HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES Community Development Committee 1989-09-14BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS /Community Development Committee September 14, 1989 Committee: Attending: Also Attending: Absent; Chairman Dickinson, Trustees Barker and Garrett All Trustee Aldrich, Town Administrator Klaphake, Community Development Director Stamey, Chamber Director Jungbluth, Russell Kurth, Alice Sullivan, Clerk 0'Connor None Chairman Dickinson called the meeting of the Community Develop­ ment Committee to order at 2:01 P.M. ARTS PROGRAM - UPDATE. Russell Kurth, Chairman/The Cultural Arts Committee, appeared stating that the initial meeting of the Arts Committee will take place September 20th at 2:00 P.M. The purpose of the meeting is to develop an organizational structure for the Community Arts Council of Estes Park, and to discuss and affirm objectives. Mr. Kurth also requested the assistance of Town Administrator Klaphake, Community Development Director Stamey, Trustee Garrett, and various area volunteers. Discussion will include grants which may be available from the Colorado Endowment Council. Alice Sullivan, Director/Estes Park Art Center commented on her attendance at the Colorado Association of Rural Community Arts Training Institute, held in Winter Park. Primary issues dis­ cussed were: leadership and empowerment, creating the "spirit of the place", and economic development and cultural tourism. The Committee expressed their appreciation to Mr. Kurth and Ms. Sullivan for their informative reports. NAMING OF PARKS AND PARKING LOTS - REFERRAL FROM PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. The Committee discussed the formal naming of eight (8) various parks and fourteen (14) parking lots in the community. The Committee recommends retaining the sequentially numbered system for all parking lots, and that the Committee, along with the potential assistance of EVIA and the School District, formally rename the following three (3) parks commonly referred to as "Peacock", "Poison", and "West Riverside." The Committee also suggests that if the parks are named for area residents, they be posthumously named, and that each parking lot be identified with its appropriate number. U. S. HIGHWAY 36/STATE HIGHWAY 7 ENTRANCES - REVIEW. The Committee reviewed a slide presentation given by Community Development Director Stamey of the entrances for Highways 36 and 7. Following discussion, the Committee recommends staff approach the State Highway Department to discuss traffic signposts used by the Department, i.e.: what is their ultimate goal for the treatment of such poles (paint them or allow them to weather naturally). REPORTS. Director Stamey advised he had received an inquiry concerning the potential Town involvement in vacant store fronts. The Committee BRADFORD PUBLISHING CO.RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Community Development Committee - September 14, 1989 - Page two recommends Director Stamey research this effort, possibly to include neutral screening, advertisement of special events, etc., including encouraging the assistance from local service organiza­ tions, realtors, etc. Chairman Dickinson praised those involved in selecting such a superior Town of Estes Park Pin, and suggested the logo be extended to include a flag. Administrator Klaphake advised this item will be addressed during a Staff Luncheon. There being no further business. Chairman Dickinson adjourned the meeting at 3:03 P.M. . (O ' t j 'Vickie O'Connor, Town Clerk SEP 2 6 1989 BOARD Or