access to Lot 15, ^iJ1acces4
setback, lack of a proposed dormer for Unit D,
to Elkhorn Avenue and the riverwalk, handicapped
accessibility, utilization of the space in the best possible
manner the proposed size of each individual shop, and
alternate facade treatment being improved. Director staJ®y
reviewed the staff report. There were no comments ^he
public. Following comments made by Special Projects
Joseph pertaining to the riverwalk and access. Chairman Sager
LclLed a 5-minute recess. Chairman Sager reconvened the
meeting. Director Stamey stated that the plan, as submitted.
Planning Commission - October 20, 1992 - Page 4
does meet the intent of the Code. Stating that the plan could
be improved, it was moved and seconded (Brown/Amos)
Development Plan #92-7 be approved contingent upon the
following, and it passed by the following votes: Those voting
"Yes" Commissioners Brown, Doylen and Sager. Those voting No"
Commissioners Amos and Wexler. Those "Abstaining"
Commissioner A. Hix:
1. Provide a minimum 10'—wide easement from the new
river wall prior to the issuance of a building
2. Add drainage system information to the development
3. Meet electrical service requirements as requested
by the Light and Power Department.
4. Construction to conform to requirements of
Uniform Building Code and Americans with
Disabilities Act.
5. Add the "vested property rights" statement to the
development plan.
6. Add a note to the plan that the rear entrances will
be maintained for public access.
The commission noted that any substantial change must be
returned for further review.
commissioner A. Hix resumed her position on the Commission.
. n ....ndment to Dey.^onment Plan for Special Review
Addition. John------and
gilfillan/Applicant. The Applic^t 1^ ^fques^);L |educe
following revisions to the develoPme”^, add a dwelling
unifSovftheTarage" 'There ar^ no significant changes to
the site or original development plan, and the addition
fecial Review #91-2 be approved as submitted, and it passed
• -1 dion-ti circle ||g,, nutfitters Horse Drawn
^^^^:T^^e%tflamey ^dedr/U^^d noTplrtrcTpate "In
lisous'sTon due to a Pot\nh\ia^DDC1°n/a1niCtde°1£resnttoreoSpera?e
Restaurant inB|tanLyPiillage
locations^1 waJtrcontainment and type
customs ^s.513' «?!0“ery anticipates using a commercial
bucKboard and one horse alDtUernativfrouteriJr^e available, Staff's suggestion that eiternativer review with
Mr. Peiffer withdrew his application to turrner
staff and re-apply in the future.
Planning Commission - October 20, 1992 - Page 5
Commissioner A. Hix and Director Stamey resumed their positions on
the Commission.
5«B. Special Review #92-2. ElKhorn Lodge Trout Pond. Jerry
Zahourek, Associated Properties* Inc./Applicant. This request
was tabled by the Commission August 18, 1992 due to lack of
information provided by the Applicant. In a letter dated
August 25, 1992 the Applicant requested denial to move the
request forward to the Town Board. The Applicant was not
present. Chairman Sager responded to the Applicant's letter
stating that EPURA operates under a different set of criteria,
and referred to Section 17.36.030 Special Review procedures A,
B, D, and F. There were no comments from the public. As the
plan as submitted is incomplete, it does not contain adequate
information on which to make a decision, it was moved and
seconded (Brown/A. Hix) Special Review #92-2 Elkhorn Lodge
Trout Pond be recommended for denial to the Board of Trustees,
and it passed unanimously.
Due to time constraints. Director
reschedule the Housing Study Session.
Stamey reported he will
There being no further business. Chairman Sager adjourned the
meeting at 4:30 P.M.
/j dy ________
Vickie O'Connor, CMC, Town Clerk