HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Estes Valley Planning Commission 2000-07-18BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS
Regular Meeting of the Estes Valley Planning Commission
July 18, 2000,1:30 p.m.
Board Room (Room 130), Estes Park Municipal Building
Chair Edward Pohl, Commissioners Wendell Amos, Joyce Kitchen,
Ed McKinney, Cherie Pettyjohn, and Dominick Taddonio
Chair Pohl, Commissioners Amos, Kitchen, McKinney, Pettyjohn
and Taddonio
Also Attending: Town Board Liaison Habecker, Town Attorney White, Senior
Planner Joseph, Planner Shirk, and Recording Secretary Wheatley
Chair Pohl called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. and opened the floor to any
person wishing to speak directly to the Commission on subjects not related to the agenda
Frank Theis - there are not enough incentives for affordable housing, the time limit to
allow for appreciation is a deterrent to buyers. Limited definition of kitchens does not
allow for fixtures that conserve water use.
1. Estes Valley Planning Commission Minutes dated June 20,2000.
It was moved and seconded (Amos/Pettyjohn) that the consent agenda be
accepted as presented and it passed unanimously.
1. Development Plan 00-07, Lot 3, Mary’s Lake Subdivision, Applicaiit:
Frank Theis. Frank Theis was present and gave a review of the history of the
subdivision and the Development Plan for Mary’s Lake Lodge. Phase I is
almost completed and is the renovation of the existing lodge. Phase II will be
the rebuilt south wing. Phases III and IV are the expansion of additional
condominium dwelling units. Sr. Planner Joseph reviewed the staff report.
The Board of Adjustment granted a variance to increase the allowed Floor
Area Ratio from 25% to 29% and to increase the height of the new south wing
to the historic height of the original structure of 50 feet. There are some
wetlands on the site and staff does support a reduction in the set back10 3J-5
feet Staff recommends acceptance of the landscaping plan which allows the
applicant to replace some of the required bushes with trees. The sUe will be at
the 50% impervious coverage and approval is based on the coridition that t e
shared access shall be accomplished before the final phase. It is important to
be consistent with the architectural theme throughout the development.
Al Sager - member of Board of Adjusfment, questioned whether the Board of
Adiustment should not have previously reviewed the vanance on me wetlands
setbaokforthe parWng lot. Sr. Planner Joseph advised Planning Comm's^on
had the authority to allow a variance of up to 25% in the setbacte. If more
than that, it wiil need to go to Board of Adjustment. If the Board of Ad{nstmf n*
does not give the variance, the appiicant must return to the Pianning
Commission with a revised development plan.
Estes Valley Planning Commission - July 18, 2000 Page 2
Frank Theis noted they had 9 more parking spaces than required and if the
variance was not approved, another arrangement could be applied.
It was moved (Amos) to approve Development Plan 00-07, Lot 3, Mary’s
Lake Subdivision, with the following conditions, and it passed unanimously.
1. The proposed subdivision plat (Mary’s Lake Subdivision) shall be approved
to reconfigure this lot as shown on this development plan.
2. The developer shall obtain a blanket drainage easement from the adjacent
property owner prior to issuance of new building permits.
3. The developer/owner of the Lodge shall agree to accept undetained
developed flows from the property adjacent to the west, as per Bill
Linnane’s memo.
4. The service drive behind the main hotel building will require curb and gutter
to carry drainage around the building.
5. All conditions of the Annexation Agreement pertaining to the development
of this site shall be met, including Public works approval of the water
system prior to application for the First Certificate of Occupancy.
6. All conditions of Bill Linnane’s Public Works memo dated May 23, 2000
shall be met.
7. An improvement guarantee for construction of the north public street
connection to Mary’s Lake Road shall be provided prior to issuance of any
new building permits.
8. All walkways shown on the plan shall be hard surfaced. All parking areas
and access drives shall be hard surfaced, except for the existing drive to
the cabana building.
9. New underground utility easements shall be dedicated across this site.
They shall be clearly labeled on the plan, and shall be dedicated prior to
issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy’s for new buildings.
lO.SIope stabilization and revegetation details shall be provided pertaining to
all cut and fill slopes steeper than 50% (2:1).
11 .Parking lot and road dimensions shall be added to the plan.
12. The access to the final phase crosses adjacent property (Tawney). A
recorded easement agreement and maintenance agreement must be
provided prior to issuance of a building permit for the final phase.
13. The parking near the wetlands lies within the required setback, and the
applicant must receive a variance from the Board of Adjustment for this
14. Labeling for the final phase, whether Phase III or Phase IV, needs to be
consistent on the plan.
15. Trash dumpsters shall be secured against bears and other animals.
16. Planning Commission recognizes the encroachment in the wetlands
setback and approves up to the 25% allowance.
17. The applicant shall provide a deed restriction for the three employee
housing units within the Lodge.
2. Development Plan 00-08, Location & Extent Review, SW V4 of Section 20,
NW y4 Section 29, T5N, R72W, Lake Estes Marina, Applicant: Estes
Valley Recreation and Parks District.
John Spooner of Van Horn Engineering was present with Stan Gengler, Exea
Director of EVRPD, the applicant. Bureau of Reclamation, the owner of the
property, is in favor of the proposal. Planner Shirk reviewed the s aff report
The existing building is approximately 50 years old and does not meet the
Estes Valley Planning Commission - July 18, 2000 Page 3
existing building code or ADA requirements. Additional landscaping and dust
control was recommended.
There was no public comment.
John Spooner responded to questions from the Commissioners. Construction
of the building will be similar to the restroom building and expect the lifetime of
the building to be around 40 years. Future use could possibly change;
however, camping was dropped from the plan due to the cost of maintenance
requirements and the required number of sites. The new site for fuel storage
has been reviewed with Chief Dorman in order to comply with the fire code.
It was moved and seconded (Amos/Kitchen) to recommend approval to
the Estes Valley Recreation and Parks Board of Development Plan 00-
08, Lake Estes Marina, and it passed unanimously.
1. Amended Plat, Lots 42,43 & 46, Fall River Addition, Applicant: Charles
Franklin Hix, Jr. Trust; Alma & C. Frank Mix, Jr. Senior Planner Joseph
reviewed the staff analysis regarding the presentation given at the June 20,
2000 meeting by the neighbors. Applicant Rebuttal: Bill Van Horn was present
representing the applicants and addressed the driveway and the hazards
issues as follows: Tract 46 exists today and is a legal building site. It also had
a legal access prior to 1950 with the driveway being constructed in the 60’s.
There has always been an historic access to the property. If an exception is
denied, several scenarios are possible. A building permit could be issued fora
building in the proposed envelope on Tract 46 as it exists today. Then a
subdivision by right could be applied for where the driveway would riot be an
issue. The applicant is not expanding rights but does not wish to diminish any
of their rights. Ridgeline, rockfall and geologic hazard require further
investigation and corrections made to the report. The proposed building
envelope is outside the Robinson rock fall area and a new lot is not being
created. Michael West’s report actually expanded the hazard area to where
the rocks would go which appears to include all the Al Fresco Subdiyisiori.
Using a slide show. Bill Van Horn reviewed the rock fall hazard terrain and
gave examples of various rock formations and the stability of those rocks.
Risk is not the same as hazard.
Chair made note that Commissioner Kitchen was abstaining.
Opposition rebuttal: x ^Anne Racine, neighbor - advised that the lower portion of the dnveway is not
owned by Mr. & Mrs. Hix.
John Phipps - local property owner, questioned staff regarding the statement
that this is not a subdivision. Sr. Planner Joseph noted that the Preliminary
Plat requirements did not apply since this application is a boundary hne
adjustment. The adjacency requirement is listed under the Preliminary Plat
process. Minor subdivisions and boundary line adjustments are not required to
show all continguous ownership. The exception to the driveway grade is due
to the fact that this is an existing road that cannot be rebuilt so a staff
exception to the grade limit of 12% is not applicable. Mr. Phipps also made
comment on the wildfire and geologic hazard and the exception to the
driveway. Clarification from staff pointed out that the dnveway exception
would go hand in hand with the boundary line adjustment. Requirement that a
Estes Valley Planning Commission - July 18, 2000 Page 4
geologic review be performed prior to Town Board action does not require that
the actual mitigation be performed. A report that there is a geologic hazard
does not make this lot unbuildable or prevent a use covenant by the applicant.
It was moved and seconded (Amos/McKinney) to recommend to the Town
Board to approve Amended Plat, Lots 42,43 and 46, Fall River Addition,
with conditions, and the motion failed. Those voting yes - Commissioners
Amos and McKinney. Those voting no - Commissioners Pettyjohn, Taddonio
and Pohl. (Commissioner Kitchen abstained.)
It was moved (Taddonio) to amend the motion to include that no accessory
dwelling be allowed, which failed for lack of a second.
2. Amended Plat, Lot 1, Block 2, and Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 2, Third
Amended Plat of Lot 2, Block 2, Windcliff Estates Fourth Subdivision,
Applicant: Ken Migdalski. Chris Kuglics from Estes Park Surveyors wp
present representing the applicant and reviewed the proposal. Planner Shirk
gave the staff report. This is a request to rearrange open space and two lots
and to rotate an existing lot line. The modification of lot location will be
accomplished in a fashion that changes the surrounding open space lot
configuration, but not its size.
There was no public comment.
Mr. Kuglics responded to questions from the Commissioners. It was confirmed
that the size of the open space did not change.
K was moved and seconded (McKlnney/Pettyjohn) to recommend
approval to the Board of County commissioners, and it passed
unanimously. '
Modifications - Since there was no comment, the Chair continued this discussion
until the August 15,2000 meeting.
4’ BE»ssioner Amos made a procedural recommendation to end discussion at S
p m if there was a significant amount of discussion remainmglnaddition.^bhc
c^rrients should be limited to five minutes, or three minutes if there were many
wishing to speak, it was the general consensus of the Commission to approve
these recommendations.
There were no other reports.
There being nofurther business, Chair Pohl adjourned the meeting at 4:37 p.m.
Edward B. Pohl, Chair
Meribeth Wheatley, Recording Sdefetary