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MINUTES Estes Park Planning Commission 2000-01-18
BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Regular Meeting of the Estes Park Planning Commission January 18,2000,1:30 p.m. Board Room (Room 130), Estes Park Municipal Building Commission: Attending: Chair Al Sager, Commissioners Harriet Burgess, Margaret Clark, Alma Hix, Edward Pohl and David Thomas All Also Attending: Trustee Liaison G. Hix, Directory Stamey, Town Attorney White, Senior Planner Joseph, and Recording Secretary Wheatley Absent:None Chair Sager called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. 1. MINUTES of the December 21, 1999 meeting were approved with the following corrections: a. Page 2 - Place period after “community”, delete “and it” and add ‘The motion..” b. Page 3 - Change ‘There were no public comments” to ‘There was no public comment.” c. Page 4 - Change “Lot 46B and Lot 43 will maintain the respective driveways” to ‘The owners of Lot 46B and Lot 46A will provide for the maintenance of the respective driveways.” d. Page 5 - Delete the word “cross” from #5. 2- ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 20QQ Jt was moved and seconded (Thomas/Pohl) to nominate Al Sager as Chair There being no further nominations, Al Sager was declared Chairman of the Estes Pam Planning Commission. Commissioner Pohl acknowledged Al Sagers 26 years of service to the Commission. |t was moved and seconded (Hix/Clark) to nominate Ed Pohl as Vice Chair Sr* SnTnngcrrst;nd POh'WaS declared ViCe Chaiman 0f SmgS,aD^l0Pme^, SeCre,a,y 0r deSi9nee WaS aPPOin,ed aS 3. SPECIAL REVIFW a' fPH»iaiRf,y!eW Lot 1 ’Moun,ain “an Subdivision, Giseia Grueff and Mike Whipp/Appiicants. Paul Kochevar, representing the applicants reviewed the Statement of Intent. Senior Planner Joseph reviewed the Staff Recommendations. Public Comment: Julie Larny - Questioned the sale price and square footage for the condominiums. This information was not available. Board Directions: Suggestion to curb and plant end islands In the parking area if snow removal would allow for it. A description of the fagade facing the east was requested, which Dennis Reinke, architect, then provided. The buildings are< TuVea sanc*stone base with wood and buff-colored stucco and gray roof. The trim color may be green. The east elevation of the east building BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Estes Park Planning Commission - January 18,2000 Page 2 will provide a large gable end with windows and a public entrance. Elevation drawing should coincide with the floor plan. Building on the east should be labeled as Building “B”. Revised architectural plans must be provided prior to Town Board action. It was moved and seconded (Burgess/Hix) that the Special Review 00- 01, Lot 1, Mountain Man Subdivision, be recommended for approval with the following conditions, and it passed unanimously. 1. All requirements identified in the Public Works memo dated January 5 2000, shall be met. 2. All replacement of improvements within the public ROW or public easements shall be designed to match existing streetscape improvements in the selection of materials and in the design of the improvements. Town Public Works Department shall review and accept detailed construction plans for these improvements prior to issuance of a building permit. 3. The developer shall be responsible to repair and replace existing plantings and irrigation lines along the riverwalk where new building entrances are located. 4. The proposed sewer connection is shown cutting through an existing street tree. This shall be avoided. Utility work for Lot 1 and Lot 2 shall be coordinated, including a common CDOT utility permit. Construction Plans shall be approved by Public Works priorto Town Board approval. 5. Provisions for carrying the parking area runoff and roof drains to the river without interfering with pedestrian circulation shall be provided. 6. Parking lot lighting and any exterior lighting shall utilize shielded cut off fixtures that prevent off-site glare. Exterior lighting plans shall be added to the plan. 7. The following notes shall be added to the plan: Any outside trash storage shall be secured against bears. The Developer shall be responsible for erosion control as required to prevent the discharge or erosion of soil or fill material into the river. riverr0Va thiS P,an 0,068 n0t authorize any construction activity in the 8. Creation ofcondominium ownerships after February 1,2000 shall be subject to the new Estes Valley Development Code. 9. Asphalt paving should be added to the plan. 10‘ onnneSilSM ?ed ^thG EstGS Park Sanitati°n memo dated January 12 2000, shall be met. 11‘ Dey5,0P^irG^^al1 comP|y with the requirements noted in the Chief Building Official’s memo dated January 10,2000. 12. Architectural building plans including elevations with materials and colors noted shall be revised and available priorto Town Board. BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Estes Park Planning Commission • January 18,2000 Page 3 13. The two driveways shall be labeled with directional signage (In and Out). 4. SUBDIVISIONS a. Preliminary Plat and Final Plat, Pawnee Meadow Subdivision, Scott Miller/Applicant. Paul Kochevar, representing the applicant, reviewed the two plats. This is a new Preliminary Plat rather than a revision of the one earlier approved and the term “Revised” will be removed from the plat. The term “conservation easement” will be converted to “wetlands” on the Preliminary Plat. Director Stamey gave an overview of the two plats. Discussion of the road development followed. Temporary road easement on Lot 6 should be identified. Mr. Kochevar requested a continuance to the February meeting to prepare an updated Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for Pawnee Meadow. Public Comment: Ed McKinney - Noted the street section in lower left corner of the Prelirninary Plat is offset in the right of way. Questioned the time limitation for approved Preliminary Plat. Teddie Haines - Property owner to the north. Inquired about fences in the outlets. Mr. Kochevar responded that the perimeter fences may stay but no fences would be allowed along interior lot lines in the wetlands. He also indicated the location of the hammerhead and advised that the aspen grove by the westerly ROW is to be preserved. he post office uses 16 box clusters which should accommodate those in the area. Rollie Hinze - Adjacent property owner. Questioned road ROW. Is ofjiosed to the road and increased traffic. Senior Planner Joseph indicated the preliminary road design, which included Islands to preserve trees, will help discourage high speeds. ft was moved and seconded (Pohl/Burgess) to continue the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat of Pawnee Meadow Subdivision to the February meeting, and it passed unanimously. b. Preliminary Plat, Tracts 43 & 46, Fall River Addition, Charles Franklin Hix, Jr. Trust/Applicant. Based on the applicant’s request, it was moved and seconded U nomas/Clark) to continue the Preliminary Plat, Tracts 43 & 46 Fall River Addition to the February meeting, and it passed unanimously with one abstention by Commissioner Hix. Amended Plat, Lots 1A & 2A, Amended Plat of Lots 1 & 2 Tinv Town Subdivision, Gary Mitchell/Applicant. It was noted that this Item had been withdrawn from the agenda by the applicant. Amended Plat, Lots 2 & 3, Beaver Point Third Addition, Jack Wiliiams/Applicant. Paul Kochevar from Estes Park Surveyors presented the request. Senior Planner Joseph reviewed staff recommendations. It was moved and seconded (HixAThomas) that the Amended Plat Lots 2 & 3, Beaver Point Third Addition, be recommended for c. d. BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Estes Park Planning Commission - January 18,2000 Page 4 approval with the following conditions, and it passed unanimously. 1. The utility easement along the south property line shall be completely described. 2. The vacated utility easements along the former lot line should be shown and labeled as vacated with this plat. e. Amended Plat, Lot 11 A, Amended Plat of Lots 11,12 & 13, Park Entrance Estates, Janice Larkin/Applicant. Based on the applicant’s request. It was moved and seconded (Thomas/Clark) to continue the Amended Plat, Lot 11 A, Park Entrance Estates, to the February meeting, and It passed unanimously. f. Amended Plat, Lot 1, Mount View Park and a portion of Meyer’s Addition, Black Canyon Inn, James Sloan/Applicant. Based on the applicant’s request. It was moved and seconded (Hix/Burgess) to continue the Amended Plat, Lot 1, Mount View Park and a portion of Meyer’s Addition, to the February meeting and it passed unanimously. 5. DEVELOPMENT PLANS a ^©velopment Plan 00-03, Lot 1, Mount View Park and a portion of Meyer’s Addition, Black Canyon Inn, James Sloan/Applicant. Paul Kochevar represented the applicant, Jim Sloan, who was also present. Mr. Kochevar presented the revised application, which only requested approval of a development plan amendment to construct the one building that had been approved by the Board of Adjustment. Senior Planner Joseph reviewed the late revision and advised it was staff’s recommendation to allow the construction of this building with the conditions of the variance that was granted. Public Comment: S^„D.eT:ureprf ?.en,in9 church leaders ot st- Bartholomew’s Church, indicated their full support of the proposal. tt was nioved and seconded (Hix/Clark) that Development Plan 00- 03, Lot 1, Mount View Park and a portion of Meyer’s Addition be approved with the conditions of the Board of Adjustment variance being applied, and it passed unanimously. Development Plan 00-02, Lot 8, Amended Plat of Lots 6, 7 & 8 of Pine River Subdivision, Dennis Reinke/Applicant. Paul Kochevar represented the applicant and reviewed the Statement of Intent. Senior Planner Joseph reviewed the staff report with recommendations. It was moved and seconded (Thomas/Pohl) that Development Plan 00-02, Lot 8, Pine River Subdivision, be approved with the following conditions and it passed unanimously. b. 1. 2. The applicant shall resolve ISO calculations with the Fire Chief The following notes shall be added to the plan: BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Estes Park Planning Commission - January 18,2000 Page 5 (a) Outside trash storage shall be secured against bears. (b) The Developer shall be responsible for erosion control as required to prevent the discharge or erosion of soil or fill material into the river. (c) Approval of this plan does not authorize any construction activity in the river. 3. Note be added to the plan to reflect the future use of the future expansion of the building. 4. Developer shall comply with the requirements noted in the Chief Building Official’s memo dated January 10, 2000. 5. Remove Note #7 from the plan per Town Attorney’s memo dated January 7,2000. c. Development Plan 00-01, Lot 1, Davis Subdivision, Griffith Storage Units, Harvey and Dale Griffith/Applicants. John Spooner from Van Horn Engineering represented the applicants. Senior Planner Joseph reviewed the Staff Report and noted that Item 1 and 4 could be deleted from the recommendations. There was no public comment. it was moved and seconded (Thomas/Hix) that Development Plan 00-01, Lot 1, Davis Subdivision, be approved with the following conditions and it passed unanimously. 1. 2. 3. Lighting on the exterior of the buildings shall be shielded to eliminate any off-site glare, and the location of the lights be indicated on the plan. A note shall be added to the plan prohibiting any outside storage. All plantings shall be irrigated and maintained in good condition. REPORTS - There were none. There being no further business. Chair Sager adjourned the meeting at 3:22 p.m. Al Sager, Chair Meiibeth Wheatley, Recording ^cretary