Planing Commission
April 15, 1986
Also Attending:
Chairman A1 Sager, Commissioners Dave Barker,
Duane Blair, Mark Brown, Mike Dickinson,
George Hix, Steve Komito
Chairman Sager, Commissioners Barker, Brown,
Dickinson, Hix, Komito
Town Attorney White, Town Administrator Hill,
Town Engineer Widmer, Town Planner Stamey,
Secretary O'Connor
Commissioner Blair
Chairman Sager welcomed Trustee David Barker as a newly-appointed
member to the Planning Commission.
1* of the Planning Commission meeting held March 18,
1986 were submitted and approved.
n..a* ■■.SpeC,ial.J ReVieW Request #86~1 ~ Stanley Steam Tour
Hlx' representing the Stanley Steam Tour
aoDroval toUnIJ!ittJd 3 Special Review Application seeking approval to operate an amusement ride in the Stanley Steamer
Mountain Wagon using the following dropoff/pickup points:
Stanley Hotel
Station°Uth 0f MuniciPal Building (old "Husky Gas
T?egeS? P«k ln fr°nt °f the ”HaPPy TeXan” R®=taurant
Elkhorn Lodge
Post Office Parking Lot
p^ruer»>r0f Pafk Lane and MacGregor Avenue
Rocky Mountain Park Tours (354 E. Elkhorn Ave.)
Planner Stamey summarized the staff rpno-rt- j
was received from the following: P * CorresPondence
Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority............. 04/08/Rfi
State Highway Department................................*.*!03/31/86
RokyHiMouCnTaltrpfrkthTLrr?Sf,f^Pi0kUP,i,0int proposed “
UUI1j'ain ^ark Tour location would be "off-strept” would conform •i-Hq m^...„ f andmmthrcu?^PdoeSLnTs?es Part durlnac,nltehye Steam Ti'Ur Servic;
PlannTn,,, ■ i'c,!3tes i'ark Ouring the summer of 1985 Thp
under SpeciTl1S|i:Lrdfor0™hfr\din.aePPrOV •ddthlS opeiati°"
evaluate any particular concSn^ 106 Peri°a ln °rder to
Those speaking in "favnr" r>-F/HsaPePl-TeXan t,. Frank NhoermaU/qSUtaSni:ey Ho^ef
TT u nsideratlon* Mr. Hix also reported he had met withpJ:poUsrabianaccReep?rSL .AUtHhn0dre^tytk\hrisJStnhg°rpltUy f°Und
the ride would only consis/'o^ trlp"C-tiacrkreatTme;^4
Planning Commission - April 15, 1986 - Page two
wagon has been modified to capture the majority of cylinder
oil which should eliminate the oil leakage concern
experienced in 1985.
Commissioner Brown moved Special Review Request #86-1 -
Stanley Steam Tour Company be approved subject to the
following conditions;
1. Should problems such as oil leakage or interference
with normal public usage occur at the stops on public
property, the applicant shall, upon notification by
the Town, modify the operation to correct any
identified problems.
2. The proposed Post Office Parking Lot dropoff/pickup
point be eliminated.
3. The stopping point at the corner of MacGregor and
Park Lane be eliminated.
4. No signage be allowed on public property. Any signs
placed on private property must conform to the Sign Code. ^
Commissioner Dickinson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. F
■■Alnended„„Plat 0£ LOtS 28 ’ 29 and 30' Block 8. Country
—ub Mt,nor Addltion1 Mr. Bill Van Horn, representing the
?eSuest There119^^ ?hnde11, • Pr-eSented the aforementioned
Existina • r®e fK:LSt:Ln^ lots; two are proposed,
a portion o? i srngle-family residence on Lot 28 and
„ .,of Lot 29. Existing zoning is R-2
reportle7dent• Plann.er Stamey summarized the staff
report, identifying receipt of the following correspondence:
Town Engineer..............................................04/04/86
Estes Park Sanitation District...........04/07/86
lS?sPr0CSe?<.S“b,5LV^Si°2-w.i11 create two Of three
tothe ls,bflng dlvlde<3 in half with each half golna
three coDuldaerbethceo„Prt0rPucteedd eTch^foTaftdr°n;
existina nci^c r* Van Horn Presented a map indicatingexisting uses on the surrounding property which denoted the
mix of single-family and multi-family dwellings Mr Van
Sficient6 uste eofOWr ShOUl-d en“urage affordabll housing and
Kooit^ ra^ftor JthlS neighborhood. Ms. Diane
KT realtor, requested the amended plat receive
approval without conditions. An urgent need forX"oSortah0tUhSlng1iS evident, approval wou/d L? be a^
^ the rule. Mr. Sundell intends to add-on to the
xisting single-family dwelling located on Lot 28 creating a
fol^owid3"'1 instructing a duplex on Lot 30. MsSuSion
fnd °oning?nCernlng notification to adjacent property owners
S;^i?fonSersfHflceStat1 there are sPecial oircumstances or
onditions affecting the property, that the exception is
Planning Commission - April 15, 1986 - Page three
necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a
substantial property right of the petitioner, and that the
granting of the exception will not be materially detrimental
to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the
neighborhood in which the property of the petitioner is
situated or in conflict with the purposes and objectives of
this title, and moved the Amended Plat of of Lots 28, 29 and
30, Block 8, Country Club Manor be approved subject to the
following conditions:
The date of preparation be added to the plat prior to
Tov;n Board approval.
Signatures of the owner, lienholder, and surveyor
added to the plat prior to Town Board approval.
All property pins must be set prior to Town Board
Commissioner Barker seconded the motion and it passed by the
following votes: Those voting "Yes" Commissioners Barker,
Brown, Dickinson, Hix, and Komito. Those voting "No"
Chairman Sager.
i~-a - . Development Plan #86-1 - Overlook Condomininnis:
CommissionerHixdeclared a "conflict of interest" and
stated he would not participate in discussion or vote and
excused himself from the panel to join the audience. Mr.
Greg LaRock, Architect, presented the development plan which
IS located at the Southeast corner of Meyers Addition, West
?f 35' Black Canyon Hills Subdivision. Size of the site
-72 number of lots is one; existing land use is
two condominiums in one building; existing zoning is C-0
Com.ercx31 Outlying. The applicant la requesting 9approval
,-n construction of seven additional condominium units
a<id;Lt^°nal buildings and one additional unit
t0*. existing building. This request will
buildina^ nr. X °.f+. ten dwelling units in three separate
shiwn g V yr tihe Slte‘ Twenty parking spaces have been
Vehicular access to the site is proposed via a
private drive from its intersection with MacGregor Avenue
through the Black Canyon Restaurant property. A "rendering"
was presented which indicated the owner • s desire to oSSn
capturing thtmOU-nt °fa 1IIipa<:t on the site as possible,
S? view and retaining the existing environment.
Mr. LaRock presented revised drawings addressing staff
sJSr landTc liSted in the Staff reP°rt such -"larWngf
etback, landscaping access and right-of-way dedication.
Mr. Paul Kochevar/Estes Park Surveyors presented a
preliminary layout of a portion of a potential roadwav
^°r-.Att0rry White. stressed the need for the owners to
provide documentation assuring that the Ridgeview
Condominium Declaration had been adequately amended to
l?rpnho?.=if0r Pr°P?sed development and that all owners and
lienholders had signed the development plan. Other
documentation regarding the access easement and maintenance
1-S needed- In view of the amount of new
4-a<ldV::L0^rlal- informabion presented and documentation
hairman Sager stated the Planning Commission was obligated to table Development Plan #86-1 Overlook
ondominiums. Commissioner Brown moved the Plan be tabled
on tiQ0cneX^. P1fnnfn? Conunission meeting scheduled for May
^u, 19od. Commissioner Dickinson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Planning Commission - April 15, 1986 - Page four
Commissioner Hix returned to his position on the Planning
5.a. Spruce Lake Addition Annexation Request, Lot Split and
Zoning Public Hearing; Mr. Paul Kochevar, representing the
owners, Estes Park Realty Venture, presented the proposed
Spruce Lake Addition which is located East of Marys Lake
Road, South of the Big Thompson River. Size of the site is
14.26 acres; number of lots is two existing - three
proposed; existing land use is; Lot 1 - Spruce Lake RV
Park, Lot 2 - Single-Family Residence and Cabin, Lot 3 -
Vacant; existing zoning is T-Tourist (Larimer County).
Three separate requests were included in this proposal:
annexation, lot split of an existing lot, and zoning of the
property. Planner Stamey read the staff report.
Annexation: Commissioner Hix moved the Spruce Lake
Addition be favorably recommended to the Town Board.
Commissioner Brown seconded the motion and it passed
unanimously. Since 100% of the property owners have
signed the Annexation Petition, the Town Board is not
required to conduct a public hearing on this particular
annexation request.
Lot Split; The proposed lot split will create Lots 1 and
2 from an existing tract. Lot 1 would contain 11.59
TCr?S.^ \ ~ 1•75 acres and Lot 3 - 0.92 acres.Included in the staff recommendation was a condition that
the owners provide a dedication of a public river access
easement 15' wide, as measured from the "high water
mark , paralleling the south side of the Big Thompson
River through Lot 1. Mr. Kochevar reported the owners
would comply with the request subject to the Town
^arrier' delineating the public access; and
denying public access until such time as a public
through-way is constructed. Town Engineer Widmer stated
investigating the property, the easement should
"hiah r0ad v1nSeSt to the river' not necessarily the
g ter mark. Mr. Lew Wallace, adjacent property owner, inquired as to the possibility ofP mo5Sg
Yeh^cles Closer to his property. Planne?
Stamey advised the Town currently does not have zonina
r^'UnLontc0onSfof0r ai^- RV Park' and SPruCe ^ake would beSomI
a non-conforming" use. Under the non-conformincr use
the area could not be enlarged or expanded. Pi^jposed
Dark?9 ,hregul;tlcons . under consideration would allow RV
through Special Review. Commissioner Hix stated
are Sp!Cial circumstances or condi??ons
for -Hho9 he pr°PYrty' that the exception is necessary
Sopertv rfah<ernf3;0Hn ant- of a substantial
property right of the petitioner, that the grantina of
Sbli?Ct^i;Sr/;Ll1 1}0t- ba materially (detrimental to9 the
P • w^elfare or injurious to other property in the
situatedho? •in Whf1Cb the. Pr°Perty of the petitioner is
oft thtisd tftio C01lfllct yith the purposes and objectives
f h1 Kaind moved the Spruce Lake Addition Lot
Split be favorably recommended to the Town Board with the
following conditions;
1. Provide a dedication of a public river access
easement, with the alignment of the easement to
be determined by Town Staff and the developer's
representative. p
2‘ of the 10°-year flood plain be shown onthe plat.
Planning Coitunission - April 15, 1986 - Page five
3. All property pins set prior to Town Board
4. A drainage easement be reserved for the gully
traversing the easterly portion of Lots 2 and 3
and thence to the pond. The easement should be a
minimum of 20' wide.
Commissioner Brown seconded the motion and it passed
Zoning; Chairman Sager declared a public hearing to
consider the zoning for Spruce Lake Addition. Mr. Paul
Kochevar reported existing Larimer County Zoning is
T-Tourist. Mr. Greg Rosener, Co-Owner, stated the
following zoning was requested:
Lot 1
Lot 2
Lot 3
C-0 Commercial Outlying
C-0 ”
R-1 Residential
1 contains the RV Park, Lot 2 contains the existing
dwelling plus a cabin, and Lot 3 is vacant. Mr. Rosener
provided photographs of the property requesting Lot 2 not
be zoned R-Residential due to the proximity of the
dwelling to the campground. Planner Stamey summarized
the^|)C>rt:Lon t^e staff report addressing zoning. The staff recommendation is as follows:
Lot 1
Lot 2
Lot 3
C-0 Commercial Outlying
Following^ Mr. Rosener, there were no other persons
speaking in favor of the proposed zoning. Those speaking
: Mr* Ron Reiland. Mr.Reiland, adjacen?
Planned7 StamSv' expres®edrn hei9ht and setback concerns.
Planner Stamey compared T-Tourist uses, setbacks and
eight restrictions with the Town's C-O regulations/ and?ie?eebXePinaainnen%thHe. T°rn,S. develoP-nt reliew piocessf
^a?d ? fl:irther testimony. Chairman Sager declared
fni'?nP^bl:LC h?ari5|5 closed. Commissioner Brown moved the
Sistees? ZOn;Lng be favorably recommended to the Board of
Lots 1 and 2 be zoned C-0 Commercial Outlying
Lot 3 be zoned R-Residential.
DiCklnSOn seconaed ""“tion and it passed
Town Attorney VZhite submitted a revised copy of the proposedexSsLCS LrrcnC8e-"l9«T6he Planning "o-i-ion's6 Sns
expressea March 18, 1986 were incorporated. Commissionp-r
oSinanITeVeic5 thG Plannin5 Commission recognizes this
a”CG- 13 the appropriate direction to be followed to
a?^ andP aCement af nfwsracks in the downtown Streetscape
area and recommends the Newsrack Ordinance be favorablv recommended to the Board of Trustees. ColisfiorHix
seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
^ifnnnir Sbamey has. prepared material to be discussed with
Sessionanwill -a StUdy Session. A Study
11 scheduled prior to the next Planning
meeting in May to allow the Commissioners an
opportunity to discuss and review this material.
Planning Commission - April 15, 1986 - Page six
Commissioner Brown moved the Planning Commission recommend
Staff investigate the possibility of repealing and/or
altering Chapter 17.66, Section 17.66.190 C
Prohibited Signs - 4. Strings of light bulbs used in
connection with commercial premises for commercial
purposes, other than traditional holiday decorations.
Commissioner Dickinson seconded the motion and it passed
unanimously. Staff was also directed to obtain
information from various municipalities allowing string
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned,
(O '
Vickie O'Connor, Secretary