HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority 1990-03-01BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS
Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority-
March 1, 1990
Also Attending:
J. Donald Pauley, Edward B. Pohl
John M. Ericson, Jim Godbolt
Pieter Hondius, Gary F. Klaphake
Chairman Pauley, Commissioners Pohl
Ericson, Hondius, Klaphake
Trustee Polly Garrett
Public Works Director Richard Widmer
Community De-velopment Director/
Stephen L. Stamey
Roger Thorp/Thorp Associates
Executive Director Art Anderson
Technical Planner Bob Joseph
Secretary Heifner
Commissioner Godbolt
Chairman Pauley called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the February 15, 1990 meeting were approved as prepared.
cSSittif^lnutes Containing1 r“iewFofrUary 26' 1990 Dev®1°P”ent
for the Estes Path cnoCfferenoe
seconded fPohl-Eri+-v.-;r. x. • r was read* It was moved and into the r^3c^d .Er Thos1^ votina^Ye^*1*^ °f the minUteS be ^^^epted
Pohl, Ericson, Hondius. Those voting Pauley' Commissioners
Commissioner Klaphake. Motion carried. ’ nS* Th°Se Abstaining:
Center building" helght°1Cecommin^^ °Ver thS ProPosed Conference
topography and proposed’buildrnJh1.S1JT^^^ Klaphake noted the site's
the Development Committee had gdiScLsJd .C°^lni?®loner p°hl noted
review of arYpr opose1^! 9d°evel opm<Slte pi an °f ortfc 66 1linutes containing
Lots 5A and 9, Prospect Village PSubdifvfc;fn outdoor amusement on
moved and seconded (Pohl-HondiuJ^ ^ Were read* It was
approva 1/disapprov^:TCcx^Cthi^1^^S a^t\on doa^ not constitute
EPURA Will hold a Publi(cthhe\ri1rgV111arhf5.Plir90by
Commissioner Pohl epupmoCouncil brief the Boa^ on the36 Councn 't0 pt]ie Cultural Arts
organizational meeting. b Council s February 28, 1990
authority BUETME.qc
Widley declarad tb^ptblit" hearing opTn nPmpnb1 ^RViPT- " Chairman
idmer reviewed the Conference Cent^ar-* Pul:)1:Lo Works Director
Parking, access, drainage, landscaoina Plan' along withbuilding. y nascaping, and size/height of the
Estes Park Urban Renewal Authority - March 1, 1990 - Page Two
Roger Thorp/Thorp Associates explained the building's architectural
features, design, construction materials and color scheme.
There being no further comment for or against the project. Chairman
Pauley declared the public hearing closed.
It was moved and seconded (Hondius-Ericson) the proposed Estes Park
Conference Center development plan be found in compliance with the
Downtown Redevelopment Program (the Plan). Those voting Yes:
Chairman Pauley, Commissioners Pohl, Ericson, Hondius. Those
voting No: None. Those Abstaining: Commissioner Klaphake. Motion
Big Thompson River Improvements - East Corridor/Phase I:
Construction is 1-2 weeks behind schedule due to work performed on
the sewer encasement at the East Riverside Drive Bridge.
Big Thompson River Improvements - East Corridor/Phase II: A
request for qualifications advertisement to solicit contractors for
Phase II will appear in the March 2 and March 5, 1990 Daily Journal
and the March 2, 1990 Trail Gazette.
There being no further business. Chairman Pauley adjourned the
Donna Heifner, Secretary