HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Planning Commission 1975-12-16RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Conunission Meeting i/ December 16, 1975 j Commission: Chairman Prosser; Members Wagner, Steele, Sager, Hix, Petrocine and Blair | I Attending: Members Petrocine, Sager, Steele and Hix Also Attending: Secretary Hill, Town Engineer/Planner Van Horn Absent: Chairman Prosser; Members Wagner and Blair It was moved, seconded and carried the minutes of November 18, 1975 be approved. [ I MASTER PLAN: | [ Robert Eord of Lord and Associates, Inc. dilstributed copies of the Trans- and ^:LSCUSSed briefly the main problem areas and recom- Plan win1hi;LSnS'•+-?e^S^atedwthat a comPletted draft of the Comprehensive ii March! b SUbmitted ln February to be presented for public hearings KINNIE - LOT SPLIT - LOT 45, GRAND ESTATES: Lynn Kinnie submitted a petition requesting that a portion of his oro- qSfS (;outhern portion of Lot 45, Grand Estates) be transferred to the Swickard property (northern portion of Lot |45, Grand Estates) ThpJiSrteM tangM ln.boundary lines would nJt create any nerbullSng the BiaraeSeLus?IeS Steele moved the lot {division be recommended to °f T^ustees for approval and that: the Planning Commission finds the following facts with respect to the request: commission finds 1] th^propeJtjr SpeCial circun!stances or conditions affecting 2) That the exception is necessary for the preservation and tioner-0yment °f a substanti^1 Property right of the peti- 3)That the granting of the exception will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other proper y in the neighborhood jin which the property of the siJuabfd or in jconflict with the purposes and objectives of this title. Upon rolljcall the motion unanimouslyMember Hix seconded the motion, carried. SIGN CODE - 7th REVISION: A ietter from a Committee comprised of representatives of the Chamber Commerce, Accommodations Association, Retail Merchants Association and Amerxcau Association of Retired Persons, requeSSrthaf ISrther aitlon ken on the sign code by the Planning Commission be delayed until Feb- >.COr^Y R?^ars'.Manauer of the Chamber of Commerce, explained that e ad hoc Committee is currently reviewing the sign code and listina suggested changes but will require more tiL in order io coZll^e thl f?na?W and S^-Ubmtt Jhe su^9ested changes to the various organizations for consent. Member Charles Hix moved the request be granted and the public hearing date be set for the February 17, 1976 meeting of the Plan- mit?nCOiraniSai0n'i Meinbe^ Steele seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion unanimously carried. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Planning Coimnission December 16, 1975 Page Two (2) There being no further business, the meeting adjourned