Planning Conunission
April 16, 1991
Also Attending:
Chairman A1 Sager, Commissioners Wendell Amos,
Mark Brown, Harriet Burgess, Alma Hix, Larry
Wexler, and Richard Wood
Chairman Sager, Commissioners Amos, A. Hix,
Wexler, and Wood
Trustee/Liaison Garrett, Town Administrator
Klaphake, Community Development Director
Stamey, Town Attorney White, Clerk O'Connor
Commissioners Brown and Burgess
Chairman Sager called the Planning Commission meeting to order at
1:30 P.M.
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held March 19, 1991
were approved as submitted.
2.A. Amended Plat of Lot 38, Prospect Mountain Subdivision,
a Portion of Tract A. Prospect Estates Addition, Don
As this item was not complete, it was moved and seconded
(Wood/A. Hix) it be continued to May 21, 1991, and it passed
2.B. Amended Plat of Lots 3 and 4, Prospect Village
Subdivision, Rita Peterson/Applicant.
The Applicant is proposing to combine two (2) existing lots
into one (1) lot. A 20'-wide utility easement and a 10'-wide
public walkway easement are centered on the existing common
lot line between Lots 3 and 4. The plat states that the 20'
utility easement would be relocated and the 10' public walkway
easement would be vacated. Community Development Director
Stamey acknowledged correspondence from the Public Works
Department, Town Attorney, and Upper Thompson Sanitation
District, noting that the Public Works Department is
requesting that a 20'-wide utility easement be provided along
the north and west property lines. An existing 10' easement
located on the south lot line of Lot 2 would provide for 10'
of the easement on the north. There are no utility easements
on the east side of Lots 4 and 5, Pine River Subdivision,
therefore, a 2O'-wide easement would be necessary on the west
lot line. To allow for future pedestrian access connections,
the 10' public walkway easement should also be maintained,
preferably along the north property line. Town Attorney White
commented that all utility companies should provide written
confirmation of their acceptance of the easement vacation. The
vacation must also be accomplished by means of an ordinance.
A water line is located in the 20' utility easement, and it
cannot be vacated until the water line is relocated along the
north property line, in an appropriate easement. Construction
plans for the water line must be submitted and approved, and
the water line must be installed, or an Improvement Guarantee
will be required. Representing the Applicant, Steven
Wright/Van Horn Engineering, commented that he is working on
the water line relocation and easement; however, the 10'
public walkway easement needs to be further reviewed. Those
Planning commission - April 16, 1991 > Page 2
speaking in "favor" of the Amended Plat: Frank Williams,
property owner, and Bob Peterson, Applicant. Commissioner
Wexler questioned why the development plan was not filed in
conjunction with the amended plat, and Mr. Peterson responded
that he understood he was following procedure by first
presenting the amended plat. Staff clarified that such is not
the case, and that the Commission frequently considers a
subdivision and development plan concurrently. There were no
persons speaking in "opposition to" the amended plat.
Chairman Sager read the Statement of Intent advising that the
Applicant is proposing a development known as the "Maze of the
Rockies." Commissioner Wood commented that based upon the
Statement of Intent and the Applicant's comments, that the
combining of the lots is directly related to the approval of
a proposed development which has not been filed. In addition,
it would appear that the amended plat, since it does not in
any way deal with the proposal of a development, may not
necessarily be in the lot owner's best interest as the
development may or may not be approved. Public perception
might erroneously construe Planning Commission's recommending
the plat to the Town Board as some type of tacit or
preliminary approval of a proposed development, and,
therefore, moved the Amended Plat of Lots 3 and 4, Prospect
Village Subdivision be tabled until such time as the plat is
submitted in tandem with a development proposal. Commissioner
A. Hix seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Commissioner Amos suggested that the Applicant update the
amended plat to comply with the 8 provisions contained in the
staff report.
Rezonina Request from E-Estate to R-M Multiple Family, Tract
96. Fall River Addition. 1950 and 1980 Fall River Road, aka
Placid Lake Property. J. R. and Rachel Preston/Applicant.
The Applicant has submitted a written request that this item
be withdrawn, thus it was moved and seconded (A. Hix/Amos) the
Commission acknowledge and approve this request.
Attorney John Phipps, representing Ann Barlow/Barlow Plaza,
addressed the Commission and requested the aforementioned
regulation be amended to allow outside sales on private
property. The request stems from the prohibition against
sidewalk sales regulated under the "containment" provision in
the Zoning Regulations. Mr. Phipps based his recfuest on the
following: (1) a necessity to increase sales volume if the
plaza is to remain open year-round - this could be
accomplished via periodic sidewalk sales where merchants would
be allowed to display, within private property lines, their
goods; (2) shoppers must be continually drawn to this block of
Elkhorn Avenue; (3) the "open plaza" is a new concept in Estes
Park and the ordinance should be modified to allow outside
sales. Mr. Phipps suggested the following modification to the
containment regulation: "All activities within the C-D
district shall be wholly contained within property lines
except for access, parking, loading and, if screened by •••"•
The existing regulation contains the following: ".. .contained
within buildings ...". Ann Barlow addressed the Commission
stating that (1) her losses could have been reduced if outside
sales were allowed, (2) the Plaza storefronts and signs are
not visible and shoppers must be drawn to this block, (3) the
Plaza owners have beautified the area, however, they cannot
Planning Commission - April 16, 1991 - Page 3
succeed financially without assistance in this regard.
Community Development Director Stamey identified other public
ways on private property that could be affected by such an
amendment (Nagl Walkway, Riverside Plaza, etc.) and stated
that the historic pedestrian flow in the Barlow Plaza should
be enhanced by the completion of the Riverwalk, library,
conference center, and nearby development. Chairman Sager
expressed concern with the number of such sales events, with
Ms. Barlow confirming the sales would be conducted twice/year.
In various municipalities, sidewalk sales are a^ community
event. Chairman Sager reported that the Special Events
Calendar does include "Sidewalk Sale Days" on October 12 and
13. Ms. Barlow stated this date is not acceptable due to the
weather and lack of shoppers. Commissioner Wexler agreed that
the October dates may not be the best time of year to conduct
a sidewalk sale, adding that the date should receive further
discussion by the Stanley Park Committee. Chairman Sager
expressed appreciation to Mr. Phipps and Ms. Barlow for their
testimony - no further action was taken at this time.
Director Stamey reported that the Commission previously
reviewed this subdivision as Big View Acres in 1984. ^
located h mile from the Town Limits, and the Applicant (Cecil
Shelton) is proposing to divide a 40-acre parcel into 11 lots
o? approximately 3.6 acres each. The following issues were
The site is north of the existing Town Limits.
It is likely that this area will be annexed to the
Town in the foreseeable future.
It is likely that intervening tracts will develop.
It would seem appropriate for the t°itJ
developed to Town standards and be serviced
public water and sewer.
The Estes park Comprehensive Plan t-oo^ends a '.iow
density residential" land use of 5 acres/dweiiing
Fire protection service (long-term).
Extension of the street to the west property line.
Feasibility of extending Publi°i“^ilitiSiv(e1°nto
term; plus reimbursement policy
construction of a water line).
I. Well and septic systems (long-term).
Discussion, including^®Ptl^ddres1s^^ the 1issues: a Water
wright/Van Horn Engineering, addre^d fences wiii be
Augmentation Plan has bee architectural review, lower
allowed until they receive „ ^ roads will be retained in
density/topography, gravel-sur reCently occurred in this
lieu of asphalt annexation has n°tj;c;inbn1Yuiu occur in the
area—the firm does not believe annexati located at the
foreseeable future, and a it|ble) will be obtainable
pond (3 acre feet of Linnane briefed
for fire protection. g^^^bursement policy regarding water
fineCc0ri4uc0tnionI; ^hLh included reasonable alternatives for
Planning Commission - April 16, 1991 - Page 4
providing municipal water to the subdivision. Access to the
pond, which is owned by Dwight Adrian, is gained via a gate
from Devil's Gulch Road (approximately 200' from the
subdivision). The Commission directed Director Stamey to
report these identified issues to the Larimer County Planning
Department, strongly urging the Applicant be required to
develop the subdivision to Town standards. Chairman Sager
also urged the engineering firm to consider a "curved road" in
lieu of the road identified on the plat. Jess Batchelder/EVIA
applauded the efforts of the Commission, urging said
Commission to take a stronger role in joint planning with
Larimer County.
There being no further business. Chairman Sager adjourned the
meeting at 2:30 P.M.
Vickie O'Connor, CMC, Town Clerk