HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Estes Park Planning Commission 1999-01-19BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS
Estes Park Planning Commission
January 19,1999
Also Attending:
Chair Al Sager, Commissioners Mark Brown, Harriet Burgess,
Stephen Gillette, Alma Hix, Edward Pohl and David Thomas
Chair Sager, Commissioners Burgess, Gillette, A. Hix, Pohl and
Trustee Liaison G. Hix, Senior Planner Joseph, and Recording
Secretary Wheatley
Commissioner Brown
Chair Sager called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
1. MINUTES of the December 15,1998 meeting were approved.
Al Sager was nominated Chair and it passed unanimously. Ed Pohl was
nominated Vice Chair and it passed unanimously. The Community Development
Secretary or designee was appointed as Recording Secretary.
a. Amended Development Plan 95-03, Lots 22,23 and Portion of Lot 16,
Sunny Acres Subdivision (The Wiilows), Arnold, Jowayne and Roy
Johnson/Applicants. This is a minor revision to the Amended
Development Plan approved at the August, 1998 Planning Commission
meeting. This latest revision involves a minor revision to the footprints of
the two units, and an adjustment of the position of the units to move them
closer to the river. The new plan positions these units along the thirty foot
river set back line. The plan proposes to protect existing trees by fitting the
units and attached decks around the existing trees. The river setback is
maintained and the access is unchanged. There is no net change in the
density. Staff recommended approval, and as there were no comments,
consent agenda passed.
a. Preliminary Plat, Sleepy Hollow Subdivision, A Portion of the South
Vz of Section 22, T5N, R73W, of the 6th P.M., Fall River Road, West of
Trails West On The River & Black Hawk Lodge, Gary D. Connely,
Tejas lnc./Appllcant. Kerry Prochaska with Rocky Mountain Consultants
reviewed the changes that have occurred in the last 3 months. The north
edge of the property boundary was revised due to a court decree, other
boundary lines of lots were adjusted to better fit the existing terrain, and
shared driveway accesses to Lots 1 & 2 and Lots 9 and 10 were
Senior Planner Joseph reviewed the staff report. Staff has received
revisions to both the Plat and the road construction plan. The boundary
adjustment as per the Court Decree has been shown and Rocky Mountain
Consultants as licensed Professional Land Surveyors asserts the new
boundary is accurate. The street construction plan sheet now shows the
location of Mr. Tawne/s dumpster and parking as per the Court Decree.
The layout of the lots has been adjusted to provide a better fit with the
existing terrain. Staff now recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat
with conditions. Commissioner Pohl requested some changes be made to
the plat for clarification purposes.
Estes Park Planning Commission - January 19,1999 Page 2
Jim Tawney/Ponderosa Lodge spoke regarding his concerns that there
was only one access. This development would create too much density for
the area and would substantially change the nature of the area, which in
turn would devalue Mr. Tawne/s property. He indicated there was still a
disagreement concerning the 14 feet along the north boundary. He asked
for clarification regarding the proposed two lane bridge mentioned by
Senior Planner Joseph. Senior Planner Joseph advised that the original
Preliminary Plat approval that has now expired allowed for the Town to
require the homeowners association to widen the existing bridge to two
lanes. Mr. Tawney believes there is no room for a two lane bridge.
Mr. Prochaska was asked to respond to Mr. Tawney’s concerns. He
commenced by pointing out that zoning allows 58 family units and they are
only building 10. In regards to the bridge, in the event the Town requests
it, the homeowners’ association will pay to have it widened. The widening
of the bridge would in all likelihood encroach on Mr. Barker’s property.
They have not as yet been in touch with Mr. Barker. Chair Sager noted
that there was no indication of an emergency access easement on Lot
and would like that identified on the Preliminary Plat. Mr. Prochaska
agreed to identify an emergency access easement as well as a utility
easement on the Final Plat.
Senior Planner Joseph presentedTown Attorney White’s menrio indicating
that it was not the responsibility of the Commission to decide the oiAcome
of the court decree. Mr. Prochaska made the correction to the memo that
on line 2 of paragraph 3, that the term “licensed engineer5 should be
“licensed land surveyor.” It was moved and seconded (Burgess/Gillette)
the Preliminary Piat of Sleepy Hollow Subdivision be approved with
the following conditions, and it passed unanimously:
1 Shared private access easement and maintenance agreements sha
L drafted and recorded with the Final Plat for Lots 1 and 2, and for
Complete1street and drainage construction pians shali be
submitted with the Final Plat.
An access easement providing access to
recorded and the reception number noted on the Rnai Hat Th s
easement agreement shall also provide for maintenance of the
sharedtirivate street. A copy of the signed easenrent agreemer*
shall be furnished prior to Town Board approval. This access
easement agreement shall also provide for future replacement of the
existino one lane bridge with a two lane bridge.
The developer shall locate and construct the required postal cluster
Provtion for the maintenance of both open space outlets (A&B)
<;hall be provided prior to Town Board approval.
Dave oper shali be responsible to construct and pave all of the
Ihared privaTe drives located within “Outlot C” and for conshuct.on
nf tho oharpd access drives serving Lots 1 & 2, and Lots 9 & 10.
The graphics on the final plat «nll be clarified to differentiate between
property boundaries and access easements, with an emergency
flpcpss also shown on the final plat. .The homeowners’ association will agree to accept ownership and
m“anrot the bridge should the Town decide to deed ,t to
Estes Park Planning Commission - January 19,1999 Page 3
b. Preliminary Plat Arapaho Meadows Addition to be known as Pawnee
Meadows Subdivision, West of Carriage Drive and Highway 7, Scott
Milier/Applicant. This is a proposal to subdivide 15 acres into 9 single
family residential lots and 1 open-space outlot. Paul Kochevar,
representing the applicant, reviewed the request. The site contains a large
area of wetlands that will be included in a conservation easement. The
homeowner’s agreement will state that this area is not available for
development. Water will come from an existing water line west of the
property and connected to the water line in Carriage Drive. The houses
will not be clustered in any one location resulting in a more open
development. A new 50 ft. wide street R.O.W. would extend from
Cherokee Meadows to the west through the subdivision to Highway 7.
Senior Planner Joseph reviewed the staff recommendation that the
Preliminary Plat be conditionally approved. Since the Statement of Intent
indicated that the project would be phased, a specific phasing proposal
was requested with the Final Plat of a first filing. Mr. Kochevar indicated
that the project would be accomplished in two phases, the first
commencing this Spring would start at Cherokee Meadows and end with
a cul-de-sac serving Lots 4,7,8 and 9. The date of commencement of the
final phase is not known but will probably be this Fall or next Spring.
Senior Planner Joseph pointed out that CDOT had accepted the proposed
street connection to Highway 7. Staff has requested preliminary street
construction plans to a level of detail sufficient to allow Town Staff to
determine if the proposed Right of Way width is adequate to accommodate
future design and construction of public pedestrian and bicycle
connections. The Preliminary Plat proposed a trail easement through the
wetlands, however, staff recommended using the ROW.
Audience comments: Ed McKinney, resident of Prospect Estates, spoke
regarding the need for an additional access for the area and that this new
road is critical. He also supported removing the trail from the wetlands. He
was concerned that the sanitary sewer lines would have to be cut across
the wetlands using gravel base v\^ich would lower the watertable, adversely
affecting the wetlands. Commissioner Hix inquired about the sidewalk and
Commissioner Sager expressed his concern that the road appears to go
through two large Ponderosa pine trees on the property. Mr. Kochevar
advised that they would adjust the ROW line to avoid as many trees as
possible. The connections for the sewer line will require a permit with the
Corps of Engineers to cross the wetlands; however, using one common
connection for Lots 1 & 2, another for Lots 4, 6 and 7, and another
connection for Lots 5, 8 and 9, there would only need to be a total of 4
connections. If the utility trenches intercept ground water, it should drain
back into the wetlands area. Linda Hinze, an adjacent landowner,
expressed concern over the entrance going into the west end where there
was a spring and aspen grove. Mr. Kochevar advised that the new road
will go 50 feet past the grove of trees, 300 feet from the west property line
and turn north around Lot 5. Senior Planner Joseph recognized
correspondence from neighbors Hinze, Mann, Rosenthal and Gamble
expressing concern regarding the initial location of the hike/bike trail
through the wetlands, fencing, and lighting. They also requested that
modular, manufactured homes and nightly rentals be prohibited. Mr.
Kochevar indicated that the proposed covenants will prevent any
construction in the wetlands including fences and the conservation
easement would adequately address the wildlife concerns. Fencing would
be limited to decorative spots and dog run areas. Chair Sager noted that
there was a considerable amount of barbed wire fence on the north side
of the property. Mr. Kochevar advised that Mr. Miller would remove the
Estes Park Planning Commission - January 19,1999 Page 4
fence if he did indeed own it. Ann Leonard who is the adjacent property
owner to the north advised that the fence on the west property line was
under joint ownership between the previous owner and herself and that she
would be more than happy to see it removed and replaced with some other
kind of fence, indicating that some fencing was needed.
Commissioner Thomas asked if the bike/pedestrian ROW was a sidewalk.
Senior Planner Joseph advised this could be a painted bike lane on the
road, a separate sidewalk, an unpaved horse trail or some combination of
these. Staff is recommending that adequate room be required for making
those connections. Further discussion followed related to the necessity of
a paved sidewalk. Public Works Director Linnane stated that Staff
recommends the developer should construct a sidewalk as a part of the
street improvements. It was moved and seconded (A. Hix/Pohl) the
Preliminary Plat of Arapaho Meadows Addition to be known as
Pawnee Meadows Subdivision be approved with the foliowing
conditions, and it passed with the following votes: Those voting “Yes
Chair Sager, Commissioners Thomas, Burgess, Pohl, and Mix. Those
voting “No” - Commissioner Gillette.
1. The statement of intent mentions the possibility of phasing the
subdivision. This may require a temporary cul-de-sac. A specific
phasing proposal shall be provided for staff review prior to submittal
of a Final Plat of a first filing. Dedication of street right of way
through the subdivision connecting with Cherokee Meadows shall be
required with the first filing of a Final Plat.
Preliminary street construction plans shall be prepared to a level of
detail suffTcient to allow Town Staff to determine if the proposed
Right of Way width is adequate to accommodate design and
construction of public pedestrian and bicycle connections at the
developer’s expense. The applicant shall submit these plans for
Town Staff review prior to submitting a Final Plat and related final
Th'^applicantshall obtain approval from CDOT of the accesses
shownon the Preliminary Plat, and shall idenWyand cornplywm
any and all access improvements required by CDOT. These sha
^reflected in the Street Construction Pians submitted to Town Staff
“.r?Easement shall be submitted for Town Staff review with submittal of
a Final Plat. These covenants shall permanent'y protect t
wetlands. Any construction of roads and utilities in the wet'ands
shall require an Army Corps permit prior to disturbing the wetlands.
A'mintmum building setback of 25 ft. '--Jfe penmeter of thed
wetlands shall be provided on all lots except Lot 3 ( et a
setback on Lot 3 shall be a minimum of 15 ft.). This shall oe
accomplished with the Conservation Easement boundary or wrt
SSg envelopes on the final Plat. The "7 of the
Consolation Easement shall be shown on the Final Plat with a
complete legal description and shall be marked in the field in some
permanent Lhion that will enable prospective buyers and future
owners to easily see the boundary on the lots.The existing uniiriproved roadthal runs through the property shal be
mmovedandre-vegetated (except where it may serve as a future
A - Q nn 1 nt m The developer shall be responsible for this work,
and it shall be noted on the construction plans submitted withthe
FhalPlafand shall be covered in the Improvement Guarantee.
Estes Park Planning Commission - January 19,1999 Page 5
All disturbed areas shall be re-vegetated upon completion of the
road construction and utility installation. These areas shall include,
without limitation, all cut and fill slopes, and all underground utility
installations. A separate quantity estimate and line item for this work
shall be included in the Engineer’s final estimate.
The existing residence on Lot 4 shall be required to connect to the
sanitary sewer system.
The existing sanitary sewer line that cuts across the west side of Lot
3 shall be accurately located and placed within a utility easement on
the Final Plat.
c. Amended Plat, Jones Subdivision, Portion of SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of
Section 24, T5N, R73W of the 6th P.M., y2 mile west of MacGregor on
Highway 34 Bypass, Larry Jones/Applicant. This item was continued
to the February^, 1999, Planning Commission meeting at the request of
the applicant. ¥
d. Amended Plat, The Crags Subdivision, Lots 1 & 2 of the Replat of
Lots 14 & 15, South y2 of Section 25, T5N, R73W, Thomas and Terri
Barry/Applicants. This is a proposal to combine two existing lots into one
new lot. Bill Van Horn was present representing the applicants. Senior
Planner Joseph reviewed the staff report and advised that Mr. Van Horn
had that day delivered a revised plat that included all the staff
recommendations. The revised plat could be recommended to the Town
Board. Commissioner Pohl asked for a definition of a fire retardant
shingle. Mr. Van Horn described the three classifications and advised that
the plat referred to Class B shingles. It was moved and seconded
(Thomas/A. Hix) the Amended Plat of the Crags Subdivision, Lots 1 &
2 of the Replat of Lots 14 & 15, South Vz of Section 25, T5N, R73W,
be favorably recommended to the Board of Trustees subject to the
following conditions, and it passed unanimously:
1. The following notes shall be placed on the Plat:
• All areas outside the building envelopes are available for
underground utilities as described in the dedication statement.
• Town water service is not available at elevations higher than 7770
feet. Each lot may require an individual pressurization system. All
water services need to be 3/4 inch.
• In order to decrease the wildfire hazard identified: All new
development will incorporate fire retardant singles, and one-hour
minimum fire protection construction, with surrounding trees
trimmed away from structures. A “fire break’ shall be placed around
the buildings, any trees shall be removed within 30 feet of a
chimney. Roofs shall be maintained to keep them free of pine
needles and leaves, chimneys shall have spark arrestors and all
fireplace ashes shall be placed within metal containers.
. The Town of Estes Park will not maintain this portion of Audubon
Street until such time as it connects in a publicly dedicated and
constructed street within the adjacent property to the east.
• The lot owner shall be responsible for erosion control measures
during construction of drives, utility services and homes.
• The use of Lot 1A shall be restricted to one single-family residence.
2. The dedication statement shall be revised to include dedication of
perimeter utility easements, and the area outside of the building
envelope shall be labeled as a utility easement.
Estes Park Planning Commission - January 19,1999 Page 6
a. Development Plan 98-08, Lot 2, Ranch Meadow Subdivision, West of
Lone Pine Acres and North of Grand Estates, Richard H. Wille,
Trust/Applicant This is a proposal for multi-family condominiums
consisting of nine units total in two buildings. Bill Van Horn was present
representing the applicant, who was also present. Senior Planner Joseph
reviewed the staff report recommending approval with conditions. Mr. Van
Horn agreed to add the recommended conditions to the Development Plan.
Commissioner Hix inquired if recommendations from Public Works had
been included, and Staff responded in the affirmative. Correspondence
in support of the request has been received as follows; verbal (telephone) -
Gerry Swank, Bob Towner, and Leon Smeaton; written - Brian & Nell Burt,
Judy Whiteside and Percy & Georgia Andrus. Commissioner Pohl
expressed his continued concern about the impact of having buildings so
close to the highway. It was moved and seconded (Burgess/A. Hix) the
Development Plan 98-02, Lot 2, Ranch Meadow Subdivision, be
approved with the following conditions, and it passed unanimously;
1. The proposed drainage easement from Lot 3 to the existing inlet
shall be given a complete legal description and it shall be shown on
the Plan and shall be recorded.
2. The new sidewalk along the street will require accessible ramps
where it crosses curbs, these ramps shall be shown on the
Development Plan.
3. The unit types and density calculation shall be added to the Plan.
b Development Plan 99-01, Cedar Ridge Condominiums, Lot 2, Beaver
Point 3rd Addition, North of US Highway 36 and East of Elm Road,
Jack Williams/Applicant. This Development Plan proposes to construct
a total of nine condominium units. Each unit will stand alone. Three of the
units are single level and six units are multi-level. An attached garage shall
be provided with all units. The site is currently divided into two lots. This
plan proposes to combine the two existing lots Into one new lot. All open
areas outside the unit walls will be owned and maintained by the
homeowners’association. Ross Stephen from Estes Park Surveyors was
present representing the applicant. It was noted that he was accompanied
by Steve Mitchell, an Estes Park student participating in the Career Day
program. Mr. Stephen reviewed the Development Plan with the request that
a 20 foot leeway be given on Unit 1 in order to preserve a rock outcropping
and trees. Staff recommended that 6 trees and 50 shrubs be placed along
the street frontage and it was requested that 1 tree could replace 5 shrubs.
Commissioner Hix expressed concern that the elevated wooden walks to
the entryways were as much as 15 steps from the driveways. Also two
driveways did not have appropriate turn-around areas. Commissioner
Thomas inquired about fire protection since no comment had been made
bv the Fire Department. Mr. Stephen advised that the site plan meets all
ISO requirements. Commissioner Hix requested additional information on
the plantings. The trees to be placed along the highway would most likely
be Ponderosa pines with manual irrigation guaranteed. Chair Sager
commented that in his judgment there was not adequate site distance for
exiting and traffic approaching from the east- He+.reque|ted0trhpllnnpr
hazard be recognized and given more consideration. Senior Ranner
Joseph reviewed the staff report. The street planting item of 6 additions
trees and 50 shrubs meets the required minimum planting in the Municipal
Code; however, he would support the alteration to replace 5 shrubs with
one tree up to a maximum of 10 trees. It would produce a better effect in
this particular location. Staff recommends that the two existing lots be
Estes Park Planning Commission - January 19,1999 Page 7
combined into one lot before applying for a building permit. An
Improvement Guarantee covering all required utility, street and other site
improvements will be required before a building permit is issued.
Commissioner Pohl requested confirmation that the 20 foot adjustment on
Unit 1 would not interfere with the required minimum distance between
buildings and it was given. Commissioner Thomas received confirmation
that the Improvement Guarantee would also cover the plantings. Senior
Planner Joseph advised that the Improvement Guarantee usually occurs
at the time of the building permit; however, Staff already has a letter from
Paul Kochevar relating the Improvement Guarantee. Commissioner
Burgess inquired as to whether trees were allowed within the pedestrian
access easement. Senior Planner Joseph advised that it was reasonable
to include some planting in easement areas with consideration for future
trail construction. It was moved and seconded (Pohl/Gillette) that
Development Plan 99-01, Cedar Ridge Condominiums, Lot 2, Beaver
Point 3rd Addition, be approved with the following conditions, and it
passed with the following votes. Those voting “Yes” - Chair Sager,
Commissioners Thomas, Pohl, Burgess, and Gillette. Those voting “No”-
Commissioner A. Hix.
1. The two existing lots shall be combined into one lot. This shall be
accomplished prior to application for a building permit.
Six additional trees and 50 additional shrubs shall be added to the
street frontage area along Moraine Avenue to meet the required
minimum planting. In consultation with staff, one tree may be
exchanged for 5 shrubs.
No building permits shall be issued for this Development Plan until
an Improvement Guarantee covering all required utility, street and
other site improvements is provided. Developer is allowed to move
Unit 1 twenty (20) feet to the east allowing for conservation of rocks
and trees with the final plan being approved by Town Staff.
There being no further business. Chair Sager adjourned the meeting at 3:25 p.m.
Meribeth Wheatley, Recording Secretary
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