HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Community Development Committee 2007-07-05RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, July 5, 2007 Minutes of a Regular meeting of the COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE of the Town of Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado. Meeting held in Town Hall in said Town of Estes Park on the 5th day of July 2007. Committee: Attending: Also Attending: Absent: Chairman Pinkham, Trustees Eisenlauer and Levine Ali Town Administrator Repola, Deputy Town Administrator Halburnt, Directors Pickering, Kiisdonk, and Joseph, Managers Marsh, Mitcheli, and Winslow, and Deputy Clerk Deats None Chairman Pinkham called the meeting to order at 8:02 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENT. None CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU. PVPMT/HORSE SHOW CONTRACTS — REQUEST APPROVAL. The Special Events Department is requesting approval of agreements with the following organizations to host events at Stanley Park Fairgrounds: uQr - R • Rocky Mountain Team Penning - September 14 through Septembe ^ ■ . Colorado State Sheriffs Posse Association Meeting and Gymkhana August 3 through September 2. relommenSs apVovaT o? the agreements with the above mentioned organizations as presented. AUTOEXTRAyAGANZASRIETCLQSUEEj|.EE^J£§I^E!^®^UMacGregor The Special Events Department is .r®c'“®®tin9ut|:|®C{^|UAut0 Ltravaganza Car Show. In addition,a|n^pTinclemenf weather. 'gond Pa^lf6^^! SS:n‘s etrrc=e^ recommend? approvai 9o7the street ciosnre tor the Auto Extravaganza Car Show. Trustee Levine requested that ea^y intheyeaTin order to assess the schedule of events and an,'c'P?®da|lSai!'0DSotSial impart iused to Bond Park area Town Board for insurance purposes. The Committee discussed giving staff the rJ°g(!;^snex^rcfsed byCSpecial Events. ruart"rtivrrepyortara^0dran lnPdUoTL year summary which will also provide needed RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Community Development - July 5, 2007 - Page 2 information when forecasting revenues for the upcoming year. Administrator Repola stated that Attorney White will draft an ordinance addressing this issue to bring before the Town Board as an action item. REPORTS. Reports provided for informational purposes and made a part of the proceedings. • Marketing Committee • Media & Public Relations • Visitors Services Mgr. Marsh provided clarification of data contained in the CVB Marketing Report stating that a high level of electronic activity is being experienced as it relates to information requests from visitors. He stated that methods of tracking electronic inquiries are being researched so that a cost per inquiry can be established and compared to inquiries generated from other types of marketing programs. The Committee requested Mgr. Marsh include an explanation of the significance of the data as part of the monthly report. Dir. Pickering noted that ridership on the shuttles was high over the 4th of July holiday. Currently, large buses are being used for the shuttle routes and an analysis of equipment needs will determine if smaller vehicles should be used in the future, particularly where routes travel through residential areas, in addition to determining if the shuttle program is a feasible solution to reduce overcrowding, parking problems, heavy traffic, and pollution. MUSEUM/SENIIOR CENTER SERVICES DEPARTMENT. REPORTSReports provided for informational purposes and made a part of the proceedings. • Museum Monthly Report • Senior Center General Report It was noted that new measurement processes are being utilized for the Museum and the Senior Center reports. The Committee applauded staff regarding the quality an variety of programs being offered at the Museum and the Senior Center. They discussed the9number of people who are taking advantage of these programs and questioned whether a point will be reached where charges may need to be imposed and/or raised in order to continue these programs. The Committee maintains that they donot want to discourage use of these facilities and that ways to offset costs should be pursued. Dir Kilsdonk recently attended the National Conservation Summit in Washington DC are being scheduled to continue addressing this issue. rOMMUNITV development. 2007. The Department's target is to achieve a 5° “s‘r®coy®^0'06 $65 0bo was :rctrdqu54%fr'.rTnoS^ structure is recovenng only half of th®g doubling all Town tees, a $30,000 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Community Development - July 5, 2007 - Page 3 Implementation of new fees could be done all at once or phased over time. The proposed fee schedule reflects a 100% increase to existing fees and the addition of fees for several services currently provided at no charge. Conversation ensued with the following being points of discussion: • How a 50% recovery rate was established. • Do fees accurately reflect the cost of development in our community and how to measure costs unique to the Estes Valley? • Impact fees. • Fees as a tool to encourage or discourage development. The Committee requested that staff conduct further research on the proposed fee schedule by applying the new fee schedule to last month’s submittals, bringing the Town fees in line with the County’s, and continuing to examine and analyze the fees to accurately reflect the staff time involved in providing services within the Estes Valley. The Committee requested staff pursue one fee schedule that would be the same for all of the Estes Valley and, upon completion, present it to the Committee and to the County for approval. REPORTS.Reports provided for informational purposes and made a part of the proceedings. • Community Development Financial Report • Monthly Building Permit Summary administrationl County. Staff has proposed that lh® >“0 b°u™^ies b®c|su'di Boulder county. rhaTd^S oTIouMrCo^pedies a'e noTinCuded' due to the fact the repuired IGA and elections would be more complex. State law requires that an agreement or c°r1||:^agtttabc^ejStdara^^^ jurisdictions affected by the Pr°P°®®d b ^ w Attomey White for consideration, and Agreement (IGA) has been P^Pflf nT°B7arHnhe T^^^^ Board agrees with the with approval, will be referred to the Town B . County Board of County terms, staff will present the j°JbebeLqairr;mcircuS of petitions among Commissioners. Upon approval, sta LMD )f the matter proceeds to an rctTontlsTnSd^atld Kewou™ "cour in 2008 and costs will be included in next year's budget. After reviewing the document the Committee discussed the following: : rsfrr^Soirg" • Terms of LMD board members. ranrp<;pntatives of diverse business • b^i^roLmd1^ande^opl^wiWt)marketing *<^bv^|^ydj^gC*ae)^|r'fHecredentials or . Development of an appointment process including a Administrator Repola will request Attomey White address the concerns of the RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Community Development - July 5, 2007 - Page 4 Committee and modify the IGA. A draft copy will be provided to all Trustees and to the Larimer County Commissioners for feedback before bringing it back to the Committee meeting in August. Administrator Repola will question Attorney White about the possibility of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) addressing a declining level of financial participation in the LMD by the Town. Dir. Pickering will continue to conduct meetings and compile a list of frequently asked questions regarding the LMD in order to provide information to property owners. MISCELLANEOUS. Administrator Repola informed the Committee that a copy of the modified concept plan for Stanley Park will be available for review at the Town Board Study Session scheduled for Tuesday, July 10, 2007. There being no further business. Chairman Pinkham adjourned the meeting at 10:30 a.m. Cyntnfa Deats, Deputy Town Clerk APPROVED JUL 1 0 2007 TOWN OF ESTES PARK BOARD OF TRUSTEES