HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Estes Valley Planning Commission 2003-09-16RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS
Regular Meeting of the Estes Valley Planning Commission
September 16, 2003,1:30 p.m.
Board Room, Estes Park Municipal Building
Also Attending:
Chair Wendell Amos, Commissioners George Hix, Richard
Homeier, Bill Horton, Joyce Kitchen, Edward Pohl, and One
Chair Amos, Commissioners Hix, Homeier, Horton, Kitchen, and
Town Attorney White, Director Joseph, Planner Shirk, Planner
Chllcott, and Recording Secretary Williamson
Town Board Liaison Habecker and One Vacancy
Chair Amos called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
a. Estes Valley Planning Commission Minutes dated August 19, 2003.
It was moved and seconded (Horton/Pohl) that the Consent Agenda be
accepted and it passed unanimously with one vacancy.
Devil's Gulch Road near intersection of McGraw Ranch Road and Devil's
Gulch Road, Applicant: Carol Bissell
Planner Shirk reviewed the staff report. This is a request for a boundary line
adjustment to realign four existing parcels and a preliminary plat for a potential open
space subdivision. This preliminary plat would be valid for one year from approval of
the Board of County Commissioners. The proposed preliminary plat would preclude
development from several areas deemed important in terms of the Estes Valley
Development Code, including wetlands, a stream corridor, steep slopes, forestation,
and a ridgeline. The applicant is requesting variances to maximum cul-de-sac
length, paving, and sanitary sewer requirements. The Larimer County Board of
County Commissioners must grant the variances. Staff recommends waiving the
cul-de-sac length standard, maintaining the sanitary sewer standard and maintaining
the paving standard for the proposed open space development. The applicant is
requesting a density bonus for the preliminary plat to allow a fifth 2.5 acre lot, which
must be approved by the Board of County Commissioners. The open space
subdivision would deed restrict a 30 acre open space outlet. The North End
Property Owners Association has submitted a letter in opposition to this proposal.
Several nearby residents have phoned or met with staff in the office. None were in
favor, though not all were opposed. Planner Shirk stated the boundary line
adjustment will not be acted on today because a legal notice was not published.
Amy Plummer of Van Horn Engineering was present to represent the applicant. She
stated the applicant would like to have wildlife friendly perimeter fencing. She
presented a drawing which illustrated the proposed subdivision density is in keeping
with the character of the surrounding neighborhood. She stated without the
clustering, the applicant would be forced to create a lot on the ridge and build a long
road through the property.
Bill Van Horn of Van Horn Engineering was present to represent the applicant. He
addressed the conditions of approval. He feels it is not necessary to include a
pumping station and tank as requested by Public Works. He stated a pump and
tank already exist 200 from the proposed subdivision; therefore there is no need to
Estes Valley Planning Commission 2
September 16, 2003
duplicate current facilities. Mr. Van Horn questioned whether the level of service on
Eagle Rock Road would warrant paving. He also questioned who would maintain
the road once it was paved, in order to meet the sanitation requirements, a major
sewer main extension will need to be added. He stated this service line will only
have 5 users and will be expensive for the public to maintain in the future.
Commissioner Horton asked who would be responsible for the maintenance of the
road if it were paved. Mr. Van Horn stated he did not know; however if and when a
maintenance agreement was created the new lots would pay their share to maintain
Eagle Rock Drive.
Chair Amos questioned if the applicant was still persuing the wells. Mr. Van Horn
stated the applicant currently has 4 well permits that can be drilled anytime in the
next 3 years. The boundary line adjustment does not affect the legality of the wells.
Public Comment:
Jack Overly, 133 Little Beaver Drive, spoke in opposition of the preliminary plat. He
stated the North End wants to maintain the 10 acres minimum and is not in favor of
cluster housing. He is also not in favor of allowing perimeter fencing or any lighting
of the roadway.
Director Joseph stated in a cluster subdivision the open space created is permanent.
He advised that land in the RE-1 zoning district could be subdivided without
clustering: however 30 percent of the land would still be set aside as open space.
This would yield a net density of 1 home for every 10 acres, and the lot size would
be 7 acres. In a cluster subdivision 70 percent of the land is set aside as permanent
private open space maintained by the private land owner. This would also yield a
net density of 1 home per 10 acres with a potential minimum lot size of 2.5 acre^
The cluster subdivision is a discretionary subdivision with a potential bonus of 20
percent, which is ultimately decided by the Board of County Commissioners.
Don Widrig 2661 Eagle Rock Drive, spoke in favor of the boundary line adjustment
and spoke in opposition of the preliminary plat. He feels that a cluster development
in the North End violates the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed subdivision would
also increase the traffic on Eagle Rock Drive that would impact his quality of life.
Betty Hull, 1723 Stonegate Drive, Secretary of the North End Property Owners
Association, spoke in opposition of the preliminary plat. She read letters from the
applicant, in her role as the president of North End Property Owners Association in
opposition to additional development or subdivision in the North End.
Phil Edwards, 1882 Devils Gulch Road, President of the North End Property Owners
Association (NEPOA), spoke in opposition of the preliminary plat. He state^
feels this proposal could set a precedent for the potential carving up of the North
End into small lots. He quoted from a letter NEPOA wrote to Dave Shirk on August
13, 2003. He stated the cluster development creates a density that is not
appropriate for the North End.
Commissioner Pohi questioned how many property ownersthe End
acres Mr. Edwards stated there are many lots less than 10 acres. A
asked what the average iot size is for Eagle Rock Ranches. Mr Edwards stated the
lots average 6 acres per lot and Beaver View Estates averages 4.3 acres.
Andv Johnson 2435 Eagle Rock Drive, spoke in opposition of the preliminary plat.
He stated r^Sk of the Laller lots were created before the 10 acre zoning was
oassed bv the County in 1996. He is in favor of 1 home per 10 acres and opposes fhe duster dev^n^nt. He stated the mad should be paved if the proposa its
aooroved He also stated concerns with the applicant’s requested vanance to the
sewer standards. He feels there could be issues with septic systems contaminating
nearby wells. He does not object to the boundary line adjustment.
Estes Valley Planning Commission 3
September 16, 2003
Ronald Kane, 3000 Puma Drive, spoke in support of the preliminary plat. He stated
leaving the meadow in front of Coyote Ridge as open space would help maintain the
visual integrity and accordingly would be beneficial for the elk, the North End and the
entire Estes Valley. He would encourage the Commission to uphold the code.
Jerry Thorson-Boudreaux, 1726 Devil Gulch Road, spoke in opposition of the
preliminary plat. He is opposed to the cluster housing concept. If approved he
would like the sewer and paving requirements upheld.
Bud Hampton, 1575 Devils Gulch Road, spoke in opposition of the preliminary plat.
If the Planning Commission recommends approval, he would recommend the
approval be contingent on an agreement being reached between the open space
landowner and the Estes Valley Land Trust for the maintenance of the open space in
perpetuity. This proposal of 5 residences on 12.5 acres is the obviation of the
property rights of the many in the North End that do, have, and will rely on the 10
acre zoning to protect the integrity of the natural environment of the North End and
their own individual rights and expectations.
Jerry Brownlee, 2420 Hondius Way, spoke in opposition of the preliminary plat. He
does not feel it is appropriate to have 2.5 acre lots placed up against two current
subdivisions with substantially larger lots. He stated if the proposal is approved, the
requested waivers to the subdivision regulations should be denied.
John Elder, 3040 H Bar G Road, spoke in opposition of the preliminary plat,
feels the 10 acre zoning is a benefit for the whole Estes Valley.
Terry Parent!, 2145 McGraw Ranch Road, spoke in opposition of the preliminary
plat. He feels the 10 acre minimum should be maintained.
Amy Plummer stated that in regards to density, this subdivision proposes 8.8 acres
per family unit. Clustering the home sites will minimize the impact on the land. She
feels the clustering of the lots and homes tucked up into the trees, fits in with the
character of the neighborhood.
Bill Van Horn stated distances between the homes that exist now in the sumounding
neighborhood and the proposed home sites are not significantly different. He stated
that clustering is not in violation or contrary to the master plan, which encourages
open space. He stated historically the North End has been zoned with 2.5 acres as
the largest lot size and therefore, the 2.5 acre minimum is not out of character for the
North End. He advised that when open space is dedicated on a plat it is deed
restricted. The intent is to place a conservation easement on the property.
Chair Amos called for a recess at 3:50 p.m.
Commissioner Kitchen stated the code is written with a potenfial bonus to encourage
a property owner to cluster the development. She feels the applicant has the right to
develop the land to the full extent. She also stated that septic systems are safe.
Commissioner Hix stated we have a iegal obiigation to appiy the code if the proposal
meets the requirements. He does not feel that 4 or 5 houses at the end of a dirt
road will create a significant amount of traffic.
Commissioner Homeier understands the concerns of the North End Pr0P®rty ov^n®';f
regarding the sewer and road requirements. He stated this proposal does not
change the density of the area and it preserves a large open space. He feels the
road should be paved.
Commissioner Horton does not feel that 5 additional homes will have a significant
impact on the road. He stated a paved road does not fit in with his concept of
country living. He also feels that the applicant should have the option of septic.
Estes Valley Planning Commission 4
September 16,2003
It was moved and seconded (Horton/Hix) to recommend approval to the Board
of County Commissioners of the Preliminary Plat, Coyote Subdivision,
Portions Of Section 8, T5N, R72W, East Side Of Devil's Gulch Road Near
Intersection Of Mcgraw Ranch Road And Devil's Gulch Road and it passed
unanimously with one vacancy.
1. Compliance with applicable standards of the Estes Valley Development
Code. ...2. The developer shall hire a professional forester, to work in cooperation with
the Wildfire Safety Specialist, to create a forest management plan for the
entire subdivision. .iUxu i
3. A driveway maintenance agreement shall be recorded with the final plat.
4. Access easements shall be labeled as private. ^ +I +
5. A utility easement bridging the open space proposal across proposed Outlet
B to Lot 4 shall be provided.
6. Outlet A shall include label “Non-buildable”.
7. Compliance with Town Attorney White’s memo dated July 28, 2003.
8. Compliance with Public Works memo dated July 22, 2003.
9. The future east lot cluster shall be required to join any existing or future road
maintenance association or improvement district that may be formed within
the Eagle Rock Ranches, at a proportional rate.
10. Perimeter lot fencing shall be prohibited.
11. Only native landscaping shall be allowed.
12. AII garbage containers shall be bear proof.
13. The Estes Park Volunteer Fire Department has requested an intermediate
pullout area along Eagle Rock Drive. The location shall be determined with
final platting of the proposed open space subdivision. B , ,, .
14. The applicant has submitted ISO fire flow calculations that indicate the need
for one fire hydrant placed along the curve of the proposed extension of
Eagle Rock Drive. This shall be installed prior to the issuance of building
permits for the proposed open space development.
15. Lots 5-9 of the preliminary plat shall be amended to further restrict
16. A disclosure notice including the requirements for this development shall be
recorded with the final plat. _17. An improvement guarantee shall be submitted for recording with the final
plat. This shall include provision of adequate public facilities.
18. Conditional to the approval of the boundary line adjustment.
It was moved and seconded (Pohl/Hix) to recommend ^enLa'°f *1’®
waivers for the sewer and road standards and it failed. Those voting Yes
Mix, Homeier, and Pohl. Those voting “no” Kitchen, Horton, and Amos,
It was moved and seconded (Hix/Horton) to continue the public hearing to the
next meeting and it passed unanimously with one vacancy.
There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m.
Wendell Amos, Chair
J^quelyn Williamson, Recording Secretary