HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Planning Commission 1988-09-20BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission September 20, 1988 Commission; Attending: Also Attending; Absent: 1. Chairman Al Sager, Commissioners David Barker, Duane Blair, Mark Brown, Polly Garrett, George Hix, Richard Wood Chairman Sager, Commissioners Barker, Brown, Garrett, Hix, Wood Town Planner Stamey, Town Attorney White, Town Engineer Widmer, Town Administrator Klaphake, Mayor Dannels, Secretary Jones Commissioner Blair Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held August 16, 1988 were submitted and approved. 2. SUBDIVISIONS 2.a. Amended Plat of Lots 1 and 2,__Pettyjohn Additiqnj. Applicant: Darold Rohrbaugh Commissioner Hix moved that action on this amended Pljt be continued to the October 18, 1988 Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 2 b Amended PTel- of Lots 18- 19-20 and 21. Country ClubM;n;n^dSltlcn. Applicants: bale Weber and Todd Plummej Applicant's were not present or represented. aPlannertStamey p^S^oSS to adjSSt thr boundary lines among four existing lots to create two lots. Correspondence was acknowledged agencies: from the following review Town Attorney Light St Power. .sept. 12, 1988 .Sept. 6, 1988 1. 2. 3. commissioner Wood, noted that the gantlng^of.the^exception will not be materially de^r;LI?®ri^^g neiSborhood in which the injurious to other o? in conflict with property of the of Title 16 and moved that this requestPbeefavorably3 recommended to the Town Board with the following conditions: New lots be designated as 19A and 21A. InOWdedicationaCstatement*. show correction to read "SW 1/4" of Section.... 45; AU ;erSe?W ?5nSs b^sSrprior to town board approval. commissioner Brown seconded the motion and it passed unani mously. _ _ . c *. Tot 7 Ma-i^.dtlc Pines .subdivision7.0. Amended Plat nf Lot /, ---------- Applicant: Gertrude E. HiebT Chairman Sager anrwluidnabstLnhfromddiSoSIsion thislnreguest. , Vice-chairman Wood presided over this portion of the meeting. BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - September 20, 1988 - Page two Applicant was not present or represented. Planner Stamey presented the staff report stating that applicant is proposing to divide an existing one acre lot into two lots of slightly larger than 1/2 acre each. He noted that in 1982 the lot immediately to the west was divided into two 1/2 acre lots. The subdivision is presently zoned E-Estate but was previously under a zoning district which permitted 1/2 acre lots. Planner Stamey advised that the Water Department indicated that low water pressure has been experienced in that area and that the house on lot 7A may have to use a supplementary pressurized water system. Also, when a house is built on Lot 7A (northern lot) it may be necessary for the property owner to extend the water main for water service. Correspondence was acknowledged from the L^^^t and Power Department noting that electric service for Lot to be installed underground from the common eastern corner of Lots 5 and 6. correspondence received from Town Atto™®y ^jt!nS°sianat!l?e if there are lienholders, the proper statement and signature block should be included on the amended plat. Es: 1 rsf property of the applicant i ^ t1^ a moved that this requestPbeeSfavorabiyCreco^ended to the Town Board with the following conditions; 1. 2. 3. A note be placed on the "gating "access for Lot 7A cihall be from Dekker Circle only • vested rights lan3"a9!e^e t^To™ Board approval.All property pins be set prior to lowu commissioner Hlx seconded the m°tion andoit^passei_ett^ “^sraining'crairran 4ager. l!CD;hhfr™SSiStrp?opeSSowLrr:°supplrSn?thirLS«^ 1. 4-Vi a 4- it mioht be inappro- Commissioner Garrett nerson to suggest that favorable consideration3 ^a Sf fot SriraPProval ^or oft^e0rrafi:iiVa?t-quests which might come before the Planning Commission. T>iat nf Arapaho Meadows North,alicant: 2, d. Prelimina: Sam Luce. Mr. Sam Luce addressed CommisSiionn ^'divide tg original proposal lots. This preliminary plat 73.05 acre site ;l-2t0..0 fnst|Jd into 2 lots, one 63;?^ proposes to divide lt -r.rei i0t With this new plat, the acres and the other a 10 ^cre lot. objected to by other two roads originally access Jto this property property owners. He st“rrcads. Utilities and historically has been by t but an additional well water rights are acre lot.would be necessary to serve tne i BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Commission - September 20, 1988 - Page three Planner Stamey advised the Commission that in July the proposed 10 acre parcel had been deeded to another person. This transfer was in violation of the town's subdivision regulations. The proposed plat is an effort to correct this land transfer. He further advised that when this property was annexed and Phase I approved, the town and the applicant entered into an annexation agreement which set the terms and conditions for access to this property prior to subdivision approval. Planner Stamey's staff report also noted that the proposed preliminary plat did not adequately address circulation, access, and provision for future utility services. After further discussion. Town Attorney White advised that the annexation agreement was a legal, binding agreement between the town and Mr. Luce. The Planning Commission cannot modify this agreement and, therefore, the preliminary plat cannot be considered until the amendment of the annexation agreement is addressed. Commissioner Garrett moved to reject the proposed prelimi- plat. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Luce was advised to work with town staff on this subdivision proposal and the amendment of the annexation agreement. 3. PUBLIC HEARING 3.a. Section 17.66.320 Regarding Nonconforming Signs. Chairman Sager opened the public hearing. Commissioner Hix moved to continue this public hearing to the next Planning Commission meeting on October 18, 1988. Commissioner Wood seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 4. REPORTS Planner Stamey advised the Commission of the Town Board budget meeting being held at 4:00. 5. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:00 P.M. 6. The Planning Commission conducted a study session to review the sign code. OJL(y\ Carolyn Jdnes ,/fSecretary