Planning Commission
October 15, 1991
Also Attending:
Chairman Sager, Commissioners Wendell Amos,
Mark Brown, Harriet Burgess, Alma Hix, Larry
Wexler and Richard Wood
Chairman Sager, Commissioners Amos, Burgess,
A. Hix, Wexler and Wood
Trustee/Liaison Garrett, Town Administrator
Klaphake, Public Works Director Linnane, Clerk
Commissioner Brown, Community Development
Director Stamey
Chairman Sager called the meeting to order at 1:35 P.M.
Town Clerk O'Connor read an amendment contained in the
September 17, 1991 Planning Commission minutes, and the
minutes were approved as submitted.
9.7V. Development Plan #91-5, Tract 7, Beaver Point, Fir^
Addition. Deanna Blevle & Glenda Brown/Applicant.
The Applicant is proposing a commercial accommodations
development consisting of six (6) new es'
existing driveway serves the site an^,,f®vrteVhPat the si?e Kochevar Applicant's representative, advised that, the site
also includes an existing home and detached garage; he is in
aareement with the staff recommendation concerning drainage
Snd that^ a revised Drainage Plan will be submitted to the
Public Works Department; a moss rock identica liaht fixture will be constructed at the entry to the site,
L outdoor lTghtTng is being proposed; and the ApPl-a"t is
aware of the access permit being required by the State Hignway
Department.6 Mr. KocLvar clarified ^hat the 16 parking spaces
were computed by including two spaces at and in the ^arag
narkino is sufficient for the project. Fencing to the east
wpit of the site will remain as both are privately owned. ?hLe wLfno persons speaking in "favor of" or in "opposition
to" the proposal. It was moved and second®d.DevelopmentPplan #91-5, Tract 7, Beaver Point,
be approved with the following conditions, and it passed
1. The sign location be identified on the Development
2. Highway frontage landscaping be incorporated with
any signage located in the area.
3 An Access Permit be secured from the State
Department prior to issuance of a building permit.
4. A revised Drainage Plan be submitted and approved
by the Public Works Department.
Plan to special Rev^
Block 1- Second Amended Plat
commissioner A. Hix declared a “conflict of interest" and
Planning commission - October 15, 1991 - Page 2
removed herself from the room. Chairman Sager opened a public
hearing to consider the Amended Development Plan to Special
Review #91-5. The Planning Commission and Board of Trustees
approved Special Review #91—5 and the Development Plan on
August 20 and August 21, 1991, respectively. Further
investigation by the Applicant has led to the conclusion that
it is more economical to remove the existing structure
(intact) and construct a new building. Major site changes
include the movement of the pedestrian access to the property
from the sidewalk to the western property line, and three
large evergreen trees in front of the building will be removed
as a result of moving the existing structure. Applicant's
representative, Paul Kochevar, reported that as a result of
the structure being removed, the parking area will be raised
2-3' so that the parking stall slope is less steep. One (1)
handicapped parking space will be provided at the rear of the
building. Due to removal of the trees and alteration of the
retaining wall, staff is recommending the existing retaining
wall be removed and replaced to the north (approximately 32')
to allow for an 8'-wide sidewalk which will continue sidewalk
transition from the First National Bank property. In
addition, due to the loss of the trees, the area wi3^ be re
landscaped. Administrator Klaphake reiterated that if the
trees remain in place, changes to the sidewalk and retaining
wall will not be required. However, if the trees are removed,
the Applicant must conform to current regulations and install
an 8' sidewalk. Those persons speaking in favor of
proposal: Minno Riz/Applicant—the sidewalk
expensef however, he is willing to partioipate in sidewalk
installation; any tree that is renoved will be rePla«d. the
existincf trees (1) obstruct visibility, and ^ W1fr
trimmed9to facilitate an outdoor eating area; and an April 1
opening is anticipated. Frank Hixproperty owner—due to the
historical significance of the existing structure, he will
move it; based upon experts in the field, the existing trees
have outlived their usefulness; the First National Bank h
aareedto^Tlow use of their southwest corner to assist in
removing°the structure; objected to the Town's position in
requiring the Applicant to construct the 8 sidewalk with
LPanen.S ^Lrrlefnrno^rnVstiUy. Ch^ir^an
Sager declared the public hearing closed.
AbSrindinrfs0LiKn1gaCktromTed"t,edas w"
"??hrthe°sidewalk regulrenente such
Roger Thorp/Architect, ad.A^ls®f1 hDrUdent to move the
wall and a^b^ng1e will be the walkway to the front
|"iyn; addition^ .g'fXrp StreSSedtheneedeaforodiscussion
on the future plans of Streetscape in CoI™j.ssioner Wood
quLt?onedCShi?herr|if Ap^icLtCwouldbereceptivetoa„
I 1994 deadline to build a new staining wallhandaSid^alkve_
Chairman Sager1 questioned the location of the canopy as
Planning commission - October 15, 1991 - Page 3
originally proposed. Mr. Riz reported that the name "The
Gazebo" will be used, and that pink canopies will be placed on
the windows. The Applicant remains receptive to suggestions
on the color of the canopies.
There being no further testimony, it was moved and seconded
(Amos/Sager) the Amended Development Plan to Special Review
#91-5, Lot 5 and a Portion of Lots 6 & 4, Block 1, Second
Amended Plat be favorably recommended to the Board of Trustees
contingent upon the following, and it passed by these
subseguent votes; Those voting "Yes" Commissioners Amos,
Burgess, Sager, and Wexler. Those voting '|No" Commissioner
Wood. Those "Abstaining" Commissioner A. Hix:
The parking area be raised by approximately 31 so
that the parking stall slope is less steep.
If the existing three trees in the front area are
not removed, responsibility for the modifications
to the retaining wall and sidewalk will not be
waived, but postponed.
If the existing three trees in the front ar®^ a^e
removed for any reason, the Applicant Willie
reauired to install the 8' sidewalk and retaining
wall. However, the Applicant will receive a
allowance of 2% years from this date to comply
zoning regulations. Such action will be authorized
via a Statement of Compliance as supplied by the
Town Attorney.
Landscaping be provided in the final design for the
front area.
commissioner Wood supplied his rationale for not voting in
favor of the motion, stating that in all probability, Me
trees will be removed within 2h years and that it is prudent
to have the sidewalk installed.
commissioner A. Hix returned to her position on the Commission.
The Applicant is proposing to combine two l^i-tlng^^lot^into
cabins to the property. KV 5L state Slqhuay Department, and
access concerns D^reotcf Snnane's memorandum dated
f r Sfl staf f conf0rrmed that the "blue line"
October 4, . Th being no further testimony, it was
moved and seconded (A. Hix/Wood) th® Amende4 Pl^ of «®cts l
t 2, First Replat of a POFrt11onR°'t^^aditlonTe favorably
™end:S to threaCEoard of . Trustees contingent upon the
following, and it passed unanimously;
1. The existing structures be added to the final plat
prior to Town Board Approval.
2. indicate former lot lines and close utility
Planning Commission - October 15, 1991 - Page 4
Prior to construction of any new buildings, the
August 1986 Drainage Report be revised. At that
time, the drainageway be delineated for the 100-
year storm runoff, and associated drainage easement
be provided.
Any future buildings constructed above the "blue
line" will require a hydraulic study prior to Town
water service.
The Commission expressed their appreciation in attending the
Colorado American Planning Association Conference which was
hosted by Estes Park and held at the Conference Center.
Comments included the need to continue we11-documented
planning action and update of the Comprehensive Plan;
potential affect to the community from nearby gambling
establishments; consideration of comments from the Division of
Wildlife; public transportation planning; and necessity to
include representatives from community groups in planning
prior to completion of the Comprehensive Plan.
There being no further business. Chairman Sager adjourned the
meeting at 3:29 P.M.
Vickie O'Connor, CMC, Town Clerk
OCT 22.