Planning Commission
September 18, 1984
Chairman A1 Sager, Members Duane Blair, Mark
T. Brown, John Carmack, George J. Hix, Steve
Komito, Richard A. Wood
Chairman Sager, Members Blair, Brown,
Carmack, Komito. Wood
Also Attending: Attorney White, Planner Stamey, Secretary
1. Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held August 21,
1984 were approved.
Mr. Gary Brown, representing Judith Normali, submitted a request
in a letter dated June 4, 1984 which addressed adding the follow
ing language to Section 7.08.070 paragraph (1) "...within R-1
residence districts or R—2 Multiple family residence or C—1
Commercial districts or C—2 Commercial districts."; and paragraph
(3) "...Provided, however, that a residence may be maintained
closer than twenty-five feet or in an adjoining building f°r ^
trainer or groomer of horses and his or her immediate family."
In Mr. Brown's August 10, 1984 letter, he amended his request as
follows: 1. That any horse maintenance on R-lf R-2 or >c"2
commercial districts shall not include any commercial facility,
but shall be only for the personal use of the owners of the
horses; 2. That C-1 commercial districts would not be included
to allow horses but only in C-2 commercial districts; (3) That a
minimum lot size of ten (10) acres would be required in a C-
commercial district and that ten (10) acre commercial districts
would be limited to four (4) horses. Planner Stamey read his
staff report dated September 13, 1984 summarizing the request and
outlining some of the major issues and potential use regulations.
Those speaking in favor of the amendment, none. Those speaking
in opposition Mr. Harry McCarter, President, Stanley Heights
Homeowner's Association. Mr. McCarter stated the existing horse
trails running through Stanley Heights are maintained at the
property owner's expense and expressed his concern regarding an
increase in maintenance fees due to additional use. The fol ow
ing correspondence was received and read:
John & Lorraine Roberts...................................... 07/01/84
Betty Clausen................................................................ 07/16/84
Greg Rosener/Realty World..................................... 07/17/84
John & Lorraine Roberts......................................... 09/14/84
Chief Ault stated he had inspected the property in question in
Following discussion. Member Brown moved the Planning Commission
develop11^ list of standards and use regulations to be co^^^ed
with a Special Review Process to maintain horses th® ^
District. Member Wood seconded the motion and it passe
Mr. Todd Plummer, representing the owners, Je
creates no new parcels and provides for a more efficient futu
Planning Commission - September 18, 1984 - Page two
land use that would be compatible with the surrounding neighbor
hood. The following correspondence was received and read:
Light and Power Director............................................ 9/06/84
Town Engineer.................................................................... 9/06/84
Upper Thompson Sanitation District......................... 9/13/84
Town Attorney.................................................................... 9/18/94
Planner Stamey then read a Summary of Comments and Recommended
1. Add signature block and signature of Bette Jo
2. Signature acknowledgement should read: August J.
Burkart, Nellie M. Burkart.
3. Boundary Adjustment statement should read: ...each lot
as shown.
4. The dedication of the roads needs to make clear that
they are private roads not accepted by the Town for mainte
5. Along the northeast boundary of Burbach Addition, Tract
2, the dimension of 36.76 should be 39.76, and 159.93 should
be 159.33.
6. The acreage (1.58 acres) should be shown for Burbach
Addition, Tract 2.
7. The north line of Tract 88 bearing S78o10'21"E should be
8. The acreage (0.72 acres) should be shown for Tract 88.
9. The former boundary line of Burbach Addition, Tract 2,
should be shown adjacent to Tract 88.
, o no for Tract 86 should be 1.8810. The acreage of 2.08 acres xoi
100 should be Tract 89b.
12. Book 1813, page ?4^rwethaOUnotenttc thePalkc£t Sa?
rtUSarLf^rUeSat”eef in Sahcco1raaahnaVee wttr^LtT°oWn. a Sukaivlalcn
13. All existing power lines on this property should be
identified and platted.
14 Ten-foot utility easements shall be reserved on all
sides of the property for future utrUtres.
„r. Plummer stated Item #1 of «hibt ;Ses1|1tvteedr! Tn i^lmls
ed in Planner stamey's summary and wouldubewresOriy ,edge o t
of the above mentioned , £ the mutual use road and
utility easement on. 1^he, Jnore clLr. Member Wood moved
parking easement will be I?adef bl recommended to the Town
Betton Boundary Adjustment be ^ 1 through 11, and 13 of the
Board subject to conditions Attorney White's letter (2.Summary of Comments; Items 2 and 3 of Att y Addition by the
Note: The subdivision of Tract 87, Fan
Planning Commission - September 18, 1984 - Page three
conveyance recorded in Book 1813 at Page 44, Records of the Clerk
and Recorder of Larimer County, Colorado appears to be illegal
and appears to be a subdivision not approved by the Town of Estes
Park. Since Tract 87, Fall River Addition is not a part of this
boundary adjustment, the Town of Estes Park, in the approval and
acceptance of this boundary adjustment, is not in any manner
accepting said subdivision of Tract 87; 3. The southwesterly edge
of the utility easement on the south side of the mutual use roa“
and parking easement should be clarified on the plat.); amend
Item 14 of the Summary to read indicate adequate utility
easements, with the petitioner to meet with Upper Thompson
Sanitation District to determine proper locations, and that the
qrantinq of the exception will not be materially detrimental to
the public welfare or injurious to other property in the
neighborhood in which the property of the petitioner is situated
or in conflict with the purposes and objectives of Tltle
Member Brown seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mrs. Neil Rosener, stated the following.
The firm of Duff/Reck Professional_ Company followed the
Town's Master Plan and Zoning Regulations.
SetaroefrSl8areio«qUv,<lStthini98 aurnrttrei0hn
story with garage.
The housing buildings will be four-plexes with the land
owners sharing common open space.
The roadway (cul-de-sac) ^ a sbe e n byhthe Town,
and south and meets the standards requirea y
The proposed common open space is 28%.
There will be one driveway serving 5 units with access off
of Vista Lane.
n1 .nd larae rock formations will be used along
Seatrs?9anfnSr?h sidel of the property.
Lil 0i91S- Slt6adsand?Sso1?ien(gCravflf and "bedrock.
in the lower portion of the -^e'9-und water was found to
II present 4-feet below the ground surfacei;i t be aeslgna a
"boggy" area. A on the west and south property
..open space." DraI-n tlto prevent ground water problems.
lines will be Plac® 2-3 feet.Building sites will be raised
•n hP located on the property within TWO fire hydrants will be locat
300' of any building.
n, will be provided throughout the
Pedestrian walkways
property. Building Inspector,
With information ratlon walls were found to be
two-hour masonry fire separau
The following correspondence was received and
Light and Power Director...............................
Planning Commission - September 18, 1984 - Page four
Town Engineer.................................................................... 09/14/84
Town Planner...................................................................... 09/17/84
Those speaking in favor of Mi Casa P.U.D. - Conceptual Plan, Mr.
Giles Gere, representing E.V.I.A. and Upper Thompson Sanitation
District. Those speaking in opposition, Mr. John Phipps, repre
senting Mr. and Mrs. Tom Poe. Mr. and Mrs. Poe have expressed
concern regarding the east property line landscaping, and would
like to see a definite landscape plan with some trees. Mr.
Rosener stated there will be no "blanket landscaping"; however,
landscaping will be placed to the east side of the 44 fence,
consisting primarily of shrubbery, which will match the height of
the fence. Some trees could be put in this area. When asked for
an approximate time-frame for the project, Mr. Rosener responded
three years. Member Blair moved the Mi Casa P.U.D. - Conceptual
Plan be favorably accepted with the following conditions:
1. Adequate utility easements provided for the i^nstallation
of electric power facilities. A street light will be
necessary at the closed end of the cul-de-sac
another one at the entrance to the cul-de-sac on Vista La .
2. Identify a 15' drainage easement along the east border
of the street.
4. Status of existing structure should be identified (use,
future use, removal schedule).
5. Under "Statement of Intent" - Item D. correct to
reflect construction of four-plexes and one duplex.
Under "Statement of Intent" - Town Attorney's Comment:
should iJolude statement that all documentation with regard
to the Homeowner's Association concerning ownership
maintenance" o? the open space and driveway easements are
subject to Town approval.
7. under "Statement Ilj!:®n;it ur in spring 1985.
;o?ei?ia\nafSS?iveeadSuir and erosion problems during this
8. With regard to the ,f°™af1oraPPh1eicas\it°en'p1tahn a^d^^Ina!
information will be rquired for the Site
a. Soils Study.
b. Engineering drawings of street, drainage an
c. Drainage Study.
A street name is needed for the cul-de-sac.9.
10. Although Town Staff attempted tOcoSecure pinrtshfrom
affected agencies, aPpl;°';'a^ a review by these agencies and
be included with the
Final Plat.
Member Brown seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Planning Commission - September 18, 1984 - Page five
Planner Stamey advised the Planning Commission a Zoning Workshop
will be held Thursday, September 27, 1984 at 2:00 P.M. in Room
100 of the Municipal Building. Mr. Phil Herr, Zoning Consultant,
will be present to discuss zoning revisions.
6. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
Vickie O'Connor, Secretary