Board of Adjustment
October 3, 1995
Also Attending;
Chairman Doylen, Members Dekker, Gillette,
Newsom, and Sager
Chairman Doylen, Members Gillette, Newsom, and
Community Development Director Stamey,
Building Official Allman, and Deputy Clerk
Member Dekker
Chairman Doylen called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.
prLerantneUdteS °f September 5' 1995 meeting were accepted as
Structure without the removal °Po1?g mai^ d°eS ^0t allow for a
outcroppings. Buildinq Official ait mature pines and rock Arapaho Mefdows P • U D allowed for a reP.0vrttd/hat the original
line, 25' from the north aS^Ls? lot l'-n6"113301!. fr°m the South lot
lot line. The proposed housp> tr11^^S, and 30' from the west
building site designated by the ^0<rated on the original
designed to fit the lot it is Staff/J1S1°n and has not been
proposed dwelling be moved to the qo1fthreCOrendation that tbe
required setbacks. Applicant Henrt 5 and WeSt' within the
design was selected prior to ®aird stated that the house
a°!^^dd tof the t^rn U?
letter of opposition was receivpd a buiJder and architect. One
owners of Lots it i eceived from Joe and KafVir-im o j Une
S?;jLm:^tsthaend n°n St>a^^r^loca°ionnSo^e^^he appears
ordinance. There house would allow comolisno deaign and
seconded fCTi Wf- belng no furth discussion P-i Wlth the
north f=ed-S;S«» -
requesting a 15' gqPhf>51C1i'al A1lman reported thatPfh^TAFQ3 •SETBAOTr-
u“s.' i -----
Board of Adjustment, October 3, 1995 - Page 2
granted in 1989 in a neighboring lot. Mike Smith, owner of
adjacent Lots 1, 2, and 3; Robert Meyer, 430 Big Horn Dr.; and Erma
Crowley, 429 Chapin Ln. , spoke in opposition to the variance noting
there is no indication the highway will be widened and that
landscaping would provide noise buffers. Mr. Smith also verified
that the 1989 variance was granted to rectify a zoning violation
between Lots 1 and 2. Mr. Meyer added that the design of his deck
was established to fit the lot rather than encroach into the
setbacks and onto the neighbors' views. Mr. Dahlgren stated that
he has paid taxes on this lot for 15 years, and it will no longer
remain open space. Director Stamey verified that the lot could be
used for a building site through redesign and/or relocation of the
house and could comply with all setbacks. It was moved and
seconded (Sager-Newsom) the setback variance for Lot 121, A1 Fresco
Place Subdivision, be denied, and it passed unanimously.
AND LILLIAN FOX/APPLICANT. Building Official Allman reported that
the setback for Unit E's patio is 5' from the road right-of-way on
Grand Estates Dr. The Applicant is requesting a variance from the
required 25' setback to enclose the patio. It is Staff's opinion
and recommendation that this is an inappropriate encroachment into
the right-of-way setback and would set an undesirable precedent for
similar requests from Pine Meadow owners. Applicant Webster Fox
referred to his work for the Senior Center and the need to have an
enclosed room for his tools. Lillian Fox stated that the patio is
their only entrance, that she broke her hip in a fall on the patio
which was covered with snow, and covering the patio would eliminate
future accidents. Letters of approval were received from the Pine
Meadow Condominium Association and Dave Rocknich, Unit D, who
referred to a variance granted to the developer to encroach onto
the right-of-way. Member Sager verified that the variance was
granted for patios less than 30" over ground grade and did not
include the fences and walls that were eventually constructed. It
was moved and seconded (Sager-Newsom) the setback variance request
for Unit E, Grand Estates Subdivision be denied, but that an
overhang not to exceed the line of the chimney and roof could be
constructed, and it passed unanimously.
Member Sager requested that full-scale drawings be distributed to
each Board of Adjustment member prior to the meeting. Staff will
comply with this request.
There being no further business. Chairman Doylen adjourned the
meeting at 9:00 a.m.
Tina Kuehl, Deputy Town Clerk