HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Community Development Committee 1995-10-05BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS y Community Development Committee October 5, 1995 Committee: Attending: Also Attending: Absent: Chairman Doylen, Trustees Dekker and Marshall Chairman Doylen, Trustee Marshall Town Administrator Klaphake, Directors Stamey, Hinze and Kilsdonk, and Pickering, Manager Marsh, Clerk O'Connor Trustee Dekker Chairman Doylen called the meeting to order at 8:01 A.M. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. 1995 Advertising Report. Manager Marsh presented a copy of the Boulder Magazine Fall/Winter Issue, reporting on the history of the Peak to Peak area, including a section on Estes Park. The free publication has not been utilized by the Advertising Committee as it is not subscriber-based. The publication has been placed in various hotel rooms, kiosks etc. Manager Marsh reported that Estes Park has won the City-County Communications and Marketing Association's (3CMA) First Place Savvy Award for "On-line Information Services" for communities with populations under 50,000. The award recognizes the creation of the Virtual Visitors Guide web site. Advertising Manager Marsh accepted the award during the Annual 3CMA Conference in Denver. Austin, TX was the winner in the over 50,000 category. Staff expressed their appreciation to Lee Lasson and Market Reach for their participation on the Virtual Visitors Guide. 3CMA Annual Conference, Manager Marsh presented the ^°5]‘?nWid®rT1!!ebt,^nd .Inte.rnet. market research part of a seminar get th!?e" he Electron;LC Vlllage: What is it and how do you I994afi^ f®r information are down 18% as compared to also down -f37UoS fd dec^ease 7%. Incoming 800 calls are also down - 3.7-g lower than last year. The entire West is•a decrea.se in traffic. The AooorloTallons Association is reporting a decrease in drive-by traffic* however, actual statistics are not yet compiled. , ?Lt;h\24-l e““.a/1 reaP°nses/ 11% were from people who found the web site address in one of the fall magazine ads, and 227 staff0™!?!.? aeSil0n4-de?uVla e_mail Plan to visit Estes Park. Staff reported that the conversion rate is very close to predictions made in the State Visitors Guide. Visitors are queried to ascertain whether they are repeat visitors to Estes ufi. an?^ staff will review this information to ascertain whether the information could be utilized in their advertising efforts. Since the Virtual Visitors Guide opened in May, two S°r? 1°cal w®b sites have been established—Lodging Guide and Rocky Mountain Nature Association. Staff believes that these edditionel sites will provide an opportunity to "broaden the picture, and staff will meet with representatives of the two wen sites. staff reported that the November Christmas Parade insert has been canceled and that the Christmas Parade and shopping will be supported by direct advertising. The Open All Year off­ season ads began last week in the News and Post. BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Community Development Committee - October 5, 1995 - Page 2 Conference Center Report. Director Pickering explained the value of a conference to the Estes Park economy: e.g., the 1995 Snow and Ice Conference—total estimated revenue expended by conferees in Estes Park during a 5-day, 4-night conference: $623,040.00. Statistics prove the benefit to the community by booking mid-week conferences, and Town employees have been directly responsible for introducing additional revenues to the community by bringing their association conferences to Estes Park. Manager Marsh noted that the revenues between single and double occupancy tend to support the Conversion Study. The Snow and Ice Conference has expanded and now draws as many as 25 different states. Over 100 exhibitors will also attend the conference. Director Pickering noted the importance of booking groups for mid-week conferences, which allows hotel to maximize their revenues with weekend guests. The Town is attempting to book this conference for a return every other year. Director Pickering is hosting the Fall Conference for Government Meeting Planners. A cooperative effort between the Conference Center, YMCA, Stanley Hotel, and Holiday Inn is providing several functions throughout the community. Staff previously booked seven conferences from this group of meeting planners. Over 500 people attended the John Fielder Exhibit at the Conference Center. The event was an overwhelming success due, in part, to the coordination of Carolyn Jones. The Exhibit will be featured at the Conference Center through the end of the year. The recent Watchable Wildlife Conference was also outstanding, and Bill Thomas was commended for his coordinating efforts. MUSEUM. Programs. October 7 - Museum Free Day to celebrate National Arts and Humanities Month. October 15 - Friends Annual Meeting, Jack and Lulibeth Melton presenting "Jack Moomaw* Rocky Mountain Ranger." October 15 - "Remembering Lennie Bemiss." October 23 - Last day for Charles Eagle Plume Exhibit. The galleries will be closed for restroom remodeling (ADA) October 24 - November 16. On November 17, an opening reception for the "Winter Legacy" Exhibit, featuring the Hidden Valley Ski Area and winter sports in the Estes Park area. Personnel. Director Kilsdonk will be in El Campo, Texas October 9-11 serving as a Museum Assessment Program surveyor for the El Campo Museum. The Director will meet with El Campo • s Board and will advise them on how they can improve their operations. This program is funded by the American Association of Museums. Miscellaneous. Staff met with Peter Marsh and received strategy for increasing attendance, and a positive affect has occurred. Positive results have also been achieved in the Gift Shop, with the addition of an employee funded under the "Green Thumb" Program (a national non-profit organization). Betty Swanson had retail experience and the Shop grossed $5,000 and netted $2,000. Ms. Swanson was commended for a iob well done. Collections Management Policy - Revision. Said policy became BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Community Development Committee - October 5, 1995 - Page 3 outdated in 1991 when the Museum became a Town department. The Committee reviewed the Collections Policy that outlines the Museum's criteria for the selection of artifacts, collections documentation and care procedures, loan provisions, and rules for deaccessioning. The revised policy has been reviewed by Town Attorney White and the Museum's Advisory Board. Following discussion, the Committee recommends approval of the Collections Management Policy as revised. Five-Year Exhibit Plan. The Museum Strategic Plan includes developing a multi-year exhibit schedule and upgrading portions of the permanent gallery each year, cooperating with the Special Events Department with exhibits and programs as appropriate. The Committee reviewed a proposed exhibits schedule for the next five years. The major summer exhibit, located in the Park Service Headquarters building, will examine the impact of the Big Thompson Flood upon its 20th anniversary. The Wool Market will be featured in the large east exhibit room case. The winter exhibit will focus on women homesteaders. The Committee expressed their pleasure with the inter-departmental cooperation being displayed. SPECIAL EVENTS. Event Critique. The Longs Peak Scottish Highland Festival celebrated its 17th year September 7-10, and promoters have reported an estimated attendance total of 30,000. The new parade/detour signs were put to use on Saturday morning for the parade and it appears they were very helpful to both motorists and traffic control. Discussion followed concerning whether this captive audience is also exposed to other Town events, positive Channel 8 programming, and the Scottish Festival recently held in Vail. Staff noted that Estes Park remains the premiere Scottish festival event. The Committee commended event organizer Jim Durward and his staff of volunteers. The Fine Arts Guild Arts & Crafts Show held September 16 and 17 for its 21st years. Each year the quality of participating artists improves. The juried show of 75 exhibitors, 16 of which were Estes Park residents. Director Hinze confirmed that staff is tracking sales tax collections for conformance to established policy. For the first time, the Sunrise Rotary managed the Autumn Gold Brats & Bands September 23 and 24. Approximately 2,500 were in attendance and the event has the potential of attracting more attendees in the future, with the addition of several new events. Sunrise Rotary has requested the use of Bond Park in 1996. Bond Park and/or Riverside Plaza provided 29 days of use through the summer with 21 various groups. The programs are generally i-% hours in length. The groups, such as the Air Force Band, music groups, are provided at no charge to the Town and audience. Miscellaneous. The Jaycees are preparing a portion of Barn W for the Halloween Haunted House. The remainder of the barn will soon be utilized for construction of Christmas floats. The EVRPD and staff are discussing the possibility of utilizing Barn W for in-line skating. Staff reported that the new tents worked very well for special events. BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Community Development Committee - October 5, 1995 - Page 4 Special Events staff are preparing the fairgrounds for the Ice and Snow Conference Driver's Roadeo Contest. The Annual Surprise Sidewalk Sale is scheduled this weekend, October 7-8. There being no further business, Chairman Doylen adjourned the meeting at 9:00 A.M. Vickie O' Connor, CMC/AAE, Town Clerk approved OCT 1 1 1995 TOWTI of ESTES PARR BOARD OF TRimas