Planning Commission
December 15, 1987
Also Attending:
Chairman Al Sager, Commissioners David
Barker, Duane Blair, Mark Brown, George
Hix, Steve Komito, Richard Wood
Chairman Sager, Commissioners Barker,
Blair, Brown, Hix, Komito. Wood
Town Attorney White, Town Planner
Stamey, Town Engineer Widmer, Secretary
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held November 17,
1987 were submitted and approved.
As a representative of the Methodist Church had not yet
arrived, the Planning Commission concurred to consider
Streamside Cottages at this time.
2.a. Development Plan
Deercrest Subdivision
#87-5, Streamside Cottages, Lot 2,
Commissioners Hix and Wood cited a potential "conflict of
interest" and stated they would not participate in discus
sion or vote.
Mr. Bill Van Horn, representing applicants. Bob Van Horn &
Janiece Felsman, submitted the development plan and stated
that applicants are proposing to construct eight additional
accommodation units in two separate buildings, and a
separate office/laundry facility. Streamside Cottages would
then consist of a total of 14 accommodation units and one
dwelling unit. Mr. Van Horn further stated that applicants
are proposing to extend a 1" water line from the bridge to
the south and connect to a 2" line. Water Department
recommends the existing 2" line be connected to a 6" pipe
instead of the proposed 1" pipe. Mr. Van Horn stated
applicants would work with the Town and Water Committee on
costs involved in extending the 6" main and fire hydrant.
Planner Stamey presented the staff report and commented that
Development Standards provide that drives and parking areas
be surfaced with asphalt or concrete; however, the Planning
Commission may approve an alternative surface which, because
of seasonal or periodic use, will adequately prevent dust,
erosion, and water accumulation. Applicants are proposing
crushed granite drives and parking areas.
Correspondence was acknowledged from the following agencies:
Town Engineer................................December 8, 1987
Town Attorney................................December 7, 1987
Light and Power Dept..................December 8, 1987
Colorado Dept, of Highways...December 3, 1987
Public Service Co........................December 1, 1987
Estes Park Fire Dept..................December 15, 1987
Public Service Co........................December 11, 1987
Planning Conunission - December 15, 1987 - Page 2
Town Engineer Widraer stated that the proposed 6" water main
extension would function better for fire protection purposes
if it were extended 190' south. Possibly the Water Depart
ment could provide the 6" pipe to tie the existing 2"
service together with the main extension. This would improve
water circulation and pressures for Streamside, as well as
adjacent property.
In correspondence received from Colorado Division of
Highways, it was indicated that highway width along this
property, south of the centerline, was 40 ft. and an
additional 10' of right-of-way should be dedicated to meet
the projected traffic need. Town Attorney White commented
that this was not an appropriate action.
Discussion followed concerning paved driveways vs crushed
granite driveways and parking areas. Applicants stated they
were trying to produce a non-urban atmosphere and were
opposed to using concrete or asphalt in these areas. A
photo was submitted which showed the condition of the
existing driveway and parking area. Chairman Sager ex
pressed concern about erosion and sediment from the crushed
granite polluting the nearby stream. Commissioner Brown
stated he thought the crushed granite would be adequate for
this area because of seasonal, limited use and moved for
approval of Development Plan #87-5 with the following
1. The following be shown on development plan:
o Sanitary sewer location and sizes
o Lot dimensions
o Dimensions of proposed buildings
o Typical parking space/driveway dimension
o Vegetation key
2. The 5,790 sq. ft. building be moved to provide 10'
clearance from the existing 2" water line.
3. Provide signature of lienholders on development plan.
4. Show gas service line and easement.
5. Drive and parking areas surfaced with crushed granite,
as presented.
6. Water line extension, as recommended by the Public
Works Department, be subject to resolution by the Water
Committee and Town Board.
Commissioner Blair seconded the motion and it passed with
the following vote: Those voting "yes". Commissioners
Barker, Blair, Brown, Komito. Those voting "no". Chairman
Sager. Abstaining, Commissioners Hix and Wood.
2.b. United Methodist Church, Amendment to Development Plan
#86-2, Addition of Parking Area.
Mr. Dana Wannemacher, representing United Methodist Church,
presented the amended development plan and stated ap
plicant's are proposing to construct an additional parking
area on the north side of Fish Hatchery Road. This parking
area would provide 18 additional parking spaces for the
church. The development plan was approved by the Planning
Commission in May, 1986.
Planning Commission - December 15, 1987 - Page 3
Planner Stamey presented the staff report and stated the
proposed parking meets the town's parking design standards.
Correspondence was acknowledged from the following agencies:
Town Engineer....................................December 2, 1987
Town Attorney White.......................December 7, 1987
Light and Power Dept......................December 8, 1987
UTSD......................................................December 4, 1987
Colorado Div. of Highways............December 3, 1987
Public Service Co............................December 1, 1987
The highway department expressed concern about a portion of
a granite retaining wall along the north side of the parking
area touching the highway right-of-way and potentially
adversely affecting the stability of the roadway embankment.
The highway department also indicated that an additional 10'
of right-of-way should be protected along this property.
After further discussion. Commissioner Barker recommended
approval of the amendment to Development Plan #86-2 with the
following conditions:
1. Add to development plan:
o Signatures of owners and lienholders
o Vicinity map
o Note indicating a completion date for asphalt
paving and parking area landscaping
o Radii of entrance and exit curves
o Note that disturbed area in front of the parking
lot, between the property line and Fish Hatchery
Road asphalt, be revegetated and identify comple
tion date.
15" driveway culverts
development plan.
be installed (and shown on
3. Additional elevations and dimensions of detention area
be shown on Development Plan to verify required site
(439 c.f.).
4. Locate natural gas lines in area prior to excavation.
5. Submit additional information (drawings) to CDOH
regarding construction details of retaining wall.
Commissioner Wood seconded
the motion and it passed un-
3.a. C-0 Containment
Chairman Sager opened the public hearing which was to
consider adding the following performance standard to the C-
O Outlying Commercial District:
Section 17.16.060, B.: No principal use shall be
allowed outside a building, except those permitted uses
approved through special review.
Planner Stamey commented that he had received expressed
concerns and complaints about retail sales being conducted
from a truck or trailer. Current regulations do not address
Planning Commission - December 15, 1987 - Page 4
this issue. This provision would apply only to principal
uses and not accessory uses. Additionally, if someone
wanted to conduct sales out of a truck or semi-trailer,
approval could be sought through special review.
There was no comment from the
opposition to this amendment,
public hearing.
audience in favor or in
Chairman Sager closed the
After discussion regarding application to principal and
accessory uses. Commissioner Wood moved this amendment be
favorably recommended to the Town Board. Commissioner Hix
seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
3.b. Multi-family Density Calculation
Chairman Sager opened the public hearing. Planner Stamey
advised the Commission that input from Phil Herr on various
methods of multi-family density calculation was forthcoming
and requested this public hearing be delayed until it was
received. Commissioner Hix moved this public hearing be con
tinued until the next Planning Commission meeting on January
19, 1987. Commissioner Hix seconded the motion and it
passed unanimously.
There being no
2:30 P.M.
further business, the meeting adjourned at
The Planning Commission adjourned to a study session to
discuss the new Colorado Vested Rights statute and recent
court decisions regarding land use regulations. Town
Attorney White distributed a proposed ordinance which would
incorporate the vested rights requirements into town
regulations. Town Attorney White also distributed a
memorandum outlining the recent land use decisions and
potential applicability to local regulations and procedures.
The study session adjourned at 3:15 P.M.