HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Estes Valley Planning Commission 2001-11-20BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS
Regular Meeting of the Estes Valley Planning Commission
November 20,2001,1:30 p.m.
Board Room (Room 130), Estes Park Municipal Building
Chair Joyce Kitchen, Commissioners Wendell Amos, DeeDee Hampton,
Ed McKinney, Cherie Pettyjohn, Edward Pohl, and Dominick Taddonio
Chair Kitchen, Commissioners Hampton, McKinney, Pettyjohn, and Pohl
Also Attending: Town Attorney White, Director Joseph, Planner Shirk, Planner Chilcott and
Recording Secretary Wheatley
Absent:Commissioners Amos and Taddonio
Chair Kitchen called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
a. Estes Valley Planning Commission Minutes dated October 16 & 22, 2001.
continued to the December 18,2001 meeting at the request of the applicant.
It was moved and seconded (McKinney/Pettyjohn) that the Consent Agenda be
accepted and it passed unanimously with two absent.
2. PUBLIC COMMENT . ... , *
Amy Plummer, 556 Aspen Avenue - asked that the Planning Commission be more lenient
with condominium conversions as it provides opportunity for individuals to purchase property
at more affordable prices.
3_ preliminary condo map, fawn lane condominiums, portion of lot 29, WHITE
MEADOW VIEW PLACE ADDITION. Applicant: Thomas E. Adams.
Alison Chilcott reviewed the staff report. This is a preliminary condominium map application
to condominiumize three single-family units and one duplex, for a total of five unrtsonone
lot. Condominiumizing the property will transfer ownership of the oommon elemenls, as
described in the Declaration and shown on the condominium map, to the Fawn Lane
condominium Owners Association, Inc., a Colorado nonprofit Unn'tdSRa,;?
currently long-term rentals and will continue so after conversion. The prope^ is zoned RM.
The loHs non-conforming as to the minimum lot size and the existing development is non-
conforming as to density. Additional units cannot be developed Units Athl?^9||lD^^®,l0bne
conforming structures that encroach into the applicable side yard setback. A note shouldbe
placed on the Final Plat identifying these as non-conforming structures and ind'cating t^^^^
approval of the Final Plat does not change those structures non’f ®
orooertv line abuts the edge of pavement on Ponderosa Drive. Addit^^onal right of w y
should be dedicated along the east property line to provide five feet of right-of-way between
the oroperty line and the edge of pavement. The right-of-way dedication should be sho
on the Final Plat and the dedication statement should be amended accord'ng'y. Smce
oedestrian traffic is common along Stanley Avenue, the final Plat should dedicate a ten-foot
easement for a future sidewalk or hike/bike trail along the northern property l'ne bprdenng
the Stanley Avenue right-of-way. The northern boundary of the Unit E Um'ted Common
Element should be adjusted to border the ten foot easement on the prehminary p'aL Staff
has agreed to waive the requirement for paving of parking spaces. One of the two
driveways should be removed and a drainage plan that addresses the erosion problem
<?hould be submitted to and approved by Public Works. A revised preliminary pla
submitted detailing these improvements. The applicantshouldinstallandupgrade^ewe^
service to meet the Estes Park Sanitation District requirements descnbed in Jim Duell s
. ^ .th |etter jbe water service flow test resulted in four out of the five units havingNovember 14
Estes Valley Planning Commission - November 20, 2001 Page 2
a water flow of less than required for adequate domestic water pressure. The old 3/4-inch
galvanized water service line should be replaced with a new one-inch copper line. Based on
the ISO calculations, the existing hydrant provides the required level of fire safety protection.
Amy Plummer of Van Horn Engineering was present representing the applicant. The
applicant is willing to grant the 10-foot pedestrian easement if the Town will pay for the
relocation of the existing fence when and if it needs to be moved. The applicant appreciated
staff waiving the paving requirement. An erosion control plan has been discussed with Bill
Linnane and will be worked out to Public Work’s satisfaction. They would like the Planning
Commission to consider keeping the two driveways open as it exists and has not been a
problem. Since it is not definite what size water lines are currently being used, they would
prefer the condition to require that it be brought up to Town standards rather than specifying
a total replacement.
Director Joseph advised that it is Town policy to pay for the fence removal if necessary at
the time a sidewalk would be constructed. The rationale for the Code requirement of one
curb cut per property has to do with such things as auto/pedestrian conflicts and road
maintenance considerations for Public Works. The combined width of the two driveways is
approximately 40 feet and 24 is standard.
Commissioner McKinney suggested the northern access might be a problem since it
intersects with Ponderosa Drive and Stanley Avenue.
Tom Adams, applicant, advised there was better visibility at the northern access even with
the road intersection.
Director Linnane recommended using the northern access also. The 'i"®
needs to be repiaoed as it was tested at 2 gaiions per minute which is not
engineer and deveioper can come up with another method of increasing water pressure,
Public Works would approve plans to upgrade the service.
Dish^ was nm represented the'condition wouid be revised to aiiow for their subsequent
approval of a revised plan.
Public Comment:
4. One0ofeth,efwoeldsttingtdri1*ewa^sMbeTem^ovedanudacra^°aksshal1 bec0ntr0"edand3
5. Ttrenapplioant ^lali'^nstell/ura^aite sewer°servioe to meet the Estes Park Sanitation
Estes Valley Planning Commission - November 20,2001 Page 3
District requirements described in Jim Duell’s November 14th letter, or as subsequently
approved by the Sanitation District.
6. The water service line shall be upgraded to the satisfaction of Public Works.
7. A Subdivision Improvement Agreement shall be filed with Staff as part of the final
condominium map application for all required improvements. Or all improvements shall
be completed installed/upgraded prior to approval of the Final Plat and a two-year
warranty for workmanship and material shall be filed prior to approval of the Final Plat
per §10.5.K of the EVDC. .x. x ^
8. As part of the final condominium map application, an attorney’s certificate that the Fawri
Lane Condominium Association, Inc. complies with the Colorado Common Interest
Ownership Act (§38-33.3-101 et seq. C.R.S.) shall be submitted.
9. The revised preliminary condominium map application and final condominium mag
application shall be submitted by December 4,2001 to be placed on the December 11
Town Board meeting agenda.10. A copy of the recorded declaration shall be submitted to the Town within thirty (30) days
of final plat approval.
|S^VreweadnLDsata« This is a preliminary condorninium -apap^ion
to condominiumize five single-family units on one lot. David
property. Condominiumizing the property will transfer ownership of me common eternen s
as described in the Declaration and shown on the condominium map, to the
rnndom niums Inc Unit ownership will be transferred to purchasers of the individual units.
300 feet of the property have auhesouthwest corner of the property
performed a hydrant flow test on the hydrant resuitecj jn a flow of 147 gallons per
to determine available fire flow. The Pltof 9a9 aai|ons ner minute. Based on this
minute and the GPM meter revealed a Firetest, the existing hydrant does not provide the required l^el on^re^smeiy p ^ sjte fQr fjre
Chief Dorman suggested e^her 'mProvin9 '^^1g ODtion to Waive the ISO Fire Safety
Condominium^ “me of .rco^dominiums should be the same in the dedication
Statement, map title, and declaration.
meet current ISO standards for available fire flow.
Amy Plummer of Van Horn Engineering was P^efdn':evP[fr|"SghthrbPuSg pSJrmU
applicant has had recent surgery, there njiay® ate t°UaSement on Lot 2 with
a sepamterdocu™ent noUiedTo thTappJovalof thisplatAgam^sincethesize andtype of
Estes Valley Planning Commission - November 20, 2001 Page 4
appreciated the Commission allowing future owners to determine the value of upgrading the
water main to improve the ISO ratings.
Town Attorney White agreed that the easement may be vacated at a future date. Mrs.
Plummer advised they would do their best to get a reception number of the easement
vacation for the Final Plat.
Public Comment:
It was moved and seconded (McKinney/Hampton) to recommend approval to the Board
of County Commissioners of the Preliminary Condo M^ap of the pgle Cli
Condominiums with the following conditions, and It passed unanimously with two
1 bSAiroutstanding building code issues listed in Candace Phippen’s letter shall be resolved
2. There shall be a note on the plat identifying the separate private access easement on Lot
3. Per Bill Linnane’s memo, the old galvanized water service line shall be replaced to Public
4 ThereVhairbfanote placed on the plat: “Water sendee to this property does not meet
6. ThenmeSthe condominiums shall be the same in the dedication statement, map title,
7. Ast^p^*oHh<enfinal .con-d°^^n^|^Cliff Condom^ium ^^dation,1!:!^
co^pltit'withatheeCci'lo;adoe(Smmona|nterest9Ownership Act (538-33.3-tOt et seq.
8. A Mpy oHhe record^ dSlaration shall be submitted to the Town within thirty (30) days
of final plat approval.
5. R til IMP ARY LINF LittleR73W AND THF SE V4 OF THF SF V. OP SEOM«» . ;i|ng -■
Prospect Road Applicant: Thomaa c-u'dns & P i M by p^ricia McNu|ty.Collins to
Planner Shirk reviewed the staff report. T Th exterj0r boundary lines will not
adjust the internal boundary line betwoentwo pare,, • jejj® ® current |egai non-conforming
change. The proposed boundary line a j fjecijcat0 utility and access easements. This
setbacks and minimum lot size issues and w.H dedic8J® ed Lot 1 from “RE”
request includes the corrective rezoning of the nort^ delineated on the plat.
Rural Estate to “E-1” Estate. “ complies with all other
and the dedication statement amended P s were expressedby
fet°wt%“Sv: oecoT^^^^^^ 0f PUbliC Se,VlCeS- LOt "ne
adiuSnSt nm create additional lots or building s,tes.
Public Comment:
It was moved and seconded (p°hl/Pettyiohn) to rec^ommen^ of proposed
County Commissioners onh^corjective^e^h^^ |oundary Une Adjustment with the
iSloVir—ons! and iTpassed uLnimousiy with two absent.
Estes Valley Planning Commission - November 20, 2001 Page 5
1. The proposed access easement through Lot 1 to the Hood property shall be graphically
delineated and labeled “private access easement to serve property to the north (include
legal description).”
2. A 20-foot wide access easement for Little Prospect Road shall be delineated and labeled
“public access easement.”
3. The dedication statement shall be amended to include “private and public access
The next special meeting for Code revisions will be Thursday, December 20,2001,11 a.m.
study session, 1:30 p.m. meeting.
A memo from Planner Chilcott regarding condominium review was distributed.
Commissioners were invited to speak with staff for further clarification of condominium
review requirements.
There being no further business, Chair Kitchen adjourned the meeting at 2:40 p.m.
Kitchen, Chair
Meribeth Wheatley, Recording Secretary